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Kalp Yetersizliği Hastalarında Depresyonun Sol Ventrikül Mekanikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 7 Issue: 27, 0 - 0, 30.07.2016



Kalp yetersizliği (KY) dünya genelinde morbidite ve mortalitenin önde gelen nedenlerinden biridir. Bir çok çalışmada KY ve depresyonun sıklıkla birlikte olduğu ve depresyonun KY semptomları ile bağlantılı olduğu gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmamızda 2 boyutlu speckle tracking ekokardiyografi kullanılarak depresif semptomların derecesiyle sol ventrikül global longitüdinal strain (GS) değerlerini karşılaştırmayı amaçladık.

Gereç ve Yöntem

Çalışmamız  Aralık 2012 ile  Şubat 2016 tarihleri arasında kardiyoloji kliniğine başvuran KY (EF<%35) tanısı olan 135 hastanın dahil edildiği kesitsel bir çalışmadır. Depresif semptomlar Beck Depression Inventory-II ile değerlendirildi. Mental olarak normal olmayanlar ve diğer nörolojik problemi olan hastalar ve onam formunu imzalayamayan hastalar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Depresyon hastaları şu şekilde sınıflandırıldı: skor 0-13 arasında olanlar minimal (grup 1),  skor 14-19 arasında olanlar hafif (grup 2), skor 20-28 arasında olanlar orta (grup 3) ve skoru 29-63 arasında olanlar ciddi (grup 4). İkiboyutlu speckle tracking ekokardiyografide GS değerlendirilmesi için sol ventrikül apikal uzun,4 ve 2 boşluk görüntüleri bazal,mid-papiller ve apikal seviylerden frame rate  40 and 80 frames/s arasındayken görüntüler alındı.


 Çalışma popülasyonda ortalama yaş  64±10 yıl (%54.8 kadın) idi. Gruplar arasında yaş ve cinsiyet açısından fark yoktu. Grup 4’teki hastaların ortanca New York Heart Association değerleri grup 1, 2 ve 3’teki hastalara göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde daha yüksek idi. Gruplar arasında yapılan analizde GS değerleri açısından, gruplar arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulundu (p<0.001). Yapılan post-hoc analizde bu farkın grup 4’ten kaynaklandığı izlendi, grup 4’te diğer gruplara kıyasla GS değerleri anlamlı olarak daha düşüktü (sırasıyla, 19.1±2.3, 17.5±3.1, 17.1±2.3 ve 15.2±3.9, p<0.001).


Depresyon KY olan hastalarda klinik öneme sahiptir. KY olan hastalarda bozulmuş GS depresyon ciddiyeti ile ilişkili olabilir.


  • -. Bui AL, Horwich TB, Fonarrow GC: Epidemiology and risk profile of heart failure. Nat Rev Cardiol 2011, 8:30–41.
  • Biermann J, Neumann T, Angermann CE, Erbel R, Maisch B, Pittrow D, et al. Economic burden of patients with various etiologies of chronic
  • Havranek EP, Ware MG, Lowes BD. Prevalence of depression in congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 1999;84:348–350.
  • Vaccarino V, Kasl SV, Abramson J, Krumholz HM. Depressive symptoms and risk of functional decline and death in patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;38: 199–205
  • Jiang W, Alexander J, Christopher E, Kuchibhatla M, Gauiden LH, Cuffe MS et al. Relationship of depression to increased risk of mortality and rehospitalization in patients with congestive heart failure. Arch Intern Med 2001;161:1849–1856.
  • Ju¨nger J, Schellberg D, Mu¨ller-Tasch T, Raupp G, Zugck C, Haunstetter A et al. Depression increasingly predicts mortality in the course of congestive heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:261–267.)
  • Rutledge, T., Reis, V. A., Linke, S. E., Greenberg, B. H., & Mills, P. J. (2006).
  • Lichtman, J. H., Bigger, J. T., Jr., Blumenthal, J. A., Frasure- Smith, N., Kaufmann, P. G., Lesperance, F., et al. (2008). Depression and coronary heart disease: Recommendations for screening, refer- ral, and treatment: A science advisory from the American Heart Association Prevention Committee of the Council on Cardio- vascular Nursing, Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, and Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research: Endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association (Vol. 118, pp. 1768–1775).
  • Mor-Avi V, Lang RM, Badano LP, et al: Current and evolv- ing echocardiographic techniques for the quantitative evaluation of cardiac mechanics: Ase/eae consensus state- ment on methodology and indications endorsed by the japanese society of echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocar- diogr 2011;24:277–313
  • Beck AT, Brown G and Steer RA. Beck Depression Inventory II manual. San Antonio, Texas: The Psychological Corporation, 1996
  • Swoden GL, Huffman JC: The impact of mental illness on cardiac outcomes: a review for the cardiologist. Int J Cardiol 2009, 132 :30–37.
  • Sherwood A, Blumenthal JA, Hinderliter AL, Koch GG, Adams KF Jr, Dupree CS, et al. Worsening depressive symptoms are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011, 57 :418–423.
  • Rutledge T, Reis VA, Linke SE, Greenberg BH, Mills PJ: Depression in heart failure: a meta-analytic review of prevalence, intervention effects, and associations with clinical outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006, 48 :1527–1537.
  • Johnson TJ, Basu S, Pisani BA, Avery EF, Mendez JC, Calvin JE, et al. Depression predicts repeated heart failure hospitalizations. J Cardiac Fail 2012, 18 :246–252.
  • Jiang W, Alexander J, Christopher E, Kuchibhatla M, Gaulden L, Cuffe MS, et al. Relationship of depression to increased mortality and rehospitalisation in patients with congestive heart failure. Arch Intern Med 2001, 161 :1849–1856.
  • Shimizu Y, Yamada S, Miyake F, Izumi T: The effects of depression on the course of functional limitations in patients with chronic heart failure. J Cardiac Fail 2011, 17 :503– 510.
  • Rumsfeld JS, Havranek E, Masoudi FA, Peterson ED, Jones P, Tooley JF, et al. Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Consortium. Depressive symptoms are the strongest predictors of short-term declines in health status in patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003, 42 :1811–1817.
  • Rollman BL, Helbeck Belnap BH, Mazumdar S, Houck PR, HE F, Alvarez RJ, Schulberg HC,et al. A positive 2-Item Patient Health Questionnaire depression screen among hospitalized heart failure patients is associated with elevated 12-month mortality. J Cardiac Fail 2012, 18 :238–245.
  • Macchia A, Monte S, Pellegrini F, Romero M, D’Ettorre A, Tavazzi L, et al. Depression worsens outcomes in elderly patients with heart failure: An analysis of 48,117 patients in a community setting. Eur J Heart Fail 2008, 10 :714–721.
  • Hallas CN, Wray J, Andreou P, Banner N: Depression and perceptions about heart failure predict quality of life in patients with advanced heart failure. Heart Lung 2011, 40 :111–121.
  • Kitzman DW, Little WC, Brubaker PH, Anderson RT, Hundley WG, Marburger CT et al. Pathophysiological characterization of isolated diastolic heart failure in comparison to systolic heart failure. JAMA 2002;288:2144–5
  • Cohen-Solal A, Tabet JY, Logeart D, Bourgoin P, Tokmakova M, Dahan M. A non- invasively determined surrogate of circulatory power (‘circulatory power’) at peak exercise is
  • Belghitia H, Brette S, Lafitte S, Reant P, Picard F, Serri K et al. Automated function imaging: a new operator-independent strain method for assessing left ventricular function. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2008;101:163–9.
  • Takeuchi M, Nishikage T, Mor-Avi V, Sugeng L, Weinert L, Nakai H et al. Measure- ment of left ventricular mass by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: validation against magnetic resonance and comparison with two-dimensional and m-mode measurements. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2008;21:1001–5
  • Bijnens BH, Cikes M, Claus P, Sutherland GR. Velocity and deformation imaging for the assessment of myocardial dysfunction. Eur J Echocardiogr 2009;10:216–26
Year 2016, Volume: 7 Issue: 27, 0 - 0, 30.07.2016



  • -. Bui AL, Horwich TB, Fonarrow GC: Epidemiology and risk profile of heart failure. Nat Rev Cardiol 2011, 8:30–41.
  • Biermann J, Neumann T, Angermann CE, Erbel R, Maisch B, Pittrow D, et al. Economic burden of patients with various etiologies of chronic
  • Havranek EP, Ware MG, Lowes BD. Prevalence of depression in congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 1999;84:348–350.
  • Vaccarino V, Kasl SV, Abramson J, Krumholz HM. Depressive symptoms and risk of functional decline and death in patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;38: 199–205
  • Jiang W, Alexander J, Christopher E, Kuchibhatla M, Gauiden LH, Cuffe MS et al. Relationship of depression to increased risk of mortality and rehospitalization in patients with congestive heart failure. Arch Intern Med 2001;161:1849–1856.
  • Ju¨nger J, Schellberg D, Mu¨ller-Tasch T, Raupp G, Zugck C, Haunstetter A et al. Depression increasingly predicts mortality in the course of congestive heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:261–267.)
  • Rutledge, T., Reis, V. A., Linke, S. E., Greenberg, B. H., & Mills, P. J. (2006).
  • Lichtman, J. H., Bigger, J. T., Jr., Blumenthal, J. A., Frasure- Smith, N., Kaufmann, P. G., Lesperance, F., et al. (2008). Depression and coronary heart disease: Recommendations for screening, refer- ral, and treatment: A science advisory from the American Heart Association Prevention Committee of the Council on Cardio- vascular Nursing, Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, and Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research: Endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association (Vol. 118, pp. 1768–1775).
  • Mor-Avi V, Lang RM, Badano LP, et al: Current and evolv- ing echocardiographic techniques for the quantitative evaluation of cardiac mechanics: Ase/eae consensus state- ment on methodology and indications endorsed by the japanese society of echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocar- diogr 2011;24:277–313
  • Beck AT, Brown G and Steer RA. Beck Depression Inventory II manual. San Antonio, Texas: The Psychological Corporation, 1996
  • Swoden GL, Huffman JC: The impact of mental illness on cardiac outcomes: a review for the cardiologist. Int J Cardiol 2009, 132 :30–37.
  • Sherwood A, Blumenthal JA, Hinderliter AL, Koch GG, Adams KF Jr, Dupree CS, et al. Worsening depressive symptoms are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011, 57 :418–423.
  • Rutledge T, Reis VA, Linke SE, Greenberg BH, Mills PJ: Depression in heart failure: a meta-analytic review of prevalence, intervention effects, and associations with clinical outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006, 48 :1527–1537.
  • Johnson TJ, Basu S, Pisani BA, Avery EF, Mendez JC, Calvin JE, et al. Depression predicts repeated heart failure hospitalizations. J Cardiac Fail 2012, 18 :246–252.
  • Jiang W, Alexander J, Christopher E, Kuchibhatla M, Gaulden L, Cuffe MS, et al. Relationship of depression to increased mortality and rehospitalisation in patients with congestive heart failure. Arch Intern Med 2001, 161 :1849–1856.
  • Shimizu Y, Yamada S, Miyake F, Izumi T: The effects of depression on the course of functional limitations in patients with chronic heart failure. J Cardiac Fail 2011, 17 :503– 510.
  • Rumsfeld JS, Havranek E, Masoudi FA, Peterson ED, Jones P, Tooley JF, et al. Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Consortium. Depressive symptoms are the strongest predictors of short-term declines in health status in patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003, 42 :1811–1817.
  • Rollman BL, Helbeck Belnap BH, Mazumdar S, Houck PR, HE F, Alvarez RJ, Schulberg HC,et al. A positive 2-Item Patient Health Questionnaire depression screen among hospitalized heart failure patients is associated with elevated 12-month mortality. J Cardiac Fail 2012, 18 :238–245.
  • Macchia A, Monte S, Pellegrini F, Romero M, D’Ettorre A, Tavazzi L, et al. Depression worsens outcomes in elderly patients with heart failure: An analysis of 48,117 patients in a community setting. Eur J Heart Fail 2008, 10 :714–721.
  • Hallas CN, Wray J, Andreou P, Banner N: Depression and perceptions about heart failure predict quality of life in patients with advanced heart failure. Heart Lung 2011, 40 :111–121.
  • Kitzman DW, Little WC, Brubaker PH, Anderson RT, Hundley WG, Marburger CT et al. Pathophysiological characterization of isolated diastolic heart failure in comparison to systolic heart failure. JAMA 2002;288:2144–5
  • Cohen-Solal A, Tabet JY, Logeart D, Bourgoin P, Tokmakova M, Dahan M. A non- invasively determined surrogate of circulatory power (‘circulatory power’) at peak exercise is
  • Belghitia H, Brette S, Lafitte S, Reant P, Picard F, Serri K et al. Automated function imaging: a new operator-independent strain method for assessing left ventricular function. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2008;101:163–9.
  • Takeuchi M, Nishikage T, Mor-Avi V, Sugeng L, Weinert L, Nakai H et al. Measure- ment of left ventricular mass by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: validation against magnetic resonance and comparison with two-dimensional and m-mode measurements. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2008;21:1001–5
  • Bijnens BH, Cikes M, Claus P, Sutherland GR. Velocity and deformation imaging for the assessment of myocardial dysfunction. Eur J Echocardiogr 2009;10:216–26
There are 25 citations in total.


Journal Section Original Articles

Süleyman Karakoyun

Mustafa Ozan Gürsoy This is me

Selim Topçu This is me

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Mustafa Yurttaş This is me

Tayyar Gökdeniz This is me

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Enbiya Aksakal This is me

Publication Date July 30, 2016
Submission Date April 18, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 7 Issue: 27


Vancouver Karakoyun S, Gürsoy MO, Topçu S, Kalkan K, Yurttaş M, Gökdeniz T, Çağdaş M, Aksakal E. Kalp Yetersizliği Hastalarında Depresyonun Sol Ventrikül Mekanikleri Üzerine Etkisi. mkutfd. 2016;7(27).