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Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years

Year 2012, Volume: 9 Issue: 19, 89 - 103, 26.11.2013


Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2003-2011 yılları arasında Örgütsel Davranış alanında yeni bir çalışma alanı olan psikolojik sermaye konusunda yapılan çalışmaların kategorik olarak incelenmesidir. Bu amaçla, psikolojik sermaye konusunda ulaşılabilen 35 dergi, 2 yüksek lisans ve 12 doktora tezi taranarak, 44 tane uygulamalı, 5 tane teorik olmak üzere toplam 49 çalışma içerik analizi ile incelenmiştir. İçerik analizinde, yayınların yıllara, ülkelere, sektörlere, örnekleme, kullanılan analiz türüne, kullanılan ölçek türüne ve psikolojik sermaye ile ilişkili değişkenlere göre sınıflandırılması yapılmıştır.

Çıkan sonuçlara göre, 9 yıllık zaman dilimi içerisinde, en çok 2010 ve 2011 yıllarında psikolojik sermaye ile ilgili çalışmaların yapıldığı, en çok Amerika'da ve özellikle eğitim sektöründe, üniversitelerde bu konu üzerine çalışıldığı, çok büyük örneklem yapıları ile çalışılmasa da, ölçek türü olarak en fazla likert tipi ölçek, analiz olarak ise, korelasyon, çoklu regresyonun, doğrulayıcı faktör analizinin sıklıkla kullanıldığı ortaya çıkmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Psikolojik sermaye, Örgütsel davranış, İçerik analizi.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the publications categorically about psychological capital which is a new subject in Organizational Behavior area. By this purpose, 35 journals, 2 master thesis and 12 dissertation thesis were searched, total 49 publications, 44 empirical, 5 theoretic were examined. In content analysis, a classification was conducted according to years, countries, sectors, sampling, analysis techniques, scale and related variables with psychological capital.

According to results of the study, the studies were conducted between 2010 and 2010 years in America at education sector, mostly likert type scale used, correlation and multiple regression analysis, confirmatory factor analysis were selected.

Key Words: Psychological capital, Organizational Behavior, Content analysis


  • Abdullah, M. C. (2009). Leadership and Psycap: A Study of the Relationship Between Positive Leadership Behaviors and Followers' Positive Psychological Capital. Doktora Tezi, Capella University, USA.
  • Avey, J. , Wernsing, T. ve Luthans, F. (2008). ''Can Positive Employees Help Positive Organizational Change? Impact of Psychological Capital and Emotions on Relevant Attitudes and Behaviors''. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44 (1), 48- 70.
  • Avey, J., Patera, J. L. ve West, B. J. (2006). ''The Implications of Positive Psychological Capital on Employee Absenteeism''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 13 (2), 42-60.
  • Avey, J. , Luthans F. ve Jensen, S. (2009). ''Psychological Capital: A Positive Resource for Combating Employee Stress and Turnover''. Human Resource Management, 48 (5), 677-693.
  • Avey, J., Reichard, R. J. , Luthans, F. ve Mhatre, K. H. (2011). ''Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Positive Psychological Capital on Employee Attitudes, Behaviors, and Performance''. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22(2), 127- 152.
  • Avey, J. , Wernsing, T. , Luthans, F. (2008). ''Can Positive Employees Help Positive Organizational Change? Impact of Psychological Capital and Emotions on Relevant Attitudes and Behaviors''. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44 (1), 48- 70.
  • Avey, J. , Luthans, F. ve Youssef, C. (2008). ''The Additive Value of Positive Psychological Capital in Predicting Work Attitudes and Behaviors''. Journal of Management, 36, 430-452.
  • Avey, J. (2007). The Performance Impact of Leader Positive Psychological Capital and Situational Complexity, University of Nebraska, Doktora Tezi.
  • Bartee, L. M. (2011). The Relationship Between Teachers' Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Psychological Capital in Urban High Schools. Doktora Tezi, Walden University.
  • Brewer, J. F. (2010). Leader Character Quality, Goal Achivement, Psychological Capital, and Spirituality among The American Physical Therapy Association. Doktora Tezi, Dallas Baptist University.
  • Caza, A., R. P. Bagozzi, L. Wooley, L. Levy ve B. B. Caza (2010). ''Psychological Capital and Authentic Leadership''. Asia- Pasific Journal of Business Management, 2,1, 53-70.
  • Clapp- Smith, R. , Luthans, F. ve Avolio, B. (2006). ''The Role of Psychological Capital in Global Mindset Development''. Advances in International Management, 19, 105-130.
  • Çetin, F. (2011). ''The Effects of the Organizational Psychological Capital on the attitudes of Commitment and Satisfaction: A Public Sample in Turkey''. European Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (3), 373-380.
  • Demerouti, E. ve Eeuwijk, E. (2011). ''Assessing the Effects of a “Personal Effectiveness” Training on Psychological Capital, Assertiveness and Self-awareness Self-other agreement''. Career Development International, 16 (1), 60-81.
  • Firestone, D. J. (2010). Measuring Psychological Capital in Non-Profit Social Service Organizations. Master Tezi, University of Nevada.
  • Gooty, J., Gavin, M. , Johnson, P., Lance Frazier, M., Snow, D. (2009). ''In the Eyes of the Beholder: Transformational Leadership, Positive Psychological Capital, and Performance''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 15 (4), 353-367.
  • Güler, B. K. (2009). ''Pozitif Psikolojik Sermaye: Tanımı, Bileşenleri ve Yönetimi'' (Ed. Aşkın Keser, Gözde Yılmaz, Şenay Yürür), Çalışma Yaşamında Davranış Güncel Yaklaşımlar, İzmit: Umuttepe Yayınları.
  • Griffith, J. N. (2010). ''The Influence of Pre-Training Positive Psychological Capital Development of Training Motivation''. Doktora Tezi, University of Nevada.
  • Hodges, T. D. (2010). An Experimental Study of The Impact of Psychological Capital on Performance, Engagement and The Contagion Effect, Doktora Tezi, Nebraska Üniversitesi.
  • Larson, M. ve Luthans, F. (2006). ''Potential Added Value of Psychological Capital in Predicting Work Attitudes'', Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 13 (1), 45-62.
  • Larson, M. (2004). Positive Psychological Capital: A Comparison with Human and Social Capital and an Analysis of a Training Intervention, Doktora Tezi, University of Nebraska.
  • Letcher, L. (2003). Psychological Capital and Wages: Behavioral Economic Approach, Doktora Tezi, Kansas State University.
  • Luthans, F., Youssef, C. ve Avolio, B. J. (2006). Psychological Capital: Developing The Human Competitive Edge, USA: Oxford University Press.
  • Luthans, F. , Vogelgesang, G. R. ve Lester, P. B. (2006). ''Developing the Psychological Capital of Resiliency''. Human Resource Development Review, 5, 25, 25-44.
  • Luthans, F., Avey, J. , Avolio, B. J. ve Peterson, S. (2010). ''The Development and Resulting Performance Impact of Positive Psychological Capital''. Human Resource Development Quarterly , 21 (1), 41-67.
  • Luthans, F., Avey, J. ve Patera, J. L. (2008). ''Experimental Analysis of a Web-Based Training Intervention to Develop Positive Psychological Capital''. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 7 (2), 209-221.
  • Luthans, F., Luthans, K. W. ve Luthans, B. C. (2004). ''Positive Psychological Capital: Beyond Human and Social Capital''. Business Horizons, 47(1), 45-50.
  • Luthans, F. , Avey, J. , Avolio, B. , Norman, S. ve Combs, G. (2006). ''Psychological Capital Development: Toward a Micro-intervention''. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27, 387- 393.
  • Luthans, F., Avey, J. , Clapp-Smith, R. ve Li, W. (2008). ''More Evidence on the Value of Chinese Workers' Psychological Capital: A Potentially Unlimited Competitive Resource?''. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, (5), 818-827.
  • Millard, M. L. (2011). Psychological Net Worth: Finding the Balance between Psychological Capital and Psychological Debt. Doktora Tezi, University of Nebraska.
  • McMurray, A. J. , Pirola-Merlo, A. , Sarros, J. C. ve Islam, M. M. (2010). ''Leadership, Climate, Psychological Capital, Commitment, and Wellbeing in a Nonprofit Organization''. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 31, (5), 436- 457.
  • Nguyen, T. D. ve Nguyen, T. (2011). ''Psychological Capital, Quality of Work Life, and Quality of Life of Marketers: Evidence from Vietnam''. Journal of Macro Marketing, 1-9.
  • Norman, S.M. (2006). The Role of Trust: Implications For Psychological Capital and Authentic Leadership. Doktora Tezi, University of Nebraska,
  • Norman, S. M., Avey, J., Nimnicht, J. L. ve Pigeon, N. (2010). ''The Interactive Effects of Psychological Capital and Organizational Identity on Employee Organizational Citizenship and Deviance Behaviors''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. 17, (4), 380-391.
  • Putten, P. (2009). The Relationship between Psychological Capital and Social Venture Program Initiation, Doktora Tezi, Lynn University,
  • Roberts, S., Scherer, L. L. ve Bowyer, C. J. (2011). ''Job Stress and Incivility: What Role Does Psychological Capital Play?''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 1-10.
  • Seaton, G. (2011). ''Belonging Uncertainty and Psychological Capital: An Investigation of Antecedents of The Leaky Pıpeline in Stem''. Master Tezi, Purdue University,
  • Toor, S. (2010). ''What If You Have Been Retrenched? Look toward the Bright Side: Capitalize on Your Psychological Capital''. Leadership and Management in Engineering, 103-107.
  • Toor, S. ve Ofori, G. (2010). ''Positive Psychological Capital as a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Organizations''. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 341-352.
  • Walumbwa, F., Luthans, F. , Avey, J. ve Oke, A. (2011). ''Authentically leading groups: The Mediating Role of Collective Psychological Capital and Trust''. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32, 4-24.
  • Wisner, M. D. (2008). Psychological Capital and Strenghts Ownership as Predictors of Effective Student Leadership. Doktora Tezi, Azusa Pacific University.
  • Wooley, L. , Caza, A. ve Levy, L. (2010). ''Authentic Leadership and Follower Development : Psychological Capital, Positive Work Climate, and Gender''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 18, (4), 438- 448.
  • Şimşek, H. ve Yıldırım, A. (2006). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yüksel, M. ve Akdağ, F. (2011). ''Framing Workaholism and Locus of Control as Psychological Capital in an Emergent Economy''. China-USA Business Review, 10, (5), 389-398.
  • Zhao, Z ve Hou, J. (2009). ''The Study on Psychological Capital Development on Intreprenurial Team''. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 1, (2), 35-40.
Year 2012, Volume: 9 Issue: 19, 89 - 103, 26.11.2013



  • Abdullah, M. C. (2009). Leadership and Psycap: A Study of the Relationship Between Positive Leadership Behaviors and Followers' Positive Psychological Capital. Doktora Tezi, Capella University, USA.
  • Avey, J. , Wernsing, T. ve Luthans, F. (2008). ''Can Positive Employees Help Positive Organizational Change? Impact of Psychological Capital and Emotions on Relevant Attitudes and Behaviors''. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44 (1), 48- 70.
  • Avey, J., Patera, J. L. ve West, B. J. (2006). ''The Implications of Positive Psychological Capital on Employee Absenteeism''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 13 (2), 42-60.
  • Avey, J. , Luthans F. ve Jensen, S. (2009). ''Psychological Capital: A Positive Resource for Combating Employee Stress and Turnover''. Human Resource Management, 48 (5), 677-693.
  • Avey, J., Reichard, R. J. , Luthans, F. ve Mhatre, K. H. (2011). ''Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Positive Psychological Capital on Employee Attitudes, Behaviors, and Performance''. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22(2), 127- 152.
  • Avey, J. , Wernsing, T. , Luthans, F. (2008). ''Can Positive Employees Help Positive Organizational Change? Impact of Psychological Capital and Emotions on Relevant Attitudes and Behaviors''. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44 (1), 48- 70.
  • Avey, J. , Luthans, F. ve Youssef, C. (2008). ''The Additive Value of Positive Psychological Capital in Predicting Work Attitudes and Behaviors''. Journal of Management, 36, 430-452.
  • Avey, J. (2007). The Performance Impact of Leader Positive Psychological Capital and Situational Complexity, University of Nebraska, Doktora Tezi.
  • Bartee, L. M. (2011). The Relationship Between Teachers' Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Psychological Capital in Urban High Schools. Doktora Tezi, Walden University.
  • Brewer, J. F. (2010). Leader Character Quality, Goal Achivement, Psychological Capital, and Spirituality among The American Physical Therapy Association. Doktora Tezi, Dallas Baptist University.
  • Caza, A., R. P. Bagozzi, L. Wooley, L. Levy ve B. B. Caza (2010). ''Psychological Capital and Authentic Leadership''. Asia- Pasific Journal of Business Management, 2,1, 53-70.
  • Clapp- Smith, R. , Luthans, F. ve Avolio, B. (2006). ''The Role of Psychological Capital in Global Mindset Development''. Advances in International Management, 19, 105-130.
  • Çetin, F. (2011). ''The Effects of the Organizational Psychological Capital on the attitudes of Commitment and Satisfaction: A Public Sample in Turkey''. European Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (3), 373-380.
  • Demerouti, E. ve Eeuwijk, E. (2011). ''Assessing the Effects of a “Personal Effectiveness” Training on Psychological Capital, Assertiveness and Self-awareness Self-other agreement''. Career Development International, 16 (1), 60-81.
  • Firestone, D. J. (2010). Measuring Psychological Capital in Non-Profit Social Service Organizations. Master Tezi, University of Nevada.
  • Gooty, J., Gavin, M. , Johnson, P., Lance Frazier, M., Snow, D. (2009). ''In the Eyes of the Beholder: Transformational Leadership, Positive Psychological Capital, and Performance''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 15 (4), 353-367.
  • Güler, B. K. (2009). ''Pozitif Psikolojik Sermaye: Tanımı, Bileşenleri ve Yönetimi'' (Ed. Aşkın Keser, Gözde Yılmaz, Şenay Yürür), Çalışma Yaşamında Davranış Güncel Yaklaşımlar, İzmit: Umuttepe Yayınları.
  • Griffith, J. N. (2010). ''The Influence of Pre-Training Positive Psychological Capital Development of Training Motivation''. Doktora Tezi, University of Nevada.
  • Hodges, T. D. (2010). An Experimental Study of The Impact of Psychological Capital on Performance, Engagement and The Contagion Effect, Doktora Tezi, Nebraska Üniversitesi.
  • Larson, M. ve Luthans, F. (2006). ''Potential Added Value of Psychological Capital in Predicting Work Attitudes'', Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 13 (1), 45-62.
  • Larson, M. (2004). Positive Psychological Capital: A Comparison with Human and Social Capital and an Analysis of a Training Intervention, Doktora Tezi, University of Nebraska.
  • Letcher, L. (2003). Psychological Capital and Wages: Behavioral Economic Approach, Doktora Tezi, Kansas State University.
  • Luthans, F., Youssef, C. ve Avolio, B. J. (2006). Psychological Capital: Developing The Human Competitive Edge, USA: Oxford University Press.
  • Luthans, F. , Vogelgesang, G. R. ve Lester, P. B. (2006). ''Developing the Psychological Capital of Resiliency''. Human Resource Development Review, 5, 25, 25-44.
  • Luthans, F., Avey, J. , Avolio, B. J. ve Peterson, S. (2010). ''The Development and Resulting Performance Impact of Positive Psychological Capital''. Human Resource Development Quarterly , 21 (1), 41-67.
  • Luthans, F., Avey, J. ve Patera, J. L. (2008). ''Experimental Analysis of a Web-Based Training Intervention to Develop Positive Psychological Capital''. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 7 (2), 209-221.
  • Luthans, F., Luthans, K. W. ve Luthans, B. C. (2004). ''Positive Psychological Capital: Beyond Human and Social Capital''. Business Horizons, 47(1), 45-50.
  • Luthans, F. , Avey, J. , Avolio, B. , Norman, S. ve Combs, G. (2006). ''Psychological Capital Development: Toward a Micro-intervention''. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27, 387- 393.
  • Luthans, F., Avey, J. , Clapp-Smith, R. ve Li, W. (2008). ''More Evidence on the Value of Chinese Workers' Psychological Capital: A Potentially Unlimited Competitive Resource?''. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, (5), 818-827.
  • Millard, M. L. (2011). Psychological Net Worth: Finding the Balance between Psychological Capital and Psychological Debt. Doktora Tezi, University of Nebraska.
  • McMurray, A. J. , Pirola-Merlo, A. , Sarros, J. C. ve Islam, M. M. (2010). ''Leadership, Climate, Psychological Capital, Commitment, and Wellbeing in a Nonprofit Organization''. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 31, (5), 436- 457.
  • Nguyen, T. D. ve Nguyen, T. (2011). ''Psychological Capital, Quality of Work Life, and Quality of Life of Marketers: Evidence from Vietnam''. Journal of Macro Marketing, 1-9.
  • Norman, S.M. (2006). The Role of Trust: Implications For Psychological Capital and Authentic Leadership. Doktora Tezi, University of Nebraska,
  • Norman, S. M., Avey, J., Nimnicht, J. L. ve Pigeon, N. (2010). ''The Interactive Effects of Psychological Capital and Organizational Identity on Employee Organizational Citizenship and Deviance Behaviors''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. 17, (4), 380-391.
  • Putten, P. (2009). The Relationship between Psychological Capital and Social Venture Program Initiation, Doktora Tezi, Lynn University,
  • Roberts, S., Scherer, L. L. ve Bowyer, C. J. (2011). ''Job Stress and Incivility: What Role Does Psychological Capital Play?''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 1-10.
  • Seaton, G. (2011). ''Belonging Uncertainty and Psychological Capital: An Investigation of Antecedents of The Leaky Pıpeline in Stem''. Master Tezi, Purdue University,
  • Toor, S. (2010). ''What If You Have Been Retrenched? Look toward the Bright Side: Capitalize on Your Psychological Capital''. Leadership and Management in Engineering, 103-107.
  • Toor, S. ve Ofori, G. (2010). ''Positive Psychological Capital as a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Organizations''. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 341-352.
  • Walumbwa, F., Luthans, F. , Avey, J. ve Oke, A. (2011). ''Authentically leading groups: The Mediating Role of Collective Psychological Capital and Trust''. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32, 4-24.
  • Wisner, M. D. (2008). Psychological Capital and Strenghts Ownership as Predictors of Effective Student Leadership. Doktora Tezi, Azusa Pacific University.
  • Wooley, L. , Caza, A. ve Levy, L. (2010). ''Authentic Leadership and Follower Development : Psychological Capital, Positive Work Climate, and Gender''. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 18, (4), 438- 448.
  • Şimşek, H. ve Yıldırım, A. (2006). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yüksel, M. ve Akdağ, F. (2011). ''Framing Workaholism and Locus of Control as Psychological Capital in an Emergent Economy''. China-USA Business Review, 10, (5), 389-398.
  • Zhao, Z ve Hou, J. (2009). ''The Study on Psychological Capital Development on Intreprenurial Team''. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 1, (2), 35-40.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Turhan Erkmen

Emel Esen This is me

Publication Date November 26, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 9 Issue: 19


APA Erkmen, T., & Esen, E. (2013). Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(19), 89-103.
AMA Erkmen T, Esen E. Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. December 2013;9(19):89-103.
Chicago Erkmen, Turhan, and Emel Esen. “Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years”. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 9, no. 19 (December 2013): 89-103.
EndNote Erkmen T, Esen E (December 1, 2013) Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 9 19 89–103.
IEEE T. Erkmen and E. Esen, “Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years”, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 19, pp. 89–103, 2013.
ISNAD Erkmen, Turhan - Esen, Emel. “Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years”. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 9/19 (December 2013), 89-103.
JAMA Erkmen T, Esen E. Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2013;9:89–103.
MLA Erkmen, Turhan and Emel Esen. “Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years”. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 19, 2013, pp. 89-103.
Vancouver Erkmen T, Esen E. Psikolojik Sermaye Konusunda 2003-2011 Yıllarında Yapılan Çalışmaların Kategorik Olarak İncelenmesi/ Categorıcal Investıgatıon Of Researches In Psychologıcal Capıtal Between 2003-2011 Years. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2013;9(19):89-103.
