The Turkmens of the Bozok section of Oguzs who were in the Aleppo and Antep started to immigrate to the inner parts of Anatolia during the declining of the Ilkhans in Anatolia in the ends of the XIIth century. These groups more of them were Bayat, Avşar and Begdilli Turkmens having united in their own gap, achieved to establish their principalities at these lands while advancing Malatya, Maraş and Sivas with the help of Mamluk Sultan Melik Nasır. Those Turkmens who were the members of the Bozok section of Oguzs would made military campaign forward to the inners of Anatolia and Armenian regions either willingly or together as a border principality of the Mamluks. The Dulkadhir principality that was the buffer zone between Mamluks and Eretnas sometimes attacked to the borders of the Eretnas as looting activities. Emir Eretna had often applied to Mamluk Sultanate to block these attacks because the Dulkadirs were under the protection of Mamluk. Even though Karacabey stopped those attacks for a while after the warning of the Caliphate, some events which happened in the future caused many contentions and wars between these two principalities.
Halep ve Antep arasında bulunan Bozok Türkmenleri, XII. yüzyıl sonlarına doğru İlhanlı hakimiyetinin zayıflamasıyla Anadolu içlerine doğru göç etmeye başladılar. Çoğunluğu Bayat, Beğdilli ve Avşar Türkmenlerinden olan gruplar kendi aralarında birleşerek, Memluk Sultanı Melik Nasır'ın da yardımıyla Malatya, Maraş ve Sivas'a kadar ilerleyip bu topraklar üzerinde beyliklerini kurmayı başardılar. Oğuzların Bozok koluna mensup olan bu Türkmenler, Memlukların uç beyliği gibi bazen onların yardımıyla bazen de kendi kendilerine Ermeni bölgelerine ve Anadolu içlerine doğru seferler yapıyorlardı.
Memluklular ile Eratnalılar arasında tampon bir bölge konumunda olan Dulkadirliler, zaman zaman Eratnalılar'ın sınırlarına çeşitli saldırılar düzenleyerek, yağma faaliyetlerinde bulunmuşlardı. Dulkadirliler, Memluklu himayesinde olduğundan dolayı Emir Eretna bu saldırıları durdurmak için çoğu zaman Memluklulara başvurmuştu. Karaca Bey, halifenin ihtarı üzerine bu akınları bir süre durdursa da ileriki zamanlarda meydana gelen gelişmeler bu iki beylik arasında birçok çekişme ve savaşın yaşanmasına sebep olmuştu.
Anahtar kelimeler: Dulkadirli, Eratna, Türkmen, Memluklar, Anadolu.
The Turkmens of the Bozok section of Oguzs who were in the Aleppo and Antep started to immigrate to the inner parts of Anatolia during the declining of the Ilkhans in Anatolia in the ends of the XIIth century. These groups more of them were Bayat, Avşar and Begdilli Turkmens having united in their own gap, achieved to establish their principalities at these lands while advancing Malatya, Maraş and Sivas with the help of Mamluk Sultan Melik Nasır. Those Turkmens who were the members of the Bozok section of Oguzs would made military campaign forward to the inners of Anatolia and Armenian regions either willingly or together as a border principality of the Mamluks.
The Dulkadhir principality that was the buffer zone between Mamluks and Eretnas sometimes attacked to the borders of the Eretnas as looting activities. Emir Eretna had often applied to Mamluk Sultanate to block these attacks because the Dulkadirs were under the protection of Mamluk. Even though Karacabey stopped those attacks for a while after the warning of the Caliphate, some events which happened in the future caused many contentions and wars between these two principalities.
Key Words: Dulkadırlı, Eratna, Turkmen, Memluks, Anatolia.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Araştırma Makaleleri |
Authors | |
Publication Date | April 9, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 Volume: 11 Issue: 25 |