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Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2023, Issue: 24, 29 - 42, 27.10.2023


Grafit, çeşitli fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinden dolayı birçok farklı endüstride kullanılmaktadır. Doğal grafit, farklı fiziksel özelliklere, görünüme ve kimyasal bileşime sahip olan amorf grafit, pulsu grafit ve kristal damar grafit olmak üzere üç ana tipte sınıflandırılır. Uygulama çeşitliliğine göre grafit talebi son yıllarda önemli ölçüde artmıştır. İyi kalitede grafit konsantresi elde etmek için zenginleştirme yöntemleri yaygın olarak uygulanmaktadır. Grafitin zenginleştirme yöntemini belirleyen başlıca parametreler cevherin iri veya ince kristalli oluşu, karbon içeriği, cevherdeki gang minerallerinin türü ve serbestleşme tane iriliğidir. Doğal hidrofob olması nedeniyle flotasyon, grafit cevherleri için başlıca zenginleştirme yöntemidir. Bununla birlikte gravite ile zenginleştirme, manyetik ayırma, elektrostatik ayırma metotları ve liç yöntemleri de uygulanmaktadır.


  • Akar, A., Çilingir, Y., Köktürk, U., Aytekin, Y., 1986. Grafit zenginleştirmesinin Dünyadaki ve Türkiye’deki önemi. I. Uluslararası Cevher Hazırlama Sempozyumu. 685-711.
  • Amaraweera, T.H.N.G., Balasooriya, N.W.B., Wijayasinghe, H.W.M.A. C., Attanayake, A.N.B., Dissanayake, M.A.K.L., 2013. Purity Enhancement of Sri Lankan Vein Graphite for Lithium - ion Rechargeable Battery Anode. In: Proceedings to 29th Technical Sessions of Geological Society of Sri Lanka, 101-104.
  • Arbiter, N., 1985. Flotation. SME Mineral Processing Handbook, Weiss, A., Soc. of Mining Engineers, New York. 5.1-5.105.
  • Asbury Carbons, 2013. Natural Flake Graphite. cal-presentations-papers/materials-in-depth/natural-flake-graphite / Erişim Tarihi: 14.05.2023).
  • Aslan, N., Cifci, F., Yan, D., 2008. Optimization of process parameters for producing graphite concentrate using response surface methodology. Separation and Purification Technology. 59, 9-16.
  • Bhima Rao, R., Patnaik N.,2004. Preparation of high pure graphite by alkali digestion method. Scand J Metall. 33(5), 257- 60.
  • Bolat, E., Sağlam, S., and Pişkin, S., 1998. Chemical demineralization of a Turkish high ash bituminous coal. Fuel Process Technology. 57,93- 99
  • Bulatovic, S. M., 2014. Beneficiation of graphite ore. In Handbook of Flotation Reagents: Chemistry, Theory and Practice.Flotation of Industrial Minerals (S. M. Bulatovic, Ed.). Oxford, (3) 163-171.
  • Burt, R., Ottley, D., 1974. Fine gravity concentration using the Bartles-Mozley concentrator. Int J Miner Process, 1(4), 347-366.
  • Canbazoğlu, M., 1981. Çayeli complex from sulfide beds (Oxidation-Reduction) processing Copper, Zinc and Lead generation, Mining Research and Exploration Institute of Technology, Department of Metallurgical Service, Proje No. VI/ Maden Tetkik Arama Enstitüsü Teknoloji Dairesi, Metalurji Servisi.
  • Chelgani, C.S., Rudolph, M., Kratzsch, R., Sandmann, D., Gutzmer, J., 2016, A review of graphite beneficiation techniques. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 37 ( 1), 58–68.
  • DNI Metals Inc., 2014. Traditional and Emerging Market Applications–Graphite Industry.
  • Ergin, Y., 2014. Kayaclar Endustriyel Hammaddeler (Industrial Raw Materials). (Son erişim tarihi 01.09.2020).
  • Fogg, C. T., Boyle E. H., 1987. Flake and High-Crystalline Graphite Availability Market Economy Countries, A Minerals Availability Appraisal. Bureau of Mines Horton, R. C., 1-39.
  • Galos, K., Wyszomirski, P., 2001. Some refracting raw materials mineralogical and technological characteristics. Ceram.-Pol. Ceram. Bull. 64, 59–68.
  • Glembotskii, V. A.; Klassen, V. I.; Plaksin, I. N., 1972. Flotation. Tsvetnye Metally, New York. 424-427.
  • Grabowski, B., Drzymala,J., 2008. Graphite flotation in the presence of sodyum acetate. Annalas Universitatis Mariae Curies, Sklodowska Lublin, Polonia, Section AA,63,6,68-72.
  • Graffin, G. D., 1983.Graphite, Industrial Minerals and Rocks(Nonmetallics other than Fuels); Lefond, S. J., Volume 2, Fifth Edition, Society of Mining Engineers of The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York, 757-773.
  • Grondin, T. ve St-Hilaire, J.-G., 1996. Beneficiation of flake graphite. Office, US Patent (Ed.). U.S. Patent No. US5518189 A.
  • İlhan, A., Sarı,R.,Çörtenlioğlu,Y.Y.,2020. Avrupa İçin Yeni Bir Kaynak: Türkiye Grafit Oluşumları.Madencilik Türkiye.
  • İMİB, 2020. Grafit Yataklarının Durumu, İşletmeciliği ve Geleceği, İstanbul Maden İhracaçıları Birliği, /Erişim Tarihi: 14.05.2023
  • Jagiello, J., Judek, J., Zdrojek, M., Aksienionek, M., and Lipinska, L., 2014. Production of graphene composite by direct graphite exfoliation with chitosan.Materials Chemistry and Physics. 148, 507-511.
  • Jara, A.D., Betemariam A., Woldetinsae G., Kim J.Y., 2019. Purification, application and current market trend of natural graphite: A Review. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 29, 671- 689.
  • Kaya, O., Canbazoglu, M., 2009. Chemical demineralization of three different graphite ores from Turkey. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, 26(3), 158-162.
  • Kaya, Ö., Canbazoğlu, M., 2007. A Study on the foatability of graphite or from Yozgat Akdağmadeni (Turkey).” Journal of Ore Dressing, 9, 40-44.
  • Kaya,Ö., 2006. Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemleri ve Zenginleştirmeye Etki Eden Parametrelerin Araştırılması, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Maden Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi. 250s.
  • Kim, B. G., Choi, S. K., Park, C. L., Chung, H. S., and Jeon, H. S., 2003. Inclusion of gangue mineral and its mechanical separation from expanded graphite. Particulate Science and Technology. 21, 341– 351.
  • Kim, B. G., Choi, S. K., Park, C. L., Chung, H. S., and Jeon, H. S., 2003. Inclusion of gangue mineral and its mechanical separation from expanded graphite.Particulate Science and Technology. 21, 341- 351.
  • Kimber, G., Gray, M., 1967. Rapid devolatilization of small coal particles. Combust Flame. 11(4), 360-362.
  • Kwiecinska, B., Petersen, H.I., 2004. Graphite, semi-graphite, natural coke, and natural char classification— ICCP system. International Journal of Coal Geology.57, 99-116.
  • Laverty, P., Nicks, L., Walters, L., 1994. Recovery of flake graphite from steelmaking kish. Report of investigations. Reno, NV: Reno Rese
  • Li, H., Feng, Q., Ou, L., Long, S., Cui, M., Weng, X., 2013. Study on washability of microcrystal graphite using float-sink tests. Int J Mining Sci Tech. 23 (6),855-861.
  • Lif, A., Holmberg, K., 2006. Water-in-diesel emulsions and related systems. Adv.Colloid Interface Sci123-126,.231–239.
  • Lu, X., Forssberg, E., 2001. Flotation selectivity and upgrading of woxna fine graphite concentrate. Minerals Engineering. 14(11), 1541-1543.
  • Lu, X., Forssberg, E.2002. Preparation of high-purity and low-sulphur graphite from Woxna fine graphite concentrate by alkali roasting. Mineral Engineering. 15 (10),755-757.
  • Ma, Y., Han, Y., Xi, Y., Zhao, X., Li, Q., Yin, X., Li, J., 1996. Study on graphite demineralization by dilute acid/flouride treatment. J. Fuel Chem. Technol. 24, 468-469.
  • Mantell, C. L., 1968. Natural Graphite. Carbon and Graphite Handbook. John Wiley&Sons. Inc., 61-71.
  • Matsumoto, T., Hoshikawa, T., 1995. Method for manufacturing high purity graphite material, USA: US005419889A, May 30.
  • Mitchell, C. J., 1993. Industrial Minerals Laboratory Manual: Flake Graphite, Technical Report WG/92/30, British Geological Survey. 35 s.
  • Moores, S., 2012. The natural graphite industry in 2012–reshaping for a hi-tech revolution.” Graphite Express Conference, May 2, 2012,Toronto, Canada,1-29.
  • Narasimhan, K. S.; Rao, S. B. and Chowdhury, G. S., 1972. Column Flotation Improves Graphite Recovery. Engineering&Mining Journal. 84-85.
  • Nicks, LJ., Nehl, FH.,1995. Chambers MF. Recovering flake graphite from steelmaking kish. JOM, 47(6),48–51.
  • Nwoke, M.A.U., Uwadiale, G.G.O.O., Kollere, M.A., 1997. Flotation of low-grade Birnin Gwari and Alawa graphite, Nigeria. Miner. Metall. Process. 14,54-58.
  • Patnaik, N., Patil, M. R., and Bhima Rao, R., 1997, Effect of acid leaching on recovery of graphite from calcareous deposits. National Seminar Volume on Processing of Fines (PROF-97), 9-10 Ocak, Jamshedpur, India, 189-193.
  • Ravichandran, V., Esweraiah, C.,ve Manisankar,P., 2012. Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore deposits of Tamilnadu (India). Ultra Chemistry, 8 (2),159-162.
  • Rivera-Utrilla, J., López-Ramón, M. V., Carrasco-Marín, F., Maldonado-Hódar, F. J., and Moreno-Castilla, C., 1996, “Demineralization of a bituminous coal by froth flotation before obtaining activated carbons.” Carbon. 34, 917-921.
  • Salgado, M.R., 2001. Upgrading graphite by flotation at Bogala Mines in Sri Lanka,J. Cent. South Univ. Techn.,8 (3), 194-196.
  • Sarıcı-Özdemir, Ç, Önal, Y., Akmil-Bas¸ar, C., 2006. The effects of demineralization and swelling in producing active carbon from Turkish lignites. Fuel Processing Technology. 87 (11), 979-986.
  • Shi, Q., Liang,X., Feng, Q., Chen,Y., Wu,B., 2015. The relationship between the stability of emulsified diesel and flotation of graphite. Minerals Engineering. 78, 89-92.
  • Solomon, P.R., Hamblen, D.G., Carangelo, R., Serio, M., Deshpande, G., 1998. General model of coal devolatilization. Energy Fuels. 2(4),405-422.
  • Statista,2022. (Erişim Tarihi:14.05.2023).
  • Stiller, A.H., Zondlo, J.W., Stansberry, P.G., 1998. Method of producing high quality, high purity, isotropic graphite from coal. USA: US5705139A, January 6.
  • Subramanian, S. and Laskowski, J. S., 1993. Adsorption of dextrin onto graphite. Langmuir. 9, 1330-1333.
  • U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries,2022. /Erişim Tarihi:14.05.2023)
  • Vasumathi,N., Vijaya Kumar, T.V., Nayak., Subba Rao, S., Prabhakar, S., Bhaskar Raju,G., 2014. Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore of eastern Indıa by two-stage grinding and flotation. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy.1, 9-17.
  • Vasumathi,N., Vijaya Kumar, T.V., Ratchambigal,S., Subba Rao, S., Prabhakar, S., Bhaskar Raju,G., Nayak, B.R, Shiva Kumar,S., Raman,U., 2013. Single reagent for graphite flotation. Proceedings of the XIII International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology, 145-153.
  • Wakamatsu, T. and Numata, Y., 1991. Flotation of Graphite. Minerals Engineering. 4 (7), 975-982
  • Wang, H., Feng, Q., Liu, K., Zuo, K., Tang, X., 2018. A novel technique for microcrystalline graphite beneficiation based on alkali-acid leaching process. Sep Sci Technol, 53(6), 982-989.
  • Wissler, M., 2006. Graphite and carbon powders for electrochemical applications. J Power Sources. 156 (2), 142–150.
  • Yarar, B., 1988. Flotation. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, VHC Verlagsgesellschaft, 23 (1), 23-29.
  • Yener, T., 2018. Yerküremizdeki mineral-metal kaynaklarının kıt ve tükenir niteliği ile ülkelere eşitsiz dağılımı gerçeği sonucunda, küresel tedarik zincirinde karşılaşılan engeller hangi kaygıları doğurmaktadır. Türkiye Madenciler Derneği Sektörden Haberler Bülteni,74,66-78.
  • Zaghib, K., Song, X., Guerfi, A., Rioux, R., and Kinoshita, K., 2003. Purification process of natural graphite as anode for Li-ion batteries: chemical versus thermal. Journal of Power Sources. 119 (121), 8- 15.
  • Zhao, H., Ren, J., He, X., Li, J., Jiang, C., Wan, C., 2007. Purification and carbon-film-coating of natural graphite as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Electrochim Acta, 52(19), 6006-6011.
Year 2023, Issue: 24, 29 - 42, 27.10.2023



  • Akar, A., Çilingir, Y., Köktürk, U., Aytekin, Y., 1986. Grafit zenginleştirmesinin Dünyadaki ve Türkiye’deki önemi. I. Uluslararası Cevher Hazırlama Sempozyumu. 685-711.
  • Amaraweera, T.H.N.G., Balasooriya, N.W.B., Wijayasinghe, H.W.M.A. C., Attanayake, A.N.B., Dissanayake, M.A.K.L., 2013. Purity Enhancement of Sri Lankan Vein Graphite for Lithium - ion Rechargeable Battery Anode. In: Proceedings to 29th Technical Sessions of Geological Society of Sri Lanka, 101-104.
  • Arbiter, N., 1985. Flotation. SME Mineral Processing Handbook, Weiss, A., Soc. of Mining Engineers, New York. 5.1-5.105.
  • Asbury Carbons, 2013. Natural Flake Graphite. cal-presentations-papers/materials-in-depth/natural-flake-graphite / Erişim Tarihi: 14.05.2023).
  • Aslan, N., Cifci, F., Yan, D., 2008. Optimization of process parameters for producing graphite concentrate using response surface methodology. Separation and Purification Technology. 59, 9-16.
  • Bhima Rao, R., Patnaik N.,2004. Preparation of high pure graphite by alkali digestion method. Scand J Metall. 33(5), 257- 60.
  • Bolat, E., Sağlam, S., and Pişkin, S., 1998. Chemical demineralization of a Turkish high ash bituminous coal. Fuel Process Technology. 57,93- 99
  • Bulatovic, S. M., 2014. Beneficiation of graphite ore. In Handbook of Flotation Reagents: Chemistry, Theory and Practice.Flotation of Industrial Minerals (S. M. Bulatovic, Ed.). Oxford, (3) 163-171.
  • Burt, R., Ottley, D., 1974. Fine gravity concentration using the Bartles-Mozley concentrator. Int J Miner Process, 1(4), 347-366.
  • Canbazoğlu, M., 1981. Çayeli complex from sulfide beds (Oxidation-Reduction) processing Copper, Zinc and Lead generation, Mining Research and Exploration Institute of Technology, Department of Metallurgical Service, Proje No. VI/ Maden Tetkik Arama Enstitüsü Teknoloji Dairesi, Metalurji Servisi.
  • Chelgani, C.S., Rudolph, M., Kratzsch, R., Sandmann, D., Gutzmer, J., 2016, A review of graphite beneficiation techniques. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 37 ( 1), 58–68.
  • DNI Metals Inc., 2014. Traditional and Emerging Market Applications–Graphite Industry.
  • Ergin, Y., 2014. Kayaclar Endustriyel Hammaddeler (Industrial Raw Materials). (Son erişim tarihi 01.09.2020).
  • Fogg, C. T., Boyle E. H., 1987. Flake and High-Crystalline Graphite Availability Market Economy Countries, A Minerals Availability Appraisal. Bureau of Mines Horton, R. C., 1-39.
  • Galos, K., Wyszomirski, P., 2001. Some refracting raw materials mineralogical and technological characteristics. Ceram.-Pol. Ceram. Bull. 64, 59–68.
  • Glembotskii, V. A.; Klassen, V. I.; Plaksin, I. N., 1972. Flotation. Tsvetnye Metally, New York. 424-427.
  • Grabowski, B., Drzymala,J., 2008. Graphite flotation in the presence of sodyum acetate. Annalas Universitatis Mariae Curies, Sklodowska Lublin, Polonia, Section AA,63,6,68-72.
  • Graffin, G. D., 1983.Graphite, Industrial Minerals and Rocks(Nonmetallics other than Fuels); Lefond, S. J., Volume 2, Fifth Edition, Society of Mining Engineers of The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York, 757-773.
  • Grondin, T. ve St-Hilaire, J.-G., 1996. Beneficiation of flake graphite. Office, US Patent (Ed.). U.S. Patent No. US5518189 A.
  • İlhan, A., Sarı,R.,Çörtenlioğlu,Y.Y.,2020. Avrupa İçin Yeni Bir Kaynak: Türkiye Grafit Oluşumları.Madencilik Türkiye.
  • İMİB, 2020. Grafit Yataklarının Durumu, İşletmeciliği ve Geleceği, İstanbul Maden İhracaçıları Birliği, /Erişim Tarihi: 14.05.2023
  • Jagiello, J., Judek, J., Zdrojek, M., Aksienionek, M., and Lipinska, L., 2014. Production of graphene composite by direct graphite exfoliation with chitosan.Materials Chemistry and Physics. 148, 507-511.
  • Jara, A.D., Betemariam A., Woldetinsae G., Kim J.Y., 2019. Purification, application and current market trend of natural graphite: A Review. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 29, 671- 689.
  • Kaya, O., Canbazoglu, M., 2009. Chemical demineralization of three different graphite ores from Turkey. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, 26(3), 158-162.
  • Kaya, Ö., Canbazoğlu, M., 2007. A Study on the foatability of graphite or from Yozgat Akdağmadeni (Turkey).” Journal of Ore Dressing, 9, 40-44.
  • Kaya,Ö., 2006. Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemleri ve Zenginleştirmeye Etki Eden Parametrelerin Araştırılması, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Maden Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi. 250s.
  • Kim, B. G., Choi, S. K., Park, C. L., Chung, H. S., and Jeon, H. S., 2003. Inclusion of gangue mineral and its mechanical separation from expanded graphite. Particulate Science and Technology. 21, 341– 351.
  • Kim, B. G., Choi, S. K., Park, C. L., Chung, H. S., and Jeon, H. S., 2003. Inclusion of gangue mineral and its mechanical separation from expanded graphite.Particulate Science and Technology. 21, 341- 351.
  • Kimber, G., Gray, M., 1967. Rapid devolatilization of small coal particles. Combust Flame. 11(4), 360-362.
  • Kwiecinska, B., Petersen, H.I., 2004. Graphite, semi-graphite, natural coke, and natural char classification— ICCP system. International Journal of Coal Geology.57, 99-116.
  • Laverty, P., Nicks, L., Walters, L., 1994. Recovery of flake graphite from steelmaking kish. Report of investigations. Reno, NV: Reno Rese
  • Li, H., Feng, Q., Ou, L., Long, S., Cui, M., Weng, X., 2013. Study on washability of microcrystal graphite using float-sink tests. Int J Mining Sci Tech. 23 (6),855-861.
  • Lif, A., Holmberg, K., 2006. Water-in-diesel emulsions and related systems. Adv.Colloid Interface Sci123-126,.231–239.
  • Lu, X., Forssberg, E., 2001. Flotation selectivity and upgrading of woxna fine graphite concentrate. Minerals Engineering. 14(11), 1541-1543.
  • Lu, X., Forssberg, E.2002. Preparation of high-purity and low-sulphur graphite from Woxna fine graphite concentrate by alkali roasting. Mineral Engineering. 15 (10),755-757.
  • Ma, Y., Han, Y., Xi, Y., Zhao, X., Li, Q., Yin, X., Li, J., 1996. Study on graphite demineralization by dilute acid/flouride treatment. J. Fuel Chem. Technol. 24, 468-469.
  • Mantell, C. L., 1968. Natural Graphite. Carbon and Graphite Handbook. John Wiley&Sons. Inc., 61-71.
  • Matsumoto, T., Hoshikawa, T., 1995. Method for manufacturing high purity graphite material, USA: US005419889A, May 30.
  • Mitchell, C. J., 1993. Industrial Minerals Laboratory Manual: Flake Graphite, Technical Report WG/92/30, British Geological Survey. 35 s.
  • Moores, S., 2012. The natural graphite industry in 2012–reshaping for a hi-tech revolution.” Graphite Express Conference, May 2, 2012,Toronto, Canada,1-29.
  • Narasimhan, K. S.; Rao, S. B. and Chowdhury, G. S., 1972. Column Flotation Improves Graphite Recovery. Engineering&Mining Journal. 84-85.
  • Nicks, LJ., Nehl, FH.,1995. Chambers MF. Recovering flake graphite from steelmaking kish. JOM, 47(6),48–51.
  • Nwoke, M.A.U., Uwadiale, G.G.O.O., Kollere, M.A., 1997. Flotation of low-grade Birnin Gwari and Alawa graphite, Nigeria. Miner. Metall. Process. 14,54-58.
  • Patnaik, N., Patil, M. R., and Bhima Rao, R., 1997, Effect of acid leaching on recovery of graphite from calcareous deposits. National Seminar Volume on Processing of Fines (PROF-97), 9-10 Ocak, Jamshedpur, India, 189-193.
  • Ravichandran, V., Esweraiah, C.,ve Manisankar,P., 2012. Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore deposits of Tamilnadu (India). Ultra Chemistry, 8 (2),159-162.
  • Rivera-Utrilla, J., López-Ramón, M. V., Carrasco-Marín, F., Maldonado-Hódar, F. J., and Moreno-Castilla, C., 1996, “Demineralization of a bituminous coal by froth flotation before obtaining activated carbons.” Carbon. 34, 917-921.
  • Salgado, M.R., 2001. Upgrading graphite by flotation at Bogala Mines in Sri Lanka,J. Cent. South Univ. Techn.,8 (3), 194-196.
  • Sarıcı-Özdemir, Ç, Önal, Y., Akmil-Bas¸ar, C., 2006. The effects of demineralization and swelling in producing active carbon from Turkish lignites. Fuel Processing Technology. 87 (11), 979-986.
  • Shi, Q., Liang,X., Feng, Q., Chen,Y., Wu,B., 2015. The relationship between the stability of emulsified diesel and flotation of graphite. Minerals Engineering. 78, 89-92.
  • Solomon, P.R., Hamblen, D.G., Carangelo, R., Serio, M., Deshpande, G., 1998. General model of coal devolatilization. Energy Fuels. 2(4),405-422.
  • Statista,2022. (Erişim Tarihi:14.05.2023).
  • Stiller, A.H., Zondlo, J.W., Stansberry, P.G., 1998. Method of producing high quality, high purity, isotropic graphite from coal. USA: US5705139A, January 6.
  • Subramanian, S. and Laskowski, J. S., 1993. Adsorption of dextrin onto graphite. Langmuir. 9, 1330-1333.
  • U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries,2022. /Erişim Tarihi:14.05.2023)
  • Vasumathi,N., Vijaya Kumar, T.V., Nayak., Subba Rao, S., Prabhakar, S., Bhaskar Raju,G., 2014. Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore of eastern Indıa by two-stage grinding and flotation. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy.1, 9-17.
  • Vasumathi,N., Vijaya Kumar, T.V., Ratchambigal,S., Subba Rao, S., Prabhakar, S., Bhaskar Raju,G., Nayak, B.R, Shiva Kumar,S., Raman,U., 2013. Single reagent for graphite flotation. Proceedings of the XIII International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology, 145-153.
  • Wakamatsu, T. and Numata, Y., 1991. Flotation of Graphite. Minerals Engineering. 4 (7), 975-982
  • Wang, H., Feng, Q., Liu, K., Zuo, K., Tang, X., 2018. A novel technique for microcrystalline graphite beneficiation based on alkali-acid leaching process. Sep Sci Technol, 53(6), 982-989.
  • Wissler, M., 2006. Graphite and carbon powders for electrochemical applications. J Power Sources. 156 (2), 142–150.
  • Yarar, B., 1988. Flotation. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, VHC Verlagsgesellschaft, 23 (1), 23-29.
  • Yener, T., 2018. Yerküremizdeki mineral-metal kaynaklarının kıt ve tükenir niteliği ile ülkelere eşitsiz dağılımı gerçeği sonucunda, küresel tedarik zincirinde karşılaşılan engeller hangi kaygıları doğurmaktadır. Türkiye Madenciler Derneği Sektörden Haberler Bülteni,74,66-78.
  • Zaghib, K., Song, X., Guerfi, A., Rioux, R., and Kinoshita, K., 2003. Purification process of natural graphite as anode for Li-ion batteries: chemical versus thermal. Journal of Power Sources. 119 (121), 8- 15.
  • Zhao, H., Ren, J., He, X., Li, J., Jiang, C., Wan, C., 2007. Purification and carbon-film-coating of natural graphite as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Electrochim Acta, 52(19), 6006-6011.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mining Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Collection

Özcan Öney This is me

Publication Date October 27, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 24


APA Öney, Ö. (2023). Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi. MT Bilimsel(24), 29-42.
AMA Öney Ö. Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi. MT Bilimsel. October 2023;(24):29-42.
Chicago Öney, Özcan. “Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi”. MT Bilimsel, no. 24 (October 2023): 29-42.
EndNote Öney Ö (October 1, 2023) Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi. MT Bilimsel 24 29–42.
IEEE Ö. Öney, “Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi”, MT Bilimsel, no. 24, pp. 29–42, October 2023.
ISNAD Öney, Özcan. “Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi”. MT Bilimsel 24 (October 2023), 29-42.
JAMA Öney Ö. Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi. MT Bilimsel. 2023;:29–42.
MLA Öney, Özcan. “Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi”. MT Bilimsel, no. 24, 2023, pp. 29-42.
Vancouver Öney Ö. Grafit Zenginleştirme Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi. MT Bilimsel. 2023(24):29-42.

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