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Understanding Islamic Ethics and Its Significance on the Character Building

Year 2020, Issue: 10, 237 - 251, 30.06.2020


The most critical challenge facing Muslim today is the lack of the spiritual ethical dimension of life, and one of the most powerful means to overcome this problem is the adherence to the code of ethics. This paper attempts at clarifying the concept of Islamic ethics as a basic pillar for a healthy society. It explains about the need of ethics for the development of individual and society, and its significance on the character building. The author tries to present ethics as the counter part of other sciences, such as, law, politics, science, economics, and others for such sciences become soulless or insignificant if detached from ethics. The paper concludes that Muslim character should develop along with Islamic ethics and its application into daily affairs of Muslims’ lives should be given its due attention.


  • N. O. Mohd, Christian and Muslim Ethics
  • A. Q. Muhammad, The Ethics of al-Ghazali: A Composite Ethics in Islam
  • R. G. Hovanniasian, Ethics in Islam
  • M. D. Sheila, Muslim Ethics and Modernity
  • M. Fakhry, Ethical Theories in Islam
  • Abdul Haq Ansari, “ Islamic Ethics: Concept and Prospect”, The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 6 (1989): 86
  • M. Fakhry, Ethics in Islamic Philosophy and Ethical Theories in Islam
  • A. K. M. Ibrahim, Morals and Manners in Islam
  • Abdul Haq Ansari, The Ethical Philosophy of Miskawayh
  • Abu Ishaq, al-Muwafaqat fi Usul al-Shariaah, Hazırlayan: Abdullah al-Darraz
  • H. A. Abdul, “Islamic ethics: Concept and prospect,” The American Journal of Islamic Social Science, Herndon, USA: The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) & The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS),1989, c. 6, no. 1, 86.

İslam Ahlakı ve Onun Karakter İnşasındaki Önemini Anlamak

Year 2020, Issue: 10, 237 - 251, 30.06.2020


Günümüzde Müslümanların karşılaştığı en kritik zorluk, yaşamın manevi ahlâkî boyutunun olmamasıdır. Bu sorunun üstesinden gelmenin en güçlü yollarından biri ise ahlak kurallarına olan bağlılıktır. Bu makale, sağlıklı bir toplum için İslam ahlakı kavramını temel bir dayanak olarak netleştirmeye çalışmaktadır. Makale ayrıca bireyin ve toplumun gelişimi için ahlakın gerekliliğini ve karakter oluşturmadaki önemini açıklamaktadır. Yazar, ahlakı; hukuk, siyaset, bilim, iktisat gibi diğer ilimlerin muadili ve bu gibi ilimlerin ahlaktan ayrılırsa ruhsuz ve önemsiz hale geleceğini göstermeye çalışmaktadır. Makale, Müslüman karakterin İslam ahlakı ile birlikte gelişmesi ve Müslümanların yaşamlarının günlük işlerine uygulanması konusunda gereken özeni göstermeleri gerektiği sonucuna varmıştır.


  • N. O. Mohd, Christian and Muslim Ethics
  • A. Q. Muhammad, The Ethics of al-Ghazali: A Composite Ethics in Islam
  • R. G. Hovanniasian, Ethics in Islam
  • M. D. Sheila, Muslim Ethics and Modernity
  • M. Fakhry, Ethical Theories in Islam
  • Abdul Haq Ansari, “ Islamic Ethics: Concept and Prospect”, The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 6 (1989): 86
  • M. Fakhry, Ethics in Islamic Philosophy and Ethical Theories in Islam
  • A. K. M. Ibrahim, Morals and Manners in Islam
  • Abdul Haq Ansari, The Ethical Philosophy of Miskawayh
  • Abu Ishaq, al-Muwafaqat fi Usul al-Shariaah, Hazırlayan: Abdullah al-Darraz
  • H. A. Abdul, “Islamic ethics: Concept and prospect,” The American Journal of Islamic Social Science, Herndon, USA: The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) & The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS),1989, c. 6, no. 1, 86.
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Philosophy, Religious Studies
Journal Section Tercüme Yazılar

Abidah Binti Abdul Rahim This is me


Tuğrul Kütükcü

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date March 16, 2020
Acceptance Date June 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 10


ISNAD Abdul Rahim, Abidah Binti. “Understanding Islamic Ethics and Its Significance on the Character Building”. Mizanü’l-Hak: İslami İlimler Dergisi. Tuğrul KütükcüTrans 10 (June 2020), 237-251.