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Year 2011, Volume: 2 Issue: 8, 40 - 44, 03.03.2015


Introduction: Angiomatous meningioma is a rare variant which accounts for 2.1% of all
meningiomas. It has features of a typical benign meningioma with many small or large
vascular channels which may predominate over its meningothelial elements.We present here
our case which is a rare variant of meningiomas that has located on the anterior
cerebellopontin cistern.

Case History: A 56 year old woman was referred to the outpatient clinic of Mustafa Kemal
University (MKU) Neurosurgery Department due to headache and numbness. On computed
tomography examination a mass with 33X26 mm seize and intense contrast enhancement has
been obtained. The patient was sent to surgery with meningioma prediagnosis. The diagnosis
has been confirmed as meningioma, angiomatous variant by microscobic examination in
MKU Pathology Laboratory.
Conclusion: Angiomatous meningioma is a rare variant of meningioma with middle-aged
women predominance. Histopathologic features and immunohisto chemistry studies
distinguish these lesions from vascular malformations and hemangioblastoma.


  • Rao S, Rajkumar A, Kuruvilla S. Angiomatous meningioma: A diagnostic dilemma. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2008;51.53-5
  • Kleihues P, Cavenee WK. World Health Organization classification of tumors. Pathology and genetics of tumors of the nervous system. Lyon: IARC Press; 2000:175-93.
  • Deb P, Sahni H, Bhatoe HS. Cystic angiomatous meningioma in the cerebellopontine angle mimicking hemangioblastoma. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeotics. 2010;6.560-3.
  • Martin H, Kay WN, Werner P. Angiomatous meningioma - A clinicopathologic study of 38 cases. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2004;28.390-34.
  • Peter CB, James SN, Orest BB. Diagnostic synergy in radiology and surgical neuropathology. Archieves of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 1998;122.620-32.
  • Tamiya T, Ono Y, Matsumoto K, Ohmoto T. Peritumoral brain edema in intracranial meningiomas: effects of radiological and histological factors. Neurosurgery. 2001;49.1046-51
  • Stacey E. Mills Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, 4th ed. Lippincott William and Wilkins; 2004:460-81.


Year 2011, Volume: 2 Issue: 8, 40 - 44, 03.03.2015


GİRİŞ: Anjiomatöz meningiomalar, tüm meningiomaların %2.1’lik kısmını oluşturan nadir
rastlanılan bir varyantıdır. Benign meningiomaların tipik özelliklerine sahip olmakla beraber
meningial elemanlardan daha baskın olabilen küçük veya büyük vasküler kanallardan
oluşurlar. Biz de sol serebellopontin sistern anterioruna yerleşim gösteren az rastlanılan bir
meningiom varyantı olan olgumuzu sunmak istedik.
OLGU SUNUMU: 56 yaşında bayan hasta 3 aydır devam eden sol yüz yan tarafına yayılan
baş ağrısı ve uyuşma şikayetiyle Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi (MKÜ) Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi
Nöroşirürji Polikliniğine başvurmuştur. Hastanın kontrastlı bilgisayar tomografi
görüntülemesinde sol serebellopontin sistern anterioruna yerleşim göstermiş 33x26 mm
boyutlarında yoğun kontrast tutan kitle tespit edilmiştir Hasta meningiom ön tanısıyla opere
edildikten sonra materyalin MKÜ Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Bölümündeki mikroskobik
incelemesinde meningioma, anjiomatöz variant olarak tanı kesinleştirilmiştir.
TARTIŞMA: Anjiomatöz meningiomalar meningiomaların nadir rastlanılan bir subgrubu
olup, orta yaşlardaki bayanlarda sıklıkla gözlenirler. Tipik meningiomalara özgü
histopatolojik görünümleri ve immunohistokimyasal çalışmalar anjiomatöz meningiomu
vasküler malformasyonlar ve hemanjioblastomalardan ayırt ettirir.


  • Rao S, Rajkumar A, Kuruvilla S. Angiomatous meningioma: A diagnostic dilemma. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2008;51.53-5
  • Kleihues P, Cavenee WK. World Health Organization classification of tumors. Pathology and genetics of tumors of the nervous system. Lyon: IARC Press; 2000:175-93.
  • Deb P, Sahni H, Bhatoe HS. Cystic angiomatous meningioma in the cerebellopontine angle mimicking hemangioblastoma. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeotics. 2010;6.560-3.
  • Martin H, Kay WN, Werner P. Angiomatous meningioma - A clinicopathologic study of 38 cases. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2004;28.390-34.
  • Peter CB, James SN, Orest BB. Diagnostic synergy in radiology and surgical neuropathology. Archieves of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 1998;122.620-32.
  • Tamiya T, Ono Y, Matsumoto K, Ohmoto T. Peritumoral brain edema in intracranial meningiomas: effects of radiological and histological factors. Neurosurgery. 2001;49.1046-51
  • Stacey E. Mills Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, 4th ed. Lippincott William and Wilkins; 2004:460-81.
There are 7 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Report

Tümay Özgür This is me

Serhat Toprak This is me

Mehmet Yaldız This is me

Nebi Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date March 3, 2015
Submission Date February 28, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 2 Issue: 8


Vancouver Özgür T, Toprak S, Yaldız M, Yılmaz N. ANJİOMATÖZ MENİNGİOMA: TANISAL BİR İKİLEM!. mkutfd. 2015;2(8):40-4.