During the last periods of the Ottoman Empire, the development process of silkworm production started when tax incomes from sericulture were transferred to Public Debts Institution, which was founded in December, 1881. In fact, since 1860s, because there were no cures for the diseases haunting the silkworms, many silkworm producers had abandoned the profession; and thus, the tax revenues were dramatically reduced. The Public Debts Institution, which wanted to increase sericulture tax revenues, tried to find the reasons behind this misconduct and came up with the establishment of Harir Daruttalim as a solution. Shortly after the opening of the school, positive outcomes were observed and as a result, some more steps were taken in order to encourage and to inspect production. Government coordinated regulations, one of which was the foundation of Daruttallim, revived the sericulture as the time went by. Although silkworm eggs were imported before 1888, at the beginning of XX century eggs as well as raw silk materials started to be exported intensively. Cities identified with silk and silk products revived. Tax revenues increased by four hundred percent and this positive atmosphere went on till Balkan and the First World Wars.
Osmanlı'nın son dönemlerinde ipekböcekçiliğinin gelişim süreci, bu kalemden alınan vergilerin Aralık 1881'de kurulan Düyûn-ı Umûmiyye İdaresi'ne bırakılmasıyla başlamıştı. Nitekim idareye devredildiği dönemde 1860'lı yıllardan itibaren özellikle böceklere musallat olan hastalıkların üstesinden gelinemediği için çoğu ziraat ehli ipekböcekçiliğinden el çekmiş, dolayısıyla vergi gelirleri oldukça düşmüştü. İpek varidatını yeniden yükseltmek isteyen Düyûn-ı Umûmiyye İdaresi, sektörün içinde bulunduğu kötü vaziyetin sebeplerini öğrenmek adına yaklaşık dört yıl çeşitli incelemelerde bulundu ve çözüm noktasında ilk çareyi Bursa'da bir Harir Darüttalimi açmakta buldu. Mektebin açılmasından kısa bir süre sonra müspet neticelerin görülmesi üzerine üretimi denetleyici ve teşvik edici pratik tedbirlerin alınmasına devam edildi. Başta Darüttalim'in tesisi olmak üzere devletle koordineli olarak gerçekleştirilen düzenlemeler, zamanın akışı içerisinde ipekböcekçiliğine yeniden hayat verdi. 1888 yılından önce ipekböceği yumurtası ithal edilirken XX. yüzyılın hemen başında gerek yumurta ve gerekse ham ipek ihracatı yoğunluk kazandı. İpekle özdeşleşen kentler tekrar hareketlendi. Vergi gelirleri yüzde dört yüzün üzerine çıktı ve bu olumlu hava Balkan ve Birinci Dünya Savaşlarına kadar sürdü.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İpekböcekçiliği, Düyûn-ı Umûmiyye, Harir Darüttalimi
During the last periods of the Ottoman Empire, the development process of silkworm production started when tax incomes from sericulture were transferred to Public Debts Institution, which was founded in December, 1881. In fact, since 1860s, because there were no cures for the diseases haunting the silkworms, many silkworm producers had abandoned the profession; and thus, the tax revenues were dramatically reduced. The Public Debts Institution, which wanted to increase sericulture tax revenues, tried to find the reasons behind this misconduct and came up with the establishment of Harir Daruttalim as a solution. Shortly after the opening of the school, positive outcomes were observed and as a result, some more steps were taken in order to encourage and to inspect production. Government coordinated regulations, one of which was the foundation of Daruttallim, revived the sericulture as the time went by. Although silkworm eggs were imported before 1888, at the beginning of XX century eggs as well as raw silk materials started to be exported intensively. Cities identified with silk and silk products revived. Tax revenues increased by four hundred percent and this positive atmosphere went on till Balkan and the First World Wars.
Keywords: Sericulture, Duyun-ı Umumiyye, Harir DarüttalimiPrimary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Araştırma Makaleleri |
Authors | |
Publication Date | October 8, 2013 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Volume: 10 Issue: 22 |