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The Relationship between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey

Year 2020, , 844 - 857, 24.04.2020


In this study, the relationships between carbon dioxide emission, non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth were examined. The analysis covers 25 years of period between 1990-2015 for Turkey. VAR Granger Causality Analysis was employed for the short-term causality analysis. The results indicated that there is a unidirectional relationship from non-renewable energy consumption to CO2 emission in the short-term. The only variable affecting CO2 in the short-term is non-renewable energy consumption. According to the variance decomposition test, in the second period, 13.8% of CO2 emissions were caused by non-renewable energy consumption, 2% was due to economic growth, while in the 8th period, 44% of CO2 emissions were caused by non-renewable energy consumption and 12% from economic growth. This result supports the “Neutrality Hypothesis”, which asserts that there is no direct relationship between energy consumption and economic growth. Since it is revealed a unidirectional causality from NREC to CO2, measures regarding energy consumption will not have a negative impact on economic growth while reducing carbon dioxide emissions in Turkey.


  • Antonakakis, N., Chatziantoniou, I., & Filis, G. (2017). Energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and economic growth: An ethical dilemma. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68, 808-824.
  • Arouri, M. E. H., Youssef, A. B., M'henni, H., & Rault, C. (2012). Energy consumption, GDP and CO2 in the Middle East and North African countries. Energy policy, 45, 342-349.
  • Aye, G. C., & Edoja, P. E. (2017). Effect of GDP on CO2 in developing countries: Evidence from a dynamic panel threshold model. Cogent Economics & Finance, 5(1), 1379239.
  • Aytaç, D. (2010). Enerji ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisinin çok değişkenli VAR yaklaşımı ile tahmini. Maliye Dergisi, 158(1), 482-495.
  • Bazarcheh Shabestari, N. (2018). Energy Consumption, CO2 and GDP: Sweden's case. Södertörn University, Institution for Social Sciences, Master Essay 30 hp, Spring 2018
  • Bozkurt, C., & Akan, Y. (2014). GDP, CO2 and energy consumption: the Turkish case. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 4(3), 484-494.
  • Chebbi, H. E., & Boujelbene, Y. (2008, August). CO2, energy consumption and GDP in Tunisia. In 12th Congress Of The European Association Of Agricultural Economists.
  • Farhani, S., & Ben Rejeb, J. (2012). Energy consumption, GDP and CO2 : Evidence from panel data for the MENA region. University of Sousse, Tunisia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012, pp. 71-81
  • Govindaraju, V. C., & Tang, C. F. (2013). The dynamic links between CO2, GDP and coal consumption in China and India. Applied Energy, 104, 310-318.
  • Gökçe, C. (2007). Ekonomik Büyüme Sürecinde Enerjinin Değişen Rolü; Türkiye Örneği. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Agustos 2007
  • Hwang, J. H., & Yoo, S. H. (2014). Energy consumption, CO2, and GDP: evidence from Indonesia. Quality & Quantity, 48(1), 63-73.
  • Korkmaz, Ö., & Develi, A. (2012). Türkiye’de Birincil Enerji Kullanimi, Üretimi Ve Gayri Safi Yurt İçi Hasila (Gsyih) Arasindaki İlişki. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2).
  • Lean, H. H., & Smyth, R. (2010). CO2, electricity consumption and output in ASEAN. Applied Energy, 87(6), 1858-1864.
  • Linh, D. H., & Lin, S. (2014). CO2, energy consumption, GDP and FDI in Vietnam. Managing Global Transitions, 12(3), 219-232.
  • Lu, W. C. (2017). Greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and GDP: a panel cointegration analysis for 16 Asian countries. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(11), 1436.
  • Mahmood, M. T., & Shahab, S. (2014). Energy, emissions and the economy: empirical analysis from Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 383-400.
  • Mardani, A., Streimikiene, D., Nilashi, M., Arias Aranda, D., Loganathan, N., & Jusoh, A. (2018). Energy Consumption, GDP, and CO2 in G20 Countries: Application of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System. Energies, 11(10), 2771.
  • Mehmet Akif Destek M.A., Okumuş İ. (2019). Biomass Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and CO2 Emission in G-20 Countries. Journal of Social Sciences of Mus Alparslan University, 2019 7(1) 347–353.
  • Mucuk, M., & Uysal, D. (2009). Türkiye ekonomisinde enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme. Maliye Dergisi, 157, 105-115.
  • Nnaji, C. E., Chukwu, J. O., & Nnaji, M. (2013). Electricity Supply, Fossil fuel Consumption, CO2 and GDP: Implications and Policy Options for Sustainable Development in Nigeria. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 3(3), 262-271.
  • Obradović, S., & Lojanica, N. (2017). Energy use, CO2 and GDP–causality on a sample of SEE countries. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 30(1), 511-526.
  • Öncel, A., Kırca, M., & İnal, V. (2017). Elektrik Tüketimi Ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: OECD Ülkelerine Yönelik Zamanla Değişen Panel Nedensellik Analizi. Maliye Dergisi, 173, 398-420.
  • Özel, Hasan Alp (2012). 'Ekonomik Büyümenin Teorik Temelleri. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, H. A. Özel, Cilt: 2, S: 1, 64-68
  • Palamalai, S., Ravindra, I., & Prakasam, K. (2015). Relationship between energy consumption, CO2, GDP and trade in India. Journal of Economic & Financial Studies, 03(02), 1-17, Vol. 03, No. 02: April (2015)
  • Piętak, Ł. (2014). Review of theories and models of GDP. Comparative Economic Research, 17(1), 45-60.
  • Ranis, G. (2004). Arthur Lewis's contribution to development thinking and policy. The Manchester School, 72(6), 712-723.
  • Sevüktekin, M. & Çınar, M. (2014). Ekonometrik Zaman Serileri Analizi. Bursa: Dora.
  • Shahateet, M. Issa (2014). Modeling GDP and Energy Consumption in Arab Countries: Cointegration and Causality Analysis. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014, pp.349-359.
  • Sledzik, K. (2015). Schumpeter's theory of economic development: an evolutionary perspective. Young Scientists Revue, (ed.) Stefan Hittmar, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
  • Tiwari, A. K. (2011). Energy consumption, CO2 and GDP: Evidence from India. Journal of International Business and Economy, 12(1), 85-122.
  • Wahid, I. N., Aziz, A. A., & Mustapha, N. N. (2013). Energy consumption, GDP and CO2 in selected ASEAN countries. Prosiding Perkem, 8(2), 758-65.
  • Zhou, Y., Sirisrisakulchai, J., Liu, J., & Sriboonchitta, S. (2018, July). The impact of GDP and energy consumption on carbon emissions: evidence from panel quantile regression. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 1053, No. 1, p. 012118, IOP Publishing.

CO2 Emisyonu, Yenilenmeyen Enerji Tüketimi ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişki: Türkiye Örneği

Year 2020, , 844 - 857, 24.04.2020


Bu çalışmada karbondioksit salınımı, yenilenemeyen enerji tüketimi ve iktisadi büyüme arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Analiz, Türkiye için 1990-2015 arasındaki 25 yılı kapsamaktadır. Kısa dönem nedensellik analiz için VAR Granger Nedensellik Analizi kullanılmıştır. Buna göre kısa dönemde yenilenemeyen enerji tüketiminden, CO2 salınımına doğru tek yönlü pozitif bir ilişki olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Kısa dönemde CO2 salınımını etkileyen tek değişken yenilenemeyen enerji tüketimidir. Varyans ayrıştırma testi sonucuna göre, ikinci dönemde, CO2 salınımının % 13,8'i yenilenemeyen enerji tüketiminden, % 2'si ekonomik büyümeden kaynaklanırken, 8. dönemde, CO2 salınımının % 44’ü yenilenmeyen enerji tüketiminden ve % 12'si iktisadi büyümeden kaynaklandığı görülmektedir. Bu sonuç, enerji tüketimi ile ekonomik büyüme arasında doğrudan bir ilişki olmadığını öne süren “Tarafsızlık Hipotezini” desteklemektedir. Buna göre enerji tüketimi ile iktisadi büyüme arasında bir ilişki olmadığından, enerji tüketimi ile ilgili alınacak tedbirler karbondioksit salınımını azaltırken iktisadi büyüme üzerinde olumsuz bir etki doğurmayacaktır.


  • Antonakakis, N., Chatziantoniou, I., & Filis, G. (2017). Energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and economic growth: An ethical dilemma. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68, 808-824.
  • Arouri, M. E. H., Youssef, A. B., M'henni, H., & Rault, C. (2012). Energy consumption, GDP and CO2 in the Middle East and North African countries. Energy policy, 45, 342-349.
  • Aye, G. C., & Edoja, P. E. (2017). Effect of GDP on CO2 in developing countries: Evidence from a dynamic panel threshold model. Cogent Economics & Finance, 5(1), 1379239.
  • Aytaç, D. (2010). Enerji ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisinin çok değişkenli VAR yaklaşımı ile tahmini. Maliye Dergisi, 158(1), 482-495.
  • Bazarcheh Shabestari, N. (2018). Energy Consumption, CO2 and GDP: Sweden's case. Södertörn University, Institution for Social Sciences, Master Essay 30 hp, Spring 2018
  • Bozkurt, C., & Akan, Y. (2014). GDP, CO2 and energy consumption: the Turkish case. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 4(3), 484-494.
  • Chebbi, H. E., & Boujelbene, Y. (2008, August). CO2, energy consumption and GDP in Tunisia. In 12th Congress Of The European Association Of Agricultural Economists.
  • Farhani, S., & Ben Rejeb, J. (2012). Energy consumption, GDP and CO2 : Evidence from panel data for the MENA region. University of Sousse, Tunisia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012, pp. 71-81
  • Govindaraju, V. C., & Tang, C. F. (2013). The dynamic links between CO2, GDP and coal consumption in China and India. Applied Energy, 104, 310-318.
  • Gökçe, C. (2007). Ekonomik Büyüme Sürecinde Enerjinin Değişen Rolü; Türkiye Örneği. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Agustos 2007
  • Hwang, J. H., & Yoo, S. H. (2014). Energy consumption, CO2, and GDP: evidence from Indonesia. Quality & Quantity, 48(1), 63-73.
  • Korkmaz, Ö., & Develi, A. (2012). Türkiye’de Birincil Enerji Kullanimi, Üretimi Ve Gayri Safi Yurt İçi Hasila (Gsyih) Arasindaki İlişki. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2).
  • Lean, H. H., & Smyth, R. (2010). CO2, electricity consumption and output in ASEAN. Applied Energy, 87(6), 1858-1864.
  • Linh, D. H., & Lin, S. (2014). CO2, energy consumption, GDP and FDI in Vietnam. Managing Global Transitions, 12(3), 219-232.
  • Lu, W. C. (2017). Greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and GDP: a panel cointegration analysis for 16 Asian countries. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(11), 1436.
  • Mahmood, M. T., & Shahab, S. (2014). Energy, emissions and the economy: empirical analysis from Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 383-400.
  • Mardani, A., Streimikiene, D., Nilashi, M., Arias Aranda, D., Loganathan, N., & Jusoh, A. (2018). Energy Consumption, GDP, and CO2 in G20 Countries: Application of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System. Energies, 11(10), 2771.
  • Mehmet Akif Destek M.A., Okumuş İ. (2019). Biomass Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and CO2 Emission in G-20 Countries. Journal of Social Sciences of Mus Alparslan University, 2019 7(1) 347–353.
  • Mucuk, M., & Uysal, D. (2009). Türkiye ekonomisinde enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme. Maliye Dergisi, 157, 105-115.
  • Nnaji, C. E., Chukwu, J. O., & Nnaji, M. (2013). Electricity Supply, Fossil fuel Consumption, CO2 and GDP: Implications and Policy Options for Sustainable Development in Nigeria. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 3(3), 262-271.
  • Obradović, S., & Lojanica, N. (2017). Energy use, CO2 and GDP–causality on a sample of SEE countries. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 30(1), 511-526.
  • Öncel, A., Kırca, M., & İnal, V. (2017). Elektrik Tüketimi Ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: OECD Ülkelerine Yönelik Zamanla Değişen Panel Nedensellik Analizi. Maliye Dergisi, 173, 398-420.
  • Özel, Hasan Alp (2012). 'Ekonomik Büyümenin Teorik Temelleri. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, H. A. Özel, Cilt: 2, S: 1, 64-68
  • Palamalai, S., Ravindra, I., & Prakasam, K. (2015). Relationship between energy consumption, CO2, GDP and trade in India. Journal of Economic & Financial Studies, 03(02), 1-17, Vol. 03, No. 02: April (2015)
  • Piętak, Ł. (2014). Review of theories and models of GDP. Comparative Economic Research, 17(1), 45-60.
  • Ranis, G. (2004). Arthur Lewis's contribution to development thinking and policy. The Manchester School, 72(6), 712-723.
  • Sevüktekin, M. & Çınar, M. (2014). Ekonometrik Zaman Serileri Analizi. Bursa: Dora.
  • Shahateet, M. Issa (2014). Modeling GDP and Energy Consumption in Arab Countries: Cointegration and Causality Analysis. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014, pp.349-359.
  • Sledzik, K. (2015). Schumpeter's theory of economic development: an evolutionary perspective. Young Scientists Revue, (ed.) Stefan Hittmar, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
  • Tiwari, A. K. (2011). Energy consumption, CO2 and GDP: Evidence from India. Journal of International Business and Economy, 12(1), 85-122.
  • Wahid, I. N., Aziz, A. A., & Mustapha, N. N. (2013). Energy consumption, GDP and CO2 in selected ASEAN countries. Prosiding Perkem, 8(2), 758-65.
  • Zhou, Y., Sirisrisakulchai, J., Liu, J., & Sriboonchitta, S. (2018, July). The impact of GDP and energy consumption on carbon emissions: evidence from panel quantile regression. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 1053, No. 1, p. 012118, IOP Publishing.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Kemal Erkişi 0000-0001-7197-8768

Duygu Çelik This is me 0000-0003-3298-2152

Publication Date April 24, 2020
Submission Date January 7, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Erkişi, K., & Çelik, D. (2020). The Relationship between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(2), 844-857.
AMA Erkişi K, Çelik D. The Relationship between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey. MJSS. April 2020;9(2):844-857. doi:10.33206/mjss.509570
Chicago Erkişi, Kemal, and Duygu Çelik. “The Relationship Between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9, no. 2 (April 2020): 844-57.
EndNote Erkişi K, Çelik D (April 1, 2020) The Relationship between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9 2 844–857.
IEEE K. Erkişi and D. Çelik, “The Relationship between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey”, MJSS, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 844–857, 2020, doi: 10.33206/mjss.509570.
ISNAD Erkişi, Kemal - Çelik, Duygu. “The Relationship Between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9/2 (April 2020), 844-857.
JAMA Erkişi K, Çelik D. The Relationship between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey. MJSS. 2020;9:844–857.
MLA Erkişi, Kemal and Duygu Çelik. “The Relationship Between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 2, 2020, pp. 844-57, doi:10.33206/mjss.509570.
Vancouver Erkişi K, Çelik D. The Relationship between CO2 Emission, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Case of Turkey. MJSS. 2020;9(2):844-57.

MANAS Journal of Social Studies (MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi)