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Erzincan İli-Ergan Dağı'nda Yaygın Bitki Türleri ve Topraklarındaki Mineral Elementlerin Rakımsal Değişimi

Year 2024, , 142 - 158, 30.12.2024


Bu çalışma, Erzincan il sınırları içerisinde yer alan Ergan Dağı’nın farklı yüksekliklerinde yetişen 30 bitki türü ile yapılmıştır. Bunun için 1500 m (Alcea calvertii (Boiss) Boiss., Glaucium leiocarpum Boiss., Astragalus ornithopodioides Lam., Genista aucheri Boiss., Linum mucronatum Bertol, Anchusa leptophylla Roem. & Schult, Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kit.), at 2000 m (Tanacetum mucroniferum Hub. Mor. Et Grierson, Hypericum scabrum L. Inula oculus-christi L., Barbarea auriculata Hausskn. ex Bornm, Onobrychis cornuta L., Desv., Globularia trichosantha Fisch. & C.A.Mey, Genista aucheri Boiss., Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kit.), at 2500 m (Scutellaria orientalis L., Lallemantia canescens (L.) Fisch. & Mey., Coronilla orientalis Miller, Dianthus orientalis Adams., Crepis armena DC., Campanula tridentata Schreber, Euphorbia petrophila C.A. Meyer, Anthemis cretica L., Papaver fugax Poiret, Aster alpinus L.) and at 3000 m (Pedicularis comosa L., Astragalus nezaketiae A.Duran & Aytaç, Scorzonera sericea DC., Campanula tridentata Schreber, Anthemis cretica L., Papaver fugax Poiret, Hedysarum erythroleucum Boiss., Senecio hypoleucus Benth olacak şekilde farklı rakımlardan toplanan bitkiler ve yetiştikleri topraklarda mineral elementlerin konsantrasyonu belirlenmiştir. Toplanan bitkilerin kısımları (çiçek, yaprak ve kök) ile yetiştikleri topraklar laboratuvarda ön işlemlerden geçirilmiştir. Hazır hale getirilen örneklerin ICP-MS’te element konsantrasyonlarının analizi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bitki ve toprağa ait metal verileri istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilerek, rakımlar arasındaki farklılıklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yükselti arttıkça topraktaki elementlerin genel olarak azaldığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca dağın üst kısımlarında mavi mor çiçekli bitkilerin, alt kısımlarında ise sarı çiçekli bitkilerin baskın olduğu görülmüştür

Supporting Institution

TÜBİTAK 1001 (Project No: 120Z388).

Project Number

TÜBİTAK 1001 (Project No: 120Z388).


  • [1] Brady NC, Weil RR, Weil RR (2008) The nature and properties of soils. 13:662-710. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • [2] Maathuis FJM, Diatloff E (2013) Roles and functions of plant mineral nutrients. Methods Mol Biol 953:1–21.
  • [3] Elveren M, Osma E, Karakoyun G (2015) Accumulation of Mineral Elements in The Component of The Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L. var. hamata Steven) Trees and Grown in The Soil in Different Area of Erzincan. Celal Bayar Univ J Sci 11(2): 119-126.
  • [4] Kaur H, Kaur H, Kaur H, Srivastava S (2022) The beneficial roles of trace and ultratrace elements in plants. Plant Growth Regula 100:219–236.
  • [5] Jones C, Jacobsen J (2001) Plant nutrition and soil fertility. Nutrient management module 2. Montana State University Extension Service. Publication 4449–2.
  • [6] Karahan F (2023) Evaluation of Trace Element and Heavy Metal Levels of Some Ethnobotanically Important Medicinal Plants Used as Remedies in Southern Turkey in Terms of Human Health Risk. Bio Trace Element Res 201(1): 493-513.
  • [7] Mondal S. ve Bose B (2019) Impact of micronutrient seed priming on germination, growth, development, nutritional status and yield aspects of plants. J Plant Nutr 42 (19):2577-2599.
  • [8] Jing J, Zhang F, Rengel Z, Shen J (2012) Localized fertilization with P plus N elicits an ammonium-dependent enhancement of maize root growth and nutrient uptake. Field Crops Res 133:176-185.
  • [9] López-Bucio J, Hernández-Madrigal F, Cervantes, Ortiz-Castro R, Carreón-Abud Y, Martínez-Trujillo M (2014) Phosphate relieves chromium toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana plants by interfering with chromate uptake. BioMetals 27:363-370.
  • [10] Alloway BJ (2007) Heavy metals in soils blackie academic & professional: london, UK. Salonen, V; Korkka-Niemi Kinfluence of parent sediments on the concentration of heavy metals ın urban and suburban soils ın turku, Finland. App Geoche 22:906–918.
  • [11] Salonen, V.P. and Korkka-Niemi, K. (2007) Influence of Parent Sediments on the Concentration of Heavy Metals in Urban and Suburban Soils in Turku, Finland. Applied Geochemistry, 22, 906-918.
  • [12] Sundqvist M. K, Giesler R, Graae B. J, Wallander H, Fogelberg E, Wardle D. A (2010) Interactive effects of vegetation type and elevation on aboveground and below ground properties in a subarctic tundra. Oikos 120:128–142.
  • [13] Haider F, Kumar N, Banerjee S, Naqvi AA, Bagchi GD (2009) Effect of altitude on the essential oil constituents of Artemisia roxburghiana Besser var. purpurascens (Jacq.) Hook. Jour. Essent. Oil Res 21:302–303.
  • [14] Ebrahimi M, Ranjbar S (2016) Some Autecological Properties of Medicinal Plant of Salvia hydrangea L. in Mazandaran, Iran. Journal of Rangeland Science 6(3):253-263.
  • [15] Kumar S, Suyal DC, Yadav A, Shouche Y, Goel R (2019) Microbial diversity and soil physiochemical characteristic of higher altitude. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213844.
  • [16] Esen F, Avcı V (2020) Effect of Lithological and Geomorphological Factors on Distribution of Vegetation in Berit Mountains (Kahramanmaraş). Gaziantep Univ J Soc Sci 19(3):664-685.
  • [17] Özhatay, N., (2006). Türkiye’nin BTC Boru Hattı Boyunca Önemli Bitki Alanları s. 125-127, BTC şirketi, İstanbul. Pils, G. Flowers of Turkey; a Photo Guide. Friedrich VDV, Linz.
  • [18] Korkmaz M, Turgut N (2014) Flora of Ergan Mountain (Erzincan/Turkey). Biol Diversity and Cons 7(3):195-216.
  • [19] Boz D, Yilmaz A (2020) An Approach to the Planning and Environmental Geology of Erzincan Plain and its Surroundings. J Geo Eng 44:225-254.
  • [20] Davis, PH. 1965-1985. Flora of Turkey and The East Agean Islands. Vol. 1-9, Edinburgh University Press.
  • [21] Osma E, Kandemir A (2016) Analysing the effect of elements upon some endemic plants spreading over different habitats. Feb-Frese Environ Bull 25(7):2454-2460.
  • [22] Yavuzer H, Osma E (2018) Evaluation of Salix fragilis a biomonitor in heavy metal pollution. Eskisehir Technical University J Sci Techno C- Life Sci and Biotechno 7(2):122-129.
  • [23] Roomi I, Hussain A, Khan SW, Nafees MA, Naqvi AUN, Akram W (2023) Mineral Evaluation of Fodder Tree Leaves and Shrubs Consumed by Livestock in The Mountain Region of Pakistan. Pak J Bot 55(2):635-642.
  • [24] Dogan Y, Baslar S, Ugulu IA (2014) Study on Detecting Heavy Metal Accumulatıon Through Biomonitoring: Content of Trace Elements in Plants at Mount Kazdagı in Turkey. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 12(3):627-636.
  • [25] Gerdol R, Bragazza L (2006) Effects of altitude on element accumulation in alpine moss. Chemosphere 64(5):810-816.
  • [26] Ugulu I Dogan Y, Baslar S, Varol O (2012) Biomonitoring of trace element accumulation in plants growing at Murat Mountain. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol 9:527–534.
  • [27] Başlar S, Kula I, Doğan Y, Yıldız D, Ay G (2009) A study of trace element contents in plants growing at Honaz Dagi-Denizli, Turkey. Ekoloji 18(72):1-7.
  • [28] Ozyigit I. I, Severoglu Z, Vatansever R, Öztürk M. (2015) Soil–Plant Interactions in the High-Altitude Ecosystems: A Case Study from Kaz Dağı (Mount Ida), Turkey. Climate Change Impacts on High-Altitude Ecosystems 343-360.
  • [29] Sahin I, Akcicek E, Guner O, Dogan Y, Ugulu I (2016) An investigation on determining heavy metal accumulation in plants growing at Kumalar Mountain in Turkey. Eurasia J Biosci 10:22-29.
  • [30] Al-Robai SA, Mohamed HA, Ahmed AA, Al-Khulaidi AWA (2019) Effects of elevation gradients and soil components on the vegetation density and species diversity of Alabna escarpment, southwestern Saudi Arabia. Acta Eco Sinica 39(3):202-211.
  • [31] Zhao N, He N, Wang Q, Zhang X, Wang R, Xu Z, Yu G (2014) The Altitudinal Patterns of Leaf C:N Stoichiometry Are Regulated by Plant Growth Form, Climate and Soil on Changbai Mountain, China. J Plant Ecol 7(3), 231–240.
  • [32] Köhler L, Gieger T, Leuschner C (2013) Altitudinal change in soil and foliar nutrient concentrations and in microclimate across the tree line on the subtropical island mountain Mt. Teide (Canary Islands). J Veg Sci 24(6), 1044-1054.

Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain

Year 2024, , 142 - 158, 30.12.2024


This study was conducted with 30 common plant species growing at different altitudes (1500 m, 2000 m, 2500 m and 3000 m) of Mount Ergan in the province of Erzincan. The concentration of mineral elements was determined in the collected plants and the soils in which they grew at 1500 m of altitude (Alcea calvertii (Boiss) Boiss., Glaucium leiocarpum Boiss., Astragalus ornithopodioides Lam., Genista aucheri Boiss., Linum mucronatum Bertol, Anchusa leptophylla Roem. & Schult, Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kit.), at 2000 m (Tanacetum mucroniferum Hub. Mor. Et Grierson, Hypericum scabrum L. Inula oculus-christi L., Barbarea auriculata Hausskn. ex Bornm, Onobrychis cornuta L., Desv., Globularia trichosantha Fisch. & C.A.Mey, Genista aucheri Boiss., Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kit.), at 2500 m (Scutellaria orientalis L., Lallemantia canescens (L.) Fisch. & Mey., Coronilla orientalis Miller, Dianthus orientalis Adams., Crepis armena DC., Campanula tridentata Schreber, Euphorbia petrophila C.A. Meyer, Anthemis cretica L., Papaver fugax Poiret, Aster alpinus L.) and at 3000 m (Pedicularis comosa L., Astragalus nezaketiae A.Duran & Aytaç, Scorzonera sericea DC., Campanula tridentata Schreber, Anthemis cretica L., Papaver fugax Poiret, Hedysarum erythroleucum Boiss., Senecio hypoleucus Benth). Different parts of the collected plants (flowers, leaves and roots) and the soils in which they grew were pre-treated in the laboratory. The element concentrations of the prepared samples were analyzed by ICP-MS. The obtained metal data of plants and soils were statistically evaluated, and significant differences were found between the altitudes. It was determined that elevation significantly affected the mineral element distribution in both plants and soil. It was observed that the elements generally decreased in the soil as the elevation increased. In addition, it was noticed that plants with blue purple flower were dominant in the upper part of the mountain and plants with yellow flower were dominant in the lower part of the mountain.

Project Number

TÜBİTAK 1001 (Project No: 120Z388).


  • [1] Brady NC, Weil RR, Weil RR (2008) The nature and properties of soils. 13:662-710. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • [2] Maathuis FJM, Diatloff E (2013) Roles and functions of plant mineral nutrients. Methods Mol Biol 953:1–21.
  • [3] Elveren M, Osma E, Karakoyun G (2015) Accumulation of Mineral Elements in The Component of The Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L. var. hamata Steven) Trees and Grown in The Soil in Different Area of Erzincan. Celal Bayar Univ J Sci 11(2): 119-126.
  • [4] Kaur H, Kaur H, Kaur H, Srivastava S (2022) The beneficial roles of trace and ultratrace elements in plants. Plant Growth Regula 100:219–236.
  • [5] Jones C, Jacobsen J (2001) Plant nutrition and soil fertility. Nutrient management module 2. Montana State University Extension Service. Publication 4449–2.
  • [6] Karahan F (2023) Evaluation of Trace Element and Heavy Metal Levels of Some Ethnobotanically Important Medicinal Plants Used as Remedies in Southern Turkey in Terms of Human Health Risk. Bio Trace Element Res 201(1): 493-513.
  • [7] Mondal S. ve Bose B (2019) Impact of micronutrient seed priming on germination, growth, development, nutritional status and yield aspects of plants. J Plant Nutr 42 (19):2577-2599.
  • [8] Jing J, Zhang F, Rengel Z, Shen J (2012) Localized fertilization with P plus N elicits an ammonium-dependent enhancement of maize root growth and nutrient uptake. Field Crops Res 133:176-185.
  • [9] López-Bucio J, Hernández-Madrigal F, Cervantes, Ortiz-Castro R, Carreón-Abud Y, Martínez-Trujillo M (2014) Phosphate relieves chromium toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana plants by interfering with chromate uptake. BioMetals 27:363-370.
  • [10] Alloway BJ (2007) Heavy metals in soils blackie academic & professional: london, UK. Salonen, V; Korkka-Niemi Kinfluence of parent sediments on the concentration of heavy metals ın urban and suburban soils ın turku, Finland. App Geoche 22:906–918.
  • [11] Salonen, V.P. and Korkka-Niemi, K. (2007) Influence of Parent Sediments on the Concentration of Heavy Metals in Urban and Suburban Soils in Turku, Finland. Applied Geochemistry, 22, 906-918.
  • [12] Sundqvist M. K, Giesler R, Graae B. J, Wallander H, Fogelberg E, Wardle D. A (2010) Interactive effects of vegetation type and elevation on aboveground and below ground properties in a subarctic tundra. Oikos 120:128–142.
  • [13] Haider F, Kumar N, Banerjee S, Naqvi AA, Bagchi GD (2009) Effect of altitude on the essential oil constituents of Artemisia roxburghiana Besser var. purpurascens (Jacq.) Hook. Jour. Essent. Oil Res 21:302–303.
  • [14] Ebrahimi M, Ranjbar S (2016) Some Autecological Properties of Medicinal Plant of Salvia hydrangea L. in Mazandaran, Iran. Journal of Rangeland Science 6(3):253-263.
  • [15] Kumar S, Suyal DC, Yadav A, Shouche Y, Goel R (2019) Microbial diversity and soil physiochemical characteristic of higher altitude. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213844.
  • [16] Esen F, Avcı V (2020) Effect of Lithological and Geomorphological Factors on Distribution of Vegetation in Berit Mountains (Kahramanmaraş). Gaziantep Univ J Soc Sci 19(3):664-685.
  • [17] Özhatay, N., (2006). Türkiye’nin BTC Boru Hattı Boyunca Önemli Bitki Alanları s. 125-127, BTC şirketi, İstanbul. Pils, G. Flowers of Turkey; a Photo Guide. Friedrich VDV, Linz.
  • [18] Korkmaz M, Turgut N (2014) Flora of Ergan Mountain (Erzincan/Turkey). Biol Diversity and Cons 7(3):195-216.
  • [19] Boz D, Yilmaz A (2020) An Approach to the Planning and Environmental Geology of Erzincan Plain and its Surroundings. J Geo Eng 44:225-254.
  • [20] Davis, PH. 1965-1985. Flora of Turkey and The East Agean Islands. Vol. 1-9, Edinburgh University Press.
  • [21] Osma E, Kandemir A (2016) Analysing the effect of elements upon some endemic plants spreading over different habitats. Feb-Frese Environ Bull 25(7):2454-2460.
  • [22] Yavuzer H, Osma E (2018) Evaluation of Salix fragilis a biomonitor in heavy metal pollution. Eskisehir Technical University J Sci Techno C- Life Sci and Biotechno 7(2):122-129.
  • [23] Roomi I, Hussain A, Khan SW, Nafees MA, Naqvi AUN, Akram W (2023) Mineral Evaluation of Fodder Tree Leaves and Shrubs Consumed by Livestock in The Mountain Region of Pakistan. Pak J Bot 55(2):635-642.
  • [24] Dogan Y, Baslar S, Ugulu IA (2014) Study on Detecting Heavy Metal Accumulatıon Through Biomonitoring: Content of Trace Elements in Plants at Mount Kazdagı in Turkey. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 12(3):627-636.
  • [25] Gerdol R, Bragazza L (2006) Effects of altitude on element accumulation in alpine moss. Chemosphere 64(5):810-816.
  • [26] Ugulu I Dogan Y, Baslar S, Varol O (2012) Biomonitoring of trace element accumulation in plants growing at Murat Mountain. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol 9:527–534.
  • [27] Başlar S, Kula I, Doğan Y, Yıldız D, Ay G (2009) A study of trace element contents in plants growing at Honaz Dagi-Denizli, Turkey. Ekoloji 18(72):1-7.
  • [28] Ozyigit I. I, Severoglu Z, Vatansever R, Öztürk M. (2015) Soil–Plant Interactions in the High-Altitude Ecosystems: A Case Study from Kaz Dağı (Mount Ida), Turkey. Climate Change Impacts on High-Altitude Ecosystems 343-360.
  • [29] Sahin I, Akcicek E, Guner O, Dogan Y, Ugulu I (2016) An investigation on determining heavy metal accumulation in plants growing at Kumalar Mountain in Turkey. Eurasia J Biosci 10:22-29.
  • [30] Al-Robai SA, Mohamed HA, Ahmed AA, Al-Khulaidi AWA (2019) Effects of elevation gradients and soil components on the vegetation density and species diversity of Alabna escarpment, southwestern Saudi Arabia. Acta Eco Sinica 39(3):202-211.
  • [31] Zhao N, He N, Wang Q, Zhang X, Wang R, Xu Z, Yu G (2014) The Altitudinal Patterns of Leaf C:N Stoichiometry Are Regulated by Plant Growth Form, Climate and Soil on Changbai Mountain, China. J Plant Ecol 7(3), 231–240.
  • [32] Köhler L, Gieger T, Leuschner C (2013) Altitudinal change in soil and foliar nutrient concentrations and in microclimate across the tree line on the subtropical island mountain Mt. Teide (Canary Islands). J Veg Sci 24(6), 1044-1054.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Terrestrial Ecology
Journal Section Research Article

Etem Osma 0000-0002-5250-8194

Tuğçe Varol 0000-0001-7027-462X

Muhammet Onur Kıymaz 0000-0002-7974-6651

Halil İbrahim Türkoğlu 0000-0002-1400-2993

Faruk Yıldız 0000-0003-1937-6748

Ali Kandemir 0000-0003-1902-9631

Mert Elverici 0000-0003-3233-9968

Engin Kılıç 0000-0002-6838-5977

Abdullah Hasbenli 0000-0002-2919-7594

Project Number TÜBİTAK 1001 (Project No: 120Z388).
Early Pub Date December 24, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date October 8, 2024
Acceptance Date December 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Osma, E., Varol, T., Kıymaz, M. O., Türkoğlu, H. İ., et al. (2024). Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science, 12(2), 142-158.
AMA Osma E, Varol T, Kıymaz MO, Türkoğlu Hİ, Yıldız F, Kandemir A, Elverici M, Kılıç E, Hasbenli A. Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain. MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi. December 2024;12(2):142-158. doi:10.18586/msufbd.1563528
Chicago Osma, Etem, Tuğçe Varol, Muhammet Onur Kıymaz, Halil İbrahim Türkoğlu, Faruk Yıldız, Ali Kandemir, Mert Elverici, Engin Kılıç, and Abdullah Hasbenli. “Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 12, no. 2 (December 2024): 142-58.
EndNote Osma E, Varol T, Kıymaz MO, Türkoğlu Hİ, Yıldız F, Kandemir A, Elverici M, Kılıç E, Hasbenli A (December 1, 2024) Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 12 2 142–158.
IEEE E. Osma, T. Varol, M. O. Kıymaz, H. İ. Türkoğlu, F. Yıldız, A. Kandemir, M. Elverici, E. Kılıç, and A. Hasbenli, “Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain”, MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 142–158, 2024, doi: 10.18586/msufbd.1563528.
ISNAD Osma, Etem et al. “Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 12/2 (December 2024), 142-158.
JAMA Osma E, Varol T, Kıymaz MO, Türkoğlu Hİ, Yıldız F, Kandemir A, Elverici M, Kılıç E, Hasbenli A. Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain. MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi. 2024;12:142–158.
MLA Osma, Etem et al. “Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science, vol. 12, no. 2, 2024, pp. 142-58, doi:10.18586/msufbd.1563528.
Vancouver Osma E, Varol T, Kıymaz MO, Türkoğlu Hİ, Yıldız F, Kandemir A, Elverici M, Kılıç E, Hasbenli A. Altitudinal Variation of Mineral Elements in Common Plant Species, and Soils of Erzincan Province-Ergan Mountain. MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi. 2024;12(2):142-58.