Research Article
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Looking For A Changing Tradition: Kazakh Traditional Doll In Cer-emony, Rite, Game And Art Practice

Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 140, 130 - 142, 14.12.2023


The study of the doll and its place in the lives of children allows us to more deeply realize its role in any traditional culture, as well as to comprehend the reasons for the modern "doll boom." The Kazakh traditional doll "quyrshaq," balancing between ritual and play practice, has always been the prerogative of the institution of female subculture. Starting from early childhood, transforming, it accompanied its mistress in direct and indirect form up to the very old age. The traditional Turkic doll, considered on the example of Kazakh "quyrshaq," demonstrates not only the chronology of women's life but also characterizes the purely female process of communication with higher powers - deities and spirits of the dead from the perspective of the aforementioned aspects. Consideration of "quyrshaq" as an integral part of women's subculture in the historical retrospective through the prism of sacred and secular will reveal its peculiarities, specify the historical and cultural interrelations between neighboring and related peoples, as well as trace the transformation of this tradition. In order to reveal the designated topic, the research utilized retrospective, comparative, structural-functional, and semiotic approaches. Additionally, a cross-disciplinary analysis was incorporated to enrich the understanding of the cultural nuances surrounding the traditional doll. Nowadays, the traditional doll has fallen out of use due to the extinction of ritual and ceremonial tradition, as well as the appearance of industrial samples of children's dolls of European type in the middle of the twentieth century and their complete dominance in the market in modern times. Information about the Kazakh doll and domestic idols as its cultural prototypes was collected by the authors during the study of archaeological and ethnographic museum exhibits, as well as during field research among the residents of Almaty, Karaganda, and other regions of Kazakhstan in 2017-2019. Thus, the present study has shown that the doll has always reflected certain ethnic and regional traditions or innovations in culture. Through playing with a doll, children reproduced various life situations in accordance with the socio-normative culture of the Kazakh ethnic norms and rules of behavior of the ethnic group. Children through playing with dolls received vital lessons of socio-psychological harmony of personality with the outside world, which in a broad sense can be interpreted as the basis of ritual and ceremonial practice in traditional society. In the present period, designer or art dolls are one of the markers of national revival, characteristic of the whole artistic life of modern Kazakhstan. This resurgence is indicative of a broader cultural renaissance, with these dolls serving as symbolic artifacts embodying the rich heritage and artistic identity of the nation.

Supporting Institution

Abai KazNPU, Institute of Art, Culture and Sport


  • Basilov V.N. Shamanism among the peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. - M: Nauka, 1992.-328 p.
  • Belyakova O.B. Umai symbolism based on burial materials on Chulym // Integration of archaeological and ethnographic research. - Collection of scientific papers. - Moscow-Omsk, 1999.- p. 249-254.
  • Bogoraz V.G. A sketch of the material life of the Chukchi reindeer, based on the collections of N.L. Gondatti, housed in the Ethnographic Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. - SPb, 1901. - 97 p.
  • Botyakova O.A. Dolls of the peoples of Central Asia // Kunstkamera: Ethnographic notebooks. - 1995. - Issue. 7. - p. 159 - 172.
  • Chernyakov S.S. East Kazakhstan in the Bronze Age. M.-L.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1960.- 285 p.
  • Divaev A.A. From the area of Kyrgyz beliefs. Buksy as a doctor and a sorcerer. (Ethnographic sketch) // Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at the Imperial Kazan University. T. XV. Issue 3. Kazan, 1899.
  • Dmitrieva L.V. The language of the Baraba Tatars (materials and research). - L.: Nauka, 1981.-226 p.
  • Dyakonova V.P. Some ethnocultural parallels in the shamanism of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Sayan-Altai // Ethnocultural contacts of the peoples of Siberia. L.: Nauka, 1984. p. 30-49.
  • Dyrenkova N.P. Remnants of the ideology of the maternal clan among the Altai Turks // In memory of V.G. Bogoraz (1865-1936): coll. of art. /Acad. Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Anthropology, Archeology and Ethnography, Institute of the Peoples of the North named after P.G.Smidovich, Scientific research, Assoc. ed. I. I. Meshchaninov. – M.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; L.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1937. - p. 123-146.
  • Estes Clarissa Pinkola. Runner with Wolves: The Female Archetype in Myths and Legends. - M: LLC Book Publishing House “Sofia”, 2014. - 448 p.
  • Fayzullina G.Ch., Karabulatova I.S., Fattakova A.A., Ermakova E.N., Sayfulina F.S. The Anthropomorphous Dolls-Patrimonial Idols of Attanay and Their Place in the Language Picture World of the Siberian Ta-tars//The Social Sciences 11 (18): 4448-4456, 2016
  • Gryaznov M.P. Anthropomorphic figurine of the Bronze Age from the Ob River // Communications of the State Hermitage [Issue XXII]. - 1962.-p. 26-27.
  • Karutts R. Among the Kirghiz and Turkmens in Mangyshlak. - St. Petersburg: A.F. Devriena. - 1903.- 267 p. Kazhigaliuly Alibek. Organon of ornament. - Almaty, 2002.- 456 p.
  • Kidiekova I.K., Kustova U.G. Female guardian deity from a horse ankle // Cultures of steppe Eurasia and their interaction with ancient civilizations. Book. 1. SPb.: IHMC RAS, “Periphery”, 2012. p. 215-217.
  • Korkyt-ata. Encyclopedic reference. - Almaty, 1999.-799 p.
  • Kovalevsky S.A. On the beliefs and rituals of the Irmen population // World outlook of the population of South Siberia and Central Asia in historical retrospective). Barnaul, 2016. - Issue IX. - p. 30 - 42.
  • Kustova U.G. Children's toys made of bone and rituals with them among the Khakass // Thing and ritual: rational and irrational in the archaic: Collection of scientific papers of the seminar “Theory and meth-odology of the archaic”/ ex. ed. M.F. Albedil, D.G. Savinov. - SPb.: MAE RAS, 2018.- p. 82-91.
  • Martinovich N. Turkish theater “Karagoz”. - SPb., 1910.- 110 p.
  • Nurpeis M.E. Art doll of Kazakhstan: traditions and current state: master dissertation of art history: 6D041700 - Decorative arts / Kazakh National Academy named after T. Zhurgenova. - Almaty, 2012.- 183 p.
  • Orlova E.A. Sacral functions of traditional women's clothing of Teleuts // Bulletin of NSU. Series: History, Philology. 2016. T. 15, No. 7: Archeology and Ethnography. p. 169 - 177.
  • Peshreva E.M. Tajiks and Uzbeks toys and children's games // Collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, vol. XVII. - SPb: MAE RAS, 1957.- p. 22 - 94.
  • Potanin G.N. Essays on Northwest Mongolia: Travel Results, per. in 1876-1877 on behalf of. Imp. Rus. geogr. soc. memb. staff G.N. Potanin.. Issue 3-4. Ethnographic materials. - St. Petersburg: type. V. Kirshbaum, 1883.- 1026 p.
  • Seidembek A. The world of the Kazakhs. Ethnocultural understanding. - Astana: Folio, 2011.- 560 p.
  • Sembi M. Memory of the Turkic-Mongolian land: origins and symbolism of toponyms (Turkic meridian). - Almaty: KazRIC, 2013.-296 p.
  • Serebryakova M.N. Pre-Islamic features in the Turkish rite of making rain yagmurduasa and the meaning of the use of a ritual doll in its attributes // Kuner readings, 1995-1997. - SPb .: MAE RAS, 1998.- p. 128 - 130.
  • Serebryakova M.N. Turkish Shadow Theater Karagoz. Images and signs in the traditions of South and South-West Asia. - SPb.: MAE RAS, 2015.- 548 p.
  • Stasevich I.V. A little girl, a girl, a woman in the traditional Kazakh society. The specifics of education and place in the social structure // Rakhmat-name: Collection of articles for the 70th anniversary of R.R. Rakhimov, 2008.- p. 318 - 337.
  • Stasevich I.V. Play education and training of children in the traditional culture of Kazakhs // Lavrovsky collection. Materials of the Central Asian-Caucasian Studies 2006-2007. - St. Petersburg 2007, p. 166-171.
  • Tokhtabaeva S.Z. Etiquette norms of Kazakhs. Part 2. Family and society. - 201.- 170 p. Toleubaev A.T. Relics of pre-Muslim beliefs in the family rituals of Kazakhs (XIX - early XX centuries). - Alma-Ata: Galym, 1991.- 214 p.
  • Tsivyan T.V. Language: theme and variations: favorites in 2 books. Book 2. Antiquity. Tongue. Sign. Myth and folklore. Poetics. - Moscow: Nauka, 2008.-390 p.

Değişen Bir Gelenek Arayışı İçinde: Tören, Ritüel, Oyun ve Sanatsal Uygulamada Kazak Bebek

Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 140, 130 - 142, 14.12.2023


Oyuncak bebeğin ve onun çocukların hayatındaki yerinin incelenmesi, herhangi bir geleneksel kültürdeki rolünü daha derinden anlamamızı ve modern "oyuncak bebek patlamasının" nedenlerini kavramamızı sağlar. Ritüel ve oyun pratiği arasında denge kuran geleneksel Kazak bebeği kuırşak (oyuncak bebek), her zaman kadın alt kültürü kurumunun ayrıcalığı olmuştur. Erken çocukluktan başlayarak, dönüşerek, çok ileri yaşlara kadar doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak sahibine eşlik etmiştir. Kazak kuırşak örneğinde ele alınan geleneksel Türk bebeği, sadece kadın yaşamının kronolojisini göstermekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda yukarıda belirtilen yönler açısından yüksek güçlerle - tanrılar ve ölülerin ruhları - tamamen kadınlara özgü iletişim sürecini de karakterize eder. Yukarıda özetlenen yönleriyle kadın alt kültürünün ayrılmaz bir parçası olan kuırşak'ın kutsal ve seküler prizması aracılığıyla tarihsel bir retrospektif içinde ele alınması, onun özelliklerini ortaya çıkaracak, komşu ve akraba halklar arasındaki tarihsel ve kültürel ilişkileri belirleyecek ve bu geleneğin dönüşümünün izini sürecektir. Araştırma, belirlenen konuyu ortaya çıkarmak için retrospektif, karşılaştırmalı, yapısal-işlevsel ve semiyotik yaklaşımlardan yararlanmıştır. Ayrıca, geleneksel bebeği çevreleyen kültürel nüansların anlaşılmasını zenginleştirmek için disiplinler arası bir analiz de dahil edilmiştir. 20. yüzyılın ortalarında Avrupa’da çocuklar için yapılmış bebek oyuncakların ortaya çıkmasından dolayı, günümüzde geleneksel bebek oyuncakları ritüel ve törensel geleneğin kullanımından çıkmıştır. Kültürel prototipleri olarak Kazak bebeği oyuncakları ve ev idolleri hakkındaki bilgiler, yazarlar tarafından arkeolojik ve etnografik müze sergilerinin incelenmesi sırasında toplanmıştır. 2017-2019 yıllarında Almatı, Karaganda ve Kazakistan'ın diğer bölgelerinde yaşayanlar arasında yapılan saha araştırmaları sırasında «Kazak bebeği» oyuncaklarıyla ilgili belgeler alınmıştır. Bu çalışma, oyuncak bebeğin her zaman belirli etnik ve bölgesel gelenekleri veya kültürdeki yenilikleri yansıttığını göstermiştir. Çocuklar oyuncak bebekle oynayarak, Kazak etnik grubunun sosyo-normatif kültürüne, etnik grubun normlarına ve davranış kurallarına uygun olarak çeşitli yaşam durumlarını yeniden üretmiştir. Çocuklar bebeklerle oynayarak kişiliğin dış dünya ile sosyo-psikolojik uyumu konusunda hayati dersler almışlardır ki bu da geniş anlamda geleneksel toplumdaki ritüel ve törensel uygulamaların temeli olarak yorumlanabilir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışma, oyuncak bebeğin her zaman belirli etnik ve bölgesel gelenekleri veya kültürdeki yenilikleri yansıttığını göstermiştir. Çocuklar oyuncak bebekle oynayarak, Kazak etnik normlarının sosyo-normatif kültürüne ve etnik grubun davranış kurallarına uygun olarak çeşitli yaşam durumlarını yeniden üretmiştir. Çocuklar bebeklerle oynayarak kişiliğin dış dünya ile sosyo-psikolojik uyumu konusunda hayati dersler almışlardır ki bu da geniş anlamda geleneksel toplumdaki ritüel ve törensel uygulamaların temeli olarak yorumlanabilir. İçinde bulunduğumuz dönemde, tasarım veya sanat bebekleri, modern Kazakistan'ın tüm sanatsal yaşamının karakteristiği olan ulusal canlanmanın işaretlerinden biridir. Bu canlanma daha geniş bir kültürel rönesansın göstergesidir ve bu bebekler ulusun zengin mirasını ve sanatsal kimliğini somutlaştıran sembolik eserler olarak hizmet etmektedir.


  • Basilov V.N. Shamanism among the peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. - M: Nauka, 1992.-328 p.
  • Belyakova O.B. Umai symbolism based on burial materials on Chulym // Integration of archaeological and ethnographic research. - Collection of scientific papers. - Moscow-Omsk, 1999.- p. 249-254.
  • Bogoraz V.G. A sketch of the material life of the Chukchi reindeer, based on the collections of N.L. Gondatti, housed in the Ethnographic Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. - SPb, 1901. - 97 p.
  • Botyakova O.A. Dolls of the peoples of Central Asia // Kunstkamera: Ethnographic notebooks. - 1995. - Issue. 7. - p. 159 - 172.
  • Chernyakov S.S. East Kazakhstan in the Bronze Age. M.-L.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1960.- 285 p.
  • Divaev A.A. From the area of Kyrgyz beliefs. Buksy as a doctor and a sorcerer. (Ethnographic sketch) // Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at the Imperial Kazan University. T. XV. Issue 3. Kazan, 1899.
  • Dmitrieva L.V. The language of the Baraba Tatars (materials and research). - L.: Nauka, 1981.-226 p.
  • Dyakonova V.P. Some ethnocultural parallels in the shamanism of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Sayan-Altai // Ethnocultural contacts of the peoples of Siberia. L.: Nauka, 1984. p. 30-49.
  • Dyrenkova N.P. Remnants of the ideology of the maternal clan among the Altai Turks // In memory of V.G. Bogoraz (1865-1936): coll. of art. /Acad. Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Anthropology, Archeology and Ethnography, Institute of the Peoples of the North named after P.G.Smidovich, Scientific research, Assoc. ed. I. I. Meshchaninov. – M.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; L.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1937. - p. 123-146.
  • Estes Clarissa Pinkola. Runner with Wolves: The Female Archetype in Myths and Legends. - M: LLC Book Publishing House “Sofia”, 2014. - 448 p.
  • Fayzullina G.Ch., Karabulatova I.S., Fattakova A.A., Ermakova E.N., Sayfulina F.S. The Anthropomorphous Dolls-Patrimonial Idols of Attanay and Their Place in the Language Picture World of the Siberian Ta-tars//The Social Sciences 11 (18): 4448-4456, 2016
  • Gryaznov M.P. Anthropomorphic figurine of the Bronze Age from the Ob River // Communications of the State Hermitage [Issue XXII]. - 1962.-p. 26-27.
  • Karutts R. Among the Kirghiz and Turkmens in Mangyshlak. - St. Petersburg: A.F. Devriena. - 1903.- 267 p. Kazhigaliuly Alibek. Organon of ornament. - Almaty, 2002.- 456 p.
  • Kidiekova I.K., Kustova U.G. Female guardian deity from a horse ankle // Cultures of steppe Eurasia and their interaction with ancient civilizations. Book. 1. SPb.: IHMC RAS, “Periphery”, 2012. p. 215-217.
  • Korkyt-ata. Encyclopedic reference. - Almaty, 1999.-799 p.
  • Kovalevsky S.A. On the beliefs and rituals of the Irmen population // World outlook of the population of South Siberia and Central Asia in historical retrospective). Barnaul, 2016. - Issue IX. - p. 30 - 42.
  • Kustova U.G. Children's toys made of bone and rituals with them among the Khakass // Thing and ritual: rational and irrational in the archaic: Collection of scientific papers of the seminar “Theory and meth-odology of the archaic”/ ex. ed. M.F. Albedil, D.G. Savinov. - SPb.: MAE RAS, 2018.- p. 82-91.
  • Martinovich N. Turkish theater “Karagoz”. - SPb., 1910.- 110 p.
  • Nurpeis M.E. Art doll of Kazakhstan: traditions and current state: master dissertation of art history: 6D041700 - Decorative arts / Kazakh National Academy named after T. Zhurgenova. - Almaty, 2012.- 183 p.
  • Orlova E.A. Sacral functions of traditional women's clothing of Teleuts // Bulletin of NSU. Series: History, Philology. 2016. T. 15, No. 7: Archeology and Ethnography. p. 169 - 177.
  • Peshreva E.M. Tajiks and Uzbeks toys and children's games // Collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, vol. XVII. - SPb: MAE RAS, 1957.- p. 22 - 94.
  • Potanin G.N. Essays on Northwest Mongolia: Travel Results, per. in 1876-1877 on behalf of. Imp. Rus. geogr. soc. memb. staff G.N. Potanin.. Issue 3-4. Ethnographic materials. - St. Petersburg: type. V. Kirshbaum, 1883.- 1026 p.
  • Seidembek A. The world of the Kazakhs. Ethnocultural understanding. - Astana: Folio, 2011.- 560 p.
  • Sembi M. Memory of the Turkic-Mongolian land: origins and symbolism of toponyms (Turkic meridian). - Almaty: KazRIC, 2013.-296 p.
  • Serebryakova M.N. Pre-Islamic features in the Turkish rite of making rain yagmurduasa and the meaning of the use of a ritual doll in its attributes // Kuner readings, 1995-1997. - SPb .: MAE RAS, 1998.- p. 128 - 130.
  • Serebryakova M.N. Turkish Shadow Theater Karagoz. Images and signs in the traditions of South and South-West Asia. - SPb.: MAE RAS, 2015.- 548 p.
  • Stasevich I.V. A little girl, a girl, a woman in the traditional Kazakh society. The specifics of education and place in the social structure // Rakhmat-name: Collection of articles for the 70th anniversary of R.R. Rakhimov, 2008.- p. 318 - 337.
  • Stasevich I.V. Play education and training of children in the traditional culture of Kazakhs // Lavrovsky collection. Materials of the Central Asian-Caucasian Studies 2006-2007. - St. Petersburg 2007, p. 166-171.
  • Tokhtabaeva S.Z. Etiquette norms of Kazakhs. Part 2. Family and society. - 201.- 170 p. Toleubaev A.T. Relics of pre-Muslim beliefs in the family rituals of Kazakhs (XIX - early XX centuries). - Alma-Ata: Galym, 1991.- 214 p.
  • Tsivyan T.V. Language: theme and variations: favorites in 2 books. Book 2. Antiquity. Tongue. Sign. Myth and folklore. Poetics. - Moscow: Nauka, 2008.-390 p.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cultural Studies

Zhanerke Shaygozova 0000-0001-8167-7598

Rustam Muzafarov This is me 0000-0003-4892-4168

Publication Date December 14, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 18 Issue: 140


MLA Shaygozova, Zhanerke and Rustam Muzafarov. “Looking For A Changing Tradition: Kazakh Traditional Doll In Cer-Emony, Rite, Game And Art Practice”. Milli Folklor, vol. 18, no. 140, 2023, pp. 130-42, doi:10.58242/millifolklor.872921.

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