Research Article
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Amik ovasındaki yüzey su kaynaklarının kalitesi ve sulama ve içme amaçlı uygunluğunun değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 770 - 778, 07.12.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Amik Ovası’ndaki yüzey sularının özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bunların içme ve sulama suyu kalitesi amaçlı değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Yöntemler ve Bulgular: Çalışmada, Amik Ovasındaki yüzey su kaynaklarından Haziran ve Eylül 2017’de 56 noktadan, toplam 99 su örneği alınmıştır. Örneklerde, pH, elektriksel iletkenlik (EC), toplam çözünebilir katılar (TDS), katyon ve anyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca anyon ve katyonlardan sodyum adsorpsiyon oranı (SAR), magnezyum oranı (MR), geçirgenlik indeksi (PI), toplam sertlik (TS) ve kalıcı bikarbonat (RSC) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, Haziran ayında dominant katyon Mg iken en düşük konsantrasyona sahip katyon ise K; konsantrasyonu en yüksek olan anyon SO4, en düşük olanın CO3+HCO3 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Eylül ayında da en yüksek ve en düşük katyon konsantrasyonları Haziran ayındaki gibi olmasına rağmen, bu aydaki konsantrasyonu en yüksek olan anyon Cl olmuştur. Amerikan tuzluluk laboratuvarı diyagramına göre, suların her iki dönemdeki kalite sınıfları C3S1 ile C4S3 arasında değişmiştir.

Genel Yorum: tanımlayıcı istatistiksel analiz sonuçlarından elde edilen standart sapma ve ortalama değerlerden hesaplanan varyasyon katsayılarına göre; her iki dönemde de en düşük varyasyon katsayısı pH değerlerinde saptanmıştır. Haziran dönemindeki ortalama pH değeri, Eylül dönemi pH değerlerinden istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Diğer yandan, Eylül dönemindeki ortalama SAR değeri, Haziran dönemindeki SAR değerinden istatistiksel olarak %1 düzeyinde önemli bulunmuştur. Çalışma alanında her iki dönemde de yüzey sularının tamamının geçirgenlik indeksi (PI) değerlerinin %75’den daha düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir.

Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Yüzey suyu örneklerinin EC ve SAR değerleri dikkate alındığında, örneklerin alındığı noktadaki suların büyük bir çoğunluğunun içme ve sulama amaçlı uygun olmadığı görülmektedir. Diğer yandan toplam sertlik açısından bakıldığında suların tamamının içmeye uygun olmadığı görülmektedir.

Supporting Institution

Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Bilimsel Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number



Bu çalışma Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü tarafından desteklenen projeden (Proje No: 15582) üretilmiştir.


  • Ağca N (2014) Spatial variability of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and irrigation in the Amik Plain (South Turkey). Environ Earth Sci. 72: 4115–4130.
  • Ağca N, Karanlık S, Ödemiş B (2014) Assessment of ammonium, nitrate, phosphate, and heavy metal pollution in groundwater from Amik Plain, southern Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 186: 5921–5934.
  • Ağca N., Doğan K, Akgöl A (2000) Amik Ovasında Yer Alan Bazı Topraklarda Tuzluluk ve Alkaliliğin Boyutları Üzerine Bir Araştma MKÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 5 (1-2): 29-40.
  • Ahsan WA, Ahmad HR, Farooqi ZUR, Sabir M, Ayub MA, Rizwan M, Ilic P (2021) Surface water quality assessment of Skardu springs using WaterQuality Index. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28: 20537–20548.
  • Ayers RS, Westcot D W (1994) Water quality for agriculture. FAO irrigation and drainage paper No. 29, Rev. 1.
  • Arumugam K, Elangovan K (2009) Hydrochemical characteristics and groundwater quality assessment in Tirupur Region, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. Environ Geol. 8: 1509–1520.
  • Goovaerts P (1999) Geoistatistics in Soil Science: state-of-the art and perspectives. Geoderma, 89, 1-45.
  • Gün M, Erdem AM (2003) Hatay Master Planı. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Hatay Tarım İl Müdürlüğü. Keskin F, Aydın M, Ağca N (1999) Amik Ovasında Tuzdan Etkilenmiş Topraklardan Bir Kesit. MKÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 4 (1-2): 55-70.
  • Khadka R B, Khanal A B (2008) Environmental management plan (EMP) for Melamchi water supply project, Nepal.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 146 (1–3): 225–234.
  • Kılıç Ş, Ağca N, Karanlık S, Şenol S, Aydın M, Yalçın M, Çelik İ, Evrendilek F, Uygur V, Doğan K, Aslan S, Çullu MA (2008) Amik Ovasının Detaylı Toprak Etütleri, Verimlilik Çalışması ve Arazi Kullanım Planlaması. MKÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu Proje No: DPT2002K120480. 213 S.
  • Kirda C (1997) Assessment of irrigation water quality. Options Méditerranéennes, Séminaires Méditerranéens. pp. 367-377.
  • Lorrane de Oliveira K, Ramos RL, Oliveira SC, Christofaro C (2021) Spatial variability of surface water quality in a large Brazilian semiarid reservoir and its main tributaries. Environ Monit Assess. 187: 548.
  • Muangthong S, Shrestha S (2021) Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: case study of the Nampong River and Songkhram River, Thailand. Environ Monit Assess. 193: 409.
  • Monaj K, Kumar B, Padhy PK (2013) Spatial assessment and characterisation of the Subarnarekha river water through index analyses approaches and chemometrics. The Eroscan (special issue). 3: 321-330
  • Prasanth SVS, Magesh NS, Jitheshlal KV, Chandrasekar N, Gangadhar K (2012) Evaluation of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agricultural use in the coastal stretch of Alappuzha District, Kerala, India. Appl Water Sci. 2: 165–175.
  • Prathap A, Chakraborty S (2020) Assessment of surface water quality around opencast coal mines for sustainable utilization potentials: a case study in Jharkhand, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 22: 3179–3205.
  • Richards LA (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. US Dep Agri. Handbook. 60:147
  • Rim-Rukeh A, Ikhifa GO, Okokoyo PA (2007) Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Some Waters Used for Drinking and Domestic Purposes in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Environ Monit Assess. 128: 475–482.
  • Ruždjak AM, Ruždjak D (2015) Evaluation of river water quality variations using multivariate statistical techniques. Sava River (Croatia): a case study. Envir. Monit. Assess. 187: 215.
  • Samarghandi M R, Nouri J, Mesdaghinia A R, Mahvi A H, Nasseri S, Vaezi F (2007) Efficiency removal of phenol, lead and cadmium by means of UV/TiO2/H2O2 processes. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology. 4(1): 19–25.
  • Smith V H (2003) Eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems a global problem. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 10(2): 126–139.
  • Taher ME, Ghoneium AM, Hopcroft RR, ElTohamy WS (2021). Temporal and spatial variations of surface water quality in the Nile River of Damietta Region, Egypt. Environ Monit Assess. 193: 128.
  • Ustaoğlu F, Tepe Y, Taş B (2019) Assessment of stream quality and health risk in a subtropical Turkey river system: A combined approach using statistical analysis and water quality index. Ecological Indicators,
  • Wang MH, Duan LJ, Wang JP, Peng JY, Zheng BH (2020) Determining the width of lake riparian bufer zones for improving water quality base on adjustment of land use structure. Ecol Eng 158:106001.
  • WHO (2004) Guidelines for drinking water quality. Vol.1. Recommendation. World Health Organization, Geneva, ISBN 92 4 154638 7.
  • Yadav SS, Kumar R (2011) Monitoring water quality of Kosi river in Rampur district, Uttar Pradesh, India. Advances in Applied Science Research 2(2): 197–201.
  • Zeeshan M, Azeez PA (2016) Hydro-chemical characterization and quality assessment of a Western Himalayan river, Munawar Tawi, flowing through Rajouri district, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Environ Monit Asses. 188: 520.
  • Zhou Z, Zhang G, Wang J (2011) Spatial variability of the shallow groundwater level and its chemistry characteristics in the low plain around the Bohai Sea, North China. Environ Monit Assess. doi. 10.1007/s10661-011-2217-1.

Evaluation of the quality and their suitability for irrigation and drinking purposes of surface water resources in the Amik plain

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 770 - 778, 07.12.2021


Aims: In this study, it is aimed to determine quality of surface water sources and to evaluate its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes in the Amik Plain.

Methods and Results: In the study, a total of 99 water samples were taken from the surface water resources of the Amik Plain, from 56 points in June and September 2017. In the samples, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total soluble solids (TDS), soluble cation and anion analyzes were made. In addition, sodium adsorption rate (SAR), magnesium ratio (MR), permeability index (PI), total hardness (TS) and residual bicarbonate (RSC) values were calculated According to the results, while the dominant cation was magnesium (Mg) in June, the lowest concentration was determined as potassium. In the same period, it was determined that the anion with the highest concentration was SO4 and the lowest one was CO3+HCO3. The quality classes of the waters ranged from C3S1 to C4S3.

Conclusions: The lowest coefficient of variation was found in pH values in both periods. The average pH value in the June period was found to be statistically significantly higher than that of September period. On the other hand, the average SAR value in September was statistically significant by 1% compared to the SAR value in June. It was determined that the saturation index (PI) values of all surface waters in the study area were lower than 75% in both periods.

Significance and Impact of the Study: Considering the EC and SAR values of the surface water samples, it is seen that most of the waters at the point where the samples were taken are not suitable for drinking and irrigation purposes. On the other hand, in terms of total hardness, they were not suitable for drinking purpose.

Project Number



  • Ağca N (2014) Spatial variability of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and irrigation in the Amik Plain (South Turkey). Environ Earth Sci. 72: 4115–4130.
  • Ağca N, Karanlık S, Ödemiş B (2014) Assessment of ammonium, nitrate, phosphate, and heavy metal pollution in groundwater from Amik Plain, southern Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 186: 5921–5934.
  • Ağca N., Doğan K, Akgöl A (2000) Amik Ovasında Yer Alan Bazı Topraklarda Tuzluluk ve Alkaliliğin Boyutları Üzerine Bir Araştma MKÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 5 (1-2): 29-40.
  • Ahsan WA, Ahmad HR, Farooqi ZUR, Sabir M, Ayub MA, Rizwan M, Ilic P (2021) Surface water quality assessment of Skardu springs using WaterQuality Index. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28: 20537–20548.
  • Ayers RS, Westcot D W (1994) Water quality for agriculture. FAO irrigation and drainage paper No. 29, Rev. 1.
  • Arumugam K, Elangovan K (2009) Hydrochemical characteristics and groundwater quality assessment in Tirupur Region, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. Environ Geol. 8: 1509–1520.
  • Goovaerts P (1999) Geoistatistics in Soil Science: state-of-the art and perspectives. Geoderma, 89, 1-45.
  • Gün M, Erdem AM (2003) Hatay Master Planı. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Hatay Tarım İl Müdürlüğü. Keskin F, Aydın M, Ağca N (1999) Amik Ovasında Tuzdan Etkilenmiş Topraklardan Bir Kesit. MKÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 4 (1-2): 55-70.
  • Khadka R B, Khanal A B (2008) Environmental management plan (EMP) for Melamchi water supply project, Nepal.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 146 (1–3): 225–234.
  • Kılıç Ş, Ağca N, Karanlık S, Şenol S, Aydın M, Yalçın M, Çelik İ, Evrendilek F, Uygur V, Doğan K, Aslan S, Çullu MA (2008) Amik Ovasının Detaylı Toprak Etütleri, Verimlilik Çalışması ve Arazi Kullanım Planlaması. MKÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu Proje No: DPT2002K120480. 213 S.
  • Kirda C (1997) Assessment of irrigation water quality. Options Méditerranéennes, Séminaires Méditerranéens. pp. 367-377.
  • Lorrane de Oliveira K, Ramos RL, Oliveira SC, Christofaro C (2021) Spatial variability of surface water quality in a large Brazilian semiarid reservoir and its main tributaries. Environ Monit Assess. 187: 548.
  • Muangthong S, Shrestha S (2021) Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: case study of the Nampong River and Songkhram River, Thailand. Environ Monit Assess. 193: 409.
  • Monaj K, Kumar B, Padhy PK (2013) Spatial assessment and characterisation of the Subarnarekha river water through index analyses approaches and chemometrics. The Eroscan (special issue). 3: 321-330
  • Prasanth SVS, Magesh NS, Jitheshlal KV, Chandrasekar N, Gangadhar K (2012) Evaluation of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agricultural use in the coastal stretch of Alappuzha District, Kerala, India. Appl Water Sci. 2: 165–175.
  • Prathap A, Chakraborty S (2020) Assessment of surface water quality around opencast coal mines for sustainable utilization potentials: a case study in Jharkhand, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 22: 3179–3205.
  • Richards LA (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. US Dep Agri. Handbook. 60:147
  • Rim-Rukeh A, Ikhifa GO, Okokoyo PA (2007) Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Some Waters Used for Drinking and Domestic Purposes in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Environ Monit Assess. 128: 475–482.
  • Ruždjak AM, Ruždjak D (2015) Evaluation of river water quality variations using multivariate statistical techniques. Sava River (Croatia): a case study. Envir. Monit. Assess. 187: 215.
  • Samarghandi M R, Nouri J, Mesdaghinia A R, Mahvi A H, Nasseri S, Vaezi F (2007) Efficiency removal of phenol, lead and cadmium by means of UV/TiO2/H2O2 processes. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology. 4(1): 19–25.
  • Smith V H (2003) Eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems a global problem. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 10(2): 126–139.
  • Taher ME, Ghoneium AM, Hopcroft RR, ElTohamy WS (2021). Temporal and spatial variations of surface water quality in the Nile River of Damietta Region, Egypt. Environ Monit Assess. 193: 128.
  • Ustaoğlu F, Tepe Y, Taş B (2019) Assessment of stream quality and health risk in a subtropical Turkey river system: A combined approach using statistical analysis and water quality index. Ecological Indicators,
  • Wang MH, Duan LJ, Wang JP, Peng JY, Zheng BH (2020) Determining the width of lake riparian bufer zones for improving water quality base on adjustment of land use structure. Ecol Eng 158:106001.
  • WHO (2004) Guidelines for drinking water quality. Vol.1. Recommendation. World Health Organization, Geneva, ISBN 92 4 154638 7.
  • Yadav SS, Kumar R (2011) Monitoring water quality of Kosi river in Rampur district, Uttar Pradesh, India. Advances in Applied Science Research 2(2): 197–201.
  • Zeeshan M, Azeez PA (2016) Hydro-chemical characterization and quality assessment of a Western Himalayan river, Munawar Tawi, flowing through Rajouri district, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Environ Monit Asses. 188: 520.
  • Zhou Z, Zhang G, Wang J (2011) Spatial variability of the shallow groundwater level and its chemistry characteristics in the low plain around the Bohai Sea, North China. Environ Monit Assess. doi. 10.1007/s10661-011-2217-1.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Necat Ağca 0000-0003-4864-844X

Kemal Doğan 0000-0002-5448-0009

Project Number 15582
Publication Date December 7, 2021
Submission Date September 6, 2021
Acceptance Date November 2, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Ağca, N., & Doğan, K. (2021). Amik ovasındaki yüzey su kaynaklarının kalitesi ve sulama ve içme amaçlı uygunluğunun değerlendirilmesi. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 26(3), 770-778.

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