Research Article
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Determination of weed species, their frequency and densities in cherry orchards in Kahramanmaras province, Turkey

Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 198 - 209, 18.12.2019


In order to achieve successful
chemical control of weeds, the species and density of weeds should be known. The
aim of this study was to determine the species, density, frequency and general
coverage area of the weeds in cherry orchards in Kahramanmaras province.

Methods and Results:
This survey was conducted to
determine the species, density and frequency of weeds in cherry orchards of
Kahramanmaras province (11 districts). It was determined that the density of
the weeds in Andırın cherry orchards had the highest density followed by
Dulkadiroglu, Göksun, Onikisubat, Turkoglu, Elbistan, Afsin, Ekinözü,
Caglayancerit, Pazarcik and Nurhak districts, respectively. As for the average
density of each weed species; Elymus repens (L.) Gould., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. were found to
be very dense. The frequencies of E. repens, S. halepense and C.
; on the other hand, were calculated as between 33.40% and 66.80%
in all districts. In addition, the frequency of Equisetum arvense L. was
calculated to be higher than 50% in Göksun district alone. The general coverage
of weeds; however, ranged from 20.0% to 42.0% for E. repens, S. halepense,
C. dactylon
and E. arvense species.

Research carried out in the cherry
orchards in Kahramanmaras revealed that one hundred and sixty-four weed species
belong to thirty-three families. These are; one Pteridophyta, twenty-four Monocotyledons,
and one hundred and thirty-nine Dicotyledons. Weed density, frequency and
covering area in the cherry orchards were found to be different among
districts. However, weed species in Andırın were more intense than in other
districts. Also, E. arvense was found to be important only in Göksun

and Impact of the Study
: The density of weed species determined in cherry
orchards in Kahramanmaraş province has been shown to vary from one district to
the other. Weed species in rhizome and stolon root in terms of density is an
important threat for cherry trees. Broad-leaved weed species were very dense in
young cherry orchards; whereas, narrow-leaved weed species were found to be
dense in older orchards aged 15 and over. In controlling weeds, especially
narrow and broad-leaved weeds should be targeted.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • REFERENCESAnonymous (2011) Cherry Integrated Combating Technical Instruction, T. C. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Department of Plant Health Research, Page,143-145. Anonymous (2017a) Cherry planting area. (2017b) Weeds in cherry orchards. (2019) Integrated Weed Management. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Cherry. UC ANR Publication 344. Dastgheib F, Frampton C (2000) Weed management practices in apple orchards and vineyards in the South Island of New Zealand. 28:53-58. Davis PH (1965-1988) Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. Edinburg Univ. Press., Vol. 1-10, Edinburgh.FAO (2017) Crops in the World. MP, Neal JC (2000) Weed Scouting in Container Nurseries. SNA ResearchConference, 45: 387-390.Guncan A (2014) Weeds and principles, Selçuk univ. Agriculture faculty, Textbook., Konya,309Hamma IL, Ibrahim U (2013) Weed management techniques of horticultural crops in Nigeria. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 13 (3): 362-366.Kadıoglu I, Ulug E (1993) Researchs on the determination of fruit nursery weeds in the Mediterranean region. Turkey I. Herbology congress, 3-5 February, Adana.Karaca M, Guncan A (2003) Research on control of weeds were problem in young apple orchards Karaman region. Selçuk univ., Institute of science and technology, Plant protection department, Unpublished master's thesis, 64 P.Kasa M (1995) Detection of Weeds in Fruit Seedlings of Black Sea RegionResearches. Plant Protection Research Institute.,26-27: 158-158.Kitis YE (2011) Determination of the species, density, coverage and frequency of the weeds in apple orchards in Isparta province. Turkey IV. Plant protection congress. 28-30 June 2011, Kahramanmaras.Korlapati S, Sushil SN, Jeyakumar P (2015) Cherry. VSGR (2012) Hand Book on Weed Identification Directorate of Weed Science Research, Jabalpur, India Pp 354.Odum EP (1971) Fundamentals of ecology. W.B. Saunders company, Philadelphia, London, Toronto, 574 p.Odum EP (1983) Grundlagen der Ökologie (Band 1,2). Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.Ögüt D, Boz Ö (2007) Determination of the weed species frequence and density in nursery growing areas in Aydın province. Turkish weed sci., 10 (2):9.Özdem A, Zeki C, Yıldırım A, Atlamaz A, Kodan M, Bozkur V, Baliç N, Kan M, Özyigit S, Conger E (2014) Management of disease, pest and weeds control in organic cherry production in Central Anatolia. Archived at file:///H:/KİRAZZZ/Organik_Kiraz_%2528Hastalık_Zararlı_Y._Ot_Yönetimi%2529.pdfRankova Z, Nacheva L, Gercheva P (2009) Growth Habits of the Vegetative Apple Rootstock MM 106 after Treatment with some Soil Herbicides under in vitro Conditions. Acta Horticulturae, 825: 49-54.Tepe I (1997) Weeds and control the problems of agriculture and non-agricultural areas in Turkey. Centennial univ., Publication No. 32. Agriculture faculty, Number Textbook of Plant Protection:18: 102-103, Van.Tezcan S, Demrikan H, Çetinkaya N, Gülperçin N (2003) A view on Kemalpasa (İzmir) Cherry Cultivation. Page,1-61.TUİK (2018) Crop production statistics. A, Katkat M (1993) Southeastern Anatolia Region in Fruit NurseriesStudies on the determination of weeds and their density. Turkey I. Herbology Congress, 3- 5 February 1993, Adana, 175- 178.Ustuner T, Guncan A (2002) A research on weed species which are problem, importance, biology of germination and control possibilties of them in potato fields in Nigde Province. Selcuk university, Graduate school of natural and Apllied science, PhD dissertation, Konya. :35 P.Ustuner T, Akyol E (2007) Determination of the weed species, their observation frequencies and densities, in the apple orchards in Nigde province. Turkish weed sci. 10 (1): 22.Ustuner T, Ustuner M (2011) Investigation on different mulch materials and chemical control for controlling weeds in apple orchard in Turkey. Scientific Research and Essays. 6(19): 3979-3985, Available online at ISSN 1992-2248 ©2011 Academic Journals.Uzun A (1995) Research on the determination of weeds in fruit seedlings of Aegean Region, Plant Protection Research Institute, 26-27:160-160.Uygur FN, Koch W, Walter H (1986) Cukurova Region wheat-cotton sowing system ımportant definition of weeds. - PLITS 1986/4 (1), Josef Margraf Verlag, Stuttgart, 169 ppUygur S (1997) Weed Species in Cukuroa. Investigation of the possibility of use of disease agents in biological control and disease agents and their distribution by hosted species. PhD Thesis. Cukurova University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Adana, 147s.Yazlık A, Tepe I (2001) The Studies on weeds in apple and pear orchards in Van province and their distributions. Turkish Weed Sci. 4(1): 11.Zeki C, Demir T, Tokgönül S, Kılıç M (1994) Integrated research, practice and training project in apple orchards. Project No: BKA-EM 10 TAGEM, Volume: II., Ankara.Whitson TD, Burril LC, Dewey SA, Cudney DW, Nelson BE, Lee RD, Parker R (1992). Weeds of the West. The Western Society of Weed Science in cooperation with the Western United States Land Grant Universities Cooperative Extension Services.Page,1-615.

Kahramanmaraş ili kiraz bahçelerinde bulunan yabancı ot türlerinin, yaygınlıklarının ve yoğunluklarının belirlenmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 198 - 209, 18.12.2019


Amaç: Yabancı otların kimyasal
mücadelesinde başarılı sonuçlar almak için öncelikle yabancı ot türlerini ve
yoğunluğunun bilinmesi gerekir. Bu çalışmada Kahramanmaraş ili kiraz
bahçelerinde yabancı ot türünü, yoğunluğunu, sıklığını ve genel kaplama alanını
tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır.

ve Bulgular
: Bu araştırma, Kahramanmaraş ili (11 ilçe) kiraz bahçelerinde
yabancı ot türlerini, yoğunluğunu ve rastlama sıklığını belirlemek amacıyla
yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, Andırın kiraz bahçelerinde yabancı
otların yoğunluğu bakımından en yüksek yoğunluğa sahip olduğu tespit edildi ve
bunu sırasıyla Dulkadiroğlu, Göksun, Onikişubat, Turkoğlu, Elbistan, Afşin,
Ekinözü, Çaglayancerit, Pazarcik ve Nurhak ilçeleri takip etti. Her yabancı ot
türünün ortalama yoğunluğuna gelince; Elymus
(L.) Gould., Cynodon dactylon
(L.) Pers. ve Sorghum halepense (L.)
Pers. çok yoğun bulundu. Öte yandan, E.
, S. halepense ve C. dactylon rastlama sıklığı tüm
ilçelerde % 33.40 ile % 66.80 arasında hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, Equisetum arvense L. rastlama sıklığı
sadece Göksun ilçesinde % 50'den fazla görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, yabancı
otların genel kaplama alanı E. repens,
S. halepense, C. dactylon ve E. arvense türleri için % 20.0 ila 42.0
arasında değişmiştir.

Genel Yorum: Kahramanmaraş'taki
kiraz bahçelerinde yapılan araştırmalarda, yüz altmış dört yabancı ot türü,
otuz üç familyaya ait olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunlar, bir Pteridophyta, yirmi
dört Monokotiledon ve yüz otuz dokuz Dikotiledon’dur. Kiraz bahçesinde yabancı
ot yoğunluğu, rastlama sıklığı ve kaplama alanı ilçelere göre farklı
bulunmuştur. Ancak Andırın'daki yabancı ot türleri diğer ilçelerden daha fazla
yoğun bulunmuştur. Ayrıca E. arvense
sadece Göksun ilçesinde önemli bulunmuştur.

Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Kahramanmaraş
ili kiraz bahçelerinde tespit edilen yabancı ot tür yoğunluğu ilçeden ilçeye
değişkenlik gösterdiği bu çalışmayla ortaya konmuştur. Yabancı ot tür yoğunluğu
açısından rizom ve stolon köke sahip yabancı ot türleri kiraz ağaçları için
önemli bir tehdittir. Genç kiraz bahçelerinde geniş yapraklı yabancı ot türleri
çok yoğunken 15 ve üzeri yaşlı bahçelerde ise dar yapraklı yabancı ot türlerin
yoğun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Özellikle yabancı otlarla mücadelede hem dar
hem de geniş yapraklı yabancı otlar hedef alınmalıdır.

Project Number



  • REFERENCESAnonymous (2011) Cherry Integrated Combating Technical Instruction, T. C. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Department of Plant Health Research, Page,143-145. Anonymous (2017a) Cherry planting area. (2017b) Weeds in cherry orchards. (2019) Integrated Weed Management. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Cherry. UC ANR Publication 344. Dastgheib F, Frampton C (2000) Weed management practices in apple orchards and vineyards in the South Island of New Zealand. 28:53-58. Davis PH (1965-1988) Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. Edinburg Univ. Press., Vol. 1-10, Edinburgh.FAO (2017) Crops in the World. MP, Neal JC (2000) Weed Scouting in Container Nurseries. SNA ResearchConference, 45: 387-390.Guncan A (2014) Weeds and principles, Selçuk univ. Agriculture faculty, Textbook., Konya,309Hamma IL, Ibrahim U (2013) Weed management techniques of horticultural crops in Nigeria. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 13 (3): 362-366.Kadıoglu I, Ulug E (1993) Researchs on the determination of fruit nursery weeds in the Mediterranean region. Turkey I. Herbology congress, 3-5 February, Adana.Karaca M, Guncan A (2003) Research on control of weeds were problem in young apple orchards Karaman region. Selçuk univ., Institute of science and technology, Plant protection department, Unpublished master's thesis, 64 P.Kasa M (1995) Detection of Weeds in Fruit Seedlings of Black Sea RegionResearches. Plant Protection Research Institute.,26-27: 158-158.Kitis YE (2011) Determination of the species, density, coverage and frequency of the weeds in apple orchards in Isparta province. Turkey IV. Plant protection congress. 28-30 June 2011, Kahramanmaras.Korlapati S, Sushil SN, Jeyakumar P (2015) Cherry. VSGR (2012) Hand Book on Weed Identification Directorate of Weed Science Research, Jabalpur, India Pp 354.Odum EP (1971) Fundamentals of ecology. W.B. Saunders company, Philadelphia, London, Toronto, 574 p.Odum EP (1983) Grundlagen der Ökologie (Band 1,2). Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.Ögüt D, Boz Ö (2007) Determination of the weed species frequence and density in nursery growing areas in Aydın province. Turkish weed sci., 10 (2):9.Özdem A, Zeki C, Yıldırım A, Atlamaz A, Kodan M, Bozkur V, Baliç N, Kan M, Özyigit S, Conger E (2014) Management of disease, pest and weeds control in organic cherry production in Central Anatolia. Archived at file:///H:/KİRAZZZ/Organik_Kiraz_%2528Hastalık_Zararlı_Y._Ot_Yönetimi%2529.pdfRankova Z, Nacheva L, Gercheva P (2009) Growth Habits of the Vegetative Apple Rootstock MM 106 after Treatment with some Soil Herbicides under in vitro Conditions. Acta Horticulturae, 825: 49-54.Tepe I (1997) Weeds and control the problems of agriculture and non-agricultural areas in Turkey. Centennial univ., Publication No. 32. Agriculture faculty, Number Textbook of Plant Protection:18: 102-103, Van.Tezcan S, Demrikan H, Çetinkaya N, Gülperçin N (2003) A view on Kemalpasa (İzmir) Cherry Cultivation. Page,1-61.TUİK (2018) Crop production statistics. A, Katkat M (1993) Southeastern Anatolia Region in Fruit NurseriesStudies on the determination of weeds and their density. Turkey I. Herbology Congress, 3- 5 February 1993, Adana, 175- 178.Ustuner T, Guncan A (2002) A research on weed species which are problem, importance, biology of germination and control possibilties of them in potato fields in Nigde Province. Selcuk university, Graduate school of natural and Apllied science, PhD dissertation, Konya. :35 P.Ustuner T, Akyol E (2007) Determination of the weed species, their observation frequencies and densities, in the apple orchards in Nigde province. Turkish weed sci. 10 (1): 22.Ustuner T, Ustuner M (2011) Investigation on different mulch materials and chemical control for controlling weeds in apple orchard in Turkey. Scientific Research and Essays. 6(19): 3979-3985, Available online at ISSN 1992-2248 ©2011 Academic Journals.Uzun A (1995) Research on the determination of weeds in fruit seedlings of Aegean Region, Plant Protection Research Institute, 26-27:160-160.Uygur FN, Koch W, Walter H (1986) Cukurova Region wheat-cotton sowing system ımportant definition of weeds. - PLITS 1986/4 (1), Josef Margraf Verlag, Stuttgart, 169 ppUygur S (1997) Weed Species in Cukuroa. Investigation of the possibility of use of disease agents in biological control and disease agents and their distribution by hosted species. PhD Thesis. Cukurova University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Adana, 147s.Yazlık A, Tepe I (2001) The Studies on weeds in apple and pear orchards in Van province and their distributions. Turkish Weed Sci. 4(1): 11.Zeki C, Demir T, Tokgönül S, Kılıç M (1994) Integrated research, practice and training project in apple orchards. Project No: BKA-EM 10 TAGEM, Volume: II., Ankara.Whitson TD, Burril LC, Dewey SA, Cudney DW, Nelson BE, Lee RD, Parker R (1992). Weeds of the West. The Western Society of Weed Science in cooperation with the Western United States Land Grant Universities Cooperative Extension Services.Page,1-615.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Tamer Üstüner 0000-0003-3584-4249

Project Number -
Publication Date December 18, 2019
Submission Date July 24, 2019
Acceptance Date November 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 24 Issue: 3


APA Üstüner, T. (2019). Determination of weed species, their frequency and densities in cherry orchards in Kahramanmaras province, Turkey. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(3), 198-209.

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