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[6] Bhat, I.A., Mishra, L.N., Mishra, V.N., Abdel-Aty, M. and Qasymeh, M. A comprehensive analysis for weakly singular nonlinear functional Volterra integral equations using discretization techniques. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 104, 564-575, (2024).
[7] Rao, I.J. and Rajagopal, K.R. The effect of the slip boundary condition on the flow of fluids in a channel. Acta Mechanica, 135, 113-126, (1999).
[8] Rundora, L. and Makinde, O.D. Effects of Navier slip on unsteady flow of a reactive variable viscosity non-Newtonian fluid through a porous saturated medium with asymmetric convective boundary conditions. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 27, 934-944, (2015).
[9] Gbadeyan, J.A. and Abubakar, J.U. and Oyekunle, T.L. Effects of Navier slip on a steady flow of an incompressible viscous fluid confined within spirally enhanced channel. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 28, 32, (2020).
[10] Tauviqirrahman, M. and Ismail, R. and Schipper, D.J. Optimization of the complex slip surface and its effect on the hydrodynamic performance of two-dimensional lubricated contacts. Computers & Fluids, 79, 27-43, (2013).
[11] Zhang, H., Liu, Y., Dai, S., Li, F. and Dong, G. Optimization of boundary slip region on bearing sliders to improve tribological performance. Tribology International, 168, 107446, (2022).
[12] Hu, W. and Wu, J. An approximating approach for boundary control of optimal mixing via Navier-Stokes flows. Journal of Differential Equations, 267(10), 5809-5850, (2019).
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[21] Evcin, C. and Uğur, Ö. and Tezer-Sezgin, M. Determining the optimal parameters for the MHD flow and heat transfer with variable viscosity and Hall effect. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 76(6), 1338-1355, (2018).
[22] Evcin, C. and Uğur, Ö. and Tezer-Sezgin, M. Controlling the power-law fluid flow and heat transfer under the external magnetic field using the flow index and the Hartmann number. International Journal of Computational Methods, 17(03), 1850143, (2020).
[23] Evcin, C. and Uğur, Ö. and Tezer-Sezgin, M. Time varying control of magnetohydrodynamic duct flow. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 89, 100-114, (2021).
[24] Evcin, C. and U˘gur, Ö. and Tezer-Sezgin, M. Optimal placement of the multiple magnetic sources for the MHD flow in a rectangular duct. Optimization and Engineering, 24, 2855-2885, (2023).
[25] Bergman, T.L., Lavine, A.S., Incropera, F.P. and Dewitt, D. P. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. John Wiley & Sons Hoboken: USA, (2011).
[26] Hamza, M.M. Free convection slip flow of an exothermic fluid in a convectively heated vertical channel. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 9(4), 1313-1323, (2018).
[27] Nocedal, J. and Wright, S.J. Numerical Optimization. Springer Science+Business Media: New York, (2006).
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[31] Logg, A., Mardal, K.A. and Wells, G. Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method (Vol. 84). Springer- Verlag: Berlin, (2012).
[32] Virtanen, P., Gommers, R., Oliphant, T.E., Haberland, M., Reddy, T., Cournapeau, D. et al. SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python. Nature Methods, 17(3), 261-272, (2020).
[33] Farrell, P.E., Ham, D.A., Funke, S.W. and Rognes, M.E. Automated derivation of the adjoint of high-level transient finite element programs. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(4), c369-c393, (2013).
Boundary control of unsteady natural convective slip flow in reactive viscous fluids
We consider the optimal control of unsteady natural convective flow of reactive viscous fluid with heat transfer. It is assumed that Newton's law governs the heat transfer within an exothermic reaction under Arrhenius kinetics and Navier slip condition on the lower surface of the channel. The flow is examined in a vertical channel formed by two infinite vertical parallel plates, with a distance (H) between them. Time-dependent natural convective slip flow of reactive viscous fluid and heat transfer equations are solved in a unit interval using the Galerkin-Finite Element Method (FEM) with quadratic finite elements in space and the implicit Euler method in time. The direct solutions are obtained for testing various values of the problem parameters: the Biot number, the Frank Kamenetskii parameter, the Navier slip parameter, and the computation of the skin friction and the Nusselt number $(Nu)$. The optimal control problem is designed for the momentum and energy equations to derive the fluid-prescribed velocity and temperature profiles by defining controls on the boundary of the domain in two ways: (a) controls are formulated as parameters in the boundary conditions, such as slip length and Biot number; (b) controls are assigned as time-dependent functions in the boundary conditions, representing the slip velocity and the heat transfer rate. Following a discretize-then-optimize approach to the control problem, optimization is performed by the SLSQP (Sequential Least Squares Programming) algorithm, a subroutine of SciPy. Numerically simulated results show that the proposed approach successfully drives the flow to prescribed velocity and temperature profiles.
[1] Minto, B.J. and Ingham, D.B. and Pop, I. Free convection driven by an exothermic reaction on a vertical surface embedded in porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 41(1), 11-23, (1998).
[2] Makinde, O.D. Thermal stability of a reactive viscous flow through a porous-saturated channel with convective boundary conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(8-9), 1773-1777, (2009).
[3] Jha, B.K. and Samaila, A.K. and Ajibade, A.O. Transient free-convective flow of reactive viscous fluid in a vertical channel. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(5), 633-637, (2011).
[4] Jha, B. K. and Samaila, A. K. and Ajibade, A. O. Transient free-convective flow of reactive viscous fluid in vertical tube. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(11-12), 2880-2888, (2011).
[5] Bhat, I.A. and Mishra, L.N. A comparative study of discretization techniques for augmented Urysohn type nonlinear functional Volterra integral equations and their convergence analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 470, 128555, (2024).
[6] Bhat, I.A., Mishra, L.N., Mishra, V.N., Abdel-Aty, M. and Qasymeh, M. A comprehensive analysis for weakly singular nonlinear functional Volterra integral equations using discretization techniques. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 104, 564-575, (2024).
[7] Rao, I.J. and Rajagopal, K.R. The effect of the slip boundary condition on the flow of fluids in a channel. Acta Mechanica, 135, 113-126, (1999).
[8] Rundora, L. and Makinde, O.D. Effects of Navier slip on unsteady flow of a reactive variable viscosity non-Newtonian fluid through a porous saturated medium with asymmetric convective boundary conditions. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 27, 934-944, (2015).
[9] Gbadeyan, J.A. and Abubakar, J.U. and Oyekunle, T.L. Effects of Navier slip on a steady flow of an incompressible viscous fluid confined within spirally enhanced channel. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 28, 32, (2020).
[10] Tauviqirrahman, M. and Ismail, R. and Schipper, D.J. Optimization of the complex slip surface and its effect on the hydrodynamic performance of two-dimensional lubricated contacts. Computers & Fluids, 79, 27-43, (2013).
[11] Zhang, H., Liu, Y., Dai, S., Li, F. and Dong, G. Optimization of boundary slip region on bearing sliders to improve tribological performance. Tribology International, 168, 107446, (2022).
[12] Hu, W. and Wu, J. An approximating approach for boundary control of optimal mixing via Navier-Stokes flows. Journal of Differential Equations, 267(10), 5809-5850, (2019).
[13] Haslinger, J. and Mäkinen, R.A. The parameter identification in the Stokes system with threshold slip boundary conditions. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 100(5), e201900209, (2020).
[14] Zhang, W. and Zhu, B. Optimization design for slip/no-slip configuration of hydrophobic sliding bearings using Monte Carlo search. Tribology International, 178, 108034, (2023).
[15] Kunisch, K. and Marduel, X. Optimal control of non-isothermal viscoelastic fluid flow. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 88(3), 261-301, (2000).
[16] Gunzburger, M.D. and Manservisi, S. The velocity tracking problem for Navier–Stokes flows with boundary control. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 39(2), 594-634, (2000).
[17] Lee, H.C. and Imanuvilov, O.Y. Analysis of Neumann boundary optimal control problems for the stationary Boussinesq equations including solid media. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 39(2), 457-477, (2000).
[18] Mallea-Zepeda, E. and Lenes, E. and Valero, E. Boundary control problem for heat convection equations with slip boundary condition. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018(1), 7959761, (2018).
[19] Thalakkottor, J.J. and Mohseni, K. Unified slip boundary condition for fluid flows. Physical Review E, 94(2), 023113, (2016).
[20] Málek, J. and Rajagopal, K.R. On determining Navier’s slip parameter at a solid boundary in flows of a Navier–Stokes fluid. Physics of Fluids, 36(1), (2024).
[21] Evcin, C. and Uğur, Ö. and Tezer-Sezgin, M. Determining the optimal parameters for the MHD flow and heat transfer with variable viscosity and Hall effect. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 76(6), 1338-1355, (2018).
[22] Evcin, C. and Uğur, Ö. and Tezer-Sezgin, M. Controlling the power-law fluid flow and heat transfer under the external magnetic field using the flow index and the Hartmann number. International Journal of Computational Methods, 17(03), 1850143, (2020).
[23] Evcin, C. and Uğur, Ö. and Tezer-Sezgin, M. Time varying control of magnetohydrodynamic duct flow. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 89, 100-114, (2021).
[24] Evcin, C. and U˘gur, Ö. and Tezer-Sezgin, M. Optimal placement of the multiple magnetic sources for the MHD flow in a rectangular duct. Optimization and Engineering, 24, 2855-2885, (2023).
[25] Bergman, T.L., Lavine, A.S., Incropera, F.P. and Dewitt, D. P. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. John Wiley & Sons Hoboken: USA, (2011).
[26] Hamza, M.M. Free convection slip flow of an exothermic fluid in a convectively heated vertical channel. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 9(4), 1313-1323, (2018).
[27] Nocedal, J. and Wright, S.J. Numerical Optimization. Springer Science+Business Media: New York, (2006).
[28] Kraft, D. A software package for sequential quadratic programming. ForschungsberichtDeutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt, (1988).
[29] Kraft, D. Algorithm 733: TOMP-Fortran modules for optimal control calculations. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 20(3), 262-281, (1994).
[30] Schittkowski, K. The nonlinear programming method of Wilson, Han, and Powell with an augmented Lagrangian type line search function Part I. Numerische Mathematik, 38, 83-114, (1982).
[31] Logg, A., Mardal, K.A. and Wells, G. Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method (Vol. 84). Springer- Verlag: Berlin, (2012).
[32] Virtanen, P., Gommers, R., Oliphant, T.E., Haberland, M., Reddy, T., Cournapeau, D. et al. SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python. Nature Methods, 17(3), 261-272, (2020).
[33] Farrell, P.E., Ham, D.A., Funke, S.W. and Rognes, M.E. Automated derivation of the adjoint of high-level transient finite element programs. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(4), c369-c393, (2013).
There are 33 citations in total.
Primary Language
Mathematical Optimisation, Numerical Analysis, Finite Element Analysis
Evcin, C. (2024). Boundary control of unsteady natural convective slip flow in reactive viscous fluids. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation With Applications, 4(5-Special Issue: ICAME’24), 116-138. https://doi.org/10.53391/mmnsa.1555392