Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law / İsveç
Allan S.M., Hawkins, A.J. (1999). Maternal gatekeeping: Mother’s beliefs and behaviors that inhibit greater father involvement in family work. Journal of Marriage and Family, 61(1), 199-212.
Alsop, R., Fitzsimons, A. ve Lennon, K. (2002). Theorizing gender: An introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Ammari, T. ve Schoenebeck, S. (2015). Understanding and supporting fathers and fatherhood on social media sites. Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems, ACM Press: New York, s.1905-1914.
Ammari, T. ve Schoenebeck, S. (2016). Thanks for your interest in our facebook group, but it’s only for dads’: social roles of stay-at-home dads. Proceedings of the ACM conference on computer-supported cooperative work, ACM Press: New York, s.1363-1375.
Ammari, T., Schoenebeck, S.Y. ve Morris, M.R. (2014). Accessing social support and overcoming judgement on social media among parents of children with special needs. AAAI coneference on weblogs and social media, 8(1): 22-31.
Anderson, E. (2009). Inclusive masculinity: The changing nature of masculinities. New York: Routledge.
Anne Çocuk Eğitim Vakfı (AÇEV). (2017). Türkiye’de ilgili babalık ve belirleyicileri. Türkiye’de babalığı anlamak serisi-I, İstanbul.
Arendell, T. (2000). Caregiving and investigating motherhood: the decade’s scholarship. Journal of marriage and the family, 62(4): 199-213.
Asenhed, L., Kilstram, S., Alehagen, S. ve Baggerns, C. (2014). Becoming father is an emotional roller coaster – an analysis of fist-time fathers’ blogs, Journal of clinical nursing, 23(9-10): 1309-1317.
Baber, K. ve Allen, K. (1995). Women in families: feminist reconstruction. New York: Guifold.
Badinter, E. (1981). Mother love: Myth and reality: Motherhood in modern history. New York: Macmillan.
Barak-Brandes, S. (2017). Ideologies of motherhood in contemporary israeli tv commercials. Communication, Culture & Critique, 10(1): 58-75.
Barutçu, A. & Hıdır, N. (2016). Türkiye’de babalığın değişen rolleri: (Pro)feminist babalar. Fe Dergi, 8(2): 27-45.
Blackwell, L., Hardy, J., Ammari, T., Veinot, T., Lampe, C. ve Schoenebeck, S. (2016). LGBT parents and social media: Advocacy, privacy, and disclosure during shifting social movements. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, s.610-622.
Beşpınar, F.U. (2015). Between ideals and enactments: The experience of ‘new fatherhood’ among middleclass men in Turkey, Gül Özyeğin (Der.), içinde, Gender and sexuality in muslim cultures (p.95-114). Suurey: Ashgate Publishing.
Brady, E. ve Guerin, S. (2010). ‘Not the romantic, all happy, coochy coo experience’: A qualitative analysis of interactions on an Irish parenting web site. Family Relations, 59(1): 14-27.
Brandth, B. ve Kvande, E. (1998). Masculinity and child care: The reconstruction of fathering. The Sociological Review, 46(2): 293-313.
Cabrera, N.J., Tamis-LeMonda, S.Y., Bradley, R.H., Hoffreth, S. ve Lamb, M.E. (2000). Fatherhood in the twenty-first century. Child Development, 71(1): 127-136.
Carrigan, T., Connell, R.W. ve Lee, J. (1985). Toward a new sociology of masculinity. Theory and Society, 14(5): 551-604.
Catlett, B.S. ve McKenry, P.C. (2004). Class-based masculinities: Divorce, fatherhood, and the hegemonic ideal. Fathering, 2(2): 165-190.
Chesley, N. (2011). Stay-at-home fathers and breadwinning mothers: Gender, couple dynamics, and social change. Gender & Society, 25(5): 642-664.
Coltrane, S. (1997). Family man: Fatherhood, housework, and gender equity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Connell, R.W. (1987). Gender and power. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Daly, K. (1993). Reshaping fatherhood: Finding the models. Journal of Family Issues, 14(4): 510-530.
Dermott, E. (2003). The intimate father: defining parental involvement. Sociological Research Online, 8(4): 1-11.
Dolan, A. (2014). ‘I’ve learnt what a dad should do’: The interaction of masculine and fathering identities among men who attended a ‘dads only’parenting programme". Sociology, 48(4): 812-828.
Donaldson, M. (1993). What is hegemonic masculinity?. Theory and Society, 22(5): 643-657.
Elvin-Nowak, Y. ve Thomsson, H. (2001). Motherhood as ides and practice: a discursive understanding of employed mothers in Sweden. Gender & Society, 15(3): 407-428.
Eriksson, H. ve Salzmann-Erikson, M. (2013). Supporting a caring fatherhood in cyberspace- an analysis of communication about caring within an online forum for fathers. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 27(1): 63-69.
Eriksson, H., Salzman-Erikson, H.M. ve Pringle, K. (2014). Virtual invisible men: privacy and invisibility as forms of privilege in online venues for fathers during early parenthood. Culture, Society and Masculinities, 6(1): 52-68.
Etling, B., Roberts, H. & Faris, R. (2014). Blogs as an alternative public sphere: The role of blogs, mainstream media, and TV in Russia's media ecology. Berkman Center Research Publication, No: 8.
Finn, M. ve Henwood, K. (2009). Exploring masculinities within men's identificatory imaginings of first‐time fatherhood. British Journal of Social Psychology, 48(3): 547-562.
Fletcher, R. ve StGeorge, J. (2011). Heading into fatherhood – nervously: support for fathering from online dads. Qualitative Health Research, 21(8): 1101-1114.
Fletcher, R., Vimpani, G., Russell, G. ve Keatinge, D. (2008). The evaluation of tailored and web-based information for new fathers. Child: Care, Health and Development, 34(4): 439-446.
Forsberg, L. (2007). Negotiating involved fatherhood: Household work, childcare and spending time with children. Norma, 2(2): 109-126.
Friedewald, M.R., Flecther, R. ve Fairbairn, H. (2005). All-male discussion forums for expectant fathers: evaluation of a model. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 14(2): 8-18.
Glenn, E.N. (1994). Social constructions of mothering: a thematic over-view. N. Glenn, G. Chang & L.R. Forcey (Der.), içinde, Mothering Ideology, Experience, and Agency (p. 1-39). New York: Routledge, 1-39.
Glenn, E.N., Chang, G. ve Forcey, L.R. (1994). Mothering: Ideology, experience, and agency. New York: Routledge.
Gregory, A. ve Milner, S. (2011). What’s new about fatherhood? The social construction of fatherhood in France and the UK. Men and Masculinities, 14(5): 588-606.
Hodges, M.J. ve Budig, M.J. (2010). Who gets the daddy bonus? Organizational hegemonic masculinity and the impact of fatherhood on earnings. Gender & Society, 24(6): 717-745.
Horna, J. & Lupri, E. (1987). Fathers’ participation in work, family life and leisure: A Canadian perspective. C.L. Lewis & M. O’Brien (Der.), içinde, Reassesing Fatherhood: New Observations on Fathers and the Modern Family (p. 54-73), London: Sage Publications.
Hudson, D.B., Campbell-Grossman, C., Fleck, M.O., Elek, S.M. ve Shipman, A. (2003). Effects of the new fathers network on first-time fathers’ parenting self-efficacy and parenting satisfaction during the transition to parenthood. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatic Nursing, 26(4): 217-229.
Johansson, T. (2011). Fatherhood in transition: Paternity leave and changing masculinities. Journal of Family Communication, 11(3): 165-180.
Johansson, T. ve Hammaren, N. (2014). Imagine, just 16 years old and already a dad! The construction of young fatherhood on the internet. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 19(3): 366-381.
Johnston, J. ve Swanson, D.H. (2003). Invisible mothers: A content analysis of motherhood ideologies and myths in magazines. Sex Roles, 49(1-2): 21-33.
Lamb, M.E. (2000). The history of research on father involvement: An overview. H.E. Peters, G.W. Peterson, S.K. Steinmetz & R.D. Ray (Der.), içinde, Fatherhood: Research, interventions and policies (p. 23-42). New York: Haworth.
Lipasova, A. (2016). Fatherhood models in the middle class of contemporary Russia. Russian Sociological Review, 15(4): 202-214.
Lupton,D., Pedersen, S. ve Thomas, G.M. (2016). Parenting and digital media: From the early web to contemporary digial society. Sociology Compass, 10(8): 730-743.
Magaraggia, S. (2013). Tensions between fatherhood and the social construction of masculinity in Italy. Current Sociology, 61(1): 76-92.
Marks, L. ve Palkovitz, R. (2004). American fatherhood types: The good, the bad, and the uninterested. Fathering, 2(2): 113-129.
Marsiglio, W. (1995). Fatherhood: Contemporary theory, research and social policy. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publication.
Marsiglio, W. & Pleck, J.H. (2005). Fatherhood and masculinities. S. Kimmel, J. Hearn & R.W. Connell (Der.), içinde, The handbook of studies on men and masculinities (p. 249-269). London: Sage Publication.
Miller, T. (2005). Making sense of motherhood: A narrative approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nicholas, D.B., Chahauver, A., Brownstone, D., Hetherington, R., McNeill, T. ve Bouffet, E. (2012). Evaluation of an online peer support network for fathers of a child with a brain tumor. Social Work in Health Care, 51(3): 232-245.
Nicholas, D.B., Sullivan, N., Mesbur, E.S., Lang, N.C., Goodman, D. & Mitchell, L. (2003). Participant perceptions of online gorupwork with fathers of children with spine bifida. N. Sullivan, E.S. Mesbur, N. Lang, D. Goodman & L. Mitcell (Der.), içinde, Social work with groups: Social justice through personal, community and societal change (p.227-240). Binghamton & New York: Hartworth Press.
Nouwens, M., Griggio, C.F. ve Mackay, W.E. (2017). WhatsApp is for family; messenger is for friends: communication places in app ecosystems. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, s.727-735.
Nyström, K. ve Ohrling, K. (2008). Electronic encounters: fathers’ experiences of parental support. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 14(2): 71-74.
Oktan, A. (2008). Türk sinemasında hegemonik erkeklikten erkeklik krizine: Yazı-tura ve erkeklik bunalımının sınırları. Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Akademik Dergisi, 5(2): 152-166.
Palkovitz, R. (1997). Reconstructing ‘involvement’: Expanding conceptualizations of men’s caring in contemporary families. A.J. Hawkins & D.C. Dollahite (Der.), içinde, Generative fathering: Beyond deficit perspectives (p.200-216). Thousand Oaks & California: Sage Publication.
Pedersen, S. (2015). ‘It took a lot to admit I am male on here’. Going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet. E. Thorsen, H. Savigny, J. Alexander & D. Jackson, (Der.), içinde, Media, margins and popular culture (p.249-261). Houndmills: Palgrave Mcmillan.
Parsons, T. & Bales, R.F. (1955). Family, socialization and interaction process. New York: Free Press,
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Pleck, J. (1987). American fathering in historical perspective. M. Kimmel (Der.), Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity (p.83-97). Newbury Park & California, Sage Publication.
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Roy, K.M. ve Dyson, O. (2010). Making daddies into fathers: Community-based fatherhood programs and the construction of masculinities for low-income African American men. American Journal of Community Psychology, 45(1-2): 139-154.
Salzmann-Erikson, M. ve Eriksson, H. (2013). Fathers sharing about early parental support in healt-care – virtual discussions on an internet forum. Health & Social Care in the Community, 21(4): 381-390.
Scheibling, C. (2018). Real heroes care: How dad bloggers are reconstructing fatherhood and masculinities. Men and Masculinities, 23(1): 3-19.
Scheibling, C. (2020). The culture of fatherhood 2.0: Exploring the tiny public of dada bloggers in North America. Feminist Media Studies, 20(6): 813-830.
Sullivan, O. (2004). Changing gender practices within the household: A theoretical perspective. Gender & Society, 18(2): 207-222.
Suwada, K. (2015). Being a traditional dad or being more like a mum? Clashing models of fatherhood according to Swedish and Polish fathers. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 46(4): 467-481.
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Swallow, V., Knafl, K., Sanatacroce, S., Hall, A., Smith, T., Campbell, M. Ve Webb, N.J.A. (2012). The online parent information and support project, meeting parents’ information and support needs for home-based management of childhood chronic kidney disease : Research protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(9): 2095-2102.
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Zeybekoğlu, Ö. (2013). Günümüzde erkekelerin gözünden babalık ve aile. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 2: 297-328.
Geleneksel aile yapısına özgü, toplumca norm kabul edilmiş cinsiyet rolleri, tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de bir tür çözülme ve dönüşüm sürecindedir. Erkeğin, aile temelli cinsiyet rollerinden biri olarak babalık rolü ve bu role dair algı da hem bireysel hem de toplumsal düzeyde bu dönüşümden etkilenmektedir. İnternet ve iletişim teknolojileri ise, günümüzde babalık performanslarının sergilenebilmesi için açtıkları çevrimiçi alanlarla, babalık algısındaki dönüşümün gerçekleşmesine, temsiline ve yaygınlaşmasına aracılık etmektedir. Bu kapsamda gerçekleştirilen çalışma, Türkiye’deki blogger babaların cinsiyet rollerine atfettikleri anlama bağlı olarak, bloglar üzerinden gerçekleşen çevrimiçi ve kamusal paylaşım pratiklerine odaklanmaktadır. Bu odak noktasından yola çıkan çalışma içerisinde Türkiye’deki blogger babalarla gerçekleştirilen derinlemesine görüşmeler üzerinden, erkeklikle ilişkili bir rol olarak babalığı kamusal olarak tartışmayı seçen bu erkeklerin babalığı nasıl tanımladıkları, babalık deneyim ve performanslarının sergilenmesinde blogları neden ve nasıl kullandıkları ele alınmaktadır.
Allan S.M., Hawkins, A.J. (1999). Maternal gatekeeping: Mother’s beliefs and behaviors that inhibit greater father involvement in family work. Journal of Marriage and Family, 61(1), 199-212.
Alsop, R., Fitzsimons, A. ve Lennon, K. (2002). Theorizing gender: An introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Ammari, T. ve Schoenebeck, S. (2015). Understanding and supporting fathers and fatherhood on social media sites. Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems, ACM Press: New York, s.1905-1914.
Ammari, T. ve Schoenebeck, S. (2016). Thanks for your interest in our facebook group, but it’s only for dads’: social roles of stay-at-home dads. Proceedings of the ACM conference on computer-supported cooperative work, ACM Press: New York, s.1363-1375.
Ammari, T., Schoenebeck, S.Y. ve Morris, M.R. (2014). Accessing social support and overcoming judgement on social media among parents of children with special needs. AAAI coneference on weblogs and social media, 8(1): 22-31.
Anderson, E. (2009). Inclusive masculinity: The changing nature of masculinities. New York: Routledge.
Anne Çocuk Eğitim Vakfı (AÇEV). (2017). Türkiye’de ilgili babalık ve belirleyicileri. Türkiye’de babalığı anlamak serisi-I, İstanbul.
Arendell, T. (2000). Caregiving and investigating motherhood: the decade’s scholarship. Journal of marriage and the family, 62(4): 199-213.
Asenhed, L., Kilstram, S., Alehagen, S. ve Baggerns, C. (2014). Becoming father is an emotional roller coaster – an analysis of fist-time fathers’ blogs, Journal of clinical nursing, 23(9-10): 1309-1317.
Baber, K. ve Allen, K. (1995). Women in families: feminist reconstruction. New York: Guifold.
Badinter, E. (1981). Mother love: Myth and reality: Motherhood in modern history. New York: Macmillan.
Barak-Brandes, S. (2017). Ideologies of motherhood in contemporary israeli tv commercials. Communication, Culture & Critique, 10(1): 58-75.
Barutçu, A. & Hıdır, N. (2016). Türkiye’de babalığın değişen rolleri: (Pro)feminist babalar. Fe Dergi, 8(2): 27-45.
Blackwell, L., Hardy, J., Ammari, T., Veinot, T., Lampe, C. ve Schoenebeck, S. (2016). LGBT parents and social media: Advocacy, privacy, and disclosure during shifting social movements. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, s.610-622.
Beşpınar, F.U. (2015). Between ideals and enactments: The experience of ‘new fatherhood’ among middleclass men in Turkey, Gül Özyeğin (Der.), içinde, Gender and sexuality in muslim cultures (p.95-114). Suurey: Ashgate Publishing.
Brady, E. ve Guerin, S. (2010). ‘Not the romantic, all happy, coochy coo experience’: A qualitative analysis of interactions on an Irish parenting web site. Family Relations, 59(1): 14-27.
Brandth, B. ve Kvande, E. (1998). Masculinity and child care: The reconstruction of fathering. The Sociological Review, 46(2): 293-313.
Cabrera, N.J., Tamis-LeMonda, S.Y., Bradley, R.H., Hoffreth, S. ve Lamb, M.E. (2000). Fatherhood in the twenty-first century. Child Development, 71(1): 127-136.
Carrigan, T., Connell, R.W. ve Lee, J. (1985). Toward a new sociology of masculinity. Theory and Society, 14(5): 551-604.
Catlett, B.S. ve McKenry, P.C. (2004). Class-based masculinities: Divorce, fatherhood, and the hegemonic ideal. Fathering, 2(2): 165-190.
Chesley, N. (2011). Stay-at-home fathers and breadwinning mothers: Gender, couple dynamics, and social change. Gender & Society, 25(5): 642-664.
Coltrane, S. (1997). Family man: Fatherhood, housework, and gender equity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Connell, R.W. (1987). Gender and power. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Daly, K. (1993). Reshaping fatherhood: Finding the models. Journal of Family Issues, 14(4): 510-530.
Dermott, E. (2003). The intimate father: defining parental involvement. Sociological Research Online, 8(4): 1-11.
Dolan, A. (2014). ‘I’ve learnt what a dad should do’: The interaction of masculine and fathering identities among men who attended a ‘dads only’parenting programme". Sociology, 48(4): 812-828.
Donaldson, M. (1993). What is hegemonic masculinity?. Theory and Society, 22(5): 643-657.
Elvin-Nowak, Y. ve Thomsson, H. (2001). Motherhood as ides and practice: a discursive understanding of employed mothers in Sweden. Gender & Society, 15(3): 407-428.
Eriksson, H. ve Salzmann-Erikson, M. (2013). Supporting a caring fatherhood in cyberspace- an analysis of communication about caring within an online forum for fathers. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 27(1): 63-69.
Eriksson, H., Salzman-Erikson, H.M. ve Pringle, K. (2014). Virtual invisible men: privacy and invisibility as forms of privilege in online venues for fathers during early parenthood. Culture, Society and Masculinities, 6(1): 52-68.
Etling, B., Roberts, H. & Faris, R. (2014). Blogs as an alternative public sphere: The role of blogs, mainstream media, and TV in Russia's media ecology. Berkman Center Research Publication, No: 8.
Finn, M. ve Henwood, K. (2009). Exploring masculinities within men's identificatory imaginings of first‐time fatherhood. British Journal of Social Psychology, 48(3): 547-562.
Fletcher, R. ve StGeorge, J. (2011). Heading into fatherhood – nervously: support for fathering from online dads. Qualitative Health Research, 21(8): 1101-1114.
Fletcher, R., Vimpani, G., Russell, G. ve Keatinge, D. (2008). The evaluation of tailored and web-based information for new fathers. Child: Care, Health and Development, 34(4): 439-446.
Forsberg, L. (2007). Negotiating involved fatherhood: Household work, childcare and spending time with children. Norma, 2(2): 109-126.
Friedewald, M.R., Flecther, R. ve Fairbairn, H. (2005). All-male discussion forums for expectant fathers: evaluation of a model. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 14(2): 8-18.
Glenn, E.N. (1994). Social constructions of mothering: a thematic over-view. N. Glenn, G. Chang & L.R. Forcey (Der.), içinde, Mothering Ideology, Experience, and Agency (p. 1-39). New York: Routledge, 1-39.
Glenn, E.N., Chang, G. ve Forcey, L.R. (1994). Mothering: Ideology, experience, and agency. New York: Routledge.
Gregory, A. ve Milner, S. (2011). What’s new about fatherhood? The social construction of fatherhood in France and the UK. Men and Masculinities, 14(5): 588-606.
Hodges, M.J. ve Budig, M.J. (2010). Who gets the daddy bonus? Organizational hegemonic masculinity and the impact of fatherhood on earnings. Gender & Society, 24(6): 717-745.
Horna, J. & Lupri, E. (1987). Fathers’ participation in work, family life and leisure: A Canadian perspective. C.L. Lewis & M. O’Brien (Der.), içinde, Reassesing Fatherhood: New Observations on Fathers and the Modern Family (p. 54-73), London: Sage Publications.
Hudson, D.B., Campbell-Grossman, C., Fleck, M.O., Elek, S.M. ve Shipman, A. (2003). Effects of the new fathers network on first-time fathers’ parenting self-efficacy and parenting satisfaction during the transition to parenthood. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatic Nursing, 26(4): 217-229.
Johansson, T. (2011). Fatherhood in transition: Paternity leave and changing masculinities. Journal of Family Communication, 11(3): 165-180.
Johansson, T. ve Hammaren, N. (2014). Imagine, just 16 years old and already a dad! The construction of young fatherhood on the internet. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 19(3): 366-381.
Johnston, J. ve Swanson, D.H. (2003). Invisible mothers: A content analysis of motherhood ideologies and myths in magazines. Sex Roles, 49(1-2): 21-33.
Lamb, M.E. (2000). The history of research on father involvement: An overview. H.E. Peters, G.W. Peterson, S.K. Steinmetz & R.D. Ray (Der.), içinde, Fatherhood: Research, interventions and policies (p. 23-42). New York: Haworth.
Lipasova, A. (2016). Fatherhood models in the middle class of contemporary Russia. Russian Sociological Review, 15(4): 202-214.
Lupton,D., Pedersen, S. ve Thomas, G.M. (2016). Parenting and digital media: From the early web to contemporary digial society. Sociology Compass, 10(8): 730-743.
Magaraggia, S. (2013). Tensions between fatherhood and the social construction of masculinity in Italy. Current Sociology, 61(1): 76-92.
Marks, L. ve Palkovitz, R. (2004). American fatherhood types: The good, the bad, and the uninterested. Fathering, 2(2): 113-129.
Marsiglio, W. (1995). Fatherhood: Contemporary theory, research and social policy. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publication.
Marsiglio, W. & Pleck, J.H. (2005). Fatherhood and masculinities. S. Kimmel, J. Hearn & R.W. Connell (Der.), içinde, The handbook of studies on men and masculinities (p. 249-269). London: Sage Publication.
Miller, T. (2005). Making sense of motherhood: A narrative approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nicholas, D.B., Chahauver, A., Brownstone, D., Hetherington, R., McNeill, T. ve Bouffet, E. (2012). Evaluation of an online peer support network for fathers of a child with a brain tumor. Social Work in Health Care, 51(3): 232-245.
Nicholas, D.B., Sullivan, N., Mesbur, E.S., Lang, N.C., Goodman, D. & Mitchell, L. (2003). Participant perceptions of online gorupwork with fathers of children with spine bifida. N. Sullivan, E.S. Mesbur, N. Lang, D. Goodman & L. Mitcell (Der.), içinde, Social work with groups: Social justice through personal, community and societal change (p.227-240). Binghamton & New York: Hartworth Press.
Nouwens, M., Griggio, C.F. ve Mackay, W.E. (2017). WhatsApp is for family; messenger is for friends: communication places in app ecosystems. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, s.727-735.
Nyström, K. ve Ohrling, K. (2008). Electronic encounters: fathers’ experiences of parental support. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 14(2): 71-74.
Oktan, A. (2008). Türk sinemasında hegemonik erkeklikten erkeklik krizine: Yazı-tura ve erkeklik bunalımının sınırları. Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Akademik Dergisi, 5(2): 152-166.
Palkovitz, R. (1997). Reconstructing ‘involvement’: Expanding conceptualizations of men’s caring in contemporary families. A.J. Hawkins & D.C. Dollahite (Der.), içinde, Generative fathering: Beyond deficit perspectives (p.200-216). Thousand Oaks & California: Sage Publication.
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