Research Article
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Clinical, Histopathological and Parasitological Evaluation of Oestrus ovis Infecting Mountain Goats and Sheep

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 19 - 24, 24.06.2020


In our study, we aimed to present the cases of Oestrus ovis in domesticated and wild ruminants. The material of this study consisted of ten sheep and six mountain goats admitted to our department, between 2013 and 2019, for necropsy. The animals presented various neurological symptoms, including rotation around their axis, opistotonus, loss of coordination, rhinitis, loss of appetite, head pressed against objects, unilateral blindness and torticollis. Subsequently, routine systemic necropsy was performed. After routine tissue procedures, 5 μm thick sections were taken from paraffin blocks prepared for Hematoxylin Eosin staining. Sections were examined under light microscope to determine the histopathologic changes. In four of the six goats, in addition to, Oestrus ovis larvae, Coenurus cerebralis cysts were detected in cerebrum and cerebellum. Coenurus cerebralis cysts were also observed in four of the ten sheep.


  • Referans1Aldemir OS (2015). Oestridae, pp. 255-264. In: Arthropodoloji. 1st ed. Karaer Z and Dumanlı N (eds), Medisan Yayınevi Ltd. Şti, Ankara.
  • Referans2Allaie IM, Wani ZA, Malik AH, Shahardar RA, Zulhuma M (2016). Oestrus ovis larvae in nasal cavity of sheep: a case report. J. Parasit. Dis. 40 (4): 1221-1222.
  • Referans3Amaravathi M, Srilatha CH, Venu R, Sujatha K (2016). A case of nasal myiasis due to Oestrus ovis (nasal bot fly) in a nellore sheep. IJEST. 5 (6): 4024–4028.
  • Referans4Basmaciyan L, Gabrielle PH, Valot S, Sautour M, Buisson JC, Creuzot-Garcher C, Dalle F (2018). Oestrus ovis external ophtalmomyiasis: a case report in Burgundy France. BMC. Ophthalmol. 18 (1): 335.
  • Referans5Carvalho RS, Ruivo MA, Colli MH, Pereira V, Martinez AC, Mazzucatto BC, Cruz BC, Maciel WG, Felippelli G, Teixeira WF, Soares VE, Costa AJ, Lopes WD (2015). Occurrences of Oestrus ovis parasitism in necropsied sheep in the Umuarama microregion, Paraná, Brazil. Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. 24 (3): 370-374.
  • Referans6Deniz A, Yukarı BA (2013). Deri ve derialtı dokularda görülen artropod hastalıkları, pp. 1001-1008, In: Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıkları, Özcel MA, İnci A, Köroğlu E, Karaer Z, Eren H, Yukarı BA, Dumanlı N, Aydın L and Yıldırım A (eds), Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayını, Izmir.
  • Referans7Giri DK, Dewangan G, Kashyap DK (2016). Diagnosis and therapeutic management of oestrosis in small ruminants. Intas. Polivet. 17 (2): 533-534.
  • Referans8Gül Y, İssi M, Özer S (2007). Oestrosis ve Coenurosis’e bağlı olarak epileptoit nöbet gösteren bir koyun sürüsünde klinik ve patolojik gözlemler. F. Ü. Sağ. Bil. Derg. 21 (4): 173-177.
  • Referans9Hanan BA (2013). Seasonal prevalence of Oestrus ovis L. (Diptera:Oestridae) larvae in infested sheep in Jazan Region, Saudi Arabia. JPVB. 5 (5): 66-71.
  • Referans10Mumcuoglu KY, Eliashar R (2011). Nasal myiasis due to Oestrus ovis larvae in Israel. Isr. Med. Assoc. J. 13 (6): 379-380.
  • Referans11Negm-Eldin MM, Elmadawy RS, Hanan GM (2015). Oestrus ovis larval infestation among sheep and goats of Green Mountain areas in Libya. J. Adv. Vet. Anim. Res. 2 (4): 382-387.
  • Referans12Özdal N, Tanritanir P, Ilhan F, Değer S (2016). The prevalence of ovine oestrosis (Oestrus ovis Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae) and risk factors in Eastern Turkey. Vet. Arh. 86 (3): 323-333.
  • Referans13Papadopoulos E, Dvořák L (2015). Oestrus ovis (Linnaeus, 1761) (Diptera, Oestridae), first record of an adult from Greece. Parnassiana Archives 3: 3-6.
  • Referans14Saleem T, Katoch R, Yadav A, Mir IA, Godara R, Ahamed I (2017). Prevalence of ovine oestrosis in Plain and Kandi areas Of Jammu, North India. IJEST. 6 (2): 1117-1122.
  • Referans15Sayın İpek DN, Altan S (2017). Use of semi-nested PCR and rhinoscopy for the diagnosis of oestrosis. Small. Ruminant. Res. 150: 76-79.
  • Referans16Sayin Ipek DN (2018). Prevalence and intensity of Oestrus ovis in sheep and goats in south-eastern part of Turkey. Indian. J. Anim. Res. 52: 1751-1756.
  • Referans17Uslu U, Dik B (2006). Bir koyunda çok sayıda Oestrus ovis (Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae) larvasından kaynaklanan kavikol myiasis olgusu. Turkiye. Parazitol. Derg. 30 (2): 132-134.
  • Referans18Yıldız K (2016). Veteriner Parazitoloji. 1st ed. Medipres Matbaacılık ve Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti, Malatya.
  • Referans19Zumpt F (1965). Myiasis in Man and Animals in the Old World. Butterwoths & Co. Ltd, London.

Clinical, Histopathological and Parasitological Evaluation of Oestrus ovis Infecting Mountain Goats and Sheep

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 19 - 24, 24.06.2020


Çalışmamızda yerli ve yabani ruminantlarda gözlenen Oestrus ovis vakalarını sunmayı amaçladık. Bu çalışmanın materyalini, anabilim dalımıza nekropsisi yapılmak üzere getirilen on koyun ve altı dağ keçisi oluşturdu. Hayvanlarda kendi ekseni etrafında dönme, opistotonus, koordinasyon kaybı, rinitis, iştahsızlık, kafalarını nesnelere yaslama, tek taraflı körlük ve tortikollis dahil olmak üzere çeşitli nörolojik semptomlar tespit edildi. Daha sonra hayvanların sistemik nekropsisi yapıldı. Rutin doku takip işlemlerinden sonra, Hematoksilen Eozin boyaması için hazırlanan parafin bloklardan 5 µm kalınlığında kesitler alındı. Histopatolojik değişiklikleri değerlendirmek için kesitler ışık mikroskobu altında incelendi. Altı keçinin dördünde, Oestrus ovis larvalarına ek olarak, serebrum ve serebellumda Coenurus cerebralis kistleri tespit edildi. On koyunun dördünde Coenurus cerebralis kistleri de gözlendi.


  • Referans1Aldemir OS (2015). Oestridae, pp. 255-264. In: Arthropodoloji. 1st ed. Karaer Z and Dumanlı N (eds), Medisan Yayınevi Ltd. Şti, Ankara.
  • Referans2Allaie IM, Wani ZA, Malik AH, Shahardar RA, Zulhuma M (2016). Oestrus ovis larvae in nasal cavity of sheep: a case report. J. Parasit. Dis. 40 (4): 1221-1222.
  • Referans3Amaravathi M, Srilatha CH, Venu R, Sujatha K (2016). A case of nasal myiasis due to Oestrus ovis (nasal bot fly) in a nellore sheep. IJEST. 5 (6): 4024–4028.
  • Referans4Basmaciyan L, Gabrielle PH, Valot S, Sautour M, Buisson JC, Creuzot-Garcher C, Dalle F (2018). Oestrus ovis external ophtalmomyiasis: a case report in Burgundy France. BMC. Ophthalmol. 18 (1): 335.
  • Referans5Carvalho RS, Ruivo MA, Colli MH, Pereira V, Martinez AC, Mazzucatto BC, Cruz BC, Maciel WG, Felippelli G, Teixeira WF, Soares VE, Costa AJ, Lopes WD (2015). Occurrences of Oestrus ovis parasitism in necropsied sheep in the Umuarama microregion, Paraná, Brazil. Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. 24 (3): 370-374.
  • Referans6Deniz A, Yukarı BA (2013). Deri ve derialtı dokularda görülen artropod hastalıkları, pp. 1001-1008, In: Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıkları, Özcel MA, İnci A, Köroğlu E, Karaer Z, Eren H, Yukarı BA, Dumanlı N, Aydın L and Yıldırım A (eds), Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayını, Izmir.
  • Referans7Giri DK, Dewangan G, Kashyap DK (2016). Diagnosis and therapeutic management of oestrosis in small ruminants. Intas. Polivet. 17 (2): 533-534.
  • Referans8Gül Y, İssi M, Özer S (2007). Oestrosis ve Coenurosis’e bağlı olarak epileptoit nöbet gösteren bir koyun sürüsünde klinik ve patolojik gözlemler. F. Ü. Sağ. Bil. Derg. 21 (4): 173-177.
  • Referans9Hanan BA (2013). Seasonal prevalence of Oestrus ovis L. (Diptera:Oestridae) larvae in infested sheep in Jazan Region, Saudi Arabia. JPVB. 5 (5): 66-71.
  • Referans10Mumcuoglu KY, Eliashar R (2011). Nasal myiasis due to Oestrus ovis larvae in Israel. Isr. Med. Assoc. J. 13 (6): 379-380.
  • Referans11Negm-Eldin MM, Elmadawy RS, Hanan GM (2015). Oestrus ovis larval infestation among sheep and goats of Green Mountain areas in Libya. J. Adv. Vet. Anim. Res. 2 (4): 382-387.
  • Referans12Özdal N, Tanritanir P, Ilhan F, Değer S (2016). The prevalence of ovine oestrosis (Oestrus ovis Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae) and risk factors in Eastern Turkey. Vet. Arh. 86 (3): 323-333.
  • Referans13Papadopoulos E, Dvořák L (2015). Oestrus ovis (Linnaeus, 1761) (Diptera, Oestridae), first record of an adult from Greece. Parnassiana Archives 3: 3-6.
  • Referans14Saleem T, Katoch R, Yadav A, Mir IA, Godara R, Ahamed I (2017). Prevalence of ovine oestrosis in Plain and Kandi areas Of Jammu, North India. IJEST. 6 (2): 1117-1122.
  • Referans15Sayın İpek DN, Altan S (2017). Use of semi-nested PCR and rhinoscopy for the diagnosis of oestrosis. Small. Ruminant. Res. 150: 76-79.
  • Referans16Sayin Ipek DN (2018). Prevalence and intensity of Oestrus ovis in sheep and goats in south-eastern part of Turkey. Indian. J. Anim. Res. 52: 1751-1756.
  • Referans17Uslu U, Dik B (2006). Bir koyunda çok sayıda Oestrus ovis (Linnaeus, 1761, Diptera: Oestridae) larvasından kaynaklanan kavikol myiasis olgusu. Turkiye. Parazitol. Derg. 30 (2): 132-134.
  • Referans18Yıldız K (2016). Veteriner Parazitoloji. 1st ed. Medipres Matbaacılık ve Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti, Malatya.
  • Referans19Zumpt F (1965). Myiasis in Man and Animals in the Old World. Butterwoths & Co. Ltd, London.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Article

Emin Karakurt 0000-0003-2019-3690

Hilmi Nuhoğlu 0000-0003-2530-2542

Barış Sarı 0000-0001-9978-2513

Serpil Dağ 0000-0001-7667-689X

Atila Akça 0000-0002-7903-3950

Enver Beytut 0000-0003-3360-2940

Hatice Gizem Büyükbaki 0000-0002-9627-6137

Burak Büyükbaki 0000-0002-4770-8220

Publication Date June 24, 2020
Submission Date February 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Karakurt, E., Nuhoğlu, H., Sarı, B., Dağ, S., et al. (2020). Clinical, Histopathological and Parasitological Evaluation of Oestrus ovis Infecting Mountain Goats and Sheep. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences, 10(1), 19-24.