Research Article
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Effect of olive oil production steps on the physicochemical properties and phenolic compounds of olive oil

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 249 - 256, 09.08.2021


Aims: In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of industrial-scale continuous extraction process stages (crushing, malaxation and decantation) on physicochemical (oil contents, L*, a*, b*, free acidity, peroxide values) and bioactive properties (total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds) of olive oil.

Methods and Results: The samples of olive, olive paste after crushing and malaxation, and olive oil after decantation, which were obtained from olive oil factory, were used for analyses. The highest oil (56.80%) and the lowest total phenolic (160.70 mg L-1) contents were determined after malaxation process at 35°C for 20 min. The free fatty acid value of olive oil increased from 1.68% to 2.46%, but the peroxide value of oil decreased from 12.5 meq O2 kg-1 to 1.5 meq O2 kg-1 after decanter. The L*, a* and b* values of olive oils were determined between 73.82 and 82.04, -12.60 and -3.71, 14.22 and 45.78, respectively. Moreover, phenolic compounds were not significantly affected from industrial oil extraction process (p> 0.05). The minimum oleic acid (68.58%), and the maximum linoleic acid (11.57%) and palmitic acid (14.66%) concentrations were observed in olive oil obtained from malaxed olive paste.

Conclusions: The results of oil yield, fatty acid composition and total phenolic content of samples showed significant differences after the malaxation process.

Significance and Impact of the Study: It has been determined that the malaxation process is the extraction stage which significantly affects the quality of olive oil.


  • Ambra R, Natella F, Lucchetti S, Forte V, Pastore G (2017) α-Tocopherol, β-carotene, lutein, squalene and secoiridoids in seven monocultivar Italian extra-virgin olive oils. Int J Food Sci Nutr 68(5): 538-545.
  • AOAC (1990) Official Methods of Analysis: Changes in Official Methods of Analysis Made at the Annual Meeting. Supplement (Vol. 15th edn). Washington, DC.: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • AOCS (1989) Official methods and recommended practices of the American Oil Chemists’Society (Vol. 4th edn). Champaign: American Oil Chemists’ Society.
  • Baldioli M, Servili M, Perretti G, Montedoro G (1996) Antioxidant activity of tocopherols and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil. J Am Oil Chem' Soci 73(11): 1589-1593.
  • Boselli E, Di Lecce G, Strabbioli R, Pieralisi G, Frega NG (2009) Are virgin olive oils obtained below 27°C better than those produced at higher temperatures? LWT-Food Sci Technol 42(3): 748-757.
  • Caponio F, Gomes T, Pasqualone A (2001) Phenolic compounds in virgin olive oils: influence of the degree of olive ripeness on organoleptic characteristics and shelf-life. Eur Food Res Technol 212(3): 329-333.
  • Caponio F, Summo C, Paradiso VM, Pasqualone A (2014) Influence of decanter working parameters on the extra virgin olive oil quality. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 116(12): 1626-1633.
  • Clodoveo ML (2012) Malaxation: Influence on virgin olive oil quality. Past, present and future-An overview. Trends Food Sci Technol 25(1): 13-23.
  • Clodoveo ML, Hbaieb RH, Kotti F, Mugnozza GS, Gargouri M (2014) Mechanical strategies to increase nutritional and sensory quality of virgin olive oil by modulating the endogenous enzyme activities. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf 13(2): 135-154.
  • Criado M, Motilva M, Goni M, Romero M (2007) Comparative study of the effect of the maturation process of the olive fruit on the chlorophyll and carotenoid fractions of drupes and virgin oils from Arbequina and Farga cultivars. Food Chem 100(2): 748-755.
  • Dag A, Kerem Z, Yogev N, Zipori I, Lavee S, Ben-David E (2011) Influence of time of harvest and maturity index on olive oil yield and quality. Sci Hortic 127(3): 358-366.
  • Dağdelen A, Tümen G, Özcan MM, Dündar E (2013) Phenolics profiles of olive fruits (Olea europaea L.) and oils from Ayvalık, Domat and Gemlik varieties at different ripening stages. Food Chem 136(1): 41-45.
  • Di Giovacchino L, Solinas M, Miccoli M (1994) Effect of extraction systems on the quality of virgin olive oil. J Am Oil Chem' Soc 71(11): 1189-1194.
  • Di Giovacchino L, Sestili S, Di Vincenzo D (2002) Influence of olive processing on virgin olive oil quality. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 104(9‐10): 587-601.
  • Gómez-Rico A, Salvador MD, La Greca M, Fregapane G (2006) Phenolic and volatile compounds of extra virgin olive oil (Olea europaea L. Cv. Cornicabra) with regard to fruit ripening and irrigation management. J Agric Food Chem 54(19): 7130-7136.
  • Inarejos-García AM, Gómez-Rico A, Salvador MD, Fregapane G (2009) Influence of malaxation conditions on virgin olive oil yield, overall quality and composition. Eur Food Res Technol 228(4): 671-677.
  • ISO-5509 (1978) Animal and vegetable fats and oils preperation of methyl esters of fatty acids (ISO 5509) ISO-International Organization for Standardization (Vol. Method ISO 5509, 1-6). Geneve: International Organization for Standardization.
  • Jiménez B, Sánchez‐Ortiz A, Rivas A (2014) Influence of the malaxation time and olive ripening stage on oil quality and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oils. Int J Food Sci Technol 49(11): 2521-2527.
  • Jimenez MA, Hermoso Fernandez M, Uceda Ojeda M (1995) Extraction of virgin olive oil by two-phase continuous system. Influence of different variables of the process on certain parameters related to oil quality. Grasas y Aceites 46: 299-303.
  • Kalua CM, Bedgood DR, Bishop AG, Prenzler PD (2006) Changes in volatile and phenolic compounds with malaxation time and temperature during virgin olive oil production. J Agric Food Chem 54(20): 7641-7651.
  • Kelebek H, Kesen S, Selli S (2015) Comparative study of bioactive constituents in Turkish olive oils by LC-ESI/MS/MS. Int J Food Prop 18(10): 2231-2245.
  • Konuskan DB, Mungan B (2016) Effects of variety, maturation and growing region on chemical properties, fatty acid and sterol compositions of virgin olive oils. J Am Oil Chem' Soc 93(11): 1499-1508.
  • Kula Ö, Yıldırım A, Yorulmaz A, Duran M, Mutlu İ, Kıvrak M (2018) Effect of crushing temperature on virgin olive oil quality and composition. Grasas y Aceites 69(1): e239.
  • Lee SK, Mbwambo ZH, Chung H, Luyengi L, Gamez EJ, Mehta RG, Kinghorn AD, Pezzuto JM (1998) Evaluation of the antioxidant potential of natural products. Comb Chem High Throughput Screen 1(1): 35-46.
  • Minguez‐Mosquera M, Rejano‐Navarro L, Gandul‐Rojas B, Sanchez-Gomez AH, Garrido‐Fernandez J (1991) Color‐pigment correlation in virgin olive oil. J Am Oil Chem' Soc 68(5): 332-336.
  • Paiva-Martins F, Santos V, Mangericão H, Gordon MH (2006) Effects of copper on the antioxidant activity of olive polyphenols in bulk oil and oil-in-water emulsions. J Agric Food Chem 54(10): 3738-3743.
  • Polari JJ, Garcí‐Aguirre D, Olmo‐García L, Carrasco‐Pancorbo A, Wang SC (2018) Interactions between hammer mill crushing variables and malaxation time during continuous olive oil extraction. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 120(8): 1800097.
  • Preziuso SM, Di Serio MG, Biasone A, Vito R, Mucciarella MR, Di Giovacchino L (2010) Influence of olive crushing methods on the yields and oil characteristics. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 112(12): 1345-1355.
  • Rizzo V, Torri L, Licciardello F, Piergiovanni L, Muratore G (2014) Quality changes of extra virgin olive oil packaged in coloured polyethylene terephthalate bottles stored under different lighting conditions. Packag Technol Sci 27(6): 437-448.
  • Romani A, Lapucci C, Cantini C, Ieri F, Mulinacci N, Visioli F (2007) Evolution of minor polar compounds and antioxidant capacity during storage of bottled extra virgin olive oil. J Agric Food Chem 55(4): 1315-1320.
  • Romero MP, Tovar MJ, Ramo T, Motilva MJ (2003) Effect of crop season on the composition of virgin olive oil with protected designation of origin “Les Garrigues”. J Am Oil Chem' Soc 80(5): 423-430.
  • Seçmeler Ö, Güçlü Üstündağ Ö (2017) Behavior of lipophilic bioactives during olive oil processing. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 119(9): 1600404.
  • Stefanoudaki E, Koutsaftakis A, Harwood JL (2011) Influence of malaxation conditions on characteristic qualities of olive oil. Food Chem 127(4): 1481-1486.
  • Taticchi A, Esposto S, Veneziani G, Urbani S, Selvaggini R, Servili M (2013) The influence of the malaxation temperature on the activity of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase and on the phenolic composition of virgin olive oil. Food Chem 136(2): 975-983.
  • Velasco J, Dobarganes C (2002) Oxidative stability of virgin olive oil. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 104(9‐10): 661-676.
  • Welsh FW, Williams RE (1989) The use of vegetable oils to recover compounds from aqueous solutions. J Chem Technol Biotechnol 46(3): 169-178.
  • Yoo KM, Lee KW, Park JB, Lee HJ, Hwang IK (2004) Variation in major antioxidants and total antioxidant activity of Yuzu (Citrus junos Siebex Tanaka) during maturation and between cultivars. J Agric Food Chem 52(19): 5907-5913.
  • Yorulmaz A, Poyrazoglu ES, Ozcan MM, Tekin A (2012) Phenolic profiles of Turkish olives and olive oils. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 114(9): 1083-1093.
  • Yorulmaz A, Yıldırım A, Duran M, Kula Ö, Kıvrak M (2017) Impact of malaxation on quality and compositional characteristics of edremit yaglık olive oil. J Food Process Preserv 41(6): e13291.
  • Youssef O, Mokhtar G, Abdelly C, Mohamed SN, Mokhtar Z, Guido F (2013) Changes in volatile compounds and oil quality with malaxation time of Tunisian cultivars of Olea europea. J Food Sci Technol 48(1): 74-81.

Zeytinyağı üretim aşamalarının zeytinyağının fizikokimyasal özellikleri ve fenolik bileşenleri üzerine etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 249 - 256, 09.08.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, endüstriyel ölçekli sürekli ekstraksiyon işlemi aşamalarının (kırma, malaksasyon ve dekantasyon) zeytinyağının fizikokimyasal (yağ içerikleri, L*, a*, b*, serbest asitlik, peroksit değerleri) ve biyoaktif özellikleri (toplam fenol içeriği, antioksidan aktivitesi ve fenolik bileşenleri) üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.

Yöntemler ve Bulgular: Zeytinyağı işletmesinden temin edilen zeytin, kırma ve malaksasyon işlemleri sonrası zeytin hamuru ve dekantör sonrası zeytinyağı örnekleri analiz için kullanılmıştır. En yüksek yağ (%56.80) ve en düşük toplam fenol (160.70 mg L-1) içerikleri 35°C'de 20 dakika süreyle malaksasyon işleminden sonra belirlenmiştir. Dekantörden sonra zeytinyağının serbest yağ asidi değeri %1.68'den %2.46'ya yükselirken, yağın peroksit değeri 12.5 meq O2 kg-1'dan 1.5 meq O2 kg-1'a düşüş göstermiştir. Zeytinyağlarının L*, a* ve b* değerleri sırasıyla 73.82 ve 82.04, -12.60 ve -3.71, 14.22 ve 45.78 arasında belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, fenolik bileşiklerin endüstriyel yağ ekstraksiyon işleminden önemli ölçüde etkilenmediği tespit edilmiştir (p> 0.05). En düşük oleik asit (%68.58) ve en yüksek linoleik asit (%11.57) ve palmitik asit (%14.66) konsantrasyonları malakse edilmiş zeytin hamurundan elde edilen zeytinyağında gözlenmiştir.

Genel Yorum: Örneklerin yağ verimi, yağ asidi kompozisyonu ve toplam fenol içeriği sonuçları, malaksasyon işlemi sonrası önemli farklılıklar sergilemiştir.

Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Malaksasyon işleminin, zeytinyağı kalitesini önemli ölçüde etkileyen ekstraksiyon aşaması olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Ambra R, Natella F, Lucchetti S, Forte V, Pastore G (2017) α-Tocopherol, β-carotene, lutein, squalene and secoiridoids in seven monocultivar Italian extra-virgin olive oils. Int J Food Sci Nutr 68(5): 538-545.
  • AOAC (1990) Official Methods of Analysis: Changes in Official Methods of Analysis Made at the Annual Meeting. Supplement (Vol. 15th edn). Washington, DC.: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • AOCS (1989) Official methods and recommended practices of the American Oil Chemists’Society (Vol. 4th edn). Champaign: American Oil Chemists’ Society.
  • Baldioli M, Servili M, Perretti G, Montedoro G (1996) Antioxidant activity of tocopherols and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil. J Am Oil Chem' Soci 73(11): 1589-1593.
  • Boselli E, Di Lecce G, Strabbioli R, Pieralisi G, Frega NG (2009) Are virgin olive oils obtained below 27°C better than those produced at higher temperatures? LWT-Food Sci Technol 42(3): 748-757.
  • Caponio F, Gomes T, Pasqualone A (2001) Phenolic compounds in virgin olive oils: influence of the degree of olive ripeness on organoleptic characteristics and shelf-life. Eur Food Res Technol 212(3): 329-333.
  • Caponio F, Summo C, Paradiso VM, Pasqualone A (2014) Influence of decanter working parameters on the extra virgin olive oil quality. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 116(12): 1626-1633.
  • Clodoveo ML (2012) Malaxation: Influence on virgin olive oil quality. Past, present and future-An overview. Trends Food Sci Technol 25(1): 13-23.
  • Clodoveo ML, Hbaieb RH, Kotti F, Mugnozza GS, Gargouri M (2014) Mechanical strategies to increase nutritional and sensory quality of virgin olive oil by modulating the endogenous enzyme activities. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf 13(2): 135-154.
  • Criado M, Motilva M, Goni M, Romero M (2007) Comparative study of the effect of the maturation process of the olive fruit on the chlorophyll and carotenoid fractions of drupes and virgin oils from Arbequina and Farga cultivars. Food Chem 100(2): 748-755.
  • Dag A, Kerem Z, Yogev N, Zipori I, Lavee S, Ben-David E (2011) Influence of time of harvest and maturity index on olive oil yield and quality. Sci Hortic 127(3): 358-366.
  • Dağdelen A, Tümen G, Özcan MM, Dündar E (2013) Phenolics profiles of olive fruits (Olea europaea L.) and oils from Ayvalık, Domat and Gemlik varieties at different ripening stages. Food Chem 136(1): 41-45.
  • Di Giovacchino L, Solinas M, Miccoli M (1994) Effect of extraction systems on the quality of virgin olive oil. J Am Oil Chem' Soc 71(11): 1189-1194.
  • Di Giovacchino L, Sestili S, Di Vincenzo D (2002) Influence of olive processing on virgin olive oil quality. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 104(9‐10): 587-601.
  • Gómez-Rico A, Salvador MD, La Greca M, Fregapane G (2006) Phenolic and volatile compounds of extra virgin olive oil (Olea europaea L. Cv. Cornicabra) with regard to fruit ripening and irrigation management. J Agric Food Chem 54(19): 7130-7136.
  • Inarejos-García AM, Gómez-Rico A, Salvador MD, Fregapane G (2009) Influence of malaxation conditions on virgin olive oil yield, overall quality and composition. Eur Food Res Technol 228(4): 671-677.
  • ISO-5509 (1978) Animal and vegetable fats and oils preperation of methyl esters of fatty acids (ISO 5509) ISO-International Organization for Standardization (Vol. Method ISO 5509, 1-6). Geneve: International Organization for Standardization.
  • Jiménez B, Sánchez‐Ortiz A, Rivas A (2014) Influence of the malaxation time and olive ripening stage on oil quality and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oils. Int J Food Sci Technol 49(11): 2521-2527.
  • Jimenez MA, Hermoso Fernandez M, Uceda Ojeda M (1995) Extraction of virgin olive oil by two-phase continuous system. Influence of different variables of the process on certain parameters related to oil quality. Grasas y Aceites 46: 299-303.
  • Kalua CM, Bedgood DR, Bishop AG, Prenzler PD (2006) Changes in volatile and phenolic compounds with malaxation time and temperature during virgin olive oil production. J Agric Food Chem 54(20): 7641-7651.
  • Kelebek H, Kesen S, Selli S (2015) Comparative study of bioactive constituents in Turkish olive oils by LC-ESI/MS/MS. Int J Food Prop 18(10): 2231-2245.
  • Konuskan DB, Mungan B (2016) Effects of variety, maturation and growing region on chemical properties, fatty acid and sterol compositions of virgin olive oils. J Am Oil Chem' Soc 93(11): 1499-1508.
  • Kula Ö, Yıldırım A, Yorulmaz A, Duran M, Mutlu İ, Kıvrak M (2018) Effect of crushing temperature on virgin olive oil quality and composition. Grasas y Aceites 69(1): e239.
  • Lee SK, Mbwambo ZH, Chung H, Luyengi L, Gamez EJ, Mehta RG, Kinghorn AD, Pezzuto JM (1998) Evaluation of the antioxidant potential of natural products. Comb Chem High Throughput Screen 1(1): 35-46.
  • Minguez‐Mosquera M, Rejano‐Navarro L, Gandul‐Rojas B, Sanchez-Gomez AH, Garrido‐Fernandez J (1991) Color‐pigment correlation in virgin olive oil. J Am Oil Chem' Soc 68(5): 332-336.
  • Paiva-Martins F, Santos V, Mangericão H, Gordon MH (2006) Effects of copper on the antioxidant activity of olive polyphenols in bulk oil and oil-in-water emulsions. J Agric Food Chem 54(10): 3738-3743.
  • Polari JJ, Garcí‐Aguirre D, Olmo‐García L, Carrasco‐Pancorbo A, Wang SC (2018) Interactions between hammer mill crushing variables and malaxation time during continuous olive oil extraction. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 120(8): 1800097.
  • Preziuso SM, Di Serio MG, Biasone A, Vito R, Mucciarella MR, Di Giovacchino L (2010) Influence of olive crushing methods on the yields and oil characteristics. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 112(12): 1345-1355.
  • Rizzo V, Torri L, Licciardello F, Piergiovanni L, Muratore G (2014) Quality changes of extra virgin olive oil packaged in coloured polyethylene terephthalate bottles stored under different lighting conditions. Packag Technol Sci 27(6): 437-448.
  • Romani A, Lapucci C, Cantini C, Ieri F, Mulinacci N, Visioli F (2007) Evolution of minor polar compounds and antioxidant capacity during storage of bottled extra virgin olive oil. J Agric Food Chem 55(4): 1315-1320.
  • Romero MP, Tovar MJ, Ramo T, Motilva MJ (2003) Effect of crop season on the composition of virgin olive oil with protected designation of origin “Les Garrigues”. J Am Oil Chem' Soc 80(5): 423-430.
  • Seçmeler Ö, Güçlü Üstündağ Ö (2017) Behavior of lipophilic bioactives during olive oil processing. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 119(9): 1600404.
  • Stefanoudaki E, Koutsaftakis A, Harwood JL (2011) Influence of malaxation conditions on characteristic qualities of olive oil. Food Chem 127(4): 1481-1486.
  • Taticchi A, Esposto S, Veneziani G, Urbani S, Selvaggini R, Servili M (2013) The influence of the malaxation temperature on the activity of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase and on the phenolic composition of virgin olive oil. Food Chem 136(2): 975-983.
  • Velasco J, Dobarganes C (2002) Oxidative stability of virgin olive oil. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 104(9‐10): 661-676.
  • Welsh FW, Williams RE (1989) The use of vegetable oils to recover compounds from aqueous solutions. J Chem Technol Biotechnol 46(3): 169-178.
  • Yoo KM, Lee KW, Park JB, Lee HJ, Hwang IK (2004) Variation in major antioxidants and total antioxidant activity of Yuzu (Citrus junos Siebex Tanaka) during maturation and between cultivars. J Agric Food Chem 52(19): 5907-5913.
  • Yorulmaz A, Poyrazoglu ES, Ozcan MM, Tekin A (2012) Phenolic profiles of Turkish olives and olive oils. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 114(9): 1083-1093.
  • Yorulmaz A, Yıldırım A, Duran M, Kula Ö, Kıvrak M (2017) Impact of malaxation on quality and compositional characteristics of edremit yaglık olive oil. J Food Process Preserv 41(6): e13291.
  • Youssef O, Mokhtar G, Abdelly C, Mohamed SN, Mokhtar Z, Guido F (2013) Changes in volatile compounds and oil quality with malaxation time of Tunisian cultivars of Olea europea. J Food Sci Technol 48(1): 74-81.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Nurhan Uslu 0000-0002-1392-8604

Publication Date August 9, 2021
Submission Date January 5, 2021
Acceptance Date February 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 26 Issue: 2


APA Uslu, N. (2021). Effect of olive oil production steps on the physicochemical properties and phenolic compounds of olive oil. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 26(2), 249-256.

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