Research Article
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Ethnographic Research at the Intersections of Everyday Life, Power Relations and Ethical Codes

Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 1 - Ethnography, 155 - 172, 15.06.2017


Ethnographic research aims to understand people’s relation to all aspects of life including nature, culture, things, imagination, practice on their own terms. This research method is based on a long-term and intimate relationship between researcher and researched. This intimate relationship which is based on trust brings about a number of ethical problems. This article first of all looks at the rise of ethical codes in human subject research and the influence of institutionalization of ethical rules on ethnographic research in the last three decades. These debates show the limits of ethical codes in ethnographic method and raise questions about how ethnographic research, which revolve around everyday life, engages with the questions of politics and ethics. The second part of the article deals with the ethical questions in ethnographic research in Turkey. The last part briefly discusses the fact that recently more ethnographic researches address questions about the ethical life.


  • Arda, B. (2000). Evaluation of research ethics committees in Turkey. Journal of Medical Ethics, 26(6), 459–461.
  • Asad, T. (Ed.). (1973). Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter. London: Ithaca Press.
  • Berreman, G. D. (2012). Ethics versus “Realism” in Anthropology. In A. C. G. M. Robben & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 331–352). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bourgois, P. (2011). Confronting the Ethics of Ethnography: Lessons from Fieldwork in Central America. In A. C. G. M. Robben & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic fieldwork: an anthropological reader (2nd ed., pp. 318–330). Malden, Mass: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Clifford, J. (1988). The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
  • Clifford, J., & Marcus, G. E. (Eds.). (1986). Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
  • Fine, G. A. (1993). TEN LIES OF ETHNOGRAPHY: Moral Dilemmas of Field Research. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 22(3), 267–294.
  • Jaschik, S. (2007, November 30). Questions, Anger and Dissent on Ethics Study. Retrieved April 12, 2017, from
  • Jaschik, S. (2012, July 11). Anthropologists approve new code of ethics. Retrieved April 12, 2017, from
  • Keane, W. (2013). Ontologies, anthropologists, and ethical life. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 3(1), 186–191.
  • Oguz, N. Y. (2003). Research ethics committees in developing countries and informed consent: with special reference to Turkey. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 141(5), 292–296.
  • Ortner, S. B. (2016). Dark anthropology and its others: Theory since the eighties. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 6(1), 47–73.
  • Pels, P. (1999). Professions of Duplexity: A Prehistory of Ethical Codes in Anthropology. Current Anthropology, 40(2), 101–136.
  • Robbins, J. (2013). Beyond the suffering subject: toward an anthropology of the good. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 19(3), 447–462.
  • Silverman, M. (2004). Everyday Ethics: A personal journey in rural Ireland, 1980-2001. In P. Caplan (Ed.), The Ethics of Anthropology: Debates and Dilemmas (pp. 115–132). Routledge.
  • Sluka, J. A. (2012). Fieldwork ethics. In A. C. G. M. Robben & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 299–305). John Wiley & Sons.

Gündelik Hayat, İktidar İlişkileri ve Etik Kodların Kesişiminde Etnografik Araştırma

Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 1 - Ethnography, 155 - 172, 15.06.2017


Etnografik araştırma insanların doğayla, kültürle, nesnelerle, hayal gücüyle, pratikle yani yaşamın tüm alanlarıyla ilişkilerini onların kendi terimleriyle anlamaya çalışır. Bu araştırma yöntemi, araştırılan ve araştırmacı arasında uzun süreli ve yakın bir ilişkiye dayanmaktadır. Bu güvene dayalı yakın ilişki pek çok etik sorunu da beraberinde getirir. Bu yazıda insan araştırmalarında uyulması gereken etik kritelerin ortaya çıkışına ve özellikle son 30 yılda bu kuralların hızla kurumsallaşmasının etnografik araştırmalar üzerindeki etkisine bakılacaktır. Bu tartışmalar bir yandan etnografik yönteme ilişkin etik kodların sınırlarını gösterirken bir yandan da gündelik hayattaki ilişkileri merkezine alan etnografik araştırmaların daha genel politik ve etik meselelerle nasıl ilişkileneceğine dair soruları ortaya çıkarır. Yazının ikinci kısmı Türkiye’de etnografik araştırmalarda etik soruları nasıl düşünebileceğimizle ilgilidir. Sonuç bölümünde ise etnografik araştırmaların giderek etik yaşamla ilgili sorulara yöneliyor oluşuyla ilgili kısa bir tartışma yer almaktadır.


  • Arda, B. (2000). Evaluation of research ethics committees in Turkey. Journal of Medical Ethics, 26(6), 459–461.
  • Asad, T. (Ed.). (1973). Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter. London: Ithaca Press.
  • Berreman, G. D. (2012). Ethics versus “Realism” in Anthropology. In A. C. G. M. Robben & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 331–352). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bourgois, P. (2011). Confronting the Ethics of Ethnography: Lessons from Fieldwork in Central America. In A. C. G. M. Robben & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic fieldwork: an anthropological reader (2nd ed., pp. 318–330). Malden, Mass: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Clifford, J. (1988). The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
  • Clifford, J., & Marcus, G. E. (Eds.). (1986). Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
  • Fine, G. A. (1993). TEN LIES OF ETHNOGRAPHY: Moral Dilemmas of Field Research. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 22(3), 267–294.
  • Jaschik, S. (2007, November 30). Questions, Anger and Dissent on Ethics Study. Retrieved April 12, 2017, from
  • Jaschik, S. (2012, July 11). Anthropologists approve new code of ethics. Retrieved April 12, 2017, from
  • Keane, W. (2013). Ontologies, anthropologists, and ethical life. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 3(1), 186–191.
  • Oguz, N. Y. (2003). Research ethics committees in developing countries and informed consent: with special reference to Turkey. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 141(5), 292–296.
  • Ortner, S. B. (2016). Dark anthropology and its others: Theory since the eighties. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 6(1), 47–73.
  • Pels, P. (1999). Professions of Duplexity: A Prehistory of Ethical Codes in Anthropology. Current Anthropology, 40(2), 101–136.
  • Robbins, J. (2013). Beyond the suffering subject: toward an anthropology of the good. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 19(3), 447–462.
  • Silverman, M. (2004). Everyday Ethics: A personal journey in rural Ireland, 1980-2001. In P. Caplan (Ed.), The Ethics of Anthropology: Debates and Dilemmas (pp. 115–132). Routledge.
  • Sluka, J. A. (2012). Fieldwork ethics. In A. C. G. M. Robben & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 299–305). John Wiley & Sons.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Articles (Thematic)

Başak Can This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2017
Submission Date June 1, 2017
Acceptance Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 4 Issue: 1 - Ethnography


APA Can, B. (2017). Gündelik Hayat, İktidar İlişkileri ve Etik Kodların Kesişiminde Etnografik Araştırma. Moment Dergi, 4(1), 155-172.