Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 197 - 223, 30.09.2020


Ürün çeşitlerindeki yoğunluk, tüketicilerin, isteğe bağlı harcanabilir gelirlerinin, kredi kartları ile finanse edilebilir olması, insanları daha fazla satın almaya yöneltmiştir. Ancak çoğu zaman, tüketicilerin, yüksek kalitedeki ürün veya hizmetten bile endişe duymaları ve emin olamamaları, ürünler hakkında olumlu, güvenilir ve dürüst bir değerlendirmeye ihtiyaç duymalarına sebep olmuştur. Günümüz tüketicileri, satın aldıkları ve satın almaya niyetli oldukları her şey hakkında daha dikkatli ve meraklı hale gelmişlerdir. Fiyata duyarlı tüketicilerin ucuzdan daha da ucuzunu bulabilme çabaları yanında ürün risklerinin şüphe oluşturacak biçimde yüzeye çıkmasıyla tüketicilerin farkındalık düzeyleri artmıştır. Bu artış, tüketicilerin, bilgi toplama ve paylaşma eğilimlerini de artırmıştır. Satın alma öncesi, bilgi toplama ve paylaşmaya konu olan ağızdan ağıza iletişim, tüketiciler arasındaki en önemli iletişim kaynağı olduğu gibi pazarlama faaliyetlerinde her zaman öne çıkan bir etkiye sahip olmuştur.
Bu çalışma ile tüketicilerin, ağızdan ağıza iletişim yoluyla satın alma öncesi, bilgi toplama ve paylaşma davranışlarının, demografik değişkenlere göre değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada belirli bir tüketici grubu yerine rastgele seçilmiş katılımcılara ait veriler kullanılmıştır. Tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile araştırmada kullanılan veriler, 2019 yılında Malatya ili merkez ilçesinde yaşayan 322 haneden 864 hane halkı ile yüz yüze anket ile elde edilmiştir. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda 447 anket formunun analizler için uygun olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak “Satın alma öncesi ağızdan ağıza iletişim davranışlarını belirlemeye yönelik anket formu” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) for Windows 22.0 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı, yüzde, ortalama, standart sapma, bağımsız gruplar t-testi, tek yönlü anova testi (posthoc=scheffe) kullanılmıştır. Ağızdan ağıza tüketici iletişimi ölçeğindeki 10 maddenin güvenirliğini hesaplamak için iç tutarlılık katsayısı olan “Cronbach Alpha” hesaplanmıştır. Ölçeğin genel güvenirliği alpha=0.827 olarak çok yüksek bulunmuştur. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliliğinin ortaya koymak için açıklayıcı (açımlayıcı) faktör analizi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Yapılan Bartlett testi sonucunda (p=0.000<0.05) faktör analizine alınan değişkenler arasında ilişkinin olduğu bu çalışmada sunulmuştur.


  • Arndt, J. (1967). Role of Product Conversation in the Diffusion of a New Product. Journal of Marketing Research,4 (3), 291-295.
  • Arndt, J.(1968).Selective Processes in Word of Mouth. Journal of Advertising Research, 8, (3), 19-22.
  • Bansal, H. S. ve Voyer, P. A. (2000). Word-of-Mouth Processes Within a Services Purchase Decision Context. Journal of Service Research, 3, 166–77.
  • Berger, L.A. (1988). Word-of-Mouth Reputations in Auto Insurance Markets. Journal of Behavior and Organization, 10, 225-234.
  • Bickart, B. and Schindler, R.M. (2002). Expanding The Scope of Word of Mouth: Consumer-to-Consumer Informations on The Internet. Advances in Consumer Research, 29, 428-430.
  • Buttle Francis (1998). Word of Mouth: Understanding and Managing Referral Marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 241-243.
  • Bone, P.F.(1995). Word-of-Mouth Effects on Short-term and Long-term Product Judgment. Journal of Business Research, (32) 3, 213-223.
  • Brown, J. J. Ve Reingen, P. H. (1987). Social Ties and Word of-Mouth Referral Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 14, 350–362.
  • Brown, Jo, Amanda Broderick ve Nick Lee (2007). Journal of Interactive Marketing, (21)3, 2-20.
  • Dellarocas, C. (2003). The Digitization of Word-of-Mouth: Promise and Challenge of Online Feedback Mechanisms. Management Science, 49, 1407–1424.
  • Dichter, E. (1966). How Word-of-Mouth Advertising Works. Harvard Business Review, 44(6), 147-160.
  • Doosti, S., Jalilvand, M.R., Asadi, A., Pool, J.K., Adl, P.M. (2016). Analyzing The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Visit Intention: The Mediating Role of Tourists‘ Attitude and City İmage. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2, 137-148.
  • East, R., Hammond, K., Wright, M. (2007). The Relative Incidence of Positive and Negative Word-of-Mouth: A Multi-Category Study. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24, 175-184.
  • Forbes, L. P., Kelley, S. W., ve Hoffman, K. D. (2005). Typologies of E-Commerce Retail Failures and Recovery Strategies. Journal of Services Marketing, 19(5), 280–292.
  • Gıldın, Suzana. Z. (2008). Understanding the Power Of Word Of Mouth. Revista de Adminitracao Mackenzie, 4(1), 91- 106.
  • Gumpert, G. and Cathcart, R., (1986). Inter/Media: Interpersonal Communication in a Media World. New York. Oxford University Press.
  • Gremler, D.D., Gwinner, K.P. and Brown, S.W. (2001). Generating Positive Word-of- Mouth Communication Trough Customer-Employee Relationships. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 12(1), 44-59.
  • Godes D. ve Mayzlin D. (2004). Using Online Conversations to Study Word-of-Mouth Communication. Marketing Sience, (23)4, 469-631.
  • Haywood, K.M. (1989). Managing Word of Mouth Communications. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 55-67.
  • Hening Thorsten, Thurau Kevin Gwinner, Gianfranco Walsh, Dwayne D. Gremler (2004), Electronic Word of Mouth via Consumer Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers To Artıculate Themselves On The Internet. Journal of Interactive Marketing, (18)1, 38-52.
  • Herr, P. M., Kardes, F. Kim, J. (1991). Effects of Word-of-Mouth and Product-Attribute Information on Persuasion: an Accessibility-Diagnosticity Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 17, 454–462.
  • Huang, J. H.,ve Chen, Y. F (2006). Herding in Online Product Choice. Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 23(5), 413–428.
  • Lang Bodo, Hyde Kenneth (2013). Word of Mouth: What We Know and What We Have Yet to Learn. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior, 26(2), s.3-18.
  • Meiners Norbert, Ulf Schwarting and Bernd Seeberger. (2010). The Renaissance of Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A ‘New’ Standard in Twenty- First Century Marketing Management. International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research 3(2), 79-97.
  • Mcgriff, J. A. (2012). A Conceptual Topic In Marketing Management: The Emerging Need for Protecting and Managing Brand Equity: The Case of Online Consumer Brand Boycotts. International Management Review, 8(1), 49-54.
  • Richins, M.L.(1983). Negative Word-of-Mouth by Dissatisfied Consumers: A Pilot Study. Journal of Marketing, 47(1), 68-78.
  • Richins, M.L.(1987). A Multivariate Analyses of Responses to Dissatisfaction. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 15(3), 24-31.
  • Stokes, D., Lomax, W. (2002). Taking Control of Word-of-Mouth Marketing: The Case of An Entrepreneurial Hotelier. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9, 349-357.
  • Sweeney Jillian. C., Geoffrey N. Soutar., Tim Mazzarol (2008). Factors Influencing Word of Mouth Effectiveness: Receiver Perspectives. European Journal of Marketing, 42(3/4), 344-364.
  • Uygun M., Taner Ö., Özbay S. (2011). Tüketicilerin Hizmet Deneyimleri İle Ağızdan Ağıza İletişim Davranışları Arasındaki İlişkiler. Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 331-342.
  • Wirtz, J. and Chew, P., (2002). The Effects of Incentives, Deal Proneness, Satisfaction and Tie Strength on Word-of-Mouth Behaviour. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 13(2), 141-162.
  • WOMMA (2013). Press Release: Word of Mouth Marketing Is Here to Stay: WOMMA Reaches Membership Milestone, Looks Forward to Industry Growth. Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 15, 2020
  • Yiğit Kaytmaz (2017). “Google ve Ogilvy: En etkili pazarlama kulaktan kulağa” Campaign Türkiye, Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 17, 2020


Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 197 - 223, 30.09.2020


Density in product types and the fact that consumers’ discretionary disposable incomes being financed with credit cards has led people to buy more. But most of the time, consumers are concerned and unsure about even high- quality products or services. This has caused consumers to need a positive, reliable and honest assesment about the products. That’s why today’s consumers have become more careful and curious about everthing they buy and intend to buy. With consumers sensibility against the price to find cheaper than cheaper, consumers ' awareness levels have increased as product risks have surfaced in a form of doubt. This increment has also increased the tendency of consumers to gather and share information. Word-of-mouth communication has always had a featured influence in marketing activities. And word-of-mouth communication in pre-purchase is the most important source of communication between consumers that is subject to collection and sharing of information.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the word of mouth communication in pre- purchase behavior of consumers through gathering and sharing information according to demographic variables. Regarding this study, instead of a certain consumer groups, randomly selected participants data were used. The data of the research was obtained by random sampling method, face-to-face survey with 864 households from 322 households living in the central district of Malatya province. As a result of the examinations, it was determined that 447 questionnaire forms were suitable for the analyzes. In the research, "Questionnaire form for determining organic word of mouth communication behavior before purchasing" was used as data collection tool. The data obtained in the study are analyzed using SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) for Windows 22.0 program. In the evaluation of the data, number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent groups t-test, one-way anova test (posthoc = scheffe) were used. In order to calculate the reliability of 10 items in the shopping communication scale, the internal consistency coefficient "Cronbach Alpha" was calculated. The overall reliability of the scale was found to be very high as alpha = 0.827. Explanatory (exploratory) factor analysis method was applied to reveal the construct validity of the scale. As a result of the Barlett test (p = 0.000 <0.05), it has determined that there was a relationship between the variables included in factor analysis.


  • Arndt, J. (1967). Role of Product Conversation in the Diffusion of a New Product. Journal of Marketing Research,4 (3), 291-295.
  • Arndt, J.(1968).Selective Processes in Word of Mouth. Journal of Advertising Research, 8, (3), 19-22.
  • Bansal, H. S. ve Voyer, P. A. (2000). Word-of-Mouth Processes Within a Services Purchase Decision Context. Journal of Service Research, 3, 166–77.
  • Berger, L.A. (1988). Word-of-Mouth Reputations in Auto Insurance Markets. Journal of Behavior and Organization, 10, 225-234.
  • Bickart, B. and Schindler, R.M. (2002). Expanding The Scope of Word of Mouth: Consumer-to-Consumer Informations on The Internet. Advances in Consumer Research, 29, 428-430.
  • Buttle Francis (1998). Word of Mouth: Understanding and Managing Referral Marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 241-243.
  • Bone, P.F.(1995). Word-of-Mouth Effects on Short-term and Long-term Product Judgment. Journal of Business Research, (32) 3, 213-223.
  • Brown, J. J. Ve Reingen, P. H. (1987). Social Ties and Word of-Mouth Referral Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 14, 350–362.
  • Brown, Jo, Amanda Broderick ve Nick Lee (2007). Journal of Interactive Marketing, (21)3, 2-20.
  • Dellarocas, C. (2003). The Digitization of Word-of-Mouth: Promise and Challenge of Online Feedback Mechanisms. Management Science, 49, 1407–1424.
  • Dichter, E. (1966). How Word-of-Mouth Advertising Works. Harvard Business Review, 44(6), 147-160.
  • Doosti, S., Jalilvand, M.R., Asadi, A., Pool, J.K., Adl, P.M. (2016). Analyzing The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Visit Intention: The Mediating Role of Tourists‘ Attitude and City İmage. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2, 137-148.
  • East, R., Hammond, K., Wright, M. (2007). The Relative Incidence of Positive and Negative Word-of-Mouth: A Multi-Category Study. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24, 175-184.
  • Forbes, L. P., Kelley, S. W., ve Hoffman, K. D. (2005). Typologies of E-Commerce Retail Failures and Recovery Strategies. Journal of Services Marketing, 19(5), 280–292.
  • Gıldın, Suzana. Z. (2008). Understanding the Power Of Word Of Mouth. Revista de Adminitracao Mackenzie, 4(1), 91- 106.
  • Gumpert, G. and Cathcart, R., (1986). Inter/Media: Interpersonal Communication in a Media World. New York. Oxford University Press.
  • Gremler, D.D., Gwinner, K.P. and Brown, S.W. (2001). Generating Positive Word-of- Mouth Communication Trough Customer-Employee Relationships. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 12(1), 44-59.
  • Godes D. ve Mayzlin D. (2004). Using Online Conversations to Study Word-of-Mouth Communication. Marketing Sience, (23)4, 469-631.
  • Haywood, K.M. (1989). Managing Word of Mouth Communications. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 55-67.
  • Hening Thorsten, Thurau Kevin Gwinner, Gianfranco Walsh, Dwayne D. Gremler (2004), Electronic Word of Mouth via Consumer Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers To Artıculate Themselves On The Internet. Journal of Interactive Marketing, (18)1, 38-52.
  • Herr, P. M., Kardes, F. Kim, J. (1991). Effects of Word-of-Mouth and Product-Attribute Information on Persuasion: an Accessibility-Diagnosticity Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 17, 454–462.
  • Huang, J. H.,ve Chen, Y. F (2006). Herding in Online Product Choice. Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 23(5), 413–428.
  • Lang Bodo, Hyde Kenneth (2013). Word of Mouth: What We Know and What We Have Yet to Learn. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior, 26(2), s.3-18.
  • Meiners Norbert, Ulf Schwarting and Bernd Seeberger. (2010). The Renaissance of Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A ‘New’ Standard in Twenty- First Century Marketing Management. International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research 3(2), 79-97.
  • Mcgriff, J. A. (2012). A Conceptual Topic In Marketing Management: The Emerging Need for Protecting and Managing Brand Equity: The Case of Online Consumer Brand Boycotts. International Management Review, 8(1), 49-54.
  • Richins, M.L.(1983). Negative Word-of-Mouth by Dissatisfied Consumers: A Pilot Study. Journal of Marketing, 47(1), 68-78.
  • Richins, M.L.(1987). A Multivariate Analyses of Responses to Dissatisfaction. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 15(3), 24-31.
  • Stokes, D., Lomax, W. (2002). Taking Control of Word-of-Mouth Marketing: The Case of An Entrepreneurial Hotelier. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9, 349-357.
  • Sweeney Jillian. C., Geoffrey N. Soutar., Tim Mazzarol (2008). Factors Influencing Word of Mouth Effectiveness: Receiver Perspectives. European Journal of Marketing, 42(3/4), 344-364.
  • Uygun M., Taner Ö., Özbay S. (2011). Tüketicilerin Hizmet Deneyimleri İle Ağızdan Ağıza İletişim Davranışları Arasındaki İlişkiler. Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 331-342.
  • Wirtz, J. and Chew, P., (2002). The Effects of Incentives, Deal Proneness, Satisfaction and Tie Strength on Word-of-Mouth Behaviour. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 13(2), 141-162.
  • WOMMA (2013). Press Release: Word of Mouth Marketing Is Here to Stay: WOMMA Reaches Membership Milestone, Looks Forward to Industry Growth. Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 15, 2020
  • Yiğit Kaytmaz (2017). “Google ve Ogilvy: En etkili pazarlama kulaktan kulağa” Campaign Türkiye, Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 17, 2020
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ayşe Ersoy Yıldırım 0000-0002-6895-309X

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Acceptance Date September 26, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Ersoy Yıldırım, A. (2020). SATIN ALMA ÖNCESİ AĞIZDAN AĞIZA TÜKETİCİ İLETİŞİMİ. Malatya Turgut Özal Üniversitesi İşletme Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 197-223.