Research Article
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Effects of Immunotherapy on T-lymphocyte and Cytokine Composition

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 13 - 17, 15.10.2019



Objective, Materials and Methods: To examine the effect of
immunotherapy (IT) on the level of serum interferon-gamma (IFN-g) and
T-lymphocyte subgroups in allergic individuals, five study groups including 40
patients with allergic rhinitis and 10 healthy individuals were formed.

Group I:  10 participants whose IFN-g levels were
measured before the IT administration

Group II:  10 participants whose IFN-g levels were
measured after the IT administration

 Group III: 10 participants whose IFN-g levels
were measured in the 3rd control year after the IT administration

Group IV: 10 participants
whose T4 and T8 lymphocyte levels were measured before and after the IT

Group V-Control group: 10
participants whose IFN-g levels were measured

Results: In Group I, serum
IFN-g levels before the IT administration were examined and compared with that
of the control group and no significant difference was found. In Group II,
IFN-g levels after IT administration were investigated. IFN-g levels after IT
administration were compared with those of Group I and the control group and a
significant increase was observed in IFN-g level. Similarly, serum IFN-g levels
in the 3rd control year after IT administration in Group III were
compared with those of the control group and Group I, and they were found
significantly higher. T4, T8 levels and the rate of T4/ T8 in the peripheral
blood before and after the IT administration in Group IV were examined.

Conclusion: There was a decrease in
T4 level, an increase in T8 and decrease in the rate of T4/T8 after the IT



materiyal ve metod:
Allerjik bireylerde immunoterapinin (İT)
serum interferon-gama (İFN-g) düzeyinde ve T-lenfosit subgruplarına olan
etkisini araştırmak amacıyla 40 allerjik rinitli hasta ile 10 sağlıklı
bireylerden beş çalışma grubu oluşturuldu.

Grup: İT öncesi İFN-g
ölçülen 10 kişi

Grup: İT bitiminde İFN-g
düzeyleri ölçülen 10 kişi

 Grup: İT bitiminden 3. kontrol yılında İFN-g
düzeyleri ölçülen 10 kişi

Grup: İT öncesi ve sonrası
T4,T8 lenfosit düzeyleri ölçülen 10 kişi

Grup: kontrol grubu İFN-g
düzeyleri ölçülen 10 kişi

I.grupta, İT öncesi serum İFN-g düzeyi bakılarak kontrol grubu ile
karşılaştırıldı. İkisi arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı.

II.grupta ise İT sonrası
İFN-g düzeyine bakıldı. İT sonrası İFN-g düzeyi, I. grup ve kontrol grubu
düzeyleri ile karşılaştırılarak İFN-g seviyesinde belirgin yükselme görüldü.

Aynı şekilde III. grupta
İT sonrası 3. kontrol yılında bakılan serum İFN-g düzeyi, I. grup ve kontrol grubu
düzeyleri ile karşılaştırılarak anlamlı miktarda yüksek bulundu.

IV. grupta ise İT öncesi
ve sonrası periferik kandaki T4, T8 ve T4/T8miktarlarına bakıldı.

İT sonrasında T4 düzeyinde azalma, T8 düzeyinde artma ve T4/T8 oranında düşme



  • 1. R.M.O’Beien, K.A. Byron, G.A.Varigos and W.R.Thomas. House dust mite immunotherapy results in a decrease in Derp 2-specific İFN-g and İL-4 expression by circulating T lymphocytes. Clinical and Experimental Alergy, 1997; Volume 27, pages 46-51.2. Gurka G, Rocklin R. İmmunologic responses during allergen-specific immunotherapy for respiratory allergy. Ann Allergy 1988;61:239-43.3. Gürbüz, L.: ev tozu akarcıklarının bronş astmasındaki yeri. I. Alerjik Hastalıklar sempozyumu, Ankara, s. 157-162,1985.4. Kerr, J.W., Murchinson, L.E.: A controlled trial of polen adsorbate in the treatment of hay fever.5. Dullaers M, Schuijs MJ, Willart M, Fierens K, Van Moorleghem J, Hammad H, Lambrecht BN. House dust mite-driven asthma and allergen-specific T cells depend on B cells when the amount of inhaled allergen is limiting. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017 Jul;140(1):76-88.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.09.020. Epub 2016 Oct 13.6. Reeves, R., and N.S. Magnuson. Mechanisms regulating translent expression of mammalian cytokine genes and cellular oncogenes. Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology 38:241-282,1990.7. Van Snick, J. İnterleukin-6: an overview Annual Review of Immunotherapy 8:253-278,1990.8. Specific Review of İmmunologyb 5:429-460-,198750. 9. DeKruff RH, Fan Y, Umetsu DT. IL-4 Synthesis by in vivo primed keyhole limpet hemocyanin-specific CD4 T cells. J Immunol 1992;149:3468-76.10. HayGlass KT, Stefura BP. Anti interferon-g treatment blocks the IgE responses. J Exp Med 1991;173:279-85.11. Canorica GW, Mingari MC, Melioli G, Colombatti M, Moretta L. Imbalance of T cell subpopulations in paients with atopic diseases and effect of specific immunotherapy. J Immunol 1979;123:2669-72.12. Walker C, Bode E, Boer L, Hansel TT, Blasen K, Virchow JC. Allergic and non-allergic asthmatics have distinct patterns of T-cell activation and cytokin production in peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992;146:109-15.13. Robinson LD. Gamma interferon induced changes in CD4/CD8 populations in hyper IgE syndrome J Allergey Clin Immunol 1993;91:141.14. Gideon Lack, Harold S. Nelson. Rush immunotherapy results in alergen-specific alterations in lymphocyte function and interferon-g production in CD4 T cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997;99:530-8.15. Natziger J, Arock M, Gulliosson J.J, Wietzerbin J. Specific highaffinity receptors for interferon-g on Mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells: inhibitory effect on interferon-g on mast cell precursors. Eur J Immunol 1990;20:113-7.16. Mosmann, T.R., H. Cherwinski, M.W. Bond, M.A. Giedlin, Two types of murine hepler T cell. I.Definition according to profiles of lymphokine activities and secreted proteins. J. Immunol. 136:234817. Coffman, R., and J. Carty. 1986. AT cell activity that enhances polyclonal IgE production and its inhibition by interferon-g. J. Immunol. 136:949.18. Rabin, E., J. Mond, J. Ohara, and W. Paul. 1986. İnterferon-g inhibits the action of B cell stimulatory factor (BSF)-1 on resting Bcells. J Immunol. 137:1573.19. Reynolds, D., W. Boom, and Abbas. 1987. Inhibition of B lymphocyte activation by interferon-g J. Imumunol. 139:767.20. Secrist H, Chelen CJ, Wen Yan, Marshall JD, Umetsu DT. Allergen immunotherapy decreases interleukin-4 production in CD4 Tcells from allergic individuals. J Exp Med 1993;178:2123-30.21. Kay, A.B. mechanisms and treatment of allergic rhinitis. In Kerr, A.G.; Scott-brown’s otolaryngology, vol 4, pp:93-114, Butterworth, 1987.22. Gajewski TF, Fitch FW. anti-proliferative effect of İNF-g inhibits the proliferation of Th2 but not Th1, murine hepler T lymphocyte clanes J Immunol 1988;140:4245-52.23. Moore KW, Vieira P, Fiorention DF,Trounstine ML., Khan TA, Mosmann TR. Homology of cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor (IL-10) to the EBV gene BCRFI. Science 1990;248:1230-4.24. Mosmann TR, Bond MW, Coffman RL, Ohana J, paul WE. T cell and mast cell lines respond to B cell stimulatory factor-1. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1986;83:5654-8.25. Fenkelman FD, Holmes J., Katona ID et al. Lymphokine control of in vivo immunglobulin isotype selection. Annu Rev Immunol 1990,8:303-33.26. Jutel M, Hichler WF, Skrbic D, Urwyler A, Dahinden C, Muller UR. Bee venom immunotherapy results in decrease of IL-4 and IL-5 and incresase of İFN-g secretion allergen-stimulated T cell cultures. J Immunol 1995;154:4187-94
Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 13 - 17, 15.10.2019



  • 1. R.M.O’Beien, K.A. Byron, G.A.Varigos and W.R.Thomas. House dust mite immunotherapy results in a decrease in Derp 2-specific İFN-g and İL-4 expression by circulating T lymphocytes. Clinical and Experimental Alergy, 1997; Volume 27, pages 46-51.2. Gurka G, Rocklin R. İmmunologic responses during allergen-specific immunotherapy for respiratory allergy. Ann Allergy 1988;61:239-43.3. Gürbüz, L.: ev tozu akarcıklarının bronş astmasındaki yeri. I. Alerjik Hastalıklar sempozyumu, Ankara, s. 157-162,1985.4. Kerr, J.W., Murchinson, L.E.: A controlled trial of polen adsorbate in the treatment of hay fever.5. Dullaers M, Schuijs MJ, Willart M, Fierens K, Van Moorleghem J, Hammad H, Lambrecht BN. House dust mite-driven asthma and allergen-specific T cells depend on B cells when the amount of inhaled allergen is limiting. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017 Jul;140(1):76-88.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.09.020. Epub 2016 Oct 13.6. Reeves, R., and N.S. Magnuson. Mechanisms regulating translent expression of mammalian cytokine genes and cellular oncogenes. Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology 38:241-282,1990.7. Van Snick, J. İnterleukin-6: an overview Annual Review of Immunotherapy 8:253-278,1990.8. Specific Review of İmmunologyb 5:429-460-,198750. 9. DeKruff RH, Fan Y, Umetsu DT. IL-4 Synthesis by in vivo primed keyhole limpet hemocyanin-specific CD4 T cells. J Immunol 1992;149:3468-76.10. HayGlass KT, Stefura BP. Anti interferon-g treatment blocks the IgE responses. J Exp Med 1991;173:279-85.11. Canorica GW, Mingari MC, Melioli G, Colombatti M, Moretta L. Imbalance of T cell subpopulations in paients with atopic diseases and effect of specific immunotherapy. J Immunol 1979;123:2669-72.12. Walker C, Bode E, Boer L, Hansel TT, Blasen K, Virchow JC. Allergic and non-allergic asthmatics have distinct patterns of T-cell activation and cytokin production in peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992;146:109-15.13. Robinson LD. Gamma interferon induced changes in CD4/CD8 populations in hyper IgE syndrome J Allergey Clin Immunol 1993;91:141.14. Gideon Lack, Harold S. Nelson. Rush immunotherapy results in alergen-specific alterations in lymphocyte function and interferon-g production in CD4 T cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997;99:530-8.15. Natziger J, Arock M, Gulliosson J.J, Wietzerbin J. Specific highaffinity receptors for interferon-g on Mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells: inhibitory effect on interferon-g on mast cell precursors. Eur J Immunol 1990;20:113-7.16. Mosmann, T.R., H. Cherwinski, M.W. Bond, M.A. Giedlin, Two types of murine hepler T cell. I.Definition according to profiles of lymphokine activities and secreted proteins. J. Immunol. 136:234817. Coffman, R., and J. Carty. 1986. AT cell activity that enhances polyclonal IgE production and its inhibition by interferon-g. J. Immunol. 136:949.18. Rabin, E., J. Mond, J. Ohara, and W. Paul. 1986. İnterferon-g inhibits the action of B cell stimulatory factor (BSF)-1 on resting Bcells. J Immunol. 137:1573.19. Reynolds, D., W. Boom, and Abbas. 1987. Inhibition of B lymphocyte activation by interferon-g J. Imumunol. 139:767.20. Secrist H, Chelen CJ, Wen Yan, Marshall JD, Umetsu DT. Allergen immunotherapy decreases interleukin-4 production in CD4 Tcells from allergic individuals. J Exp Med 1993;178:2123-30.21. Kay, A.B. mechanisms and treatment of allergic rhinitis. In Kerr, A.G.; Scott-brown’s otolaryngology, vol 4, pp:93-114, Butterworth, 1987.22. Gajewski TF, Fitch FW. anti-proliferative effect of İNF-g inhibits the proliferation of Th2 but not Th1, murine hepler T lymphocyte clanes J Immunol 1988;140:4245-52.23. Moore KW, Vieira P, Fiorention DF,Trounstine ML., Khan TA, Mosmann TR. Homology of cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor (IL-10) to the EBV gene BCRFI. Science 1990;248:1230-4.24. Mosmann TR, Bond MW, Coffman RL, Ohana J, paul WE. T cell and mast cell lines respond to B cell stimulatory factor-1. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1986;83:5654-8.25. Fenkelman FD, Holmes J., Katona ID et al. Lymphokine control of in vivo immunglobulin isotype selection. Annu Rev Immunol 1990,8:303-33.26. Jutel M, Hichler WF, Skrbic D, Urwyler A, Dahinden C, Muller UR. Bee venom immunotherapy results in decrease of IL-4 and IL-5 and incresase of İFN-g secretion allergen-stimulated T cell cultures. J Immunol 1995;154:4187-94
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ali Seyed Resuli 0000-0002-4262-1302

Publication Date October 15, 2019
Submission Date March 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


Vancouver Seyed Resuli A. Effects of Immunotherapy on T-lymphocyte and Cytokine Composition. MRR. 2019;2(1):13-7.