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Britanya Mitinde Yer Alan Robin Hood ve Kral Arthur’un Folklorik İncelemesi

Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 139, 58 - 67, 30.09.2023


İngiliz milli kimliğinin başlıca iki folklorik karakteri Kral Arthur ve Robin Hood’a yönelik töresel bilgi özellikle on dokuzuncu yüzyılda Britanya’nın ulusal kimliğinin oluşmasında önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Ancak yüzyıllar boyunca Kral Arthur ve Robin Hood hikâyeleri sadece Britanya halkbilimine özgü kalmamış, dünya üzerinde başka ülkelerin kültürel mirasında da yer almıştır. Ayrıca, iki karakterin töresel bilgisi ve betimlemeleri yalnız yazılı ve sözlü edebiyat ile anlatılmamış, televizyon, sinema, bilgisayar oyunları gibi farklı iletişim araçları ile de aktarılmıştır. Kral Arthur ve Robin Hood töresel bilgisi içinde her iki hikâye de toplumlarda yaşanan politik, sosyal ve kültürel olayları ele alan güncel konuları işlemektedir ve fakirle zenginin, güçsüzle güçlünün karşı karşıya gelmesi gibi politik ve sosyal çatışmaları ortaya koymaktadır. Bu nedenle, hikâyeler, zamansız yapılar olarak, geçmişle günümüzü birbirine bağlayarak geleceğe uzanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmanın amacı, tarihi ve kültürel kaynakları kullanarak, iki efsanenin zamana, mekâna ve aktarım aracına bağlı kalmaksızın geçerliliklerini koruduklarını göstermek için iki halk kahramanı Kral Arthur ve Robin Hood ile ilgili halkbilimsel imgelenmesindeki (bir başka anlatımla ortak duruştaki) dönüşümünü ortaya koymak ve analiz etmektir. Bu analizde, Jesse Harasta tarafından yazılmış Kral Arthur ve Robin Hood: İngiltere’nin En Ünlü Halk Efsanelerinin Tarihi ve Halkbilimi (2009) kitabı iki halk efsanesinin töresel bilgisinin gelişimini analiz ederken temel eser olarak kullanılacaktır. Bu bağlamda, yüzyıllar boyunca çeşitli mitlerin ve efsanelerin konusu olmuş bu iki folklorik hikâyenin ve kahramanın film, tiyatro, opera, televizyon, reklamcılık ve oyunlar gibi farklı iletişim araçları kullanılarak adapte edildikleri, çeşitli eserlerde ya da yapımlarda kullanıldıkları ve böylece Kral Arthur ve Robin Hood töresel bilgisinin yerel tarihinin evrensel halkbilime dönüştüğü gösterilecektir. Bu töresel bilginin politik, sosyal ve kültürel kullanımı, adaptasyonu ve gelişimi, anlatımların ortaya çıktığı orta çağdan başlayarak, hikaye anlatıcılığı ile değişerek, farklı medya kanalları kullanılarak politik, sosyal ve kültürel yapıların parçası haline geldiği yirminci yüzyıla kadar izlenecektir. Bir bakıma, bu töresel bilgi, sözlü ve yazılı ifade yolları ile ortaya konmaya başlanmış, ancak çağa ve yere bağlı kalmaksızın politik, sosyal ve kültürel içeriğinin geçerliliğini koruyarak çeşitli iletişim araçları ile sunulması temel unsurdur. Toplumlar çağa adapte olarak değişip gelişirken, folklorik öğelerin de değişip everildiği, insana özgü folklorik özelliklerin de kavramsal olarak değiştiği olgusu kaçınılmazdır. Her ne kadar bu folklorik özelliklerin imgelem olarak değiştiği görülse de temel sevgi, nefret, yoksulluk, zenginlik, adalet, yolsuzluk gibi evrensel insani kavramlar aynı kaldığı bu makale boyunca tartışılacak, bu evrensel değerler korunarak değişen hikaye anlatıcılığı yolu ile toplumlara aktarıldığı vurgulanacaktır.


  • Referans1 Armstrong, K & Keddie, H. Telling Tales: Inspiring Creativity through Myths, Legends and Folklore of Eng land. Preternature: Critical and Historical studies on the Preternatural, 11(1): 82-108. 2022.
  • Referans2 Barczewski, S. Myth and National Identity in Nineteenth Century Britain: The Legends of King Arthur and Robin Hood. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2000.
  • Referans3 Barthes, R. Mythologies. Collection Pierres vives. Paris: Edition du Seuil. 1957.
  • Referans4 Ben-Amos, D. Introduction the the special issues ‘The Challenges of Folklore to the Humanities’. Humanities, 10(18): 1-10. Doi: 10.3390.h10010018. 2021.
  • Referans5 Berk, F.M. The Role of Mythology as a Cultural İdentity and Cultural Heritage. Procedia-Social and Behav ioral Sciences, 225: 67-73. Doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.06.009. 2016.
  • Referans6 Bronner. S. What is Folklore’s Relevance? In Bronner S. (Ed.) Folklore the Basics (143-174). London: Routledge. 2017.
  • Referans7 Cartlidge, N. Robin Hood Rules: Gang Culture and Early Modern Outlaw Tales. Cultural Dynamics 28(1): 13-26. Doi: 10.1177/0921374015623385. 2016.
  • Referans8 Clouet, R.. The Robin Hood Legend and Its Cultural Adaptation for the Film Industry: Comparing Literary Sources with Filmic Representations. Journal of English Studies, 3(2): 37-46. 2001.
  • Referans9 Dorji, P. Folktales and Education: the Role fo Bhutanese Folktales in Value Transmission. Journal of Bhutan Studies, 12: 93- 108. 2005.
  • Referans10 Driver, M. Teaching the Middle Ages on Film: Visual Narrative and Historical Record. History Compass, 5(1), 159-174. Doi:10.1111/j.1478-0542.20006.00378. x. 2007.
  • Referans11 Egan, P. Robin Hood and Little John; or the Merry Men of Sherwood Forest. London: WS Johnson. 2016.
  • Referans12 Everett, S. & Parakoottathil, D.J. Transformation, Meaning Making and Identity Creation Through Folklore Tourism: The Case Of The Robin Hood Festival. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 20: 1-16. 2016.
  • Referans13 Frog. M. Myth. Humanities, 7(14), 1-39. Doi: 10.3390/h7010014. 2018.
  • Referans14 Hankiss, EFears and Symbols: An Introduction to the Study of Western Civilization. Budapest: Central Euro pean University Press. 2001.
  • Referans15 Harasta J. King Arthur and Robin Hood: The History and Folklore of England’s Most Famous Folk Legends. Charles Rivers Editors (digital publishing). 2009.
  • Referans16 Knight, S. & Ohlgren, T. (Ed). Robin Hood and Other Outlaw Tales: General Introduction.
  • Referans17 Nurilloevna, H.M. (2020). Mythology in Folklore and its Features. Middle Eastern Scientific Bulletin, 6: 63- 65. 1997.
  • Referans18 Paonessa, J. Robin Hoods: A Myth in Flux. Western Illinois Historical Review, V: 66-90. 2013.
  • Referans19 Said, E.. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage Books. 1993.
  • Referans20 Scott R. (Director) Robin Hood. Image Entertainment. Film. 2010.
  • Referans21 Shippey, T.A.. Robin Hood: A Legend in Text, Film and Popular Consciousness. In Hildegard F.C. (Ed), ScriptOralia 84: 409-423. 1996.
  • Referans22 Siikala, A-L. Mythic Images and Shamanism. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica. 2012.
  • Referans23 Snyder, C.A. The World of King Arthur. New York: Thames and Hudson. 2011.
  • Referans24 Strauss, C.L. The Elementary Structures of Kinship. James Harle Bell & Richard Von Sterner (trans). Bos ton: Beacon Press. 1969.
  • Referans25 Storey, J. Inventing Popular Culture: From Folklore to Globalization. UK: Blackwell Publishing. 2003.

Folkloric Analysis Of King Arthur and Robin Hood Within British Myth

Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 139, 58 - 67, 30.09.2023


King Arthur and Robin Hood, as two main folkloric figures, play an important role in British national identity especially in the nineteenth century. Throughout centuries, these mythical stories became well-known in the cultural heritage of other countries besides Britain. The lore and depictions of these two characters were not limited to the written and oral literature but came into existence through different mediums such as television, cinema, and computer games. Both the stories of King Arthur and Robin Hood have topical themes reflecting the political, social, and cultural issues and conflicts in societies and shape the future as timeless artefacts. In this sense, the major aim of this paper is to present and analyze the evolution of these two folk legends by using various historical and cultural sources to demonstrate the validity of the two characters across time, place, and medium. King Arthur and Robin Hood: The History and Folklore of England’s Most Famous Folk Legends by Jesse Harasta (2009) is used as the basis of the evolution of the lore of the two folkloric characters. The stories and the characters, the subjects of various myths and legends throughout centuries, have also been adapted and used in a variety of works and products transmitting local history of the lore of King Arthur and Robin Hood into global folklore. The political, social, and cultural use, adaptation, and evolution of King Arthur and Robin Hood will be traced starting from their emergence in the medieval ages through the twentieth century when the lore of King Arthur and Robin Hood is transformed through story-telling and added to different structures by using different media. As will be exemplified per the aim of the study though some changes in the presentation of the folkloric characters are present; the major dichotomic human characteristics are preserved. The article follows the trajectory of evolution of two legends into myths, literature, and finally products of popular culture. The work questions whether the divisive line between what is local and authentic versus that which is globalized and thus international is as clear as is presupposed.


  • Referans1 Armstrong, K & Keddie, H. Telling Tales: Inspiring Creativity through Myths, Legends and Folklore of Eng land. Preternature: Critical and Historical studies on the Preternatural, 11(1): 82-108. 2022.
  • Referans2 Barczewski, S. Myth and National Identity in Nineteenth Century Britain: The Legends of King Arthur and Robin Hood. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2000.
  • Referans3 Barthes, R. Mythologies. Collection Pierres vives. Paris: Edition du Seuil. 1957.
  • Referans4 Ben-Amos, D. Introduction the the special issues ‘The Challenges of Folklore to the Humanities’. Humanities, 10(18): 1-10. Doi: 10.3390.h10010018. 2021.
  • Referans5 Berk, F.M. The Role of Mythology as a Cultural İdentity and Cultural Heritage. Procedia-Social and Behav ioral Sciences, 225: 67-73. Doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.06.009. 2016.
  • Referans6 Bronner. S. What is Folklore’s Relevance? In Bronner S. (Ed.) Folklore the Basics (143-174). London: Routledge. 2017.
  • Referans7 Cartlidge, N. Robin Hood Rules: Gang Culture and Early Modern Outlaw Tales. Cultural Dynamics 28(1): 13-26. Doi: 10.1177/0921374015623385. 2016.
  • Referans8 Clouet, R.. The Robin Hood Legend and Its Cultural Adaptation for the Film Industry: Comparing Literary Sources with Filmic Representations. Journal of English Studies, 3(2): 37-46. 2001.
  • Referans9 Dorji, P. Folktales and Education: the Role fo Bhutanese Folktales in Value Transmission. Journal of Bhutan Studies, 12: 93- 108. 2005.
  • Referans10 Driver, M. Teaching the Middle Ages on Film: Visual Narrative and Historical Record. History Compass, 5(1), 159-174. Doi:10.1111/j.1478-0542.20006.00378. x. 2007.
  • Referans11 Egan, P. Robin Hood and Little John; or the Merry Men of Sherwood Forest. London: WS Johnson. 2016.
  • Referans12 Everett, S. & Parakoottathil, D.J. Transformation, Meaning Making and Identity Creation Through Folklore Tourism: The Case Of The Robin Hood Festival. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 20: 1-16. 2016.
  • Referans13 Frog. M. Myth. Humanities, 7(14), 1-39. Doi: 10.3390/h7010014. 2018.
  • Referans14 Hankiss, EFears and Symbols: An Introduction to the Study of Western Civilization. Budapest: Central Euro pean University Press. 2001.
  • Referans15 Harasta J. King Arthur and Robin Hood: The History and Folklore of England’s Most Famous Folk Legends. Charles Rivers Editors (digital publishing). 2009.
  • Referans16 Knight, S. & Ohlgren, T. (Ed). Robin Hood and Other Outlaw Tales: General Introduction.
  • Referans17 Nurilloevna, H.M. (2020). Mythology in Folklore and its Features. Middle Eastern Scientific Bulletin, 6: 63- 65. 1997.
  • Referans18 Paonessa, J. Robin Hoods: A Myth in Flux. Western Illinois Historical Review, V: 66-90. 2013.
  • Referans19 Said, E.. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage Books. 1993.
  • Referans20 Scott R. (Director) Robin Hood. Image Entertainment. Film. 2010.
  • Referans21 Shippey, T.A.. Robin Hood: A Legend in Text, Film and Popular Consciousness. In Hildegard F.C. (Ed), ScriptOralia 84: 409-423. 1996.
  • Referans22 Siikala, A-L. Mythic Images and Shamanism. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica. 2012.
  • Referans23 Snyder, C.A. The World of King Arthur. New York: Thames and Hudson. 2011.
  • Referans24 Strauss, C.L. The Elementary Structures of Kinship. James Harle Bell & Richard Von Sterner (trans). Bos ton: Beacon Press. 1969.
  • Referans25 Storey, J. Inventing Popular Culture: From Folklore to Globalization. UK: Blackwell Publishing. 2003.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Turkish Folklore

Alev Karaduman 0000-0001-5865-7396

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 18 Issue: 139


MLA Karaduman, Alev. “Folkloric Analysis Of King Arthur and Robin Hood Within British Myth”. Milli Folklor, vol. 18, no. 139, 2023, pp. 58-67, doi:10.58242/millifolklor.1188072.

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