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Year 2015, Volume: 6 Issue: 23, 1 - 7, 30.09.2015


Aim: This study aims to determine the quality of life of mother of children and adolescents diagnosed with primary nocturnal enuresis (PAN). Material and method: This study was performed using face to face interview technique on their mother of children and adolescents admitted to department pediatric nephrology in Gaziantep Children Hospital between 15.03.2014 and 11.05.2014. Participants were informed prior to the study and mothers giving consent were included in the study. Mothers with chronic and psychiatric diseases were excluded from the study. WHOQOL-Bref Quality of Life Scale of World Health Organization was used to assess the quality of life. Participants diagnosed with PEN and without PEN were evaluated in two groups. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 statistical software package. No statistically significant p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: As scores of mothers of patients with diagnosed with PEN were evaluated physically 23:06 ± 3.46 (p=0.135), social 10.98 ± 2.10 (p=0.645) and environmental 27.49 ± 4.62 (p=0.924), in the control group physically 22.62 ± 3.75, social 10.78 ± 2:56 and environmental scores were 27.63 ± 5:03. Mental scores were higher in mothers of patients (p=0.023). Other dimensions were found similar. While in our study quality life scores of mothers of patients diagnosed with PEN were evaluated 3.27±0.68, 3.49±0.94 (p=0.156) in control group. Conclusion: Life quality of both groups were found similar. We found that the life quality of their mother in children diagnosed with PEN were not detected negative effect


  • Trad PV. 13 Anxiety, Depression and Psychosomatic Disorders: Developmental Arrhythmias in Adolescent Mothers. Adolesc Psychiatry V 20 Ann Am Soc Adolesc Psychiatry 2013; 20: 179.
  • Kilicoglu AG, Mutlu C, Bahali MK, Adaletli H, Güneş H, Duman HM. Impact of enuresis nocturna on health-related quality of life in children and their mothers. Journal of pediatric urology 2014; 10(6): 1261-6.
  • Chang SSY, Ng CFN, Wong SN. Behavioural problems in children and parenting stress associated with primary nocturnal enuresis in Hong Kong. Acta Paediatr 2002; 91(4): 475–9.
  • Gümüş B, Vurgun N, Lekili M, İşcan A, Müezzinoğlu T, Büyüksu C. Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis and accompanying factors in children aged 7-11 years in Turkey. Acta Paediatrica 1999; 88: 1369-1372.
  • Oge O, Kocak I, Gemalmaz H. Enuresis: point prevalence and associated factors among Turkish children. Turk J Pediatr 2001; 43: 38-43.
  • Ozkan KU, Garipardic M, Toktamis A, Karabiber H, Şahinkanat T. Enuresis prevalence and accompaying factors in school children: a questionnaire study from southeast Anatolia Urol Int 2004; 73: 149-155.
  • Serel TA, Akhan G, Koyuncuoğlu HR, Öztürk A, Doğruer K, Ünal S. Epidemiology of enuresis in Turkish children. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1997; 31: 537-539.
  • Ergüven M, Çelik Y, Deveci M, Yıldız N. Primer enürezis nokturnada etiyolojik risk faktörleri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2004; 39: 83- 87.
  • (WHOQOL): position paper from the World Health Organization. Soc Sci Med 1995; 41: 1403- 1409.
  • Eser S, Saatli G, Eser E, Baydur H, Fidaner C. Yaşlılar için Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Yaşam Kalitesi Modülü WHOQOL-OLD: Türkiye alan çalışması Türkçe sürüm geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik sonuçları. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2010; 21(1): 37-48.
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 4th ed. American Psychiatry Press. Washington DC. 1995; 1537-41.
  • Neveus T, Lackgren G, Tuvemo T, Hetta J, Hialmas K, Stenberg A. Enuresis - background and treatment. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2000; 206: 1-44.
  • Butler RJ, Redfern EJ, Holland P. Children’s notions about enuresis and the implications for treatment. Scand J Urol Nephrol Suppl 1994; 163: 39–47.
  • Theunis M, Van Hoecke E, Paesbrugge S, Hoebeke P, Vande Walle J. Self-image and performance in children with nocturnal enuresis. Eur Urol 2002; 41(6): 660–7.
  • Byrd RS, Weitzman M, Lanphear NE, Auinger P. Bed-wetting in US children: epidemiology and related behavior problems. Pediatrics 1996; 98: 414–9.
  • Butler RJ, Brewin CR, Forsythe WI. Maternal attributions and tolerance for nocturnal enuresis. Behav Res Ther 1986; 24(3): 307–12.
  • Schulpen TW. The burden of nocturnal enuresis. Acta Paediatr Oslo Nor. 1997; 86(9): 981–4.
  • Egemen A, Akil I, Canda E, Özyurt B, Eser E. An evaluation of quality of life of mothers of children with enuresis nocturna. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23(1): 93–8.
  • Schober JM, Lipman R, Haltigan JD, Kuhn PJ. The impact of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis on attachment parameters. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2004; 38(1): 47–52.
  • Naitoh Y, Kawacuchi A, Soh J, Kamoi K, Miki T. Health related quality of life for monosymptomatic enuretic children and their mothers. J Urol 2012; 188(5): 1910-4.
  • Meydan EA, Civilibal M, Elevli M, Duru NS, Civilibal N. The quality of life of mothers of children with monosymptomatic enuresis nocturna. Int Urol Nephrol 2012; 44(3): 655-9.


Year 2015, Volume: 6 Issue: 23, 1 - 7, 30.09.2015


Amaç: Bu çalışma Primer enürezis nokturna (PEN) tanısı alan çocuk ve ergenlerin annelerinin yaşam kalitesinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma 15.03.2014-11.05.2014 tarihleri arasında Gaziantep Çocuk Hastanesi pediatrik nefroloji polikliniğine başvuran çocuk ve ergenlerin anneleri üzerinde yüz yüze görüşme tekniği kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi.  Katılımcılar çalışma öncesinde bilgilendirildi ve onam veren anneler çalışmaya dahil edildi. Kronik ve psikiyatrik hastalık tanısı olan anneler çalışmaya dahil edilmedi. Yaşam kalitesini değerlendirmek için Dünya Sağlık Örgütünün WHOQOL-Bref Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği (WHOQOL-BREF) kullanıldı. PEN tanısı alanlar ve almayanlar olarak 2 grupta değerlendirildi. Veriler SPSS 21.0 istatistik paket programı kullanılarak değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel olarak p<0.05 anlamlı kabul edildi.

Bulgular: PEN hastalarının annelerinin bedensel 23.06±3.46 (p=0.135), sosyal 10.98±2.10  (p=0.645) ve çevresel 27.49±4.62 (p=0.924) alan puanları şeklinde iken, kontrol grubunda bedensel 22.62±3.75, sosyal 10.78±2.56 ve çevresel 27.63± 5.03 şeklindeydi. Ruhsal puan hastaların annelerinde daha fazlaydı (p=0.023). Diğer boyutlar benzer bulundu. Çalışmamızda PEN tanısı konulan çocukların annelerinin yaşam kalitesi puanları 3.27±0.68 iken kontrol grubunun 3.49±0.94 (p=0.156) şeklindeydi.

Sonuç: PEN grubu ve kontrol grubunun yaşam kaliteleri benzer bulundu. Çocuklarda görülen PEN’in çocukların annelerinin yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkilemediği görüldü.

Anahtar kelimeler: Primer enürezis nokturna, yaşam kalitesi, anne


  • Trad PV. 13 Anxiety, Depression and Psychosomatic Disorders: Developmental Arrhythmias in Adolescent Mothers. Adolesc Psychiatry V 20 Ann Am Soc Adolesc Psychiatry 2013; 20: 179.
  • Kilicoglu AG, Mutlu C, Bahali MK, Adaletli H, Güneş H, Duman HM. Impact of enuresis nocturna on health-related quality of life in children and their mothers. Journal of pediatric urology 2014; 10(6): 1261-6.
  • Chang SSY, Ng CFN, Wong SN. Behavioural problems in children and parenting stress associated with primary nocturnal enuresis in Hong Kong. Acta Paediatr 2002; 91(4): 475–9.
  • Gümüş B, Vurgun N, Lekili M, İşcan A, Müezzinoğlu T, Büyüksu C. Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis and accompanying factors in children aged 7-11 years in Turkey. Acta Paediatrica 1999; 88: 1369-1372.
  • Oge O, Kocak I, Gemalmaz H. Enuresis: point prevalence and associated factors among Turkish children. Turk J Pediatr 2001; 43: 38-43.
  • Ozkan KU, Garipardic M, Toktamis A, Karabiber H, Şahinkanat T. Enuresis prevalence and accompaying factors in school children: a questionnaire study from southeast Anatolia Urol Int 2004; 73: 149-155.
  • Serel TA, Akhan G, Koyuncuoğlu HR, Öztürk A, Doğruer K, Ünal S. Epidemiology of enuresis in Turkish children. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1997; 31: 537-539.
  • Ergüven M, Çelik Y, Deveci M, Yıldız N. Primer enürezis nokturnada etiyolojik risk faktörleri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2004; 39: 83- 87.
  • (WHOQOL): position paper from the World Health Organization. Soc Sci Med 1995; 41: 1403- 1409.
  • Eser S, Saatli G, Eser E, Baydur H, Fidaner C. Yaşlılar için Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Yaşam Kalitesi Modülü WHOQOL-OLD: Türkiye alan çalışması Türkçe sürüm geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik sonuçları. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2010; 21(1): 37-48.
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 4th ed. American Psychiatry Press. Washington DC. 1995; 1537-41.
  • Neveus T, Lackgren G, Tuvemo T, Hetta J, Hialmas K, Stenberg A. Enuresis - background and treatment. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2000; 206: 1-44.
  • Butler RJ, Redfern EJ, Holland P. Children’s notions about enuresis and the implications for treatment. Scand J Urol Nephrol Suppl 1994; 163: 39–47.
  • Theunis M, Van Hoecke E, Paesbrugge S, Hoebeke P, Vande Walle J. Self-image and performance in children with nocturnal enuresis. Eur Urol 2002; 41(6): 660–7.
  • Byrd RS, Weitzman M, Lanphear NE, Auinger P. Bed-wetting in US children: epidemiology and related behavior problems. Pediatrics 1996; 98: 414–9.
  • Butler RJ, Brewin CR, Forsythe WI. Maternal attributions and tolerance for nocturnal enuresis. Behav Res Ther 1986; 24(3): 307–12.
  • Schulpen TW. The burden of nocturnal enuresis. Acta Paediatr Oslo Nor. 1997; 86(9): 981–4.
  • Egemen A, Akil I, Canda E, Özyurt B, Eser E. An evaluation of quality of life of mothers of children with enuresis nocturna. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23(1): 93–8.
  • Schober JM, Lipman R, Haltigan JD, Kuhn PJ. The impact of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis on attachment parameters. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2004; 38(1): 47–52.
  • Naitoh Y, Kawacuchi A, Soh J, Kamoi K, Miki T. Health related quality of life for monosymptomatic enuretic children and their mothers. J Urol 2012; 188(5): 1910-4.
  • Meydan EA, Civilibal M, Elevli M, Duru NS, Civilibal N. The quality of life of mothers of children with monosymptomatic enuresis nocturna. Int Urol Nephrol 2012; 44(3): 655-9.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Articles

Beltinge Kilic This is me

Soner Olmez

Salih Gencoglan This is me

Hamit Keten

Fazil Avci

Caner Olmez This is me

Selcuk Kardas This is me

Ekrem Guler

Dilsad Miniksar This is me

Mustafa Celik

Mustafa Sucakli

Publication Date September 30, 2015
Submission Date July 16, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 6 Issue: 23


Vancouver Kilic B, Olmez S, Gencoglan S, Keten H, Avci F, Olmez C, Kardas S, Guler E, Miniksar D, Celik M, Sucakli M. PRİMER ENÜREZİS NOKTURNA TANILI ÇOCUKLARIN ANNELERİNİN YAŞAM KALİTESİNİN BELİRLENMESİ. mkutfd. 2015;6(23):1-7.