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Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar

Year 2023, , 141 - 154, 17.04.2023


Bireyler finansal güvenliklerini sağlamak için farklı psikolojik davranışlar sergileyerek finansal davranışlarını ortaya koymaktadır. Öz-kontrolü yüksek olan bireyler finansal anlamda sürekli akılcı hareket etmek ister. Öz-kontrol ile birlikte bireyler finansal güvenliklerine daha fazla önem verirler. Öz-kontrolü yüksek olan bireyler daha fazla geleceği düşünür ve daha güvenilir finansal davranış sergiler. Bireylerin öz-kontrolünü artıracak ve finansal güvenliklerini sağlayacak önemli kavramlardan birisi de finansal okuryazarlıktır. Finansal okuryazarlık düzeyi yüksek olan bireylerin finansal davranışlarından duyacağı güven de yüksek olacaktır. Bu çalışmada Borsa İstanbul’da işlem yapan bireysel yatırımcıların öz-kontrollerinin finansal güvenliklerine etkisinde finansal okuryazarlığın düzenleyici rolü araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda hazırlanan anket formu Borsa İstanbul’da işlem yapan bireysel yatırımcılara tesadüfi örneklem yöntemi kullanılarak ulaştırılmış ve 503 bireysel yatırımcı çalışmaya geri dönüş sağlamıştır. Çalışma sonucunda öz-kontrol ile finansal güvenlik arasında istatistiksel anlamda pozitif yönlü bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda finansal okuryazarlığın öz-kontrol ile finansal güvenlik arasındaki düzenleyici rolü de çalışmada kanıtlanmıştır.


  • Adil, Mohd - Singh, Yogita - Ansari, Mohd Shamim (2022), “How Financial Literacy Moderate The Association Between Behaviour Biases and Investment Decision?”, Asian Journal of Accounting Research, 7(1), pp. 17-30.
  • Alshebami, Ali Saleh - Aldhyani, Tahezayn (2022), “The Interplay of Social Influence, Financial Literacy, and Saving Behaviour Among Saudi Youth and The Moderating Effect of Self-Control”, Sustainability, 14(14), pp.1-18.
  • Altınışık, Remzi - Recai, Coşkun - Bayraktaroğlu, Serkan ve Yıldırım, Engin (2012), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri SPSS Uygulamalı, Sakarya Kitapevi, İstanbul.
  • Anita, A - Njotoprajitno, R. S - Hadianto, B (2022), “Self-Control, Financial Literacy, and Behavior in Organizing Money, Economics and Business”, Quarterly Reviews, 5(3), pp. 32-40.
  • Arifin, Zaenal - Soleha, Erin (2019), “Overconfidence, Attitude Toward Risk, and Financial Literacy: A Case in Indonesia Stock Exchange”, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 8, pp. 144-152.
  • Atmaningrum, Siska - Kanto, Dwi Sunu - Kisman, Zainul (2021), “Investment Decisions: The Results of Knowledge, Income, and Self-Control”, Journal of Economics and Business, 4(1), pp. 100-114.
  • Baker, Kent - Kumar, Satish - Goyal, Nisha - Gaur, Vidhu (2018), “How Financial Literacy and Demographic Variables Relate to Behavioral Biases, Managerial Finance”, 45(1), pp. 124-146.
  • Bongomin, George Okello Candiya - Ntayi, Joseph Mpeera - Munene, J.ohn - Nabeta, Isaac Nkote (2016), “Social Capital: Mediator of Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion in Rural Uganda”, Review of International Business and Strategy, 25(2), pp. 291-312.
  • Bottazzi, Laura - Lusardi, Annamaria (2021), “Stereotypes in Financial Literacy: Evidence from PISA”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 71, pp. 1-27.
  • Dawson, Jeremy (2014), “Moderation in Management Research: What, Why, When, and How”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 29(1), pp. 1-19.
  • Dwiastanti, Anis (2015), “Financial Literacy as the Foundation for Individual Financial Behavior”, Journal of Education and Practice, 6(33), pp. 99-105.
  • Fariana, Ririn Eka - Surindra, Bayu - Arifin, Zainal (2021), “The Influence of Financial Literacy, Lifestyle and Self-Control on the Consumption Behavior of Economic Education Student”, International Journal of Research and Review, 8(8), pp. 496-503.
  • Garg, Neha - Singh, Shveta (2018), "Financial Literacy Among Youth”, International Journal of Social Economics, 45(1), pp. 173-186.
  • Gathergood, John (2012), “Self-Control, Financial Literacy and Consumer Over-Indebtedness”, Journal of economic psychology, 33(3), pp. 590-602.
  • Grohmann, Antonia (2018), “Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior: Evidence from the Emerging Asian Middle Class”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 48, pp. 129-143.
  • Gunawan, Ade - Chairani, Chairani (2019), “Effect of Financial Literacy and Lifestyle of Finance Student Behavior”, International Journal of Business Economics, 1(1), pp. 76-86.
  • Halimatussakdiyah, Martono - Sudarma, Ketut (2019), “Influence of Life Style and Financial Literacy to Consumptive Behavior through Self-Control of Unisnu FEB College Students Jepara”, Journal of Economic Education, 8(1), pp. 75-80.
  • Hayat, Amir - Anwar, Muhammad (2016), “Impact of Behavioral Biases on Investment Decision; Moderating Role of Financial Literacy. Moderating Role of Financial Literacy”, Electronic Journal, pp. 1-14.
  • Khoirunnisaa, Jihaan - Johan, Irni (2020), “The Effects of Financial Literacy and Self-Control Towards Financial Behavior Among High School Students in Bogor”, Journal of Consumer Sciences, 5(2), pp. 73-86.
  • Kadoya, Yoshihiko - Khan, Mostafa Saidur Rahim (2020), “Financial literacy in Japan: New Evidence Using Financial Knowledge, Behavior, and Attitude”, Sustainability, 12(9), pp. 1-15.
  • Klapper, Leora - Lusardi, Annamaria (2020), “Financial Literacy and Financial Resilience: Evidence from around The World”, Financial Management, 49(3), pp. 589-614.
  • Liu, Siming - Gao, Leifu - Latif, Khalid - Dar, Ayesha Anees - Zia-UR-Rehman, Muhammad - Baig, Sajjad Ahmad (2021), “The Behavioral Role of Digital Economy Adaptation in Sustainable Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion”, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, pp. 1-11.
  • Lusardi, Annamaria - Mitchell, Olivia (2011), “Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning in the United States”, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 10(4), pp. 509–525.
  • Lusardi, Annamaria (2015), “Financial Literacy: Do People Know the ABCs of Finance?”, Public Understanding of Science, 24(3), pp. 260-271.
  • Mohammadi, Manizheh - Naderian, Arash - Ashrafi, Majid - Gorganli Doji, Jamadori (2022), “Effect of Financial Literacy and Risk Aversion on the Relationship Between Self-Control and Financial Security of Individual Investors in Tehran Stock Exchange”, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 13(1), pp. 2015-2024.
  • Fong, Joelle - Koh, Benedict - Mitchell, Olivia - Rohwedder, Susann (2021), “Financial Literacy and Financial Decision-Making at Older Ages”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 65, pp. 101481.
  • Moinuddin, Momahhad - Kazemi Aliabadi, Majid - Hirani, Fatf (2020), “Self-Control, Financial Literacy and Over-Debt of Consumers”, Knowledge, 9(33), pp. 371–351.
  • Mutlu, Ümmühan - Özer, Gökhan (2022), “The Moderator Effect of Financial Literacy on the Relationship Between Locus of Control and Financial Behavior”, Kybernete, 51(3), pp. 1114-1125.
  • Philippas, Nikolaos - Avdoulas, Christos (2020), “Financial Literacy and Financial Well-Being Among Generation-Z University Students: Evidence from Greece”, The European Journal of Finance, 26(4-5), pp. 360-381.
  • Sabir, Saeed Ahmad -Mohammad, Hisham Bin - Shahar, Hanita Binti Kadir (2019), “The Role of Overconfidence and Past Investment Experience in Herding Behaviour With A Moderating Effect of Financial Literacy: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 9(4), pp. 480-490.
  • Sabri, Mohamad Fazli - Aw, Eugene Cheng Xi (2019), “Financial Literacy and Related Outcomes: The Role of Financial Information Sources”, International Journal of Business and Society, 20(1), pp. 286-298.
  • Santini, Fernando De Oliveria - Ladeira, Wagner Junior - Mette, Frederike Monika Budiner - Ponchio, Mateus Canniatti (2019), “The Antecedents and Consequences of Financial Literacy: A Meta-Analysis”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(6), pp. 1462-1479.
  • Sattar, Muhammad Atif - Toseef, Muhammad - Sattar, Muhammad Fahad (2020), “Behavioral Finance Biases in Investment Decision Making”, International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Risk Management, 5(2), pp. 69-75.
  • Skagerlund, Kenny - Lind, Therese - Strömbäck, Camilla - Tinghög, Gustav - Västfjäll, Daniel (2018), “Financial Literacy and The Role of Numeracy–How Individuals’ Attitude and Affinity with Numbers Influence Financial Literacy”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74, pp. 18-25.
  • Strömbäck, Camilla - Lind, Therese - Skagerlund, Kenny - Västfjäll, Daniel - Tinghög, Gustav (2017), “Does Self-Control Predict Financial Behavior and Financial Well-Being?”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 14, pp. 30-38.
  • Suwanrada, Worawet (2008), “Poverty and Financial Security of the Elderly in Thailand”, Ageing International, 33(1), pp. 50-61.
  • Swiecka, Beata - Yeşildağ, Eser - Özen, Ercan - Grima, Simon (2020), “Financial Literacy: The Case of Poland”, Sustainability, 12(2), pp. 1-17.
  • Taylor, Sharon - Wagland, Suzanne (2011), “Financial Literacy: A Review of Government Policy and Initiatives”, Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 5(2), pp. 101-125.
  • Vuković, Marija - Pivac, Snjeˇzana (2021), “Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Self-Control and Financial Security?”, Croatian Operational Research Review, 12, pp. 27-36.
  • Younas, Wagar - Javed, Tariq - Kalimuthu, Ramanathan - Farooq, Muhammad - Khalil-ur-Rehman, Faisal - Raju, Valliappan (2019), “Impact of Self-Control, Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior on Financial Well-Being”, The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 5(1), pp. 211-218.

The Regulatory Role of Financial Literacy on the Relationship Between Self-Control and Financial Security of Individual Investors: Evidence on Borsa Istanbul

Year 2023, , 141 - 154, 17.04.2023


Individuals reveal their financial behaviors by exhibiting different psychological behaviors to ensure their financial security. Individuals with high self-control want to act rationally financially. Along with self-control, individuals give more importance to their financial security. Individuals with high self-control think more about the future and display more reliable financial behaviors. One of the important concepts that will increase the self-control of individuals and ensure their financial security is financial literacy. Individuals with a high level of financial literacy will also have high confidence in their financial behavior. In this study, the moderation role of financial literacy in the effect of self-control of individual investors trading in Borsa Istanbul on their financial security was investigated. The questionnaire prepared in this context was sent to individual investors trading in Borsa Istanbul using the random sampling method, and 503 individual investors returned to the study. As a result of the study, a statistically positive relationship was determined between self-control and financial security. At the same time, the moderation role of financial literacy between self-control and financial security has been proven in the study.


  • Adil, Mohd - Singh, Yogita - Ansari, Mohd Shamim (2022), “How Financial Literacy Moderate The Association Between Behaviour Biases and Investment Decision?”, Asian Journal of Accounting Research, 7(1), pp. 17-30.
  • Alshebami, Ali Saleh - Aldhyani, Tahezayn (2022), “The Interplay of Social Influence, Financial Literacy, and Saving Behaviour Among Saudi Youth and The Moderating Effect of Self-Control”, Sustainability, 14(14), pp.1-18.
  • Altınışık, Remzi - Recai, Coşkun - Bayraktaroğlu, Serkan ve Yıldırım, Engin (2012), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri SPSS Uygulamalı, Sakarya Kitapevi, İstanbul.
  • Anita, A - Njotoprajitno, R. S - Hadianto, B (2022), “Self-Control, Financial Literacy, and Behavior in Organizing Money, Economics and Business”, Quarterly Reviews, 5(3), pp. 32-40.
  • Arifin, Zaenal - Soleha, Erin (2019), “Overconfidence, Attitude Toward Risk, and Financial Literacy: A Case in Indonesia Stock Exchange”, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 8, pp. 144-152.
  • Atmaningrum, Siska - Kanto, Dwi Sunu - Kisman, Zainul (2021), “Investment Decisions: The Results of Knowledge, Income, and Self-Control”, Journal of Economics and Business, 4(1), pp. 100-114.
  • Baker, Kent - Kumar, Satish - Goyal, Nisha - Gaur, Vidhu (2018), “How Financial Literacy and Demographic Variables Relate to Behavioral Biases, Managerial Finance”, 45(1), pp. 124-146.
  • Bongomin, George Okello Candiya - Ntayi, Joseph Mpeera - Munene, J.ohn - Nabeta, Isaac Nkote (2016), “Social Capital: Mediator of Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion in Rural Uganda”, Review of International Business and Strategy, 25(2), pp. 291-312.
  • Bottazzi, Laura - Lusardi, Annamaria (2021), “Stereotypes in Financial Literacy: Evidence from PISA”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 71, pp. 1-27.
  • Dawson, Jeremy (2014), “Moderation in Management Research: What, Why, When, and How”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 29(1), pp. 1-19.
  • Dwiastanti, Anis (2015), “Financial Literacy as the Foundation for Individual Financial Behavior”, Journal of Education and Practice, 6(33), pp. 99-105.
  • Fariana, Ririn Eka - Surindra, Bayu - Arifin, Zainal (2021), “The Influence of Financial Literacy, Lifestyle and Self-Control on the Consumption Behavior of Economic Education Student”, International Journal of Research and Review, 8(8), pp. 496-503.
  • Garg, Neha - Singh, Shveta (2018), "Financial Literacy Among Youth”, International Journal of Social Economics, 45(1), pp. 173-186.
  • Gathergood, John (2012), “Self-Control, Financial Literacy and Consumer Over-Indebtedness”, Journal of economic psychology, 33(3), pp. 590-602.
  • Grohmann, Antonia (2018), “Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior: Evidence from the Emerging Asian Middle Class”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 48, pp. 129-143.
  • Gunawan, Ade - Chairani, Chairani (2019), “Effect of Financial Literacy and Lifestyle of Finance Student Behavior”, International Journal of Business Economics, 1(1), pp. 76-86.
  • Halimatussakdiyah, Martono - Sudarma, Ketut (2019), “Influence of Life Style and Financial Literacy to Consumptive Behavior through Self-Control of Unisnu FEB College Students Jepara”, Journal of Economic Education, 8(1), pp. 75-80.
  • Hayat, Amir - Anwar, Muhammad (2016), “Impact of Behavioral Biases on Investment Decision; Moderating Role of Financial Literacy. Moderating Role of Financial Literacy”, Electronic Journal, pp. 1-14.
  • Khoirunnisaa, Jihaan - Johan, Irni (2020), “The Effects of Financial Literacy and Self-Control Towards Financial Behavior Among High School Students in Bogor”, Journal of Consumer Sciences, 5(2), pp. 73-86.
  • Kadoya, Yoshihiko - Khan, Mostafa Saidur Rahim (2020), “Financial literacy in Japan: New Evidence Using Financial Knowledge, Behavior, and Attitude”, Sustainability, 12(9), pp. 1-15.
  • Klapper, Leora - Lusardi, Annamaria (2020), “Financial Literacy and Financial Resilience: Evidence from around The World”, Financial Management, 49(3), pp. 589-614.
  • Liu, Siming - Gao, Leifu - Latif, Khalid - Dar, Ayesha Anees - Zia-UR-Rehman, Muhammad - Baig, Sajjad Ahmad (2021), “The Behavioral Role of Digital Economy Adaptation in Sustainable Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion”, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, pp. 1-11.
  • Lusardi, Annamaria - Mitchell, Olivia (2011), “Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning in the United States”, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 10(4), pp. 509–525.
  • Lusardi, Annamaria (2015), “Financial Literacy: Do People Know the ABCs of Finance?”, Public Understanding of Science, 24(3), pp. 260-271.
  • Mohammadi, Manizheh - Naderian, Arash - Ashrafi, Majid - Gorganli Doji, Jamadori (2022), “Effect of Financial Literacy and Risk Aversion on the Relationship Between Self-Control and Financial Security of Individual Investors in Tehran Stock Exchange”, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 13(1), pp. 2015-2024.
  • Fong, Joelle - Koh, Benedict - Mitchell, Olivia - Rohwedder, Susann (2021), “Financial Literacy and Financial Decision-Making at Older Ages”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 65, pp. 101481.
  • Moinuddin, Momahhad - Kazemi Aliabadi, Majid - Hirani, Fatf (2020), “Self-Control, Financial Literacy and Over-Debt of Consumers”, Knowledge, 9(33), pp. 371–351.
  • Mutlu, Ümmühan - Özer, Gökhan (2022), “The Moderator Effect of Financial Literacy on the Relationship Between Locus of Control and Financial Behavior”, Kybernete, 51(3), pp. 1114-1125.
  • Philippas, Nikolaos - Avdoulas, Christos (2020), “Financial Literacy and Financial Well-Being Among Generation-Z University Students: Evidence from Greece”, The European Journal of Finance, 26(4-5), pp. 360-381.
  • Sabir, Saeed Ahmad -Mohammad, Hisham Bin - Shahar, Hanita Binti Kadir (2019), “The Role of Overconfidence and Past Investment Experience in Herding Behaviour With A Moderating Effect of Financial Literacy: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 9(4), pp. 480-490.
  • Sabri, Mohamad Fazli - Aw, Eugene Cheng Xi (2019), “Financial Literacy and Related Outcomes: The Role of Financial Information Sources”, International Journal of Business and Society, 20(1), pp. 286-298.
  • Santini, Fernando De Oliveria - Ladeira, Wagner Junior - Mette, Frederike Monika Budiner - Ponchio, Mateus Canniatti (2019), “The Antecedents and Consequences of Financial Literacy: A Meta-Analysis”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(6), pp. 1462-1479.
  • Sattar, Muhammad Atif - Toseef, Muhammad - Sattar, Muhammad Fahad (2020), “Behavioral Finance Biases in Investment Decision Making”, International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Risk Management, 5(2), pp. 69-75.
  • Skagerlund, Kenny - Lind, Therese - Strömbäck, Camilla - Tinghög, Gustav - Västfjäll, Daniel (2018), “Financial Literacy and The Role of Numeracy–How Individuals’ Attitude and Affinity with Numbers Influence Financial Literacy”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74, pp. 18-25.
  • Strömbäck, Camilla - Lind, Therese - Skagerlund, Kenny - Västfjäll, Daniel - Tinghög, Gustav (2017), “Does Self-Control Predict Financial Behavior and Financial Well-Being?”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 14, pp. 30-38.
  • Suwanrada, Worawet (2008), “Poverty and Financial Security of the Elderly in Thailand”, Ageing International, 33(1), pp. 50-61.
  • Swiecka, Beata - Yeşildağ, Eser - Özen, Ercan - Grima, Simon (2020), “Financial Literacy: The Case of Poland”, Sustainability, 12(2), pp. 1-17.
  • Taylor, Sharon - Wagland, Suzanne (2011), “Financial Literacy: A Review of Government Policy and Initiatives”, Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 5(2), pp. 101-125.
  • Vuković, Marija - Pivac, Snjeˇzana (2021), “Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Self-Control and Financial Security?”, Croatian Operational Research Review, 12, pp. 27-36.
  • Younas, Wagar - Javed, Tariq - Kalimuthu, Ramanathan - Farooq, Muhammad - Khalil-ur-Rehman, Faisal - Raju, Valliappan (2019), “Impact of Self-Control, Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior on Financial Well-Being”, The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 5(1), pp. 211-218.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Salih Aydın 0000-0002-3817-1169

Serpil Sumer 0000-0001-8452-0393

Publication Date April 17, 2023
Submission Date December 6, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Aydın, S., & Sumer, S. (2023). Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar. Muhasebe Ve Finansman Dergisi(98), 141-154.
AMA Aydın S, Sumer S. Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi. April 2023;(98):141-154. doi:10.25095/mufad.1215213
Chicago Aydın, Salih, and Serpil Sumer. “Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar”. Muhasebe Ve Finansman Dergisi, no. 98 (April 2023): 141-54.
EndNote Aydın S, Sumer S (April 1, 2023) Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi 98 141–154.
IEEE S. Aydın and S. Sumer, “Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, no. 98, pp. 141–154, April 2023, doi: 10.25095/mufad.1215213.
ISNAD Aydın, Salih - Sumer, Serpil. “Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar”. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi 98 (April 2023), 141-154.
JAMA Aydın S, Sumer S. Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi. 2023;:141–154.
MLA Aydın, Salih and Serpil Sumer. “Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar”. Muhasebe Ve Finansman Dergisi, no. 98, 2023, pp. 141-54, doi:10.25095/mufad.1215213.
Vancouver Aydın S, Sumer S. Bireysel Yatırımcıların Öz-Kontrolleri İle Finansal Güvenlikleri Arasındaki İlişkiye Finansal Okuryazarlığın Düzenleyici Rolü: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Kanıtlar. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi. 2023(98):141-54.