Year 2018,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 601 - 619, 01.04.2018
Kansu Gencer
Tuğrul Ayyıldız
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of psychological safety, psychological meaningfulness, psychological availability and demographic characteristics on work engagement. This study may contribute information and suggestions to decision making process of hotel managers by explaining that how employees experience psychological conditions in workplace, how work engagement is effected by psychological conditions and demographic characteristics. The study also will help to fill the deficiencies in literature. A questionnaire was applied to 392 hotel employees from 4 and 5 stars hotels in Kuşadası. Findings showed that psychological safety, psychological meaningfulness and psychological availability have statistically meaningful and positive impact on employees’ work engagement. Demographic characteristics had no effect on work engagement
- Attridge, M. (2009). Measuring and Managing Employee Work Engagement: A Review of the Research and Business Literature. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. 24, 383-398.
- Altunışık, R., Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım E. (2004), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri- SPSS Uygulamalı” İstanbul: Sakarya Kitapevi.
- Arenberg, D. (1968). Concept Problem Solving in Young and Old Adults. Journal of Gerontology. 23- 279-282.
- Ashill, J. N., Carruthers J. ve Krisjanous, J. (2005). Antecedents and Outcomes of Service Recovery Performance in a Public Health-Care Environment. Journal of Services Marketing. 19(5), 293 – 308.
- Aydın C. ve Çavuş Ş. (2017), Kuşadası Konaklama İşletmelerinde Çalışanların Örgütsel Stres ve Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri, MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 6(5), 79-95.
- Battaglia, D., Borchardt, M., Afonso, M., Giancarlo, S., Pereira, M. (2012). Service Recovery: A Method for Assessing Performance. Business Process Management Journal, 18(6), 949 – 963.
- Bedarkar, M ve Pandita, D. (2014). A Study on the Drivers of Employee Engagement Impacting Employee Performance. Social and Behavioral Sciences. 133, 106-115.
- Bendoly, E. (2014). System Dynamics Understanding in Projects: Information Sharing, Psychological Safety, and Performance Effects. Production and Operations Management. 23(8), 1352-1369.
- Bitner, J. M., Booms, H. B. ve Tetrault, S. M. (1990). The Service Encounter: Diagnosing Favorable and Unfavorable Incidents. Journal of Marketing. 54, 71-84.
- Dickerson, A. E., Reistetter, T. Ve Gaudy, J. R. (2013). The Perception of Meaningfulness and Performance of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living from the Perspectives of the Medically At-Risk Older Adults and Their Caregivers. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 32(6), 749-764.
- Edmonson, A. (1999). Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, (44)2, 350-383
- Gardner, E. F. ve Monge, R. H. (1977). Adult Age Differences in Cognitive Abilities and Educational Background. Experimental Aging Research. 3, 337-384.
- Gonda, J., Quayhagen, M. ve Schaie, W. (1979). Education, Task Meaningfulness, and Cognitive Performance in Young-Old and Old-Old Adults. Annual Meeting of the Gerontology Society.1-14
- Grant, A. M. (2008). The Significance of Task Significance: Job Performance Effects, Relational Mechanisms, and Boundary Conditions. Journal of Applied Psychology. 93(1), 108 –124.
- Grönroos, C. (2007). Service Management and Marketing, Chichester: Wiley.
- Guchait, P., Lee. C., Wang, Y. C. Ve Abbott, L. J. (2015) Impact of Error Management Practices on Service Recovery Performance and Helping Behaviors içinde The Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Effects of Psychological Safety and Learning Behaviors, Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 15(1), 1-28.
- Guchait, P., Paşamehmetoğlu, A. ve Dawson, M. (2014). Perceived Supervisor and Co-Worker Support for Error Management: Impact on Perceived Psychological Safety and Service Recovery Performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 41, 28-37
- Harputluoğlu D. D. ve Polat D.D. (2017), İşe Tutkunluk ve İş-Aile-İş Çatışmasının İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisi: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama, SOBİDER Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Yıl:4 Sayı: 13 Ağusos, 435-450
- Hirschman, A.O. (1970). Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
- Hochschild, A.R. (1983). The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Hulicka, I. M. (1967) Age Differences in Retention as a Function of Interference. Journal of Gerentology. 22, 180-184.
- Isaksen J 2000.Constructing Meaning Despite the Drudgery of Repetitive Work. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 40(3), 84-107.
- Janik, M. Ve Rothmann, S. (2015), Meaningful Work and Secondary School Teachers’ Intention to Leave, South African Journal of Education, (35)2, 1-13.
- Kahn, W.A. (1990). Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work. Academy of Management Journal, (33)4, 692-724.
- Keaveney, M. S. (1995). Customer Switching Behavior in Service Industries: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Marketing. 59(2), 71-82.
- Kırkbir, F. ve Cengiz, E. (2007). Do Frontline Staff’s Psychographic Attributes and Perception of Organizational Factors Affect Service Recovery Performance? Innovative Marketing. 3(4), 21-29.
- Levasque J.T. Ve Mcdougall G.H. (2000), Service Problems and Recovery Strategies: An Experiment, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, (17) 1, 20-37
- Lunenburg, F. C. (2011). Motivating by Enriching Jobs to Make Them More Interesting and Challenging. International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration 15(1), 1-11.
- Matos, A.C., Ve Henrique L.J. Ve Rossi, V.A.C. (2007), Service Recovery Performance, Journal of Service Research, (10) 1, 60-77.
- May, R.D., Gilson L.R., Ve Harter M.L., (2004), The Psychological Conditions of Meaningfulness, Safety and Availability and the Engagement of the Human Spirit at Work. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 77, 11-37.
- Mccollough, M. A. Berry, L. L. Ve Yadav, S. M. (2000). An Empirical Investigation of Customer Satisfaction After Service Failure and Recovery. Journal of Service Research, 3 (2), 121-137.
- Milliken, J. F., Morrison, W. E. Ve Hewlin, F. P. (2003). An Exploratory Study of Employee Silence: Issues That Employees Don’t Communicate Upward and Why. Journal of Management Studies. 40(6), 1453- 1476.
- Mishra, K.A. Ve Spreitzer M.G. (1998) Explaining How Survivors Respond to Downsizing: The Roles of Trust, Empowerment, Justice and Work Redesign, Academy of Management, 23 (3), 567-588.
- Morris, A.J. ve Feldman, C.D. (1996), The Dimensions, Antecedents, and Consequences of Emotional Labor, The Academy of Management Review, 21(4), 986-1010.
- Nguyen T. D. ve Kennedy, M. R. J. (2003). Diffusing Customer Anger in Service Recovery: A Conceptual Framework. Australasian Marketing Journal 11(2), 46-55.
- Oliver, A., Rothmann, S., (2007) Antecedents of Work Engagement in A Multinational Oil Company, SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 33 (3), 49-56.
- Roberts, N. A., ve Levenson, R. W. (2001). The Remains of the Workday: Impact of Job Stress and Exhaustion On Marital Interaction in Police Couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 1052-1067.
- Robinson, D., Perryman, S., Hayday, S., (2004). The Drivers of Employee Engagement. Institute For Employement Studies.
- Schein, H. E. (2004), Organizational Culture and Leadership (3. Edition), Jossey-Bass, San Francisco
- Shamir, B. (1991). Meaning, Self and Motivation in Organizations. Organization Studies, 12, 405-424.
- Sinnott, J. D. (1975). Everyday Thinking and Piagetian Operativity in Adults. Human Developement. 18, 430-443.
- Smith, K. A., Bolton, N. R. Ve Wagner, J. (1999). A Model of Customer Satisfaction With Service Encounters Involving Failure and Recovery. Journal of Marketing Research. 36(3), 356-372.
- Tabachnick, B.G., ve Fidell, L.S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics (6th ed.). Pearson: New York.
- Ulusoy, N., Mölders, C., Fischer, S., Bayur, H., Deveci, S., Demiral, Y. Ve Rössler, W. (2016). A Matter of Psychological Safety: Commitment and Mental Health in Turkish Immigrant Employees in Germany. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1-20.
- Van Zyl, L. E., Deacon, E., & Rothmann, S. (2010). Towards Happiness: Experiences of Work-Role Fit, Meaningfulness and Work Engagement of Industrial/Organisational Psychologists in South Africa. South African Journal of Industrial Psychology, 36(1). 1–10.
- Vlaardingerbroek, D. G. (1983). Psychological Availability How Work Experiences Spill Over into Daily Family Interactions. Ipskamp Drukkers
- Williams, K. D. & Karau, S. J. (1991). Social Loafing and Social Compensation: The Effects of Expectations of Co-Worker Performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 61(4), 570-581.
- Wirtz, J. ve Mattila, S. A. (2004). Consumer Responses To Compensation, Speed of Recovery and Apology After A Service Failure. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(2), 150 – 166.
- Yazıcıoğlu, Y. & Erdoğan, S., (2007), SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, 2. Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
- Zhang, Y., Fang, Y., Wei, K. ve Chen, H. (2010). Exploring the Role of Psychological Safety in Promoting the Intention To Continue Sharing Knowledge in Virtual Communities, International Journal of Information Management, 30, 425-436
- NOT: Bu çalışma “Hizmet Hatası Telafisi Performansının Psikolojik Öncülleri: Otel İşletmeleri Örneği” başlıklı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.
Demografik Özellikler ve Psikolojik Koşulların İşe Tutkunluğa Etkisi: Otel İşletmeleri Örneği
Year 2018,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 601 - 619, 01.04.2018
Kansu Gencer
Tuğrul Ayyıldız
Bu çalışmanın amacı otel işletmelerinde demografik özellikler, psikolojik güvenlik, psikolojik uygunluk ve psikolojik anlamlılığın işe tutkunluğa etkilerini saptamaktır. Bu çalışma ile otel işgörenlerinin demografik özelliklerinin ve psikolojik koşullarla ilgili algılarının işe tutkunluğa etkileri açıklanarak otel yöneticilerinin bilgi edinmesine ve etkin kararlar almasına yardımcı olunabilecek, akademik açıdan ise alanyazındaki eksikliklerin giderilmesine katkı sağlanabilecektir. Araştırma kapsamında Kuşadası bölgesindeki 4 ve 5 yıldızlı 392 otel personeline anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda psikolojik güvenlik, psikolojik uygunluk ve psikolojik anlamlılığın işe tutkunluk üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve pozitif etkiye sahip olduğu; demografik özelliklerin ise işe tutkunluk üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olmadığı saptanmıştır
- Attridge, M. (2009). Measuring and Managing Employee Work Engagement: A Review of the Research and Business Literature. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. 24, 383-398.
- Altunışık, R., Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım E. (2004), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri- SPSS Uygulamalı” İstanbul: Sakarya Kitapevi.
- Arenberg, D. (1968). Concept Problem Solving in Young and Old Adults. Journal of Gerontology. 23- 279-282.
- Ashill, J. N., Carruthers J. ve Krisjanous, J. (2005). Antecedents and Outcomes of Service Recovery Performance in a Public Health-Care Environment. Journal of Services Marketing. 19(5), 293 – 308.
- Aydın C. ve Çavuş Ş. (2017), Kuşadası Konaklama İşletmelerinde Çalışanların Örgütsel Stres ve Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri, MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 6(5), 79-95.
- Battaglia, D., Borchardt, M., Afonso, M., Giancarlo, S., Pereira, M. (2012). Service Recovery: A Method for Assessing Performance. Business Process Management Journal, 18(6), 949 – 963.
- Bedarkar, M ve Pandita, D. (2014). A Study on the Drivers of Employee Engagement Impacting Employee Performance. Social and Behavioral Sciences. 133, 106-115.
- Bendoly, E. (2014). System Dynamics Understanding in Projects: Information Sharing, Psychological Safety, and Performance Effects. Production and Operations Management. 23(8), 1352-1369.
- Bitner, J. M., Booms, H. B. ve Tetrault, S. M. (1990). The Service Encounter: Diagnosing Favorable and Unfavorable Incidents. Journal of Marketing. 54, 71-84.
- Dickerson, A. E., Reistetter, T. Ve Gaudy, J. R. (2013). The Perception of Meaningfulness and Performance of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living from the Perspectives of the Medically At-Risk Older Adults and Their Caregivers. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 32(6), 749-764.
- Edmonson, A. (1999). Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, (44)2, 350-383
- Gardner, E. F. ve Monge, R. H. (1977). Adult Age Differences in Cognitive Abilities and Educational Background. Experimental Aging Research. 3, 337-384.
- Gonda, J., Quayhagen, M. ve Schaie, W. (1979). Education, Task Meaningfulness, and Cognitive Performance in Young-Old and Old-Old Adults. Annual Meeting of the Gerontology Society.1-14
- Grant, A. M. (2008). The Significance of Task Significance: Job Performance Effects, Relational Mechanisms, and Boundary Conditions. Journal of Applied Psychology. 93(1), 108 –124.
- Grönroos, C. (2007). Service Management and Marketing, Chichester: Wiley.
- Guchait, P., Lee. C., Wang, Y. C. Ve Abbott, L. J. (2015) Impact of Error Management Practices on Service Recovery Performance and Helping Behaviors içinde The Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Effects of Psychological Safety and Learning Behaviors, Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 15(1), 1-28.
- Guchait, P., Paşamehmetoğlu, A. ve Dawson, M. (2014). Perceived Supervisor and Co-Worker Support for Error Management: Impact on Perceived Psychological Safety and Service Recovery Performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 41, 28-37
- Harputluoğlu D. D. ve Polat D.D. (2017), İşe Tutkunluk ve İş-Aile-İş Çatışmasının İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisi: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama, SOBİDER Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Yıl:4 Sayı: 13 Ağusos, 435-450
- Hirschman, A.O. (1970). Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
- Hochschild, A.R. (1983). The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Hulicka, I. M. (1967) Age Differences in Retention as a Function of Interference. Journal of Gerentology. 22, 180-184.
- Isaksen J 2000.Constructing Meaning Despite the Drudgery of Repetitive Work. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 40(3), 84-107.
- Janik, M. Ve Rothmann, S. (2015), Meaningful Work and Secondary School Teachers’ Intention to Leave, South African Journal of Education, (35)2, 1-13.
- Kahn, W.A. (1990). Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work. Academy of Management Journal, (33)4, 692-724.
- Keaveney, M. S. (1995). Customer Switching Behavior in Service Industries: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Marketing. 59(2), 71-82.
- Kırkbir, F. ve Cengiz, E. (2007). Do Frontline Staff’s Psychographic Attributes and Perception of Organizational Factors Affect Service Recovery Performance? Innovative Marketing. 3(4), 21-29.
- Levasque J.T. Ve Mcdougall G.H. (2000), Service Problems and Recovery Strategies: An Experiment, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, (17) 1, 20-37
- Lunenburg, F. C. (2011). Motivating by Enriching Jobs to Make Them More Interesting and Challenging. International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration 15(1), 1-11.
- Matos, A.C., Ve Henrique L.J. Ve Rossi, V.A.C. (2007), Service Recovery Performance, Journal of Service Research, (10) 1, 60-77.
- May, R.D., Gilson L.R., Ve Harter M.L., (2004), The Psychological Conditions of Meaningfulness, Safety and Availability and the Engagement of the Human Spirit at Work. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 77, 11-37.
- Mccollough, M. A. Berry, L. L. Ve Yadav, S. M. (2000). An Empirical Investigation of Customer Satisfaction After Service Failure and Recovery. Journal of Service Research, 3 (2), 121-137.
- Milliken, J. F., Morrison, W. E. Ve Hewlin, F. P. (2003). An Exploratory Study of Employee Silence: Issues That Employees Don’t Communicate Upward and Why. Journal of Management Studies. 40(6), 1453- 1476.
- Mishra, K.A. Ve Spreitzer M.G. (1998) Explaining How Survivors Respond to Downsizing: The Roles of Trust, Empowerment, Justice and Work Redesign, Academy of Management, 23 (3), 567-588.
- Morris, A.J. ve Feldman, C.D. (1996), The Dimensions, Antecedents, and Consequences of Emotional Labor, The Academy of Management Review, 21(4), 986-1010.
- Nguyen T. D. ve Kennedy, M. R. J. (2003). Diffusing Customer Anger in Service Recovery: A Conceptual Framework. Australasian Marketing Journal 11(2), 46-55.
- Oliver, A., Rothmann, S., (2007) Antecedents of Work Engagement in A Multinational Oil Company, SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 33 (3), 49-56.
- Roberts, N. A., ve Levenson, R. W. (2001). The Remains of the Workday: Impact of Job Stress and Exhaustion On Marital Interaction in Police Couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 1052-1067.
- Robinson, D., Perryman, S., Hayday, S., (2004). The Drivers of Employee Engagement. Institute For Employement Studies.
- Schein, H. E. (2004), Organizational Culture and Leadership (3. Edition), Jossey-Bass, San Francisco
- Shamir, B. (1991). Meaning, Self and Motivation in Organizations. Organization Studies, 12, 405-424.
- Sinnott, J. D. (1975). Everyday Thinking and Piagetian Operativity in Adults. Human Developement. 18, 430-443.
- Smith, K. A., Bolton, N. R. Ve Wagner, J. (1999). A Model of Customer Satisfaction With Service Encounters Involving Failure and Recovery. Journal of Marketing Research. 36(3), 356-372.
- Tabachnick, B.G., ve Fidell, L.S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics (6th ed.). Pearson: New York.
- Ulusoy, N., Mölders, C., Fischer, S., Bayur, H., Deveci, S., Demiral, Y. Ve Rössler, W. (2016). A Matter of Psychological Safety: Commitment and Mental Health in Turkish Immigrant Employees in Germany. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1-20.
- Van Zyl, L. E., Deacon, E., & Rothmann, S. (2010). Towards Happiness: Experiences of Work-Role Fit, Meaningfulness and Work Engagement of Industrial/Organisational Psychologists in South Africa. South African Journal of Industrial Psychology, 36(1). 1–10.
- Vlaardingerbroek, D. G. (1983). Psychological Availability How Work Experiences Spill Over into Daily Family Interactions. Ipskamp Drukkers
- Williams, K. D. & Karau, S. J. (1991). Social Loafing and Social Compensation: The Effects of Expectations of Co-Worker Performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 61(4), 570-581.
- Wirtz, J. ve Mattila, S. A. (2004). Consumer Responses To Compensation, Speed of Recovery and Apology After A Service Failure. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(2), 150 – 166.
- Yazıcıoğlu, Y. & Erdoğan, S., (2007), SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, 2. Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
- Zhang, Y., Fang, Y., Wei, K. ve Chen, H. (2010). Exploring the Role of Psychological Safety in Promoting the Intention To Continue Sharing Knowledge in Virtual Communities, International Journal of Information Management, 30, 425-436
- NOT: Bu çalışma “Hizmet Hatası Telafisi Performansının Psikolojik Öncülleri: Otel İşletmeleri Örneği” başlıklı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.