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Use of response surface method for the prediction of osmo-solar drying behavior of Anamur banana rings

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 183 - 192, 19.04.2021


Aims: In this study, banana rings were dried by a solar tray dryer together with osmotic dehydration called osmosolar dehydration. It was aimed to predict osmosolar dehydration drying conditions by Response Surface Method (RSM).

Methods and Results: Banana rings were firstly immersed in sucrose solution and then dried in a solar dryer. Inputs as drying conditions were chosen as solution concentrations, slice thickness, immerse time and solar drying time. Also, outputs are chosen as water loss, shrinkage ratio and yellow color change. The results clearly showed that both water loss and shrinkage ratio have increased due to increased solar drying time and immerse time.

Conclusions: The correlation coefficient (R2) values of the water loss, shrinkage ratio and yellow color change for the RSM model were respectively found as 0.979, 0.930 and 0.920.

Significance and Impact of the Study: Anamur Banana, which has high moisture content and drying temperature, was dried using a combination of osmotic dehydration and solar drying. Pretreatment of osmotic dehydration was found to be effective in dried banana rings with solar tray dryer.

Project Number



The study was supported by Tübitak 2209-A with the 1919B011903966 project.


  • Aboud A (2013) Drying characteristic of banana rings undertaken the effect of passive shelf solar dryer and open sun drying. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 12 3: 250-254.
  • Askari GR, Emam-Djomeh Z, Mousavi SM (2008) Investigation of the Effects of Microwave Treatment on the Optical Properties of Apple Rings During Drying, Drying Technology, 26: 1362–1368
  • Bórquez RM, Canales ER, Redon JP (2010) Osmotic dehydration of raspberries with vacuum pretreatment followed by microwave-vacuum drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 99 (2): 121-127.
  • Botchkarev A (2018) Performance Metrics Error Measures in Machine Learning Regression, Forecasting and Prognostics: Properties and Typology.
  • Eren İ (2004) Patateslerin osmotic dehidrasyonunun response surface metodu kullanılarak optimizasyonu. MSc Theysis. Ege University.
  • Eren İ, Ertekin FK (2007) Optimization of osmotic dehydration of potato using response surface methodology, Journal of Food Engineering 79: 344-352
  • Ertekin FK, Sultanoğlu M (2000) Modelling of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of apples. Journal of Food Engineering. 464:243-250.
  • İspir A, Toğrul İT (2009) Osmotic dehydration of apricot: kinetics and the effect of process parameters, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 872:166-180
  • Lombard GE, Oliveira JC, Fito P, Andrés A (2008) Osmotic dehydration of pineapple as a pre-treatment for further drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 852:277-284
  • Mitra P, Meda V (2009) Optimization of microwave-vacuum drying parameters of saskatoon berries using response surface methodology. Drying Technology. 27. 1089–1096.
  • Ochoa-Martínez LA, García-Quintero M, Morales-Castro J, Gallegos-Infante J, Martínez-Sánchez CE, Herman-Lara E (2006) Effect of CaCl2 and convective osmotic drying on texture and preference of banana. Journal of Food Quality. 29: 583–595
  • Pandya R, Yadav KC (2014) Study on effect of pretreatments and microwave drying on banana chips. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science IOSR-JAVS, 77: 04-10
  • Prakash O, Kumar A (2013) Historical review and recent trends in solar drying systems, International Journal of Green Energy, 10(7): 690-738
  • Torringa E, Esveld E, Scheewe I, Berg R, Bartels P (2001) Osmotic dehydration as a pre-treatment before combined microwave-hot-air drying of mushrooms, Journal of Food Engineering, 49(2-3): 185-191
  • Yıldız Z, Sarımeşeli A (2015) Optimization of Osmotic Dehydration of Organic Red Pepper Using Response Surface Methodology. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences IJEAS. 7: 419-33.

Anamur muz halkalarının osmo-solar kuruma davranışının belirlenmesi için yanıt yüzey yönteminin kullanılması

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 183 - 192, 19.04.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmada muz halkaları raflı güneş enerjili kurutucu ve ozmotik dehidrasyon yöntemlerinin ikisinin bir arada kullanıldığı osmosolar dehidrasyon yöntemiyle kurutulmuştur. Kurutma koşulları yanıt yüzey yöntemi (RSM) ile modellenerek kurutma koşullarının kurutma performansına etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.

Yöntem ve Bulgular: Muz halkaları önce sakkaroz çözeltisine daldırılmış daha sonra güneş kurutucuya konmuştur. Giriş değişkenleri olarak çözelti derişimi, dilim kalınlığı, ozmotik dehidrasyon süresi ve güneş kurutma süresi seçilmiştir. Çıkış değişkenleri olarak nem kaybı, büzülme oranı ve sarı renk değişimi seçilmiştir. Sonuçlar, hem nem kaybı hem de büzülme oranının güneş kurutma ve ozmotik dehidrasyon süresi ile artığını göstermiştir.

Genel Yorum: RSM korelasyon katsayıları (R2) sırasıyla nem kaybı, büzülme oranı ve renk değişimi için 0.979, 0.930 ve 0.920 bulunmuştur.

Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Yüksek nem ve kurutma sıcaklığına sahip Anamur muz ozmotik dehidrasyon ve güneş kurutmanın bir bileşimi olan osmosolar dehidrasyon ile kurutulmuştur. Ozmotik dehidrasyon ön işleminin raflı güneş enerjili kurutucu ile kurutulan muz halkalarının kurutulmasında etkili olduğu bulunmuştur.

Project Number



  • Aboud A (2013) Drying characteristic of banana rings undertaken the effect of passive shelf solar dryer and open sun drying. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 12 3: 250-254.
  • Askari GR, Emam-Djomeh Z, Mousavi SM (2008) Investigation of the Effects of Microwave Treatment on the Optical Properties of Apple Rings During Drying, Drying Technology, 26: 1362–1368
  • Bórquez RM, Canales ER, Redon JP (2010) Osmotic dehydration of raspberries with vacuum pretreatment followed by microwave-vacuum drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 99 (2): 121-127.
  • Botchkarev A (2018) Performance Metrics Error Measures in Machine Learning Regression, Forecasting and Prognostics: Properties and Typology.
  • Eren İ (2004) Patateslerin osmotic dehidrasyonunun response surface metodu kullanılarak optimizasyonu. MSc Theysis. Ege University.
  • Eren İ, Ertekin FK (2007) Optimization of osmotic dehydration of potato using response surface methodology, Journal of Food Engineering 79: 344-352
  • Ertekin FK, Sultanoğlu M (2000) Modelling of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of apples. Journal of Food Engineering. 464:243-250.
  • İspir A, Toğrul İT (2009) Osmotic dehydration of apricot: kinetics and the effect of process parameters, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 872:166-180
  • Lombard GE, Oliveira JC, Fito P, Andrés A (2008) Osmotic dehydration of pineapple as a pre-treatment for further drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 852:277-284
  • Mitra P, Meda V (2009) Optimization of microwave-vacuum drying parameters of saskatoon berries using response surface methodology. Drying Technology. 27. 1089–1096.
  • Ochoa-Martínez LA, García-Quintero M, Morales-Castro J, Gallegos-Infante J, Martínez-Sánchez CE, Herman-Lara E (2006) Effect of CaCl2 and convective osmotic drying on texture and preference of banana. Journal of Food Quality. 29: 583–595
  • Pandya R, Yadav KC (2014) Study on effect of pretreatments and microwave drying on banana chips. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science IOSR-JAVS, 77: 04-10
  • Prakash O, Kumar A (2013) Historical review and recent trends in solar drying systems, International Journal of Green Energy, 10(7): 690-738
  • Torringa E, Esveld E, Scheewe I, Berg R, Bartels P (2001) Osmotic dehydration as a pre-treatment before combined microwave-hot-air drying of mushrooms, Journal of Food Engineering, 49(2-3): 185-191
  • Yıldız Z, Sarımeşeli A (2015) Optimization of Osmotic Dehydration of Organic Red Pepper Using Response Surface Methodology. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences IJEAS. 7: 419-33.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Zehra Yıldız 0000-0003-1304-4857

Muhammed Akkari This is me 0000-0001-9748-1071

Project Number 1919B011903966
Publication Date April 19, 2021
Submission Date September 17, 2020
Acceptance Date December 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 26 Issue: 1


APA Yıldız, Z., & Akkari, M. (2021). Use of response surface method for the prediction of osmo-solar drying behavior of Anamur banana rings. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 26(1), 183-192.

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