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Kuzey-Batı Nijerya’da soya fasulyesi (Glycine max L. Merrill) üretiminin sosyo-ekonomik değerlendirmesi ve teknik verimliliği: Parametrik bir yaklaşım

Year 2024, , 695 - 706, 18.12.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kuzeybatı Nijerya’da soya fasulyesi (Glycine max) üretiminin sosyoekonomik değerlendirmesini ve teknik verimliliğini (TE) parametrik bir yaklaşımla incelemektir. 160 soya fasulyesi çiftçisini seçmek için çok aşamalı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Birincil veriler kullanılmıştır. Veriler tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve stokastik üretim verimliliği sınır modeli (SPEFM) kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, bir soya fasulyesi çiftçisinin ortalama yaşının 46 olduğunu göstermektedir. Soya fasulyesi üretimi, sırasıyla 899.237,80 ve 824.468,22 Naira tahmini Brüt Kar Marjı ve Net Çiftlik Geliri ile karlıydı. Brüt Kar Marjı Oranı ve Yatırım Getirisi Oranı sırasıyla 0,583 ve 1,15 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Soya fasulyesi üretiminin TE’sini artıran önemli sosyoekonomik faktörler arasında hanehalkı büyüklüğü, yaş, deneyim yılı, eğitim seviyesi, kooperatif üyeleri ve uzatma temaslarının sayısı yer almaktadır. Soya fasulyesi çiftçilerinin ortalama TE puanları %53,77 olup, iyileştirme için %46,23’lük bir boşluk bırakılmıştır. Bu çalışma, soya fasulyesi çiftçilerine tek haneli faiz oranlarıyla kredi sağlanmasını önermektedir.

Project Number



  • Adeyemi, B.B., Okoruwa, V.O., & Ikudaisi, A. (2017). Cost efficiency among rice millers in Southwest, Nigeria. International Journal of Social Economics, 44 (12), 2450-2464.
  • Ahmed, M., & Melesse, K. (2018). Impact of off-farm activities on technical efficiency: Evidence from maize producers of Eastern Ethiopia. Agricultural and Food Economics, 6 (3). DOI:
  • Alabi, O.O., Oladele, A.O., & Maharazu, I. (2022). Economies of scale and technical efficiency of smallholder pepper (Capsicum species) production in Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 67 (1), 63-82.
  • Alabi, O.O., Oladele, A.O., & Oladele, N.O. (2020). Economic market decisions among marginal maize farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Applications of double hurdle model and factor analysis. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 8 (104), 114-125.
  • Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, AGRA (2014). Africa Agriculture Status Report 2014, Climate Change and Smallholder Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Amaza, P.S., & Maurice, D.C. (2005). Identification of factors influencing technical efficiency in rice-based production systems in Nigeria. Workshop on Rice Policy and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, WARDA, Cotonuou, November, 7-9,70p.
  • Biam, C.K., Okorie, A., & Nwibo, S.U. (2015). Economic efficiency of smallscale soyabean farmers in central agricultural zone, Nigeria: A cobb-douglas stochastic frontier cost function approach. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 8 (3), 52-58.
  • Bhatt, M.S., & Bhat, S.A. (2014). Technical efficiency and farm size productivity micro-level evidence from Jammu & Kashmir. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 2 (4), 27-49.
  • Donley, A. (2021). Nigerian soybean demand on the rise. Available at:
  • FAO. (2022). Food and Agriculture Organization, Statistical Data Base, Rome, Italy.
  • Grassini, P., La Menza, N.C., Edreira, J.I.R., Monzon, J.P., Tenorio, F.A., & Specht, J.E. (2021). Soybean. In: Sadras, V.O & Calderini, D.F (Eds), Crop Physiology Case Histories for Major Crops, pp 282-319, Academic Press.
  • Haryan, S., & Gul, A. (2020). Technical efficiency of green pepper production in greenhouses. The case of Mersin Province Turkey. Tarim Ekonomisi Dergisi, 25, (1), 33-40.
  • Houngue, V., & Nonvide, A.M.G. (2020). Estimation and Determinants of efficiency among rice farmers in Benin. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6 (1), 1819004.
  • Kaya, A. & Ateş, M. (2024). The change of soybean production in Türkiye and its place in the world. Avrasya 11th International Conference on Applied Sciences, August 1-5, Tashkent.
  • Mairabo, A., Jibrin, S., Audu, H., Salihu, M.Y., & Elisha, Y. (2023). Technical efficiency of soyabean production in Niger State, Nigeria. FUDMA Journal of Sciences, 7, (1), 201-206.
  • Miassi, Y.E., Akdemir, S., Dossa, F.K., & Omotayo, A.O., (2023). Technical efficiency and constraints related to rice production in West Africa: The case of Benin Republic. Cogent Food and Agriculture, 9 (1), 2191881.
  • Moses, J.D. (2017). Technical efficiency of soyabean production in mubi north local government area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Research, 3 (6), 36-42.
  • Mohammed, S.A.R., Al-hassan, S., & Amegashie, D.P.K. (2016). Technical efficiency of soyabean farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana. ADRRI Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 11 (2), 20-38.
  • NPC. (2022). National Population Commission of Nigeria, Data Base.
  • Nuama, E. (2006). Mesure de l’efficacité technique des agricultrices de cultures vivrières en Côte-d’Ivoire. Économie Rurale, 269 (296), 39-56.
  • Okello, D.M., Bonabana-Wabbi, J & Mugonola, B (2019). Farm level allocative efficiency of rice production in Gulu and Amuru Districts Northern Uganda. Agricultural and Food Economics, 7, 19.
  • Olorunsanya, E.O., Babatunde, R.O., Orebiyi, J.S., & Omotesho, J.O. (2009). Economic analysis of soybean production in Kwara State, North Central, Nigeria. Global Approaches to Extension Practice (GAEP), 5 (2), 45-53.
  • Omoigui, I.O., Kamara, A.Y., Kamai, N., Dugie, I.Y., Ekeleme, F., Lava Kumar, P., Ademulegun, T., & Solomon, R. (2020). Guide to soyabean production in Northern Nigeria-Revised edition. Ibadan, İnternational İnstitute Of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 23pp.
  • Sakurai, T., Furuya, J., & Futakuchi, K. (2006). Rice millers cluster in Ghana and its effects on efficiency and quality improvement. International Association of Agricultural Economics, 34-45 pp.
  • Saliu, I.A., Abdulrazaq, S.A., & Yette, F.E. (2017). Socio-economic analysis of soyabean production among smallscale farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Conference Proceedings of the 18th Annual National Conference of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economics held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 16th – 19th October.
  • Tung, D. (2013). Changes in the technical and scale efficiency of rice production activities in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Agricultural and Food Economics, 1 (16).
  • Umar, S.A. (2020). The competitiveness of Nigeria’s sesame and soyabean export in international trade: 1986-1997. Unpublished PhD Thesis Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Wilson, D., Etwire, P.M., Martey, E., Etwire, J.C., Baba, I.I.Y., & Salise, A. (2013). Economics of soyabean production, evidence from Saboba and Chereponi Districts of Northern Region of Ghana. Journal of Agricultural Science, 5 (12), 28-46.
  • Yamane, T. (1967). Statistics: An ıntroductory analysis. 2nd Edition, New York: Harper and Row. Pp. 33-50.
  • Yusuf, H.O., Omokore, D.F., Olawoye, R., Yusuf, H.A., & Shuaibu, H. (2022). Analysis of production efficiency among small scale soybean farmers in Sabon Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics, Management and Development, 8, 195-205.

Socio-economic evaluation and technical efficiency of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) production in North-West Nigeria: A parametric approach

Year 2024, , 695 - 706, 18.12.2024


This aim of study examined socioeconomic evaluation and technical efficiency (TE) of soybean (Glycine max) production with a parametric approach in North West, Nigeria. The multistage sampling method was used to select 160 soybean farmers. Primary data were used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the stochastic production efficiency frontier model (SPEFM). The result shows that the mean age of a soybean farmer was 46 years. Soybean production was profitable with an estimated Gross Margin and Net Farm Income of 899,237.80 and 824, 468.22 Naira respectively. The Gross Margin Ratio and Rate of Return on Investment was calculated at 0.583 and 1.15 respectively. The significant socio-economic factors that increase the TE of soybean production include household size, age, years of experience, level of education, members of cooperatives, and number of extension contacts. The mean TE scores of soybean farmers was 53.77%, leaving a gap of 46.23% for improvement. This study recommends that credit with single-digit interest rates should be made available to soybean farmers.

Project Number



  • Adeyemi, B.B., Okoruwa, V.O., & Ikudaisi, A. (2017). Cost efficiency among rice millers in Southwest, Nigeria. International Journal of Social Economics, 44 (12), 2450-2464.
  • Ahmed, M., & Melesse, K. (2018). Impact of off-farm activities on technical efficiency: Evidence from maize producers of Eastern Ethiopia. Agricultural and Food Economics, 6 (3). DOI:
  • Alabi, O.O., Oladele, A.O., & Maharazu, I. (2022). Economies of scale and technical efficiency of smallholder pepper (Capsicum species) production in Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 67 (1), 63-82.
  • Alabi, O.O., Oladele, A.O., & Oladele, N.O. (2020). Economic market decisions among marginal maize farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Applications of double hurdle model and factor analysis. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 8 (104), 114-125.
  • Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, AGRA (2014). Africa Agriculture Status Report 2014, Climate Change and Smallholder Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Amaza, P.S., & Maurice, D.C. (2005). Identification of factors influencing technical efficiency in rice-based production systems in Nigeria. Workshop on Rice Policy and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, WARDA, Cotonuou, November, 7-9,70p.
  • Biam, C.K., Okorie, A., & Nwibo, S.U. (2015). Economic efficiency of smallscale soyabean farmers in central agricultural zone, Nigeria: A cobb-douglas stochastic frontier cost function approach. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 8 (3), 52-58.
  • Bhatt, M.S., & Bhat, S.A. (2014). Technical efficiency and farm size productivity micro-level evidence from Jammu & Kashmir. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 2 (4), 27-49.
  • Donley, A. (2021). Nigerian soybean demand on the rise. Available at:
  • FAO. (2022). Food and Agriculture Organization, Statistical Data Base, Rome, Italy.
  • Grassini, P., La Menza, N.C., Edreira, J.I.R., Monzon, J.P., Tenorio, F.A., & Specht, J.E. (2021). Soybean. In: Sadras, V.O & Calderini, D.F (Eds), Crop Physiology Case Histories for Major Crops, pp 282-319, Academic Press.
  • Haryan, S., & Gul, A. (2020). Technical efficiency of green pepper production in greenhouses. The case of Mersin Province Turkey. Tarim Ekonomisi Dergisi, 25, (1), 33-40.
  • Houngue, V., & Nonvide, A.M.G. (2020). Estimation and Determinants of efficiency among rice farmers in Benin. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6 (1), 1819004.
  • Kaya, A. & Ateş, M. (2024). The change of soybean production in Türkiye and its place in the world. Avrasya 11th International Conference on Applied Sciences, August 1-5, Tashkent.
  • Mairabo, A., Jibrin, S., Audu, H., Salihu, M.Y., & Elisha, Y. (2023). Technical efficiency of soyabean production in Niger State, Nigeria. FUDMA Journal of Sciences, 7, (1), 201-206.
  • Miassi, Y.E., Akdemir, S., Dossa, F.K., & Omotayo, A.O., (2023). Technical efficiency and constraints related to rice production in West Africa: The case of Benin Republic. Cogent Food and Agriculture, 9 (1), 2191881.
  • Moses, J.D. (2017). Technical efficiency of soyabean production in mubi north local government area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Research, 3 (6), 36-42.
  • Mohammed, S.A.R., Al-hassan, S., & Amegashie, D.P.K. (2016). Technical efficiency of soyabean farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana. ADRRI Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 11 (2), 20-38.
  • NPC. (2022). National Population Commission of Nigeria, Data Base.
  • Nuama, E. (2006). Mesure de l’efficacité technique des agricultrices de cultures vivrières en Côte-d’Ivoire. Économie Rurale, 269 (296), 39-56.
  • Okello, D.M., Bonabana-Wabbi, J & Mugonola, B (2019). Farm level allocative efficiency of rice production in Gulu and Amuru Districts Northern Uganda. Agricultural and Food Economics, 7, 19.
  • Olorunsanya, E.O., Babatunde, R.O., Orebiyi, J.S., & Omotesho, J.O. (2009). Economic analysis of soybean production in Kwara State, North Central, Nigeria. Global Approaches to Extension Practice (GAEP), 5 (2), 45-53.
  • Omoigui, I.O., Kamara, A.Y., Kamai, N., Dugie, I.Y., Ekeleme, F., Lava Kumar, P., Ademulegun, T., & Solomon, R. (2020). Guide to soyabean production in Northern Nigeria-Revised edition. Ibadan, İnternational İnstitute Of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 23pp.
  • Sakurai, T., Furuya, J., & Futakuchi, K. (2006). Rice millers cluster in Ghana and its effects on efficiency and quality improvement. International Association of Agricultural Economics, 34-45 pp.
  • Saliu, I.A., Abdulrazaq, S.A., & Yette, F.E. (2017). Socio-economic analysis of soyabean production among smallscale farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Conference Proceedings of the 18th Annual National Conference of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economics held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 16th – 19th October.
  • Tung, D. (2013). Changes in the technical and scale efficiency of rice production activities in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Agricultural and Food Economics, 1 (16).
  • Umar, S.A. (2020). The competitiveness of Nigeria’s sesame and soyabean export in international trade: 1986-1997. Unpublished PhD Thesis Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Wilson, D., Etwire, P.M., Martey, E., Etwire, J.C., Baba, I.I.Y., & Salise, A. (2013). Economics of soyabean production, evidence from Saboba and Chereponi Districts of Northern Region of Ghana. Journal of Agricultural Science, 5 (12), 28-46.
  • Yamane, T. (1967). Statistics: An ıntroductory analysis. 2nd Edition, New York: Harper and Row. Pp. 33-50.
  • Yusuf, H.O., Omokore, D.F., Olawoye, R., Yusuf, H.A., & Shuaibu, H. (2022). Analysis of production efficiency among small scale soybean farmers in Sabon Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics, Management and Development, 8, 195-205.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Economics (Other)
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı 0000-0002-8390-9775

Ibrahim Maharazu 0000-0002-0968-6112

Jeremiah Aluwong 0000-0001-8462-538X

Paul Akınwumı Atteh 0009-0006-2030-8514

Augustine Obida 0009-0003-8975-0691

Project Number NIL
Early Pub Date December 3, 2024
Publication Date December 18, 2024
Submission Date May 30, 2024
Acceptance Date July 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Alabı, O. O., Maharazu, I., Aluwong, J., Atteh, P. A., et al. (2024). Socio-economic evaluation and technical efficiency of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) production in North-West Nigeria: A parametric approach. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(3), 695-706.

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