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Mid to Longer-term Harmful Effects of Riot Control Agents

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 107 - 113, 31.12.2020


Civil authorities and armed forces have not infrequently had recourse to employ Riot Control Agents. Such agents ideally possess a sufficiently high safety ratio. RCAs may induce chronic effects and their safety ratios may, in practice, be lower than expected (e.g. when employed against vulnerable subjects). In this study we analyze whether RCAs induce readily discernible long-term effects. We show that exposure to RCAs can result in subacute and chronic and serious respiratory system, dermatological, and allergic conditions. This research reveals risk factors for developing long term effects of RCAs among younger subjects, or in cases of prolonged or repeated exposure (e.g. occupational exposure). New research should be conducted in order to better characterize all possible harmful effects of RCAs.


  • 1.Olajos EJ, Stopford W. Introduction and historical perspectives. In: Olajos EJ, Stopford W, editors. Riot Control Agents, Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2004:1.
  • 2. Zajtchuk R, editor. Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare. Washington: Office of The Surgeon General Department of the Army, United States of America, 1997:307-322.
  • 3. Olajos EJ, Salem H. Riot control agents: pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry and chemistry. J Appl Toxicol 2001; 21:355-391.
  • 4. Broadstock M. What is the safety of “pepper spray” use by law enforcement or mental health service staff?, NZHTA Tech Brief Series; 2002.
  • 5. Smith J, Greaves I. The use of chemical incapacitant sprays: a review. J Trauma 2002;52:595-600.
  • 6. Watson WA, Stremel KR, Westdorp EJ. Oleoresin capsicum (cap-stun) toxicity from aerosol exposure. Ann Pharmacother 1996;30: 733-5.
  • 7. Brown L, Takeuchi D, Challoner K. Corneal abrasions associated with pepper spray exposure. Am J Emerg Med 2000;18:271-2.
  • 8. Yeung MF, Tang WY. Clinicopathological effects of pepper (oleoresin capsicum) spray. Hong Kong Med J. 2015 Dec;21(6):542-52.
  • 9. Roth VS, Franzblau A. RADS after exposure to a riot-contro agent: a case report. J Occup Environ Med 1996;38:863-5.
  • 10. Collier JG, Fuller RW. Capsaicin inhalation in man and the effects of sodium cromoglycate. Br J Pharmac 1984;81:113-7.
  • 11. Hilmas CJ, Poole M, Katos AM, Williams PT. Riot Control Agents. In: Gupta RC, editor. Handbook of Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents. London: Academic Pres, 2009;153-75.
  • 12. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark RF, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Neuman T. The effect of oleoresin capsicum "pepper" spray inhalation on respiratory function. J Forensic Sci 2002;47(2):299-304.
  • 13. Watson K, Raycroft R. Unintended cutaneous reactions to CS spray. Contact Dermatitis 2005;53:9-13.
  • 14. Carron PN, Yersin B. Management of the effects of exposure to tear gas. BMJ 2009; 19(338):1554-8.
  • 15. Hill AR, Silverberg NB, Mayorga D, Baldwin HE. Medical hazards of the tear gas CS: case of persistent, multisystem, hypersensitivity reaction and review of the literature. Medicine 2000;79:234-40.
  • 16. Rothschild MA, Vendura K. Fatal neck injuries caused by blank cartridges. Forensic Sci Int 1999;101:151–9.
  • 17. Clarot F, Vaz E, Papin F, Clin B, Vicomte C, Proust B. Lethal head injury due to tear-gas cartridge gunshots. Forensic Sci Int 2003;137:45–51.
  • 18. Jacob B, Huckenbeck W, Daldrup T, Haarhoff K. Suicides by starter’s pistol and air guns. Am. J. Forensic Med Pathol 1990;11:285–290.
  • 19. Giese A, Koops E, Lohmann F, Westphal M, Püschel K. Head injury by gunshots from blank cartridges. Surg Neur 2002;5:268–277.
  • 20. Gutch PK, Raza SK, Malhotra RC. Studies On Thermal Degradation Of Benzylidene Malononitrile. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2003;71:593–9.
  • 21. Toprak S. Long term effects of riot control agents. XI. Forensic Sciences Congress, 23-26 April 2014 Cyprus
  • 22. Sommer S, Wilkinson SM. Exposure-pattern dermatitis due to CS gas. Contact Dermatitis 1999;40:46-7.
  • 23. Vaca FE, Myers JH,Langdorf M. Delayed pulmonary edema and bronchospasm after accidental lacrimator exposure. Am J Emerg Med 1996;14(4):402-25.
  • 24. Karaman E, Erturan S, Duman C, Yaman M, Duman GU. Acute laryngeal and bronchial obstruction after CS (o-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile) gas inhalation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2009;266:3014.
  • 25. Thorburn KM. Injuries after use of the lacrimatory agent chloroacetophenone in a confined space. Archives of Environmental Health 1982;37(3):182-6.
  • 26. Agrawal Y, Thornton D, Phipps A. CS gas—Completely safe? A burn case report and literature review. Burns 2009;35:895–7.
  • 27. Billmire DF, Vinocur C, Ginda M, Robinson NB, Panitch H, Friss H, Rubenstein D, Wiley JF. Pepper-spray-induced respiratory failure treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Pediatrics 1996;98(5):961-3.
  • 28. Thomas RJ, Smith PA, Rascona DA, Louthan JD, Gumpert B. Acute pulmonary effects from o-chlorobenzylidenemalonitrile "tear gas": a unique exposure outcome unmasked by strenuous exercise after a military training event. Mil Med 2002; 167(2):136-9.
  • 29. Arora, N. "Cardiac Arrest in a Young Patient Triggered due to Pepper Spray: A Case Report." Austin Crit Care J 6.1 (2019): 1026.
  • 30. Sekowski JW, Dillman JF. Application of Genomic, Proteomic, and Metabolomic Technologies to the Development of Countermeasures against Chemical Warfare Agents. In Romano JA, Lukey BJ, Salem H, eds. Chemical Warfare Agents. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2008:123.
  • 31. Davison N. 'Off the Rocker' and 'On the Floor': the Continued Development of Biochemical Incapacitating Weapons: Bradford University; 2007 Aug. Bradford Science and Technology Report no: 8.
  • 32. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Incapacitating Chemical Agents: Implications for International Law. Geneva: ICRC, 2010.
  • 33. Busker RW. Safety evaluation of Pepper Spray as a police weapon. In 1st European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons, 2001, Germany. http://www.non-lethal-weapons.com/sy01abstracts/v8.pdf (accessed Jan 12, 2020).
  • 34. Pesonen M, Vähäkangas K, Halme M, Vanninen P, Seulanto H, Hemmilä M, Pasanen M, Kuitunen T. Capsaicinoids, chloropicrin and sulfur mustard: possibilities for exposure biomarkers. Front Pharmacol 2010;1:1-12.

Gösteri Kontrol Ajanlarının Uzun Dönem ve Zararlı Etkileri

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 107 - 113, 31.12.2020


Güvenlik güçleri gösteri kontrol ajanlarını sıklıkla kullanmaktadırlar. Gösteri kontrol ajanlarının yüksek güvenlik düzeyine sahip olması gerekir. Bu ajanların kronik etkileri olabilmektedir ve pratikte özellikle duyarlı kişilere karşı kullanıldığında güvenlik düzeyleri beklenenin altında kalabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada gösteri kontrol ajanlarının olası kronik etkileri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Sonuçlarımız, gösteri kontrol ajanlarına maruziyetin kronik ve ciddi solunum sistemi, dermatolojik ve alerjik etkileri olduğunu göstermiştir. Vaka serimizden elde edilen verilere göre, uzun dönemli etkilerin ortaya çıkmasındaki risk faktörleri şunlardır; genç yaş, uzun süren ya da tekrarlayan maruziyet (mesleki maruziyet gibi). Gösteri kontrol ajanlarının tüm olası etkilerini ortaya koyabilmek için yeni çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.


  • 1.Olajos EJ, Stopford W. Introduction and historical perspectives. In: Olajos EJ, Stopford W, editors. Riot Control Agents, Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2004:1.
  • 2. Zajtchuk R, editor. Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare. Washington: Office of The Surgeon General Department of the Army, United States of America, 1997:307-322.
  • 3. Olajos EJ, Salem H. Riot control agents: pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry and chemistry. J Appl Toxicol 2001; 21:355-391.
  • 4. Broadstock M. What is the safety of “pepper spray” use by law enforcement or mental health service staff?, NZHTA Tech Brief Series; 2002.
  • 5. Smith J, Greaves I. The use of chemical incapacitant sprays: a review. J Trauma 2002;52:595-600.
  • 6. Watson WA, Stremel KR, Westdorp EJ. Oleoresin capsicum (cap-stun) toxicity from aerosol exposure. Ann Pharmacother 1996;30: 733-5.
  • 7. Brown L, Takeuchi D, Challoner K. Corneal abrasions associated with pepper spray exposure. Am J Emerg Med 2000;18:271-2.
  • 8. Yeung MF, Tang WY. Clinicopathological effects of pepper (oleoresin capsicum) spray. Hong Kong Med J. 2015 Dec;21(6):542-52.
  • 9. Roth VS, Franzblau A. RADS after exposure to a riot-contro agent: a case report. J Occup Environ Med 1996;38:863-5.
  • 10. Collier JG, Fuller RW. Capsaicin inhalation in man and the effects of sodium cromoglycate. Br J Pharmac 1984;81:113-7.
  • 11. Hilmas CJ, Poole M, Katos AM, Williams PT. Riot Control Agents. In: Gupta RC, editor. Handbook of Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents. London: Academic Pres, 2009;153-75.
  • 12. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark RF, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Neuman T. The effect of oleoresin capsicum "pepper" spray inhalation on respiratory function. J Forensic Sci 2002;47(2):299-304.
  • 13. Watson K, Raycroft R. Unintended cutaneous reactions to CS spray. Contact Dermatitis 2005;53:9-13.
  • 14. Carron PN, Yersin B. Management of the effects of exposure to tear gas. BMJ 2009; 19(338):1554-8.
  • 15. Hill AR, Silverberg NB, Mayorga D, Baldwin HE. Medical hazards of the tear gas CS: case of persistent, multisystem, hypersensitivity reaction and review of the literature. Medicine 2000;79:234-40.
  • 16. Rothschild MA, Vendura K. Fatal neck injuries caused by blank cartridges. Forensic Sci Int 1999;101:151–9.
  • 17. Clarot F, Vaz E, Papin F, Clin B, Vicomte C, Proust B. Lethal head injury due to tear-gas cartridge gunshots. Forensic Sci Int 2003;137:45–51.
  • 18. Jacob B, Huckenbeck W, Daldrup T, Haarhoff K. Suicides by starter’s pistol and air guns. Am. J. Forensic Med Pathol 1990;11:285–290.
  • 19. Giese A, Koops E, Lohmann F, Westphal M, Püschel K. Head injury by gunshots from blank cartridges. Surg Neur 2002;5:268–277.
  • 20. Gutch PK, Raza SK, Malhotra RC. Studies On Thermal Degradation Of Benzylidene Malononitrile. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2003;71:593–9.
  • 21. Toprak S. Long term effects of riot control agents. XI. Forensic Sciences Congress, 23-26 April 2014 Cyprus
  • 22. Sommer S, Wilkinson SM. Exposure-pattern dermatitis due to CS gas. Contact Dermatitis 1999;40:46-7.
  • 23. Vaca FE, Myers JH,Langdorf M. Delayed pulmonary edema and bronchospasm after accidental lacrimator exposure. Am J Emerg Med 1996;14(4):402-25.
  • 24. Karaman E, Erturan S, Duman C, Yaman M, Duman GU. Acute laryngeal and bronchial obstruction after CS (o-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile) gas inhalation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2009;266:3014.
  • 25. Thorburn KM. Injuries after use of the lacrimatory agent chloroacetophenone in a confined space. Archives of Environmental Health 1982;37(3):182-6.
  • 26. Agrawal Y, Thornton D, Phipps A. CS gas—Completely safe? A burn case report and literature review. Burns 2009;35:895–7.
  • 27. Billmire DF, Vinocur C, Ginda M, Robinson NB, Panitch H, Friss H, Rubenstein D, Wiley JF. Pepper-spray-induced respiratory failure treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Pediatrics 1996;98(5):961-3.
  • 28. Thomas RJ, Smith PA, Rascona DA, Louthan JD, Gumpert B. Acute pulmonary effects from o-chlorobenzylidenemalonitrile "tear gas": a unique exposure outcome unmasked by strenuous exercise after a military training event. Mil Med 2002; 167(2):136-9.
  • 29. Arora, N. "Cardiac Arrest in a Young Patient Triggered due to Pepper Spray: A Case Report." Austin Crit Care J 6.1 (2019): 1026.
  • 30. Sekowski JW, Dillman JF. Application of Genomic, Proteomic, and Metabolomic Technologies to the Development of Countermeasures against Chemical Warfare Agents. In Romano JA, Lukey BJ, Salem H, eds. Chemical Warfare Agents. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2008:123.
  • 31. Davison N. 'Off the Rocker' and 'On the Floor': the Continued Development of Biochemical Incapacitating Weapons: Bradford University; 2007 Aug. Bradford Science and Technology Report no: 8.
  • 32. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Incapacitating Chemical Agents: Implications for International Law. Geneva: ICRC, 2010.
  • 33. Busker RW. Safety evaluation of Pepper Spray as a police weapon. In 1st European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons, 2001, Germany. http://www.non-lethal-weapons.com/sy01abstracts/v8.pdf (accessed Jan 12, 2020).
  • 34. Pesonen M, Vähäkangas K, Halme M, Vanninen P, Seulanto H, Hemmilä M, Pasanen M, Kuitunen T. Capsaicinoids, chloropicrin and sulfur mustard: possibilities for exposure biomarkers. Front Pharmacol 2010;1:1-12.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Sadik Toprak 0000-0002-8065-1334

John Hart This is me 0000-0002-8848-4235

Peter Clevestig This is me 0000-0003-1211-4892

Gökhan Ersoy This is me 0000-0002-4594-7172

Burak Gümüş 0000-0002-2331-7196

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Acceptance Date November 6, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


Vancouver Toprak S, Hart J, Clevestig P, Ersoy G, Gümüş B. Mid to Longer-term Harmful Effects of Riot Control Agents. Med J West Black Sea. 2020;4(3):107-13.

Medical Journal of Western Black Sea is a scientific publication of Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University Faculty of Medicine.

This is a refereed journal, which aims at achieving free knowledge to the national and international organizations and individuals related to medical sciences in publishedand electronic forms.

This journal is published three annually in April, August and December.
The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.