The study examines the coup attempt orchestrated by Qubilai Khan (1260–94), who desired to re-establish
the ‘Yeke Mongol Ulus’ and to unify the separated Mongol khanates under the authority of the Yuan Empire. The
coup was mounted against the Ilkhan Arghun (1284–91), who was the ruler of the Mongols in Iran, who had
been showing signs of separation from the central administration since the time of Aḥmad Tegüder (1282–84).
The protagonist of the unsuccessful coup was Amīr Buqa, a loyal commander of the Great Khanate. The article
investigates the process, historical background and the results of the attempt in the light of the contemporary
sources and the modern studies.
Çalışma, parçalanmış haldeki Moğol hanlıklarını Yuan İmparatorluğu bünyesinde birleştirerek “Yeke Mongol
Ulus”u tekrar kurmak niyetinde olan Kubilay Han’ın (1260-94) düzenlediği darbe girişimini incelemektedir.
Söz konusu darbe, Aḥmed Tegüder (1282-84) zamanından itibaren merkezî yönetimden ayrılma belirtileri
gösteren İran Moğolları hükümdarı İlhan Argun’a (1284-91) karşı yapılmıştı. Bu başarısız darbenin ana
karakteri ise Büyük Hanlık’ın sadık kumandanı Emīr Buka idi. Makale bu girişim sürecini, tarihsel arka planını
ve sonuçlarını muasır kaynaklar ve günümüz çalışmaları ışığında ele almaktadır.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Translators |
Erhan Ateş This is me |
Publication Date | June 16, 2020 |
Published in Issue | Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 |
MUJOT publishes scientific studies such as research articles, review articles; historiographic studies, archival and monographic source publications, scholarly translation and transcriptions, bibliography and chronologies, book and thesis reviews, interviews and obituary studies along with announcements about related subjects about Turkic World particularly in the fields of language, culture, literature, history, folklore, geography and art.