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Nitrogen use efficiency of Buttum (Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) on MS nutrient medium

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 58 - 63, 01.07.2024


P. khinjuk species is a native rootstock plant species of pistachio. The difficulty of seed and stem cuttings propagation of P. khinjuk make shoot micropropagation a good option for this species. In order to make the micropropagation of this species more efficient and economical, the amount of ammonium nitrate, the types and amount of auxin and cytokinin have been optimized. 1650, 825, 412.5 and 206.25 mg/L amounts of NH4NO3 were added to basic nutrient medium of Murashige and Skoog (MS) to investigated propagation and rooting of shoot of P. khinjuk species., Benzylamino purine (BAP), Furfurilaminopurine (Kinetin), 2-Isopentyl Adenine (2-IP), for the shoot micropropagation stage, Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), Indole butyric acid (IBA) and indole acetic acid (IAA) for the rooting stage of the shoots were used. In shoot micropropagation, the highest number of shoots per explant (1.79), average shoot length (17.10 mm) and total soluble protein (3.05 mg/g) amounts were obtained from MS medium containing 825 mg/L NH4NO3 supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BAP. In rooting of shoot, the highest value of rooting rate (81%), number of roots per explant (4.25), average root length (15.95 mm) and total soluble protein amount (3.25 mg/g) were observed in 0.5 mg/L NAA medium containing 412.5 mg/L NH4NO3.


  • [1] Qin W., Assinck F.B.T., Heinen M., Onenema O. Water and nitrogen use efficiencies in citrus production: a meta-analysis. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 222, 103–111, 2016.
  • [2] Campos, C.N.S., Prado R.M., Caione G., Lima Neto A. J Mingotte F L.C.. Silicon and excess ammonium and nitrate in cucumber plants. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11 (4):276–83, 2016. doi: 10.5897/ajar2015.10221.
  • [3] Khajehyar R, Tripepi R.R.. Different cytokinins and their concentrations affect shoot growth of little-leaf mockorange (Philadelphus microphyllus A. Gray) in tissue culture. Supplement to HortScience. ASHS 2020 Annual Conference. 55:366–367, 2020. (abstr.)
  • [4] Khajehyar R., Tripepi R., Love S., Price, W. J. Optimization of Tissue Culture Medium for Little-leaf Mockorange (Philadelphus microphyllus A. Gray) by Adjusting Cytokinin and Selected Mineral Components. HortScience, 59(1), 18-25, 2024.
  • [5] Podgorska, A., Burian M., Gieczewska K., Ostaszewska-Bugajska M., Zebrowski J., Solecka D., Szal B. Altered Cell Wall Plasticity Can Restrict Plant Growth under Ammonium Nutrition. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1344–19, 2017. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01344.
  • [6] Barreto R.F., Schiavon-Junior A. L., Maggio M. A., Prado R.M. Silicon alleviates ammonium toxicity in cauliflower and in broccoli. Scientia Horticulturae, 225:743–50, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2017.08.014.
  • [7] Da Silva G.B., de Mello Prado R., Silva S.L.O.; Campos C.N.S., Castellanos L.G., dos Santos L.C.N., Barreto R.F., Teodoro P.E. Nitrogen Concentrations and Proportions of Ammonium and Nitrate in the Nutrition and Growth of Yellow Passion Fruit Seedlings. J. Plant Nutr, 43, 2533–2547,2020. DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2020.1783299
  • [8] Murashige T, Skoog F. A. Revised medium for rapid growth and bio assays with tobacco tissue cul¬tures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15:473−497, 1962.
  • [9] Shin S.L, Lee C.H. In vitro medium composition and culture method affecting masspropagation of Omsunda japonica Thunb. Prothalli. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology, 27:299−304, 2009.
  • [10] Sha L., McCrown B.H., Peterson L.A. Occuren¬ce and cause of shoot-tip necrosis in shoot cultures. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Sci¬ence, 110:631−634, 1985.
  • [11] Orlikowska T. Effects of mineral composition and acidity of media, saccharose level, brand and quantity of agar on rooting of fruit rootstocks in vitro. Biologia Plantarum, 34:45−52, 1992.
  • [12] Ivanova M., Staden J.V. Effect of ammonium ions and cytokinins on hyperhydricity and multiplication rate of in vitro regenerated shoots of Aloe polyphylla. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 92:227−231, 2008.
  • [13] Baninasab B., Rahemi M. The effects of scarifcation, cold stratifcation and gibberellic acid treatments on germination of Khokhong seeds. J. Plant Sci., 3, 121-125, 2001.
  • [14] Serdar Ü., Fulbright D. Achieving sustainable cultivation of tree nuts. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. 1st ed. 2019.
  • [15] Ersalı Y. In vıtro mıcropropagatıon of female khinjuk pistachio (pistacia khinjuk stocks) trees. Instıtute of natural and applıed sciences universıty of Dicle PhD thesis, 2014.
  • [16] Wang Y.T. High NO3-N to NH4-N ratios pro¬mote growth and flowering of a hybrid Phalae¬nopsis grown in two root substrates. HortScience, 43, 350−353, 2008.
  • [17] Dumanoğlu H., Aygün A., Erdoğan V. Effect of Ammonium Nitrate Levels on Shoot and Root Formation in Micropropagation of Apple Genotypes, Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi. 2 (1):177-182, 2009
  • [18] Bradford M.M., A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of micro-gram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye binding. Ann. Biochem, 72, 248-253, 1976.
  • [19] Wilson F.M, James D.J. Regeneration and transformation of the premier UK apple (Malus x pumila Mill.) cultivar Queen Cox. Journal of Hor¬ticultural Science and Biotechnology, 78:656−662, 2003.
  • [20] Cordeiro I.M.C.C, Lameira O.A., Menezes I.C.C, Reis L.R.S. Effe.ct of different ammonium nitrate concentrations in the control of in vitro stem seg¬ments oxidation of parica (Schizolobium amazoni¬cum Huber ex Ducke). Revista de Ciencias Agrari¬as, 41:97−104, 2004.
  • [21] Sato A.Y., Maria J., Sediyama T., Borem A., Cecon P.R., Junqueira C.S. Cassava micropropagation: ef¬fect of ammonium nitrate concentrations with and without BAP. Revista Ceres, 48:405−413, 2001.
  • [22] Ogura-Tsujita Y., Okubo H. Effects of low nit¬rogen medium on endogenous changes in ethyle¬ne, auxins, and cytokinins in in vitro shoot forma¬tion from rhizomes of Cymbidium kanran. In Vit¬ro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, 42:614−616, 2006.
  • [23] Li, B., Li G., Kronzucker H.J., Baluska F., Shi W. Ammonium stress in Arabidopsis: Signaling, genetic loci, and physiological targets. Trends in Plant Science, 19 (2):107–14, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2013.09.004.
  • [24] Bittsaanszky A., Pilinszk K. Gyulai G., Komives T. Overcoming ammonium toxicity. Plant Science : An International Journal of Experimental Plant Biology. 231:184–90, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2014.12.005.
  • [25] Laszloffy K., Abdulkader A.M., Mathe A. In vit¬ro propagation of ‘Julyred’ apple. Acta Horticultu¬rae. 300:149−154, 1991.
  • [26] ZhongWu J., JiaMing S., XiaoNa D., YuFen S., Qiang Y., LaiQing S., HuaiRui S. Establishment of adventitious shoot regeneration system from leaves of Red General Fuji apple cultivar (Malus domesti¬ca) in vitro. Journal of Fruit Science. 25:797−800, 2008.
  • [27] Amghar I., Ibriz, M., Ibrahimi, M., Boudra,A., Gaboun F., Meziani R., Iraqi D., Mazri M.A., Diria G., Abdelwahd R., In Vitro Root Induction from Argan (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels) Adventitious Shoots: Influence of Ammonium Nitrate, Auxins, Silver Nitrate and Putrescine, and Evaluation of Plantlet Acclimatization. Plants, 10, 1062, 2021.
  • [28] Zarei A., Davis B., Feyissa B.A. Improvement of mineral nutrition and rooting efficiency of Cannabis sativa L. for in vitro large-scale propagation. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.-Plant, 59, 95–105, 2023.
  • [29] Gezahegn G., Feyissa T., Rezene Y. Replacement of ammonium nitrate by alternative nitrogen sources in MS medium to enhance ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) in vitro regeneration. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 154, 89–95, 2023.

MS besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) azot kullanım verimliliği

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 58 - 63, 01.07.2024


P. khinjuk türü antep fıstığının doğal bir anaç türüdür. P. khinjuk'un tohum ve gövde çelikleriyle çoğaltılmasının zorluğu, sürgünlerin mikroçoğaltılmasını iyi bir seçenek haline getirmektedir. Bu türün mikroçoğaltımını daha verimli ve ekonomik hale getirmek amacıyla amonyum nitrat miktarı, oksin ve sitokinin çeşitleri ve miktarları optimize edilmiştir. P. khinjuk türünün sürgün ucu kültürü ile mikroçoğaltımında Murashige ve Skoog (MS) temel besin ortamına NH4NO3’ın 1650, 825, 412.5 ve 206.25 mg/L düzeylerinde katılmasının sürgün ve kök oluşumu üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Sürgün mikroçoğaltım aşamasında benzilamino pürin (BAP), Furfurilaminopurin (Kinetin), 2-İzopentil Adenin (2-IP), sürgünlerin köklendirilmesi aşamasında, Naftalen asetik asit (NAA), İndol butirik asit (IBA) ve indol asetik asit (IAA) kullanılmıştır. Sürgün mikroçoğaltımında en yüksek eksplant başına düşen sürgün sayısı (1.79), ortalama sürgün uzunluğu (17.10 mm) ve total çözülebilir protein (3.05 mg/g) değerinin 0.5 mg/L BAP destekli 825 mg/L NH4NO3 içeren MS ortamından elde edilmiştir. Sürgünlerin in vitro köklendirilmesinde köklenme oranı (% 81), eksplant başına düşen kök sayısı (4.25), ortalama kök uzunluğu (15.95 mm) ve total çözülebilir protein miktarı (3.25 mg/g) 412.5 mg/L NH4NO3 içeren 0.5 mg/L NAA ortamında en yüksek değerde çıkmıştır.


  • [1] Qin W., Assinck F.B.T., Heinen M., Onenema O. Water and nitrogen use efficiencies in citrus production: a meta-analysis. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 222, 103–111, 2016.
  • [2] Campos, C.N.S., Prado R.M., Caione G., Lima Neto A. J Mingotte F L.C.. Silicon and excess ammonium and nitrate in cucumber plants. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11 (4):276–83, 2016. doi: 10.5897/ajar2015.10221.
  • [3] Khajehyar R, Tripepi R.R.. Different cytokinins and their concentrations affect shoot growth of little-leaf mockorange (Philadelphus microphyllus A. Gray) in tissue culture. Supplement to HortScience. ASHS 2020 Annual Conference. 55:366–367, 2020. (abstr.)
  • [4] Khajehyar R., Tripepi R., Love S., Price, W. J. Optimization of Tissue Culture Medium for Little-leaf Mockorange (Philadelphus microphyllus A. Gray) by Adjusting Cytokinin and Selected Mineral Components. HortScience, 59(1), 18-25, 2024.
  • [5] Podgorska, A., Burian M., Gieczewska K., Ostaszewska-Bugajska M., Zebrowski J., Solecka D., Szal B. Altered Cell Wall Plasticity Can Restrict Plant Growth under Ammonium Nutrition. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1344–19, 2017. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01344.
  • [6] Barreto R.F., Schiavon-Junior A. L., Maggio M. A., Prado R.M. Silicon alleviates ammonium toxicity in cauliflower and in broccoli. Scientia Horticulturae, 225:743–50, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2017.08.014.
  • [7] Da Silva G.B., de Mello Prado R., Silva S.L.O.; Campos C.N.S., Castellanos L.G., dos Santos L.C.N., Barreto R.F., Teodoro P.E. Nitrogen Concentrations and Proportions of Ammonium and Nitrate in the Nutrition and Growth of Yellow Passion Fruit Seedlings. J. Plant Nutr, 43, 2533–2547,2020. DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2020.1783299
  • [8] Murashige T, Skoog F. A. Revised medium for rapid growth and bio assays with tobacco tissue cul¬tures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15:473−497, 1962.
  • [9] Shin S.L, Lee C.H. In vitro medium composition and culture method affecting masspropagation of Omsunda japonica Thunb. Prothalli. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology, 27:299−304, 2009.
  • [10] Sha L., McCrown B.H., Peterson L.A. Occuren¬ce and cause of shoot-tip necrosis in shoot cultures. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Sci¬ence, 110:631−634, 1985.
  • [11] Orlikowska T. Effects of mineral composition and acidity of media, saccharose level, brand and quantity of agar on rooting of fruit rootstocks in vitro. Biologia Plantarum, 34:45−52, 1992.
  • [12] Ivanova M., Staden J.V. Effect of ammonium ions and cytokinins on hyperhydricity and multiplication rate of in vitro regenerated shoots of Aloe polyphylla. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 92:227−231, 2008.
  • [13] Baninasab B., Rahemi M. The effects of scarifcation, cold stratifcation and gibberellic acid treatments on germination of Khokhong seeds. J. Plant Sci., 3, 121-125, 2001.
  • [14] Serdar Ü., Fulbright D. Achieving sustainable cultivation of tree nuts. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. 1st ed. 2019.
  • [15] Ersalı Y. In vıtro mıcropropagatıon of female khinjuk pistachio (pistacia khinjuk stocks) trees. Instıtute of natural and applıed sciences universıty of Dicle PhD thesis, 2014.
  • [16] Wang Y.T. High NO3-N to NH4-N ratios pro¬mote growth and flowering of a hybrid Phalae¬nopsis grown in two root substrates. HortScience, 43, 350−353, 2008.
  • [17] Dumanoğlu H., Aygün A., Erdoğan V. Effect of Ammonium Nitrate Levels on Shoot and Root Formation in Micropropagation of Apple Genotypes, Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi. 2 (1):177-182, 2009
  • [18] Bradford M.M., A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of micro-gram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye binding. Ann. Biochem, 72, 248-253, 1976.
  • [19] Wilson F.M, James D.J. Regeneration and transformation of the premier UK apple (Malus x pumila Mill.) cultivar Queen Cox. Journal of Hor¬ticultural Science and Biotechnology, 78:656−662, 2003.
  • [20] Cordeiro I.M.C.C, Lameira O.A., Menezes I.C.C, Reis L.R.S. Effe.ct of different ammonium nitrate concentrations in the control of in vitro stem seg¬ments oxidation of parica (Schizolobium amazoni¬cum Huber ex Ducke). Revista de Ciencias Agrari¬as, 41:97−104, 2004.
  • [21] Sato A.Y., Maria J., Sediyama T., Borem A., Cecon P.R., Junqueira C.S. Cassava micropropagation: ef¬fect of ammonium nitrate concentrations with and without BAP. Revista Ceres, 48:405−413, 2001.
  • [22] Ogura-Tsujita Y., Okubo H. Effects of low nit¬rogen medium on endogenous changes in ethyle¬ne, auxins, and cytokinins in in vitro shoot forma¬tion from rhizomes of Cymbidium kanran. In Vit¬ro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, 42:614−616, 2006.
  • [23] Li, B., Li G., Kronzucker H.J., Baluska F., Shi W. Ammonium stress in Arabidopsis: Signaling, genetic loci, and physiological targets. Trends in Plant Science, 19 (2):107–14, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2013.09.004.
  • [24] Bittsaanszky A., Pilinszk K. Gyulai G., Komives T. Overcoming ammonium toxicity. Plant Science : An International Journal of Experimental Plant Biology. 231:184–90, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2014.12.005.
  • [25] Laszloffy K., Abdulkader A.M., Mathe A. In vit¬ro propagation of ‘Julyred’ apple. Acta Horticultu¬rae. 300:149−154, 1991.
  • [26] ZhongWu J., JiaMing S., XiaoNa D., YuFen S., Qiang Y., LaiQing S., HuaiRui S. Establishment of adventitious shoot regeneration system from leaves of Red General Fuji apple cultivar (Malus domesti¬ca) in vitro. Journal of Fruit Science. 25:797−800, 2008.
  • [27] Amghar I., Ibriz, M., Ibrahimi, M., Boudra,A., Gaboun F., Meziani R., Iraqi D., Mazri M.A., Diria G., Abdelwahd R., In Vitro Root Induction from Argan (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels) Adventitious Shoots: Influence of Ammonium Nitrate, Auxins, Silver Nitrate and Putrescine, and Evaluation of Plantlet Acclimatization. Plants, 10, 1062, 2021.
  • [28] Zarei A., Davis B., Feyissa B.A. Improvement of mineral nutrition and rooting efficiency of Cannabis sativa L. for in vitro large-scale propagation. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.-Plant, 59, 95–105, 2023.
  • [29] Gezahegn G., Feyissa T., Rezene Y. Replacement of ammonium nitrate by alternative nitrogen sources in MS medium to enhance ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) in vitro regeneration. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 154, 89–95, 2023.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Plant Biotechnology
Journal Section Research Article

Yusuf Ersalı 0000-0003-4848-5943

Early Pub Date July 1, 2024
Publication Date July 1, 2024
Submission Date March 14, 2024
Acceptance Date July 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Ersalı, Y. (2024). MS besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) azot kullanım verimliliği. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science, 12(1), 58-63.
AMA Ersalı Y. MS besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) azot kullanım verimliliği. MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi. July 2024;12(1):58-63. doi:10.18586/msufbd.1452686
Chicago Ersalı, Yusuf. “MS Besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia Khinjuk Stocks) Azot kullanım verimliliği”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 12, no. 1 (July 2024): 58-63.
EndNote Ersalı Y (July 1, 2024) MS besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) azot kullanım verimliliği. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 12 1 58–63.
IEEE Y. Ersalı, “MS besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) azot kullanım verimliliği”, MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 58–63, 2024, doi: 10.18586/msufbd.1452686.
ISNAD Ersalı, Yusuf. “MS Besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia Khinjuk Stocks) Azot kullanım verimliliği”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 12/1 (July 2024), 58-63.
JAMA Ersalı Y. MS besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) azot kullanım verimliliği. MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi. 2024;12:58–63.
MLA Ersalı, Yusuf. “MS Besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia Khinjuk Stocks) Azot kullanım verimliliği”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science, vol. 12, no. 1, 2024, pp. 58-63, doi:10.18586/msufbd.1452686.
Vancouver Ersalı Y. MS besin ortamında Buttumun (Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) azot kullanım verimliliği. MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi. 2024;12(1):58-63.