Research Article
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Year 2021, TÜRKİYE’DE VE DÜNYADA GÖÇMEN EĞİTİMİ, 1131 - 1162, 22.12.2021


Bu araştırmanın amacı göçmen öğrencilerin uyum sürecinde yaşadıkları sorunları tespit etmek, okula ve topluma uyumları sürecinde gerçekleştirilen çabaları ortaya koymak ve böylece göçmen dostu okul tanımını yaparak, bu okulun özelliklerini belirlemektir. Bu doğrultuda nitel araştırma yöntemi benimsemiş olup, katılımcıların görüşleri fenomonolojik bir yaklaşımla derinlemesine analiz edilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak, araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme soruları kullanılmıştır. Çalışma grubu; amaçlı örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenmiş olup, 2020-2021 eğitim öğretim yılında İstanbul ili Beykoz ilçesinde lise kademesinde öğrenim görmekte olan 8 göçmen öğrenci, göçmen öğrencisi bulunan lise kademesi okullardan 5 yönetici ve benzer şekilde lise kademesinde göçmen öğrencilerin derslerine girmiş 5 öğretmenden oluşmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler betimsel içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Bulgular örgütsel sosyalizasyon teorisi çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiş, göçmen dostu şehir ve göçmen dostu hastane analojileri yapılarak yorumlanmıştır. Bulgulara göre göçmen öğrenciler uyum sürecinde akademik, sosyal, kültürel ve ailevi sorunlarla karşılaşmakta, göçmen dostu okullar ise çeşitli örgütsel sosyalizasyon taktiklerini kullanarak akademik, sosyal, kültürel destek ve ebeveyn desteği kategorilerinde çaba göstermektedirler. Bu doğrultuda göçmen dostu okul kavramı; “akademik, sosyal, kültürel destek ve ebeveyn desteği kategorilerinde gereken çabaları göstererek göçmen öğrencinin ve ebeveynin okula ve topluma uyumunu kolaylaştıran eğitim örgütleri” olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bulgulara göre göçmen dostu okulların özellikleri; sosyal katılım, kültürel etkileşim, erişimi kolaylaştırma, ekonomik destek, aile katılımı sağlama, akademik destek, psikolojik destek, göçmen öğrenciyi kabul, eşitlik şeklindedir.


  • Albornoz, F., Cabrales, A. & Hauk, E. (2018). Immigration and the school system. Econ Theory, 65, 855-890.
  • Araza, A., Aslan, G. & Bulut, Ç. (2013). Organızatıonal socıalızatıon: a lıterature revıew. Journal of Yasar University, 8(32), 5556-5582.
  • Arslangilay, A. S. (2018). The reflection of ımmigration on school culture: a qualitative study. International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), 585-602. Bauer, T. N. & Erdogan, B. (2011). Organızatıonal socialization: The effective onboarding of new employees. In. APA Handbook of I/O Psychology, Volume III Chapter: 2. S. Zedeck., A. Aguinis., W. Cascio., M. Gelfand., K. Leung., S. Parker ve J. Zhou.
  • Betz, W. & Simpson, N. (2013). The effects of international migration on the well-being of native populations in Europe. IZA Discussion Paper No. 7368.
  • Bossavie, L. (2018). The effect of ımmigration on natives' school achievement. The Journal of Human Resources.
  • Buyukozturk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2018). Scientific Research Methods. Pegem Akademi.
  • Calik, T. (2003). Adaptation of employees to the organization (Organizational socialization). Turkish Journal of Educational Sciences, 1(2), 1-17.
  • Cardoza, K. (2019). How schools are responding to migrant children? Education Week. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Crosnoe, R. & Turley, R. N. L. (2011). K–12 educational outcomes of ımmigrant youth. Future Child, 21(1), 129-152.
  • Education Authority. (2020). Schools of Sanctuary. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from,where%20they%20are%20fully%20accepted
  • Enoksen, E. (2019). Perceived ınjustice in organizations: reasons for segregation of ımmigrants. Change Management: An Internatıonal Journal, 19(1): 1-9.
  • Eren, Z. (2019). Educational problems of immigrant children and solution proposals according to the opinions of administrators and teachers. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 19(1), 213-234.
  • European Commission. (2020). Education and migrants. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • EURYDICE. (2019). Integrating students from migrant backgrounds into schools in Europe: National policies and measures. Eurydice Report. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Farre, L., Ortega, F. & Tanaka, R. (2018). Immigration and the public–private school choice. Labour Economics, 51, 184-201.
  • Hickey, J., Gagnon, A. J. & Merry, L. (2010). Partnering with migrant friendly organizations: A case example from a Canadian school of nursing. Nurse Education Today, 30, 67-72. Hu, B & Wu, W. (2020). Parental support in education and social integration of migrant children in urban public schools in China. Cities, 106, 1-9.
  • Hudelson, P., Dao, M. D., Perneger, T. & Paillard, S. D. (2014). A ‘‘Migrant friendly hospital’’ ınitiative in geneva, Switzerland: Evaluation of the effects on staff knowledge and practices. Plos One 9(9), 1-7.
  • Hummel, D. J. (2015). Immigrant friendly and unfriendly cities: Impacts on the presence of a foreign-born population and city. Journal of International Migration and Integration.
  • Jaeger, F. N., Kiss, L., Hossain, M. & Zimmerman, C. (2013). Migrant-friendly hospitals: a paediatric perspective - improving hospital care for migrant children. BMC Health Services Research 13(1), 389.
  • Jensen, P. (2015). Immigrants in the classroom and effects on native children. IZA World of Labor,194.
  • Koch, J. M., Gin, L. & Knutson, D. (2015). Creating safe and welcoming environments for immigrant children and families. APA Changing communities and schools, 12. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Konings, P. (2017). Protecting immigrant children’s right to education. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Koski, W. (2019). Advice on keeping ımmigrant students safe at school. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Lander, J. (2018). The strengths of immigrant students. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Malik, A. & Manroop, L. (2017). Recent immigrant newcomers socialization in th workplace roles of organizational socializatio tactics and newcomer strategies. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 36(5), 382-400.
  • Manzoni, C. & Rolfe, H. (2019). How schools are ıntegratıng new mıgrant pupıls and theır famılıes. National Institute of Economic and Social Resarch. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • McCorkle, W. D. (2018). The awareness and attıtudes of teachers towards educatıonal restrıctıons for ımmıgrant students. (Doctoral Dissertation). Clemson University. ProQuest Number: 10843981
  • McDaniel, E. L., Nooruddin, I. & Shortle, A. F. (2011). Divine boundaries: how religion shapes citizens’ attitudes toward ımmigrants. American Politics Research 39(1), 205–233.
  • Miller, B.B. (2020). Experıences of ımmıgrant students and the challenges of accessıng the communıty college. (Doctoral Dissertation). The Temple University. ProQuest Number: 27834032.
  • Mitnik, P. A., Finnerty, J. H. & Vidal, M. (2008). Cities and ımmigration local policies for immigrant-friendly cities. Cities and Immigration. Madison, WI: Center on Wisconsin Strategy. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Nukpezah, J. A. (2017). Creating an ımmigrant-friendly society: What drives feelings toward ımmigrants? Journal Of Polıcy Practıce, 1-22.
  • OECD. (2015). Helping ımmıgrant students to succeed at school and beyond. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Oktik, N. & Değer, F. (2013). An essay on the role of education in the formation of immigrant identity. Journal of Sociology, 28, 107-123.
  • Omelchenko, E. A. (2019). Education of ınternational migrants’ children: a contribution to the sustainable development? Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 19(2): 306-316.
  • Raol, A. R. (2020). “But what ıf you just lıstened to the experıence of an ımmıgrant teacher?”: learnıng from ımmıgrant/transnatıonal teachers of color ın early chıldhood teacher educatıon. (Doctoral Dissertation). Teachers College, Columbia University. ProQuest Number: 27997864.
  • Sanders, P. (1982). Phenomenology: A new way of viewing organizational research. Academy of Management Review, 7(3), 353-360.
  • Schiff, M. (2008). Immıgrant students ın publıc schools: to what extent do school leaders recognıze, promote, and utılıze theır cultural dıversıty? (Doctoral Dissertation). Southern Connecticut State University. ProQuest LLC.
  • Schools of Sanctuary. (2020). What is a School of Sanctuary? Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Shepard, E. A. (2016). The emerging “ımmigrant-friendly” city: how and why cities frame themselves as welcoming places to immigrants. (Published Thesis). Department of Geography College of Arts & Sciences, University of Vermont. Burlington. ABD.
  • Solis, L. (2016). Why refugee education is a problem – and six solutions. World Economic Forum. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Stevens, G., Boer, M., Titzmann, P., Cosma, A. & Walsh S. (2020). Immigration status and bullying victimization: Associations across national and school contexts. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 66, 101075.
  • Tsapenko, I. P. (2015). Social effects of ımmigration. Herald Of The Russıan Academy Of Scıences, 85(5), 443-452.
  • Turkish Language Society. (2020). Migration. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Van Maanen, J. & Schein, E. H. (1979). Toward a theory of organizational socialization. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Yan, K., Wu, L., Liu, S. & Jiang, L. (2020). The distinction of elementary education for migrant children in Beijing: a multiple‑case study. The Australian Educational Researcher. Springer.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Simsek, H. (2013). Qualitative Research Methods. Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Simsek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Seçkin Publishing.


Year 2021, TÜRKİYE’DE VE DÜNYADA GÖÇMEN EĞİTİMİ, 1131 - 1162, 22.12.2021


The aim of this research is to detect the problems that immigrant students experience during adaptation process; to demonstrate efforts made in the adaptation process to school and society and to provide a definition for immigrant-friendly school while also listing the qualities of this school. To achieve that objective, qualitative research method was adopted and via administering phenomenological approach, participants' views were analyzed in-depth. Semi-structured interview questions designed by researchers themselves were used as data collection tool. Population was determined through purposeful sampling method. The group consists of 8 immigrant students studying in high school grade during 2020-2021 academic year in Beykoz district of İstanbul city; 5 principals from high schools where immigrant students study and similarly 5 high school teachers having taught in immigrant students' lessons. Descriptive content analysis was administered to obtained data. Attained findings were examined within the framework of the theory of organizational socialization and interpreted by conducting immigrant-friendly city and immigrant-friendly hospital analogies. According to these findings during adaptation process immigrant students were exposed to academic, social, cultural and domestic(family-related) problems, and that immigrant-friendly schools put efforts in academic, social, cultural and parental support categories by harnessing varied organizational socialization tactics. Accordingly, immigrant-friendly school concept has been defined as; “an academic institution which-by making efforts needed- in academic, social, cultural support and parental support categories, expediting immigrant students' and their parents' adaptation to school and society”. According to findings, qualities of an immigrant-friendly school are; enabling social participation, cultural interaction, facilitating access, financial assistance, family participation; offering academic support, psychological support; welcoming immigrant students and equality.


  • Albornoz, F., Cabrales, A. & Hauk, E. (2018). Immigration and the school system. Econ Theory, 65, 855-890.
  • Araza, A., Aslan, G. & Bulut, Ç. (2013). Organızatıonal socıalızatıon: a lıterature revıew. Journal of Yasar University, 8(32), 5556-5582.
  • Arslangilay, A. S. (2018). The reflection of ımmigration on school culture: a qualitative study. International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), 585-602. Bauer, T. N. & Erdogan, B. (2011). Organızatıonal socialization: The effective onboarding of new employees. In. APA Handbook of I/O Psychology, Volume III Chapter: 2. S. Zedeck., A. Aguinis., W. Cascio., M. Gelfand., K. Leung., S. Parker ve J. Zhou.
  • Betz, W. & Simpson, N. (2013). The effects of international migration on the well-being of native populations in Europe. IZA Discussion Paper No. 7368.
  • Bossavie, L. (2018). The effect of ımmigration on natives' school achievement. The Journal of Human Resources.
  • Buyukozturk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2018). Scientific Research Methods. Pegem Akademi.
  • Calik, T. (2003). Adaptation of employees to the organization (Organizational socialization). Turkish Journal of Educational Sciences, 1(2), 1-17.
  • Cardoza, K. (2019). How schools are responding to migrant children? Education Week. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Crosnoe, R. & Turley, R. N. L. (2011). K–12 educational outcomes of ımmigrant youth. Future Child, 21(1), 129-152.
  • Education Authority. (2020). Schools of Sanctuary. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from,where%20they%20are%20fully%20accepted
  • Enoksen, E. (2019). Perceived ınjustice in organizations: reasons for segregation of ımmigrants. Change Management: An Internatıonal Journal, 19(1): 1-9.
  • Eren, Z. (2019). Educational problems of immigrant children and solution proposals according to the opinions of administrators and teachers. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 19(1), 213-234.
  • European Commission. (2020). Education and migrants. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • EURYDICE. (2019). Integrating students from migrant backgrounds into schools in Europe: National policies and measures. Eurydice Report. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Farre, L., Ortega, F. & Tanaka, R. (2018). Immigration and the public–private school choice. Labour Economics, 51, 184-201.
  • Hickey, J., Gagnon, A. J. & Merry, L. (2010). Partnering with migrant friendly organizations: A case example from a Canadian school of nursing. Nurse Education Today, 30, 67-72. Hu, B & Wu, W. (2020). Parental support in education and social integration of migrant children in urban public schools in China. Cities, 106, 1-9.
  • Hudelson, P., Dao, M. D., Perneger, T. & Paillard, S. D. (2014). A ‘‘Migrant friendly hospital’’ ınitiative in geneva, Switzerland: Evaluation of the effects on staff knowledge and practices. Plos One 9(9), 1-7.
  • Hummel, D. J. (2015). Immigrant friendly and unfriendly cities: Impacts on the presence of a foreign-born population and city. Journal of International Migration and Integration.
  • Jaeger, F. N., Kiss, L., Hossain, M. & Zimmerman, C. (2013). Migrant-friendly hospitals: a paediatric perspective - improving hospital care for migrant children. BMC Health Services Research 13(1), 389.
  • Jensen, P. (2015). Immigrants in the classroom and effects on native children. IZA World of Labor,194.
  • Koch, J. M., Gin, L. & Knutson, D. (2015). Creating safe and welcoming environments for immigrant children and families. APA Changing communities and schools, 12. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Konings, P. (2017). Protecting immigrant children’s right to education. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Koski, W. (2019). Advice on keeping ımmigrant students safe at school. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Lander, J. (2018). The strengths of immigrant students. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Malik, A. & Manroop, L. (2017). Recent immigrant newcomers socialization in th workplace roles of organizational socializatio tactics and newcomer strategies. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 36(5), 382-400.
  • Manzoni, C. & Rolfe, H. (2019). How schools are ıntegratıng new mıgrant pupıls and theır famılıes. National Institute of Economic and Social Resarch. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • McCorkle, W. D. (2018). The awareness and attıtudes of teachers towards educatıonal restrıctıons for ımmıgrant students. (Doctoral Dissertation). Clemson University. ProQuest Number: 10843981
  • McDaniel, E. L., Nooruddin, I. & Shortle, A. F. (2011). Divine boundaries: how religion shapes citizens’ attitudes toward ımmigrants. American Politics Research 39(1), 205–233.
  • Miller, B.B. (2020). Experıences of ımmıgrant students and the challenges of accessıng the communıty college. (Doctoral Dissertation). The Temple University. ProQuest Number: 27834032.
  • Mitnik, P. A., Finnerty, J. H. & Vidal, M. (2008). Cities and ımmigration local policies for immigrant-friendly cities. Cities and Immigration. Madison, WI: Center on Wisconsin Strategy. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Nukpezah, J. A. (2017). Creating an ımmigrant-friendly society: What drives feelings toward ımmigrants? Journal Of Polıcy Practıce, 1-22.
  • OECD. (2015). Helping ımmıgrant students to succeed at school and beyond. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Oktik, N. & Değer, F. (2013). An essay on the role of education in the formation of immigrant identity. Journal of Sociology, 28, 107-123.
  • Omelchenko, E. A. (2019). Education of ınternational migrants’ children: a contribution to the sustainable development? Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 19(2): 306-316.
  • Raol, A. R. (2020). “But what ıf you just lıstened to the experıence of an ımmıgrant teacher?”: learnıng from ımmıgrant/transnatıonal teachers of color ın early chıldhood teacher educatıon. (Doctoral Dissertation). Teachers College, Columbia University. ProQuest Number: 27997864.
  • Sanders, P. (1982). Phenomenology: A new way of viewing organizational research. Academy of Management Review, 7(3), 353-360.
  • Schiff, M. (2008). Immıgrant students ın publıc schools: to what extent do school leaders recognıze, promote, and utılıze theır cultural dıversıty? (Doctoral Dissertation). Southern Connecticut State University. ProQuest LLC.
  • Schools of Sanctuary. (2020). What is a School of Sanctuary? Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Shepard, E. A. (2016). The emerging “ımmigrant-friendly” city: how and why cities frame themselves as welcoming places to immigrants. (Published Thesis). Department of Geography College of Arts & Sciences, University of Vermont. Burlington. ABD.
  • Solis, L. (2016). Why refugee education is a problem – and six solutions. World Economic Forum. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Stevens, G., Boer, M., Titzmann, P., Cosma, A. & Walsh S. (2020). Immigration status and bullying victimization: Associations across national and school contexts. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 66, 101075.
  • Tsapenko, I. P. (2015). Social effects of ımmigration. Herald Of The Russıan Academy Of Scıences, 85(5), 443-452.
  • Turkish Language Society. (2020). Migration. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Van Maanen, J. & Schein, E. H. (1979). Toward a theory of organizational socialization. Retrieved October 1, 2020 from
  • Yan, K., Wu, L., Liu, S. & Jiang, L. (2020). The distinction of elementary education for migrant children in Beijing: a multiple‑case study. The Australian Educational Researcher. Springer.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Simsek, H. (2013). Qualitative Research Methods. Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Simsek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Seçkin Publishing.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Yusuf Alpaydın 0000-0001-8263-8793

Abdussamet Aktaş 0000-0002-8363-0053

Publication Date December 22, 2021
