Case Report
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Larinks’in Granüler Hücreli Tümörü

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 368 - 372, 30.12.2024


Amaç: Granüler hücreli tümör (GHT), vücudun herhangi bir yerinde ortaya çıkabilen nadir ve genellikle iyi huylu bir nodüldür. Vakaların
%50'si baş ve boyun bölgesinde, özellikle dilde bulunur, larinkste görülme oranı ise %3-10 arasındadır. En sık görülen belirti ses kısıklığı
olup, disfaji, otalji, stridor ve hemoptizi de olabilir. Kadınlarda daha sık görülen bu tümör genellikle 30-50 yaş arasında ortaya çıkar. Tanı,
biyopsi ve klinikopatolojik incelemeye dayanır; cerrahi eksizyon ise ana tedavi yöntemidir. Bu çalışma, larinkste görülen bir olguyu güncel
literatürle birlikte sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Olgu: Otuz sekiz yaşında, bir yıldır ses kısıklığı ve yutma güçlüğü çeken kadın hasta kliniğimize başvurdu. İndirekt laringoskopide sağ
vokal kord üzerinde polipoid, beyaz renkli bir lezyon tespit edildi. Genel anestezi altında yapılan direkt laringoskopi ile lezyon soğuk bıçak
yöntemiyle eksize edildi. Histopatolojik incelemede lezyon granüler hücreli tümör olarak raporlandı. Hastada bir yıl boyunca nüks izlenmedi
ve halen takibi devam etmektedir.
Sonuç: Granüler hücreli tümörler, genellikle iyi huylu ve yavaş büyüyen lezyonlardır ve özellikle posterior vokal korddaki küçük, düzgün
sınırlı lezyonlarda ayırıcı tanıda düşünülmelidir. Nadir görülmeleri nedeniyle uzun dönem seyirleri tam olarak bilinmemekte olup, malignite
riski düşük olsa da nüks açısından uzun dönem takip önerilmektedir.

Supporting Institution





  • 1. Valldeperes A, Thomas-Arrizabalaga I, Alvarez-Ceballos L, Landa M. Granular Cell Tumors of the Larynx: A Clinicopathologic Study of Five Patients. J Voice. 2020;34(6):945-948.
  • 2. Sataloff RT, Ressue JC, Portell M, et al. Granular cell tumors of the larynx. J Voice. 2000;14(1):119-134.
  • 3. Çaylaklı F, Çakmak Ö, Büyüklü F, Bilezikçi B, Özlüoğlu LN. (Granular cell tumor of the tongue: case report). KBB Forum 2003;2(2):38-9
  • 4. Luke AS, Mairson TM, Husain IA, Kaplan SE. Granular Cell Tumors of the Larynx: A Systematic Review. Laryngoscope. 2024;134(4):1523-1530.
  • 5. Abrikossoff A. Über myome. Virchows Arch Pathol Anat Physiol Klin Med.1926;260(1):215-233.
  • 6. Cura MB, Labedz G, Degli Uomini L, Palacios Huatuco RM. Granular cell tumor of the vocal cord: Case Report and Literature Review. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2022;95:107193.
  • 7. Lyons G, Haindel C, Blatt I. Myoblastoma of the larynx. a report of five cases. The Laryngoscope. 1962;72:909–914.
  • 8. Arevalo C, Maly B, Eliashar R, Gross M. Laryngeal granular cell tumor. J Voice. 2008;22(3):339-342.
  • 9. Krecicki T, Zalesska-Krecicka M, Jagas M, Szajowski K, Rak J. Laryngeal cancer in Lower Silesia: descriptive analysis of 501 cases. Oral Oncol. 1998;34(5):377-380.
  • 10. Saraydaroglu O, Narter S, Ozsen M, Coskun H. Non-epithelial tumors of the larynx: case series of 12 years. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019; 276(10):2843-2847.
  • 11. Hwang, Ilseon, et al. “Granular Cell Tumors of the Larynx.” The Korean Journal of Pathology 41 (2007): 284-7.
  • 12. White JB, Glade R, Rossi CT, Bielamowicz S. Granular cell tumors of the larynx: diagnosis and management. J Voice. 2009;23(4):516-517.

Granuler Cell Tumor of the Larynx

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 368 - 372, 30.12.2024


Aim: Granular cell tumor (GCT) is a rare, usually benign nodule that can arise anywhere in the body. Approximately 50% of cases are located
in the head and neck region, particularly in the tongue, with a laryngeal occurrence rate of 3-10%. The most common symptom is hoarseness,
but dysphagia, otalgia, stridor, and hemoptysis can also be present. This tumor, more common in women, typically appears between
the ages of 30 and 50. Diagnosis is based on biopsy and clinicopathological examination, and surgical excision is the primary treatment
method. This study aims to present a case of laryngeal GCT with a review of current literature.
Case: A 38-year-old woman with a one-year history of hoarseness and difficulty swallowing presented to our clinic. Indirect laryngoscopy
revealed a white, polypoid lesion on the right vocal cord. The lesion was excised using a cold knife method under general anesthesia via
direct laryngoscopy. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of granular cell tumor. No recurrence was observed during one
year of follow-up, and the patient’s monitoring continues.
Conclusion: Granular cell tumors are typically benign, slow-growing lesions and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of
small, well-defined lesions, especially in the posterior vocal cord. Due to their rarity, the long-term progression of these tumors is not well
understood; however, despite their low malignancy risk, long-term follow-up is recommended to track for recurrence.


  • 1. Valldeperes A, Thomas-Arrizabalaga I, Alvarez-Ceballos L, Landa M. Granular Cell Tumors of the Larynx: A Clinicopathologic Study of Five Patients. J Voice. 2020;34(6):945-948.
  • 2. Sataloff RT, Ressue JC, Portell M, et al. Granular cell tumors of the larynx. J Voice. 2000;14(1):119-134.
  • 3. Çaylaklı F, Çakmak Ö, Büyüklü F, Bilezikçi B, Özlüoğlu LN. (Granular cell tumor of the tongue: case report). KBB Forum 2003;2(2):38-9
  • 4. Luke AS, Mairson TM, Husain IA, Kaplan SE. Granular Cell Tumors of the Larynx: A Systematic Review. Laryngoscope. 2024;134(4):1523-1530.
  • 5. Abrikossoff A. Über myome. Virchows Arch Pathol Anat Physiol Klin Med.1926;260(1):215-233.
  • 6. Cura MB, Labedz G, Degli Uomini L, Palacios Huatuco RM. Granular cell tumor of the vocal cord: Case Report and Literature Review. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2022;95:107193.
  • 7. Lyons G, Haindel C, Blatt I. Myoblastoma of the larynx. a report of five cases. The Laryngoscope. 1962;72:909–914.
  • 8. Arevalo C, Maly B, Eliashar R, Gross M. Laryngeal granular cell tumor. J Voice. 2008;22(3):339-342.
  • 9. Krecicki T, Zalesska-Krecicka M, Jagas M, Szajowski K, Rak J. Laryngeal cancer in Lower Silesia: descriptive analysis of 501 cases. Oral Oncol. 1998;34(5):377-380.
  • 10. Saraydaroglu O, Narter S, Ozsen M, Coskun H. Non-epithelial tumors of the larynx: case series of 12 years. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019; 276(10):2843-2847.
  • 11. Hwang, Ilseon, et al. “Granular Cell Tumors of the Larynx.” The Korean Journal of Pathology 41 (2007): 284-7.
  • 12. White JB, Glade R, Rossi CT, Bielamowicz S. Granular cell tumors of the larynx: diagnosis and management. J Voice. 2009;23(4):516-517.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Otorhinolaryngology
Journal Section Case Report

Gökhan Furkan Kılıç 0000-0003-3975-3547

Deniz Baklacı 0000-0001-8449-4965

Figen Barut 0000-0003-2084-1678

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date March 7, 2024
Acceptance Date December 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


Vancouver Kılıç GF, Baklacı D, Barut F. Larinks’in Granüler Hücreli Tümörü. Med J West Black Sea. 2024;8(3):368-72.

Medical Journal of Western Black Sea is a scientific publication of Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University Faculty of Medicine.

This is a refereed journal, which aims at achieving free knowledge to the national and international organizations and individuals related to medical sciences in publishedand electronic forms.

This journal is published three annually in April, August and December.
The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.