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Yaşlanmaya ve Yaşlılığa İlişkin Tutumların Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Nicel Bir Çalışma: Adıyaman Üniversitesi Örneği

Year 2023, , 1123 - 1138, 17.07.2023


Yaşlanma gelişmekte olan ülkelerde önemli bir sosyal olgu haline dönüşmektedir. Bunun nedeni ise genel nüfus içerisindeki yaşlı sayısının artması olarak kavramsallaştırılan demografik yaşlanmadır. Hızla farklılaşan demografik yapı, yaşlılıkla ilgili tutumları ve kültürel örüntüler arasındaki ilişkinin anlamlılığını, sosyolojik yönden araştırılması gereken önemli bir olgu haline dönüştürmektedir. Toplumun kültürel kodlarını barındıran, toplumun değerlerinden bağımsız bir şekilde gerçekleşmeyen yaşlanmaya ve yaşlılığa karşı toplumun geliştirdiği tutumlar zaman göre farklılık göstermektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışma, demografik olarak yaşlanan toplumlarda iki farklı kuşağın (y ve z) yaşlanma ve yaşlılık algısının hangi düzeyde olduğunu araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmada daha önce geçerliliği ve güvenirliliği test edilmiş Yaşlılık ve Yaşlanmaya İlişkin Tutumlar Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler neticesinde yaşlanma ve yaşlılığa karşı olumsuz tutum, yaşlının sosyal statüsünde yaşanan düşüşle ilişkilendirilmiştir. Yaşlı bağımlılığına neden olan gelişmeler, yaşlanmaya ve yaşlılığa karşı olumsuz tutumun önemli nedenlerinden biri olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yaşlanmaya ve yaşlılığa karşı tutumun aktif yaşlanmayı olumsuz etkilediği, aktif yaşlanmanın tersi olan yaşamdan geri çekilmenin de bağımlığı arttırdığı görülmüştür. Araştırmada yaşlının düşük sosyal statüsü, yaşlanmaya ve yaşlılığa ilişkin tutumlarla ilişkilendirilmiştir.


  • Aydın, M. (2015). Sociology of change, İstanbul:Açılım Publishing.
  • Baars, J. (1997). Concept of time and narrative temporality in the study of aging, Journal of Aging Studies, 11(4), 283-295.
  • Baars, J. (2010). A philosophy of aging, time and finitude. T.R. Cole, R. Ray & R. Kastenbaum (Eds.), A Guide to Humanistic Studies in Aging (pp. 105-120). Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Backes, G. M.  Clemens, W. (2017). Aging and sociology of aging, İ. Tufan  M. Durak (Eds.), Gerontology Interdisciplinary Collaboration I (pp. 107-126). Ankara: Nobel Akademi Publishing.
  • Bektaş, O. E. (2017). Being older in the postmodern world, Elderly Issues Research Journal (EIRJ), (10)2, 9-18. Access address:
  • Canatan, A. (2008). Aging in social aspects, Ankara:Palme Publications.
  • Danış, M. Z.  Efe, F. (2016). Active aging, V. Kalınkara (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Aging, Problems, Solution (pp. 230-255). Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • De Lute, J. (1993). Continuity and change: Four disciplinary perspectives on reading Cicero’s ‘De Senectute. Journal of Aging Studies, 7, 335-338
  • Ersözlü, M.  Aydemir, M. A. (2021). Persistent, permanent, and related: Ageless seniors (Perennials), Senex: Journal of Aging Studies, 5(1), 19-46. Doi: 10.24876/senex.2021.37
  • Gitmez, K. Ş. (2000). Life adaptations, tendencies, attitudes and behaviors of the elderly in different urban conditions, ( Doctoral Thesis), Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Social Anthropology and Ethnology (Social Anthropology), Ankara access address: Eusfgo917vW8M8_fAjFvsQ&no=Eusfgo917vW8M8_fAjFvsQ
  • Gürbüz, S.  Şahin, F. (2018). Research methods and techniques in social sciences-philosophy, method, analysis, Ankara:Seçkin Publishing.
  • Hair, J. F. Black, W. C. Babin, B. J.  Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate data analysis (Seventh Ed.). USA: Pearson Education. doi:10.1002/9781118895238.Ch8
  • Kalınkara, V. (2016). Basic gerontology science of aging, Ankara:Nobel Publications.
  • Kline, R. B. (2016). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (4th ed.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Otrar, M. (2016). Aging and attitude scale towards aging: validity and reliability study, Journal of Sociology, (36), 527-550. Doi: 10.16917/iusosyoloji.292680
  • Tufan, İ. (2016). Aging and aging from antiquity to the present, Enhanced 2nd Edition, Istanbul:Nobel Publications.
  • Selçuk, N. (2022). The relationship between cultural capital and quality of life in the elderly: The Case of Malatya, (Doctoral Thesis). İnönü University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Malatya. Access address:
  • Soulières, M.,  Charpentier, M. (2022). Are older people living alone socially isolated? A Qualitative Study of Their Experiences, 65:6, 664-677, 01634372.2021.2019163.
  • Tabachnick, B. G.  Fidell, L. S. (2013) Using multivariate statistics (sixth ed.) Boston:Pearson.
  • Tuna M.,  Tenlik Ö. (2017). Aging in Turkey and in the world, İ. Tufan  M. Durak, (Eds.) Gerontology Interdisciplinary Cooperation, Volume I (pp. 4-26). Ankara: Nobel Akademi Publishing.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute TUIK., Date of access:06.08.2022.
  • Ulus, T. (2020). Critical perspective of young people to elderly in the context of intergenerational conflict: a sample, problems and solutions, OPUS International Journal of Society Studies, 10, 16(28), 1154-1182. Doi: 10.26466/opus.677142
  • Yuhua, W. (2021) Developing a nuanced understanding of the factors that influence digital inclusion for active and healthy ageing among older people. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
  • Weymann, A. (1994). Altersgruppensoziologie, İn:Keber, H.  Schmieder, A, Spezielle Soziologien, Problemfelder Forschungsbereiche, Anwendungsorientierungen, Reinbek: Rowohlt, 334-362.
  • World Health Organization WHO. (2002). Active Ageing: A policy framework, Geneva:World Health Organization.
  • World Health Organization WHO. (2018). Global health and aging, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health, and Human Services.
Year 2023, , 1123 - 1138, 17.07.2023



  • Aydın, M. (2015). Sociology of change, İstanbul:Açılım Publishing.
  • Baars, J. (1997). Concept of time and narrative temporality in the study of aging, Journal of Aging Studies, 11(4), 283-295.
  • Baars, J. (2010). A philosophy of aging, time and finitude. T.R. Cole, R. Ray & R. Kastenbaum (Eds.), A Guide to Humanistic Studies in Aging (pp. 105-120). Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Backes, G. M.  Clemens, W. (2017). Aging and sociology of aging, İ. Tufan  M. Durak (Eds.), Gerontology Interdisciplinary Collaboration I (pp. 107-126). Ankara: Nobel Akademi Publishing.
  • Bektaş, O. E. (2017). Being older in the postmodern world, Elderly Issues Research Journal (EIRJ), (10)2, 9-18. Access address:
  • Canatan, A. (2008). Aging in social aspects, Ankara:Palme Publications.
  • Danış, M. Z.  Efe, F. (2016). Active aging, V. Kalınkara (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Aging, Problems, Solution (pp. 230-255). Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • De Lute, J. (1993). Continuity and change: Four disciplinary perspectives on reading Cicero’s ‘De Senectute. Journal of Aging Studies, 7, 335-338
  • Ersözlü, M.  Aydemir, M. A. (2021). Persistent, permanent, and related: Ageless seniors (Perennials), Senex: Journal of Aging Studies, 5(1), 19-46. Doi: 10.24876/senex.2021.37
  • Gitmez, K. Ş. (2000). Life adaptations, tendencies, attitudes and behaviors of the elderly in different urban conditions, ( Doctoral Thesis), Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Social Anthropology and Ethnology (Social Anthropology), Ankara access address: Eusfgo917vW8M8_fAjFvsQ&no=Eusfgo917vW8M8_fAjFvsQ
  • Gürbüz, S.  Şahin, F. (2018). Research methods and techniques in social sciences-philosophy, method, analysis, Ankara:Seçkin Publishing.
  • Hair, J. F. Black, W. C. Babin, B. J.  Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate data analysis (Seventh Ed.). USA: Pearson Education. doi:10.1002/9781118895238.Ch8
  • Kalınkara, V. (2016). Basic gerontology science of aging, Ankara:Nobel Publications.
  • Kline, R. B. (2016). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (4th ed.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Otrar, M. (2016). Aging and attitude scale towards aging: validity and reliability study, Journal of Sociology, (36), 527-550. Doi: 10.16917/iusosyoloji.292680
  • Tufan, İ. (2016). Aging and aging from antiquity to the present, Enhanced 2nd Edition, Istanbul:Nobel Publications.
  • Selçuk, N. (2022). The relationship between cultural capital and quality of life in the elderly: The Case of Malatya, (Doctoral Thesis). İnönü University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Malatya. Access address:
  • Soulières, M.,  Charpentier, M. (2022). Are older people living alone socially isolated? A Qualitative Study of Their Experiences, 65:6, 664-677, 01634372.2021.2019163.
  • Tabachnick, B. G.  Fidell, L. S. (2013) Using multivariate statistics (sixth ed.) Boston:Pearson.
  • Tuna M.,  Tenlik Ö. (2017). Aging in Turkey and in the world, İ. Tufan  M. Durak, (Eds.) Gerontology Interdisciplinary Cooperation, Volume I (pp. 4-26). Ankara: Nobel Akademi Publishing.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute TUIK., Date of access:06.08.2022.
  • Ulus, T. (2020). Critical perspective of young people to elderly in the context of intergenerational conflict: a sample, problems and solutions, OPUS International Journal of Society Studies, 10, 16(28), 1154-1182. Doi: 10.26466/opus.677142
  • Yuhua, W. (2021) Developing a nuanced understanding of the factors that influence digital inclusion for active and healthy ageing among older people. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
  • Weymann, A. (1994). Altersgruppensoziologie, İn:Keber, H.  Schmieder, A, Spezielle Soziologien, Problemfelder Forschungsbereiche, Anwendungsorientierungen, Reinbek: Rowohlt, 334-362.
  • World Health Organization WHO. (2002). Active Ageing: A policy framework, Geneva:World Health Organization.
  • World Health Organization WHO. (2018). Global health and aging, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health, and Human Services.

A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example

Year 2023, , 1123 - 1138, 17.07.2023


Aging has become an essential social phenomenon in developing countries. The underlying reason is the demographic aging conceptualized as the increase in the number of the elders within the general population. The demographic structure which changes rapidly transforms attitudes towards aging and the significance of the relationship between cultural patterns into an important social phenomenon which needs to be examined in the sociological aspects. Attitudes developed by the society towards aging and elderliness which contain the cultural codes of the society and doesn’t actualize independent from the social values vary according to time. Within this context, the study aims to examine at which level is the perception of two different generations (y and z) towards aging and elderliness in the demographically aging populations. In this study, Elderliness and Aging Attitudes Scale was implemented whose validity and reliability had been tested before. As a result of the data obtained, aging and negative attitudes towards old age are associated with the decline in the social status of the elderly. The developments that cause the elderly to be dependent on others have been evaluated as one of the important causes of aging and negative attitudes towards old age. It has been observed that the attitude towards aging and aging negatively affects active aging, and withdrawal from life, which is the opposite of active aging, increases addiction. In the research, the low social status of the elderly was associated with aging and attitudes towards aging.


  • Aydın, M. (2015). Sociology of change, İstanbul:Açılım Publishing.
  • Baars, J. (1997). Concept of time and narrative temporality in the study of aging, Journal of Aging Studies, 11(4), 283-295.
  • Baars, J. (2010). A philosophy of aging, time and finitude. T.R. Cole, R. Ray & R. Kastenbaum (Eds.), A Guide to Humanistic Studies in Aging (pp. 105-120). Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Backes, G. M.  Clemens, W. (2017). Aging and sociology of aging, İ. Tufan  M. Durak (Eds.), Gerontology Interdisciplinary Collaboration I (pp. 107-126). Ankara: Nobel Akademi Publishing.
  • Bektaş, O. E. (2017). Being older in the postmodern world, Elderly Issues Research Journal (EIRJ), (10)2, 9-18. Access address:
  • Canatan, A. (2008). Aging in social aspects, Ankara:Palme Publications.
  • Danış, M. Z.  Efe, F. (2016). Active aging, V. Kalınkara (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Aging, Problems, Solution (pp. 230-255). Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • De Lute, J. (1993). Continuity and change: Four disciplinary perspectives on reading Cicero’s ‘De Senectute. Journal of Aging Studies, 7, 335-338
  • Ersözlü, M.  Aydemir, M. A. (2021). Persistent, permanent, and related: Ageless seniors (Perennials), Senex: Journal of Aging Studies, 5(1), 19-46. Doi: 10.24876/senex.2021.37
  • Gitmez, K. Ş. (2000). Life adaptations, tendencies, attitudes and behaviors of the elderly in different urban conditions, ( Doctoral Thesis), Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Social Anthropology and Ethnology (Social Anthropology), Ankara access address: Eusfgo917vW8M8_fAjFvsQ&no=Eusfgo917vW8M8_fAjFvsQ
  • Gürbüz, S.  Şahin, F. (2018). Research methods and techniques in social sciences-philosophy, method, analysis, Ankara:Seçkin Publishing.
  • Hair, J. F. Black, W. C. Babin, B. J.  Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate data analysis (Seventh Ed.). USA: Pearson Education. doi:10.1002/9781118895238.Ch8
  • Kalınkara, V. (2016). Basic gerontology science of aging, Ankara:Nobel Publications.
  • Kline, R. B. (2016). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (4th ed.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Otrar, M. (2016). Aging and attitude scale towards aging: validity and reliability study, Journal of Sociology, (36), 527-550. Doi: 10.16917/iusosyoloji.292680
  • Tufan, İ. (2016). Aging and aging from antiquity to the present, Enhanced 2nd Edition, Istanbul:Nobel Publications.
  • Selçuk, N. (2022). The relationship between cultural capital and quality of life in the elderly: The Case of Malatya, (Doctoral Thesis). İnönü University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Malatya. Access address:
  • Soulières, M.,  Charpentier, M. (2022). Are older people living alone socially isolated? A Qualitative Study of Their Experiences, 65:6, 664-677, 01634372.2021.2019163.
  • Tabachnick, B. G.  Fidell, L. S. (2013) Using multivariate statistics (sixth ed.) Boston:Pearson.
  • Tuna M.,  Tenlik Ö. (2017). Aging in Turkey and in the world, İ. Tufan  M. Durak, (Eds.) Gerontology Interdisciplinary Cooperation, Volume I (pp. 4-26). Ankara: Nobel Akademi Publishing.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute TUIK., Date of access:06.08.2022.
  • Ulus, T. (2020). Critical perspective of young people to elderly in the context of intergenerational conflict: a sample, problems and solutions, OPUS International Journal of Society Studies, 10, 16(28), 1154-1182. Doi: 10.26466/opus.677142
  • Yuhua, W. (2021) Developing a nuanced understanding of the factors that influence digital inclusion for active and healthy ageing among older people. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
  • Weymann, A. (1994). Altersgruppensoziologie, İn:Keber, H.  Schmieder, A, Spezielle Soziologien, Problemfelder Forschungsbereiche, Anwendungsorientierungen, Reinbek: Rowohlt, 334-362.
  • World Health Organization WHO. (2002). Active Ageing: A policy framework, Geneva:World Health Organization.
  • World Health Organization WHO. (2018). Global health and aging, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health, and Human Services.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Urban Sociology and Community Studies
Journal Section Research Article

Nurullah Selçuk 0000-0002-9590-041X

Early Pub Date July 14, 2023
Publication Date July 17, 2023
Submission Date January 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Selçuk, N. (2023). A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(3), 1123-1138.
AMA Selçuk N. A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example. MJSS. July 2023;12(3):1123-1138. doi:10.33206/mjss.1245388
Chicago Selçuk, Nurullah. “A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 12, no. 3 (July 2023): 1123-38.
EndNote Selçuk N (July 1, 2023) A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 12 3 1123–1138.
IEEE N. Selçuk, “A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example”, MJSS, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1123–1138, 2023, doi: 10.33206/mjss.1245388.
ISNAD Selçuk, Nurullah. “A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 12/3 (July 2023), 1123-1138.
JAMA Selçuk N. A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example. MJSS. 2023;12:1123–1138.
MLA Selçuk, Nurullah. “A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 3, 2023, pp. 1123-38, doi:10.33206/mjss.1245388.
Vancouver Selçuk N. A Quantitative Study on Aging and the Evaluation of Attitudes towards Aging: The Adiyaman University Example. MJSS. 2023;12(3):1123-38.

MANAS Journal of Social Studies (MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi)