«Cengiz AYTMATOV’un evreni» kavramının 3 tanım ve açıklamasını vermek mümkündür:
Birincisi – Aytmatov’un bir
insan olarak dünya, evren algılayışı değişik ve sıradışı olduğundan, yazarın
dünyası ile evreni biri birine bağlıdır.
AYTMATOV evreninin ikinci tanımı – insan ile diğer insanın konuşmasıdır. AYTMATOV kendisi
sıradışı bir insan olarak halkına, Türk dünyasına ve tüm insanoğluna hasretini,
kasvetini aktarmış, insanlar ile paylaşmış gibidir.
AYTMATOV evreninin üçüncü tanımı – insanoğlunu Kırgız halkının yegane değerleriyle
Cengiz AYTMATOV ise, yaşadığı döneme uygun olarak Kırgızların
karakterinde Varoluşçuluk felsefesini yansıtarak dünyaya tanıştırmıştır.
İnsanoğlunu daha ileriye, daha iyiye çağıran, dünyanın entellektüel
güçlerini bir araya getiren «Isık Göl Forumu’nu» da AYTMATOV düzenlemiştir. Cengiz atamızın
dediği gibi «Bizler bütün insanoğluna hitap ediyoruz» ifadesi hala
Böylelikle, AYTMATOV
dediğimizde Kırgızların özel, onlara has varoluşçuluk felsefesinin oluştuğunu
As stated in ancient
Greek philosophy, every person is a microcosm. In this regard, what does the
concept of “Aitmatov’s universe” include, the universe of a person who acts as
a symbol of Kyrgyz culture? Is it possible to present the writer's creativity
as a phenomenon of “Aitmatov's philosophy”?
I would like to highlight the three meanings of the
Aitmatov universe:
The first meaning is
the perception of this world by Aitmatov’s personality, i.e. macrocosm. It is
about the relationship between the writer's universe and the universe as the
universe. This is the allegorical significance of the meeting of two universes.
“And the day lasts longer than a century” or “The spotted dog running along the
edge of the sea” reflects the particular perception of reality by the writer. The
dialectic of the relationship between man and the universe is that if a man
without a universe simply does not exist, the universe without a man will not
be able to reflect his laws of being.
The second meaning is
the meeting of the personality of the writer with the personality of the
reader. This is the appeal of the personality of Aitmatov to each of us, i.e.
intimate talk. “Face to face”, “Farewell, Gulsary” show the world of the
individual as a special universe with which the writer's universe communicates.
The writer socializes the human universe and, in accordance with historical
time, finds answers to the most important questions of human nature.
The third meaning is
the projection of the spiritual culture of the Kyrgyz people in the Aitmatov
universe. It is like preserving the national memory of the Kyrgyz. That is why,
over time, the writer himself became a special symbol of the people, the Kyrgyz
culture in general. This can be seen in the works “White Ship”, “Early Cranes”. The works of Aitmatov managed to
convey to the world the charm of the Kyrgyz soul, contemplating this world and
responding to special manifestations of artistry.
"The Aitmatov
Universe" in the present is an established term that reveals the richness
of Aitmatov's nature in three basic ways: personal, spiritual-cultural, and
universal. In this regard, the philosophical interpretation of this term
projects the world view context, rather than the literary.
The concept of
Aitmatov's philosophy is more specific, allowing you to focus not on the
literary analysis of his works, but on the philosophical nature of the writer's
thoughts. In this regard, Aitmatov's reasoning is considered as an existential
philosophy, allowing to relate the thoughts and actions of a person in the
context of essence and existence. The Kyrgyz version of existential ideas is
presented in many works of the writer, when arguments about the meaning of
human life are projected in the Kyrgyz understanding of the world. The
relations “the universe is a man, a man is a person, life is death, a man is
nature” in the works of Aitmatov receive a kind of interpretation in the
context of the originality of Kyrgyz culture. If we take the novel “The
Cassandra Brand”, here we can talk about the universal significance of the
problems of essence and existence in the Aitmatov performance. Global changes
of the world have generated adequate global thoughts about the essence, purpose
and purpose of human life. It is no coincidence that his words at the opening
of the Issyk-Kul Forum became a call for a deeper appeal of the human spirit:
“in art, we appeal primarily to the word, to the spirit, and to consciousness
as such, as the initial impulses of life-thinking beings, in the hope that
endless knowledge his own essence will help a person to survive and to re-find
himself ... ". This means that Aitmatov’s work in an existential sense can
be divided into two stages — the national version of existential ideas, and the
global level of understanding and reflection of human essence.
The phenomenon of
Aitmatov as a writer is revealed in the fact that he seems to open his inner
world to everyone who tries to get in touch with his works. That is why a
dialogical monologue of a person with himself, a dialogue with a writer and the
world as a universe, is born. Obviously, this is the phenomenon of Aitmatov,
his greatness, his wisdom and subtle sophistication, his closeness to the human
soul and the ability to present the problems of man to the whole world.
Чыңгыз Айтматовдун чыгармачылыгы кыргыз маданиятынын гана эмес, дүйнөлүк маданиятынын алтын казынасына кирген көркөм бийиктик болуп эсептелинет. Ошондон улам жазуучунун мурасын философиялык жактан талдоо максаты коюлду. ―Айтматовдун ааламы‖ аттуу түшүнүктүн негизги маанилери изилденип, байыркы грек ―микрокосмос‖ менен ―макрокосмос‖ түшүнүктөрү аркылуу каралып чыкты. Айтматовдун ааламынын үч негизги мааниси белгиленип келет: Айтматовдун инсан катарында бул дүйнөнү, жалпы ааламды кабыл алуусу өзгөчө керемет болгондуктан, жазуучунун ааламы менен дүйнөлүк ааламдын өз ара байланышы каралып чыгат; инсан менен инсандын баарлашуусу катарында Айтматовдун окурмандарга карата улуу насааты белгиленет; кыргыз элинин нукура байлыгын, руханий маданиятын, кыргыз жашоосун жалпы дүйнөгө сүрөттөлүшү да чагылдырылып келет. ―Айтматовдун философиясы‖ аттуу түшүнүгү болсо экзистенциалдык алкакта каралып чыкты. Адамдын маӊызы бы бийик, же болбосо кыйынчылыктарды туудурган күнүмдүк жашоосу бу бийик – Айтматовдун сөзү менен айтканда, бул бир ойлоно турган нерсе экен. Айтматовдун философиясы аттуу түшүнүктүн эң бир даана чагылдырылган мааниси жазуучунун трагедия категориясын кабыл алуусунда көрүнүп турат. Айтматов трагедиянын бир гана негативдүү маанисин алдыга койбостон, анын ички мазмунунда маанилүү, пайдалуу жана позитивдүү нерсе да жатат деп санаганы философиялык жааттан каралып чыгат.
Primary Language | Russian |
Journal Section | Review |
Authors | |
Publication Date | July 21, 2020 |
Submission Date | March 26, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2020 Volume: 9 Issue: 3 |
MANAS Journal of Social Studies