Research Article
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Manas Anlatılarının Bilgisayar Destekli Analizi: Gösteriler ve Yol Tarifleri

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 1506 - 1515, 30.07.2021


 Bu makale, bilgisayar destekli metin analizinin Manas Çalışmaları alanına nasıl çok büyük bir katkıda bulunabileceğini göstermektedir. Her ne kadar genel örüntüler ve kalıplar geleneksel analiz araçlarıyla çalışılabilse de, metinsel varyantların nicelleştirilmesi daha özgün ve detaylı kavrayışları mümkün kılabilecek istatistiksel veriler sağlayarak müphem genel kanaatlerin ötesine geçmemizi sağlar. Bu yöntem, bireysel icralara ve icracılara karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde ışık tutarken, ilişkilendirme ve değişkenlerin etkisinin ölçülmesi de dâhil olmak üzere konuyla ilgili daha fazla araştırma için bir zemin sunabilir. Kısacası bu makale, sürekli büyüyen bir literatürle başa çıkmak üzere belirli unsurlar üzerine olası araştırmalar önermekte ve büyük ölçekli bilgisayar destekli literatür analizinden elde edilebilecek potansiyel bulguları ve yeni bakış açılarını vurgulamaktadır.


  • AKYN Research Group. (2018). ‘AKYN Project’. Access address:
  • Almásy, G. v. (1911-12). Der Abschied des Helden Manas von seinem Sohne Sėmetėy: aus dem karakirgisischen Epos ‘‘Manasdın kısası’. Keleti Szemle, 12, 216-223.
  • Artman, V. M. (2016). The State and the Sacred: Memory, Theology, and Identity in Kyrgyzstan (Doctoral Thesis). University of Kansas, Kansas.
  • Bakchiev, T. (2011). Manastin Ashi. Bishkek: Turar.
  • Bakchiev, T. (2012). Almabettin jomogu. Bishkek: Kug-Ber.
  • Botoyarov, K. (Eds.). (1996). Köönörgüs muras: “Manastın” “Kökötöydün ašı” epizodunun Č. Valikhanov jazdırıp algan variantı. Completed by T. Čorotegin. Bishkek: Kyrgyzstan-Soros/Aibek.
  • Bruley, J. (2019). L’épopée de Manas; étude historique, patrimoniale et ethnographique (Doctoral Thesis). Université de Lille, Lille.
  • Cranenburgh, A. v. (2018). Cliché Expressions in Literary and Genre Novels. In Proceedings of the Second Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (LaTeCH-CLfL-2018) (pp. 34-43). Sante Fe: Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Dor, R. (1982). Un fragment pamirien de Manas. Central Asiatic Journal, 26, 1-55.
  • Duishembieva, J. (2015). Visions of Community: Literary Culture and Social Change among the Northern Kyrgyz, 1865-1924 (Doctoral Thesis). University of Washington, Washington.
  • Hatto, A. T. (Eds.). (1977). The Memoiral Feast for Kökötöy-Khan (Kökötöydün ašı): A Kirghiz Epic Poem. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hatto, A. T. (1989). Epithets in Kirghiz Epic Poetry 1856-1869. In J. B. Hainsworth (Eds.), Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry, vol. ii, Characteristics and Techniques (pp. 71-93). London: Modern Humanities Research Association.
  • Hatto, A. T. (Eds.). (1990). The Manas of Wilhelm Radloff. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
  • Hatto, A. T. (1992). Die Marschrouten in der ältern kirgischen Heldenepik. Fragen, 5, 331-341.
  • Hatto, A. T. (1997). Tradition and Change in the Kirghiz Manas. In S. Akiner & N. Sims-Williams (Eds.), Languages and Scripts of Central Asia (pp. 99-105). London: School of Oriental and African Studies.
  • Hatto, A. T. (2000). Textology and epic texts from Siberia and beyond. In L. Honko (Eds.), Textualization of Oral Epics (pp. 129-160). Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110825848.129.
  • Heide, N. v. d. (2015). Spirited Performance: The Manas Epic and Society in Krygyzstan. Bremen: EHV Academicpress GmbH.
  • Jacquesson, S. (2020). Claiming heritage: the Manas epic between China and Kyrgyzstan. Central Asian Survey. doi: 10.1080/02634937.2020.1765739.
  • Jumaturdu, A. (2016). A Comparative Study of Performers of the Manas Epic. Journal of American Folklore, 129, 288-296. doi: 10.5406/jamerfolk.129.513.0288.
  • Kara, D. S. (2010). Kalmak: The Enemy in Kazak and Kirghiz Epic Songs. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 63(2), 167-178. doi: 10.1556/AOrient.63.2010.2.3.
  • Karalaev, S. (1984-1991). Manas, Semetei, Seitek. Frunze: Kirghizstan basmasi.
  • Kydyrbaeva, R. Z. (1984). Skazitel’skoe mastervo manasči. Frunze: Ilim.
  • Liu, H. (2014). 57 wan han “manasi” shou chao ben bei fa xian yuan ben yi bei shao hui’. ChinaNews July 7 2014. Access address:
  • Lord, A. B. (2003). The Singer of Tales. Second edition: S. Mitchell and G. Nagy (Eds.). Cambridge, MA/London: Harvard University Press.
  • Mamay, J. (1984-1994). Manas. 18 vols. Urumqi: People’s Publishing House.
  • Moretti, F. (2007). Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for Literary History. London/New York: Verso.
  • Moretti, F. (2013). Distant Reading. London: Verso.
  • Moretti, F. (Eds.). (2017). Canon/Archive: Studies in Quantative Formalism from the Stanford Literary Lab. New York: n+1 Foundation.
  • Musaev, S. (1995). The Epos “Manas”. In S. Aliev, R. Sarypbekov, & K. Matiev (Eds.), Encyclopaedical Phenomenon of Epos “Manas” (pp. 276-294). Bishkek: Glavnaya redaktsiya Kyrgyzskoĭ Èntsiklopedii.
  • National Academy of Sciences. (2016). National Academy of Sciences Online Manuscript Catalogue. Access address:
  • Orozbakov, S. (1978-1982). Manas Epos. Frunze: Kirghizstan basmasi.
  • Orozbakov, S. (2010). Manas: Kyrgyz elinin baatyrdyk eposu, Sagymbai Orozbakovdun varianty boiuncha. S. Musaev & A. Akmataliev (Eds). Bishkek: Khan-Teŋir.
  • Öztürk, G. (2015). Müşterek Doğu Türkçesi İmlasıyla Yazılmış Arap Harfli Metinlerin Çağdaş Lehçelere Uyarlanarak Okunması Meselesi ve Kırgız Akın Maldıbay Borzu uulu nun Kısxsa i Semetey Bu Turur Örneği. Marmara Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11, 61-71.
  • Parry, A. (Eds.). (1971). The Making of Homeric Verse: The Collected Papers of Milman Parry. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Plumtree, J. (2019). A Kyrgyz Singer Of Tales: Formulas in Three Performances of the Birth of Manas by Talantaaly Bakchiev. Doklady Nacionalʹnoj akademii nauk Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki, 1, 125-133.
  • Plumtree, J. (Forthcoming). A Telling Tradition: Preliminary Comments on the Epic of Manas, 1856- 2018.
  • Plumtree, J. & Jeenbekova, A. (Forthcoming). Replicating the Birth of Manas: Composition Methods of Doolot Sydykov and Talantaaly Bakchiev.
  • Prior, D. (1998). Bok-murun’s Itinerary Ridden: Report on an Expedition Through Kirghiz Epic Geography. Central Asiatic Journal, 42, 238-282.
  • Prior, D. (2000). Patron, Party, Patrimony: Notes on the Cultural History of the Kirghiz Epic Tradition. Bloomington: Indiana University Research Institute for Inner Asia Studies.
  • Prior, D. (2002). The Twilight Age of the Kirghiz Epic Tradition (Doctoral Thesis). Indiana University, Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana.
  • Prior, D. (Eds.). (2006). The Semetey of Kenje Kara: A Kirghiz Epic Performance on Phonograph with a Musical Score and a Compacy Disc of the Phonograph. With the assistance fo Ishembi Obolbekov. Wiesbaden: Harrasswitz Verlag.
  • Prior, D. (2009). Travels of Mount Qāf: From Legend to 42º 0’ to N 79º E. Oriente Moderno, 89, 425-444. doi: 10.1163/22138617-08902015.
  • Prior, D. (Eds.). (2013). The Šabdan Baatır Codex: Epic and the Writing of Northern Kirghiz History: Edition, Translation and Interpretations, with a Facsimile of the Unique Manuscript. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
  • Prior, D. (2019). A Qırghız verse narrative of rebellion and exile by Musa Chaghatay uulu. In A. Chokobaeva, C. Drieu, & A. Morrison (Eds.), The Central Asian Revolt of 1916: A Collapsing Empire in the Age of War and Revolution (pp. 308-326). Manchester: Manchester University Press. doi: 10.7765/9781526129437.00022.
  • Radlovym, V. V. [Radloff, W]. (1885). Obraztsy narodnoj literatury severnych tjurkich plemem, vol. 5, narečie dikokamennych Kirgizov. St Petersburgh: Commisionäre der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Ready, J. L. The Textualization of the Homeric Epic by Means of Dictation. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 145, 1-75. doi: 10.1353/apa.2015.0005.
  • Reichl, K. (1992). Turkic Oral Epic Poetry. New York and London: Garland, 1992.
  • Reichl, K. (2016). Oral Epics into the Twenty-First Century: The Case of the Kyrgyz Epic Manas. Journal of American Folklore, 129, 327-344. doi: 10.5406/jamerfolk.129.513.0327.
  • Reichl, K. (2019). Oral Epics Along the Silk Road: The Turkic Traditions of Xinjiang. CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature, 38, 45-63. doi: 10.1080/01937774.2019.1633161.
  • Sarypbekov, R. (Eds.) (1994). Manas: Kȯkȯtȯĭdun ashy. Tynybek: Semeteĭ baatyrdan bir bȯlum: ėpos. Bishkek: Ala-Too.
  • Sinclair, S. & G. Rockwell. (2016a). Hermeneutica: Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities. Cambridge, MA / London: MIT Press.
  • Sinclair, S. & G. Rockwell. (2016b). Voyant Tools. Access address:
  • Underwood, T. (2017). A Genealogy of Distant Reading. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 11. 2. Access address:
  • Underwood, T. (2019). Distant Horizons: Digital Evidence and Literary Change. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
  • Yunusaliev, B. M. (Eds.). (1958-1960). Manas, Semetey, Seitek. Frunze: Kyrgyzmambas.

Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 1506 - 1515, 30.07.2021


This paper shows how computer-assisted text analysis can greatly aid the field of Manas Studies. Though general patterns can be noted through traditional means of analysis, quantifying textual variants sidesteps the use of vague general impressions by providing statistical data that can permit more specific and nuanced insights. In addition to illuminating individual performances and performers via comparison, this method can further research into the topic including attribution, and measuring the impact of variables. The paper then proposes possible research into specific elements to deal with an ever-growing corpus, and stresses the potential findings and fresh perspectives from using large-scale computer-assisted corpus analysis.


  • AKYN Research Group. (2018). ‘AKYN Project’. Access address:
  • Almásy, G. v. (1911-12). Der Abschied des Helden Manas von seinem Sohne Sėmetėy: aus dem karakirgisischen Epos ‘‘Manasdın kısası’. Keleti Szemle, 12, 216-223.
  • Artman, V. M. (2016). The State and the Sacred: Memory, Theology, and Identity in Kyrgyzstan (Doctoral Thesis). University of Kansas, Kansas.
  • Bakchiev, T. (2011). Manastin Ashi. Bishkek: Turar.
  • Bakchiev, T. (2012). Almabettin jomogu. Bishkek: Kug-Ber.
  • Botoyarov, K. (Eds.). (1996). Köönörgüs muras: “Manastın” “Kökötöydün ašı” epizodunun Č. Valikhanov jazdırıp algan variantı. Completed by T. Čorotegin. Bishkek: Kyrgyzstan-Soros/Aibek.
  • Bruley, J. (2019). L’épopée de Manas; étude historique, patrimoniale et ethnographique (Doctoral Thesis). Université de Lille, Lille.
  • Cranenburgh, A. v. (2018). Cliché Expressions in Literary and Genre Novels. In Proceedings of the Second Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (LaTeCH-CLfL-2018) (pp. 34-43). Sante Fe: Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Dor, R. (1982). Un fragment pamirien de Manas. Central Asiatic Journal, 26, 1-55.
  • Duishembieva, J. (2015). Visions of Community: Literary Culture and Social Change among the Northern Kyrgyz, 1865-1924 (Doctoral Thesis). University of Washington, Washington.
  • Hatto, A. T. (Eds.). (1977). The Memoiral Feast for Kökötöy-Khan (Kökötöydün ašı): A Kirghiz Epic Poem. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hatto, A. T. (1989). Epithets in Kirghiz Epic Poetry 1856-1869. In J. B. Hainsworth (Eds.), Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry, vol. ii, Characteristics and Techniques (pp. 71-93). London: Modern Humanities Research Association.
  • Hatto, A. T. (Eds.). (1990). The Manas of Wilhelm Radloff. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
  • Hatto, A. T. (1992). Die Marschrouten in der ältern kirgischen Heldenepik. Fragen, 5, 331-341.
  • Hatto, A. T. (1997). Tradition and Change in the Kirghiz Manas. In S. Akiner & N. Sims-Williams (Eds.), Languages and Scripts of Central Asia (pp. 99-105). London: School of Oriental and African Studies.
  • Hatto, A. T. (2000). Textology and epic texts from Siberia and beyond. In L. Honko (Eds.), Textualization of Oral Epics (pp. 129-160). Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110825848.129.
  • Heide, N. v. d. (2015). Spirited Performance: The Manas Epic and Society in Krygyzstan. Bremen: EHV Academicpress GmbH.
  • Jacquesson, S. (2020). Claiming heritage: the Manas epic between China and Kyrgyzstan. Central Asian Survey. doi: 10.1080/02634937.2020.1765739.
  • Jumaturdu, A. (2016). A Comparative Study of Performers of the Manas Epic. Journal of American Folklore, 129, 288-296. doi: 10.5406/jamerfolk.129.513.0288.
  • Kara, D. S. (2010). Kalmak: The Enemy in Kazak and Kirghiz Epic Songs. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 63(2), 167-178. doi: 10.1556/AOrient.63.2010.2.3.
  • Karalaev, S. (1984-1991). Manas, Semetei, Seitek. Frunze: Kirghizstan basmasi.
  • Kydyrbaeva, R. Z. (1984). Skazitel’skoe mastervo manasči. Frunze: Ilim.
  • Liu, H. (2014). 57 wan han “manasi” shou chao ben bei fa xian yuan ben yi bei shao hui’. ChinaNews July 7 2014. Access address:
  • Lord, A. B. (2003). The Singer of Tales. Second edition: S. Mitchell and G. Nagy (Eds.). Cambridge, MA/London: Harvard University Press.
  • Mamay, J. (1984-1994). Manas. 18 vols. Urumqi: People’s Publishing House.
  • Moretti, F. (2007). Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for Literary History. London/New York: Verso.
  • Moretti, F. (2013). Distant Reading. London: Verso.
  • Moretti, F. (Eds.). (2017). Canon/Archive: Studies in Quantative Formalism from the Stanford Literary Lab. New York: n+1 Foundation.
  • Musaev, S. (1995). The Epos “Manas”. In S. Aliev, R. Sarypbekov, & K. Matiev (Eds.), Encyclopaedical Phenomenon of Epos “Manas” (pp. 276-294). Bishkek: Glavnaya redaktsiya Kyrgyzskoĭ Èntsiklopedii.
  • National Academy of Sciences. (2016). National Academy of Sciences Online Manuscript Catalogue. Access address:
  • Orozbakov, S. (1978-1982). Manas Epos. Frunze: Kirghizstan basmasi.
  • Orozbakov, S. (2010). Manas: Kyrgyz elinin baatyrdyk eposu, Sagymbai Orozbakovdun varianty boiuncha. S. Musaev & A. Akmataliev (Eds). Bishkek: Khan-Teŋir.
  • Öztürk, G. (2015). Müşterek Doğu Türkçesi İmlasıyla Yazılmış Arap Harfli Metinlerin Çağdaş Lehçelere Uyarlanarak Okunması Meselesi ve Kırgız Akın Maldıbay Borzu uulu nun Kısxsa i Semetey Bu Turur Örneği. Marmara Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11, 61-71.
  • Parry, A. (Eds.). (1971). The Making of Homeric Verse: The Collected Papers of Milman Parry. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Plumtree, J. (2019). A Kyrgyz Singer Of Tales: Formulas in Three Performances of the Birth of Manas by Talantaaly Bakchiev. Doklady Nacionalʹnoj akademii nauk Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki, 1, 125-133.
  • Plumtree, J. (Forthcoming). A Telling Tradition: Preliminary Comments on the Epic of Manas, 1856- 2018.
  • Plumtree, J. & Jeenbekova, A. (Forthcoming). Replicating the Birth of Manas: Composition Methods of Doolot Sydykov and Talantaaly Bakchiev.
  • Prior, D. (1998). Bok-murun’s Itinerary Ridden: Report on an Expedition Through Kirghiz Epic Geography. Central Asiatic Journal, 42, 238-282.
  • Prior, D. (2000). Patron, Party, Patrimony: Notes on the Cultural History of the Kirghiz Epic Tradition. Bloomington: Indiana University Research Institute for Inner Asia Studies.
  • Prior, D. (2002). The Twilight Age of the Kirghiz Epic Tradition (Doctoral Thesis). Indiana University, Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana.
  • Prior, D. (Eds.). (2006). The Semetey of Kenje Kara: A Kirghiz Epic Performance on Phonograph with a Musical Score and a Compacy Disc of the Phonograph. With the assistance fo Ishembi Obolbekov. Wiesbaden: Harrasswitz Verlag.
  • Prior, D. (2009). Travels of Mount Qāf: From Legend to 42º 0’ to N 79º E. Oriente Moderno, 89, 425-444. doi: 10.1163/22138617-08902015.
  • Prior, D. (Eds.). (2013). The Šabdan Baatır Codex: Epic and the Writing of Northern Kirghiz History: Edition, Translation and Interpretations, with a Facsimile of the Unique Manuscript. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
  • Prior, D. (2019). A Qırghız verse narrative of rebellion and exile by Musa Chaghatay uulu. In A. Chokobaeva, C. Drieu, & A. Morrison (Eds.), The Central Asian Revolt of 1916: A Collapsing Empire in the Age of War and Revolution (pp. 308-326). Manchester: Manchester University Press. doi: 10.7765/9781526129437.00022.
  • Radlovym, V. V. [Radloff, W]. (1885). Obraztsy narodnoj literatury severnych tjurkich plemem, vol. 5, narečie dikokamennych Kirgizov. St Petersburgh: Commisionäre der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Ready, J. L. The Textualization of the Homeric Epic by Means of Dictation. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 145, 1-75. doi: 10.1353/apa.2015.0005.
  • Reichl, K. (1992). Turkic Oral Epic Poetry. New York and London: Garland, 1992.
  • Reichl, K. (2016). Oral Epics into the Twenty-First Century: The Case of the Kyrgyz Epic Manas. Journal of American Folklore, 129, 327-344. doi: 10.5406/jamerfolk.129.513.0327.
  • Reichl, K. (2019). Oral Epics Along the Silk Road: The Turkic Traditions of Xinjiang. CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature, 38, 45-63. doi: 10.1080/01937774.2019.1633161.
  • Sarypbekov, R. (Eds.) (1994). Manas: Kȯkȯtȯĭdun ashy. Tynybek: Semeteĭ baatyrdan bir bȯlum: ėpos. Bishkek: Ala-Too.
  • Sinclair, S. & G. Rockwell. (2016a). Hermeneutica: Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities. Cambridge, MA / London: MIT Press.
  • Sinclair, S. & G. Rockwell. (2016b). Voyant Tools. Access address:
  • Underwood, T. (2017). A Genealogy of Distant Reading. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 11. 2. Access address:
  • Underwood, T. (2019). Distant Horizons: Digital Evidence and Literary Change. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
  • Yunusaliev, B. M. (Eds.). (1958-1960). Manas, Semetey, Seitek. Frunze: Kyrgyzmambas.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

James Plumtree 0000-0001-5546-7749

Publication Date July 30, 2021
Submission Date July 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Plumtree, J. (2021). Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(3), 1506-1515.
AMA Plumtree J. Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions. MJSS. July 2021;10(3):1506-1515. doi:10.33206/mjss.774574
Chicago Plumtree, James. “Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10, no. 3 (July 2021): 1506-15.
EndNote Plumtree J (July 1, 2021) Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10 3 1506–1515.
IEEE J. Plumtree, “Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions”, MJSS, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1506–1515, 2021, doi: 10.33206/mjss.774574.
ISNAD Plumtree, James. “Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10/3 (July 2021), 1506-1515.
JAMA Plumtree J. Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions. MJSS. 2021;10:1506–1515.
MLA Plumtree, James. “Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1506-15, doi:10.33206/mjss.774574.
Vancouver Plumtree J. Computer-Assisted Analysis of Manas Narratives: Demonstrations and Directions. MJSS. 2021;10(3):1506-15.

MANAS Journal of Social Studies