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Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi

Year 2023, , 153 - 172, 19.10.2023


AR-GE harcamaları gerek kamu gerek özel sektör için ürün bazlı rekabetin sağlanabilmesi açısından önemli bir araçtır. İşletmelerin yıllık bazlı gerçekleştirmiş olduğu AR-GE harcama miktarlarındaki artışın veya azalışın gerek miktar gerek oransal olarak izlediği eğilim, işletmelerin doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak inovatif bir merkeze oturmalarını sağlayan gücü işaret ettiğini söylemek mümkündür. Bu durum aynı zamanda işletmelerin AR-GE’ye ne kadar önem verdiklerinin bir göstergesidir. İşletmelerin gerçekleştirdiği bu harcamaların ülke bazlı analizi, karar mekanizması açısından yol gösterici olmaktadır. Bu makalede OECD veri tabanında yer alan altı ülkede (Türkiye, İspanya, Portekiz, Meksika, Çekya, Japonya) yer alan işletmelerin, üç üretim sektöründe, 2010-2019 yıllarında gerçekleştirdiği AR-GE harcamalarındaki oransal değişimi (hızı) üzerinden çok boyutlu ölçekleme ile benzerlikleri incelenmiştir. Analiz sonrasında sektörel bağlamda ülkelerin yakınlıkları-uzaklıkları tespit edilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır.


  • Akkucuk, Ulas (2011), “A Study on the Competitive Positions of Countries Using Cluster Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling”, European Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Sciences, 37, pp.17-26.
  • Ayar, Bahadır- Erdil, T. Sabri (2018), “İnovasyon ve Ar-Ge Faaliyetlerinin İhracat Performansına Etkisi: Türk İşletmeleri Üzerine Algısal Bir Araştırma”, Journal of Marmara University Social Sciences Institute/Öneri, 13(49), ss.45-68.
  • Bayraktar, S. - Akyol, A., - Esen, S. (2017), “Türkiye’deki Bitkisel Yağ Sektörünün Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Analizi İle Değerlendirilmesi”, Balkan ve Yakın Doğu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 03 (04), ss.97-105.
  • Becker, Marcus C.- Lillemark, Morten (2006), “Marketing/R&D Integration in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, Research Policy, 35(1), pp.105-120.
  • Bhagat, Sanjai- Welch, Ivo (1995), “Corporate Research & Development Investments International Comparisons”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 19(2-3), pp.443-470.
  • Bisen, Mahak - Sai, L. Prakash (2022, August), “Patenting Strategies of Domestic and Foreign Players in the Indian Machine Tool Industry: A Comparative Study Using Multidimensional Scaling Approach”, In 2022 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) IEEE, pp. 1-17.
  • Blanco, A. Francisco – J. Delgado, Francisco – J. Presno, Maria (2020), “R&D Expenditure in the EU: Convergence Or Divergence?”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), pp. 1685-1710.
  • Brandt, Loren- Thun, Eric (2010), “The Fight For the Middle: Upgrading, Competition, and Industrial Development in China”, World Development, 38(11), pp.1555-1574.
  • Bange, M. Mary- De Bondt, Werner F. (1998), “R&D Budgets and Corporate Earnings Targets”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 4(2), pp.153-184.
  • Brown, James R.- Martinsson, Gustav - Petersen, Bruce C. (2017), “What Promotes R&D? Comparative Evidence From Around the World”, Research Policy, 46(2), pp.447-462.
  • Cavdar, S. C. - Aydin, A. D. (2015), “An empirical analysis about technological development and innovation indicators”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp.1486-1495.
  • Choi, J., - Lee, J. (2018), “Firm size and compositions of R&D expenditures: evidence from a panel of R&D performing manufacturing firms”, Industry and Innovation, 25(5), pp.459-481.
  • Chowdhury, Reza H.- Maung, Min (2012), “Financial Market Development and the Effectiveness of R&D Investment: Evidence From Developed and Emerging Countries”, Research in International Business and Finance, 26(2), pp. 258-272.
  • Cincera, Michele- Ravet, Julien (2010), “Financing Constraints and R&D Investments of Large Corporations in Europe and the US”, Science and Public Policy, 37(6), pp.455-466.
  • Coad, Alex- Rao, Rekha (2010), “Firm Growth and R&D Expenditure”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 19(2), pp. 127-145.
  • Coccia, Mario (2009), “What Is the Optimal Rate of R&D Investment to Maximize Productivity Growth?”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76(3), pp. 433-446.
  • Cui, Chunxiang – Hu, BaoMin- Zhao, Lichen- Liu, Shuangjin (2011), “Titanium Alloy Production Technology, Market Prospects and Industry Development”, Materials & Design, 32(3), pp. 1684-1691.
  • Davison, Mark L. (1983), “Introduction to Multidimensional Scaling and Its Applications”, Applied Psychological Measurement, 7(4), pp. 373-379.
  • Davison, Mark L.- Sireci, Stephen G. (2000), “Multidimensional Scaling, in Handbook of Applied Multivariate Statistics And Mathematical Modeling” , Academic Press, pp. 323-352.
  • De Luca, Luigi M.- Verona, Gianmario - Vicari, Salvio (2010), “Market Orientation and R&D Effectiveness in High‐Technology Firms: An Empirical Investigation in the Biotechnology Industry”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(3), pp. 299-320.
  • Freihat, Abdel Razaq Farah- Kanakriyah, Raed (2017), “Impact of R&D Expenditure on Financial Performance: Jordanian Evidence”, European Journal of Business and Management, 9(32), pp. 73-83.
  • Gharbi, Sami- Sahut, Jean Michael - Teulon, Frédéric (2014), “R&D Investments And HighTech Firms' Stock Return Volatility”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 88, pp. 306-312.
  • Green, Andrew E. (1992), “South Korea's Automobile Industry: Development and Prospects”, Asian Survey, 32(5), pp. 411-428.
  • Gu, Lifeng (2016), “Product Market Competition, R&D Investment, and Stock Returns”, Journal of Financial Economics, 119(2), pp. 441-455.
  • Hurley, Terrance M. - Pardey, Philip G. - Rao, Xudong - Andrade, Robert S. - Liedenberg, Frikkie G. (2016). “Returns to Food and Agricultural R&D; Investments Worldwide, 1958-2015” (No. 1704-2016-139948), pp.-1-11.
  • Karahan, Özcan (2015), “Intensity of Business Enterprise R&D Expenditure and High-Tech Specification in European Manufacturing Sector”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp. 806-813.
  • Kellman, Mitchell- Spiegel, Menachem (1980), “R&D and Israel's Industrial Export Performance: An Application of Multidimensional Scaling”, The American Economist, 24(2), pp. 27-34.
  • Kiselakova, Dana - Sofrankova, Beata - Cabinova, Veronika - Onuferova, Erika - Soltesova, Janka (2018). “The Impact of R&D Expenditure on the Development of Global Competitiveness Within the CEE EU Countries”, Journal of Competitiveness, 10(3), pp.34-50.
  • Klassen, Kenneth J.- Pittman, Jeffrey A. - Reed, Margaret P. - Fortin, S. (2004), “A Cross‐National Comparison of R&D Expenditure Decisions: Tax Incentives and Financial Constraints”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 21(3), pp.639-680.
  • Kocamış, Tuğçe Uzun- Güngör, Ayşegül (2014), “Türkiye’de AR-GE Harcamaları ve Teknoloji Sektöründe AR-GE Giderlerinin Kârlılık Üzerine Etkisi: Borsa İstanbul Uygulaması”, Maliye Dergisi, 166, ss.127-138.
  • Kokko, A.- Tingvall, P. G. - Videnord, J. (2015), “The Growth Effects of R&D Spending in the EU: A Meta-Analysis. Economics”, 9(1), 20150040, pp.1-27.
  • Krasnikov, Alexander- Jayachandran, Satish (2008), “The Relative Impact of Marketing, Research-and-Development, and Operations Capabilities on Firm Performance”, Journal of Marketing, 72(4), pp. 1-11.
  • Lantz, J. S. (2014). “R&D Investment and the Financial Performance of Technological Firms. In R&D Investment And The Financial Performance of Technological Firms”, Lantz,Jean-Sebastien. [Sl], pp.250-270.
  • Lederman, D. - Maloney, W. F. (2003). R&D and Development. Available at SSRN 402480.
  • Lee, Chien, Chiang- Wang, Chih-Wei - Pan, Chen-Min (2022), “Do Financial Inclusion and R&D Matter? Exploring The Effect of Uncertainty on Economic Performance”, Applied Economics, 54(3), pp. 307-325.
  • Leenders, Mark A.- Wierenga, Berend (2002), “The Effectiveness of Different Mechanisms For Integrating Marketing and R&D”, Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publıcatıon Of The Product Development & Management Association, 19(4), pp. 305-317.
  • Limanlı, Ömer (2015), “Determinants of R&D Investment Decision in Turkey”, ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp. 759-767.
  • Lu, Louis Y.- Yang, Chyan (2004), “The R&D and Marketing Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: An Empirical Study of Taiwan's IT Industry”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33(7), pp. 593-605.
  • Matraves, Catherine. (1999), “Market Structure, R&D and Advertising in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 47(2), pp. 169-194.
  • Mead, A. (1992), “Review of the Development of Multidimensional Scaling Methods”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 41(1), pp.27-39.
  • Moncada-Paternò-Castello, Pietro- Ciupagea, Constatin - Smith, Keith - Tübke, Alexander - Tubbs, Mike (2010), “Does Europe Perform Too Little Corporate R&D? A Comparison of EU and Non-EU Corporate R&D Performance”, Research Policy, 39(4), pp.523-536.
  • Paramati, Sudharshan Reddy- Alam, Md Samsul - Hammoudeh, Shawkat - Hafeez, Khalid (2021), “Long‐Run Relationship Between R&D Investment and Environmental Sustainability: Evidence From the European Union Member Countries”, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 26(4), pp.5775-5792.
  • Rafiq, M.- Saxon, T. (2000), “R&D and Marketing Integration in NPD in The Pharmaceutical Industry”, European Journal of Innovation Management, 3(4), pp.222-231.
  • Ramsay, J. O. (1982), “Some Statistical Approaches to Multidimensional Scaling Data”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (General), 145(3), pp.285-303.
  • Serapio Jr, Manuel. G.- Dalton, Donald H. (1999), “Globalization of Industrial R&D: An Examination of Foreign Direct Investments in R&D in the United States”, Research Policy, 28(2-3), pp.303-316.
  • Pamukcu, Mehmet Teoman (2011), “Evaluating Effectiveness of Public Support to Business R and D in Turkey Through Concepts of Input and Output Additionality”, Economic Research Forum, pp.1-33.
  • Traş, Mehmet Fatih- Ballı, Esra- Sigeze, Çiler (2016), “An Investigation on the R&D Expenditures in Turkey: A Firm-Level Approach”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 8(5), pp.48-54.
  • Tuna, K., Kayacan, E.- Bektaş, H. (2015), “The Relationship Between Research & Development Expenditures and Economic Growth: The Case Of Turkey”, ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp.501-507.
  • Tutak, M., - Brodny, J. (2023), “Progress towards The Innovation Potential Of The European Union Member States Using Grey Relational Analysis And Multidimensional Scaling Methods”, Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 6(1), pp.186-218.
  • Von Zedtwitz, M.- Gassmann, O. (2002), “Market Versus Technology Drive in R&D Internationalization: Four Different Patterns of Managing Research And Development”, Research policy, 31(4), pp.569-588 ( 15 Ağustos 2023).
Year 2023, , 153 - 172, 19.10.2023



  • Akkucuk, Ulas (2011), “A Study on the Competitive Positions of Countries Using Cluster Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling”, European Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Sciences, 37, pp.17-26.
  • Ayar, Bahadır- Erdil, T. Sabri (2018), “İnovasyon ve Ar-Ge Faaliyetlerinin İhracat Performansına Etkisi: Türk İşletmeleri Üzerine Algısal Bir Araştırma”, Journal of Marmara University Social Sciences Institute/Öneri, 13(49), ss.45-68.
  • Bayraktar, S. - Akyol, A., - Esen, S. (2017), “Türkiye’deki Bitkisel Yağ Sektörünün Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Analizi İle Değerlendirilmesi”, Balkan ve Yakın Doğu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 03 (04), ss.97-105.
  • Becker, Marcus C.- Lillemark, Morten (2006), “Marketing/R&D Integration in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, Research Policy, 35(1), pp.105-120.
  • Bhagat, Sanjai- Welch, Ivo (1995), “Corporate Research & Development Investments International Comparisons”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 19(2-3), pp.443-470.
  • Bisen, Mahak - Sai, L. Prakash (2022, August), “Patenting Strategies of Domestic and Foreign Players in the Indian Machine Tool Industry: A Comparative Study Using Multidimensional Scaling Approach”, In 2022 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) IEEE, pp. 1-17.
  • Blanco, A. Francisco – J. Delgado, Francisco – J. Presno, Maria (2020), “R&D Expenditure in the EU: Convergence Or Divergence?”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), pp. 1685-1710.
  • Brandt, Loren- Thun, Eric (2010), “The Fight For the Middle: Upgrading, Competition, and Industrial Development in China”, World Development, 38(11), pp.1555-1574.
  • Bange, M. Mary- De Bondt, Werner F. (1998), “R&D Budgets and Corporate Earnings Targets”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 4(2), pp.153-184.
  • Brown, James R.- Martinsson, Gustav - Petersen, Bruce C. (2017), “What Promotes R&D? Comparative Evidence From Around the World”, Research Policy, 46(2), pp.447-462.
  • Cavdar, S. C. - Aydin, A. D. (2015), “An empirical analysis about technological development and innovation indicators”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp.1486-1495.
  • Choi, J., - Lee, J. (2018), “Firm size and compositions of R&D expenditures: evidence from a panel of R&D performing manufacturing firms”, Industry and Innovation, 25(5), pp.459-481.
  • Chowdhury, Reza H.- Maung, Min (2012), “Financial Market Development and the Effectiveness of R&D Investment: Evidence From Developed and Emerging Countries”, Research in International Business and Finance, 26(2), pp. 258-272.
  • Cincera, Michele- Ravet, Julien (2010), “Financing Constraints and R&D Investments of Large Corporations in Europe and the US”, Science and Public Policy, 37(6), pp.455-466.
  • Coad, Alex- Rao, Rekha (2010), “Firm Growth and R&D Expenditure”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 19(2), pp. 127-145.
  • Coccia, Mario (2009), “What Is the Optimal Rate of R&D Investment to Maximize Productivity Growth?”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76(3), pp. 433-446.
  • Cui, Chunxiang – Hu, BaoMin- Zhao, Lichen- Liu, Shuangjin (2011), “Titanium Alloy Production Technology, Market Prospects and Industry Development”, Materials & Design, 32(3), pp. 1684-1691.
  • Davison, Mark L. (1983), “Introduction to Multidimensional Scaling and Its Applications”, Applied Psychological Measurement, 7(4), pp. 373-379.
  • Davison, Mark L.- Sireci, Stephen G. (2000), “Multidimensional Scaling, in Handbook of Applied Multivariate Statistics And Mathematical Modeling” , Academic Press, pp. 323-352.
  • De Luca, Luigi M.- Verona, Gianmario - Vicari, Salvio (2010), “Market Orientation and R&D Effectiveness in High‐Technology Firms: An Empirical Investigation in the Biotechnology Industry”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(3), pp. 299-320.
  • Freihat, Abdel Razaq Farah- Kanakriyah, Raed (2017), “Impact of R&D Expenditure on Financial Performance: Jordanian Evidence”, European Journal of Business and Management, 9(32), pp. 73-83.
  • Gharbi, Sami- Sahut, Jean Michael - Teulon, Frédéric (2014), “R&D Investments And HighTech Firms' Stock Return Volatility”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 88, pp. 306-312.
  • Green, Andrew E. (1992), “South Korea's Automobile Industry: Development and Prospects”, Asian Survey, 32(5), pp. 411-428.
  • Gu, Lifeng (2016), “Product Market Competition, R&D Investment, and Stock Returns”, Journal of Financial Economics, 119(2), pp. 441-455.
  • Hurley, Terrance M. - Pardey, Philip G. - Rao, Xudong - Andrade, Robert S. - Liedenberg, Frikkie G. (2016). “Returns to Food and Agricultural R&D; Investments Worldwide, 1958-2015” (No. 1704-2016-139948), pp.-1-11.
  • Karahan, Özcan (2015), “Intensity of Business Enterprise R&D Expenditure and High-Tech Specification in European Manufacturing Sector”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp. 806-813.
  • Kellman, Mitchell- Spiegel, Menachem (1980), “R&D and Israel's Industrial Export Performance: An Application of Multidimensional Scaling”, The American Economist, 24(2), pp. 27-34.
  • Kiselakova, Dana - Sofrankova, Beata - Cabinova, Veronika - Onuferova, Erika - Soltesova, Janka (2018). “The Impact of R&D Expenditure on the Development of Global Competitiveness Within the CEE EU Countries”, Journal of Competitiveness, 10(3), pp.34-50.
  • Klassen, Kenneth J.- Pittman, Jeffrey A. - Reed, Margaret P. - Fortin, S. (2004), “A Cross‐National Comparison of R&D Expenditure Decisions: Tax Incentives and Financial Constraints”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 21(3), pp.639-680.
  • Kocamış, Tuğçe Uzun- Güngör, Ayşegül (2014), “Türkiye’de AR-GE Harcamaları ve Teknoloji Sektöründe AR-GE Giderlerinin Kârlılık Üzerine Etkisi: Borsa İstanbul Uygulaması”, Maliye Dergisi, 166, ss.127-138.
  • Kokko, A.- Tingvall, P. G. - Videnord, J. (2015), “The Growth Effects of R&D Spending in the EU: A Meta-Analysis. Economics”, 9(1), 20150040, pp.1-27.
  • Krasnikov, Alexander- Jayachandran, Satish (2008), “The Relative Impact of Marketing, Research-and-Development, and Operations Capabilities on Firm Performance”, Journal of Marketing, 72(4), pp. 1-11.
  • Lantz, J. S. (2014). “R&D Investment and the Financial Performance of Technological Firms. In R&D Investment And The Financial Performance of Technological Firms”, Lantz,Jean-Sebastien. [Sl], pp.250-270.
  • Lederman, D. - Maloney, W. F. (2003). R&D and Development. Available at SSRN 402480.
  • Lee, Chien, Chiang- Wang, Chih-Wei - Pan, Chen-Min (2022), “Do Financial Inclusion and R&D Matter? Exploring The Effect of Uncertainty on Economic Performance”, Applied Economics, 54(3), pp. 307-325.
  • Leenders, Mark A.- Wierenga, Berend (2002), “The Effectiveness of Different Mechanisms For Integrating Marketing and R&D”, Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publıcatıon Of The Product Development & Management Association, 19(4), pp. 305-317.
  • Limanlı, Ömer (2015), “Determinants of R&D Investment Decision in Turkey”, ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp. 759-767.
  • Lu, Louis Y.- Yang, Chyan (2004), “The R&D and Marketing Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: An Empirical Study of Taiwan's IT Industry”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33(7), pp. 593-605.
  • Matraves, Catherine. (1999), “Market Structure, R&D and Advertising in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 47(2), pp. 169-194.
  • Mead, A. (1992), “Review of the Development of Multidimensional Scaling Methods”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 41(1), pp.27-39.
  • Moncada-Paternò-Castello, Pietro- Ciupagea, Constatin - Smith, Keith - Tübke, Alexander - Tubbs, Mike (2010), “Does Europe Perform Too Little Corporate R&D? A Comparison of EU and Non-EU Corporate R&D Performance”, Research Policy, 39(4), pp.523-536.
  • Paramati, Sudharshan Reddy- Alam, Md Samsul - Hammoudeh, Shawkat - Hafeez, Khalid (2021), “Long‐Run Relationship Between R&D Investment and Environmental Sustainability: Evidence From the European Union Member Countries”, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 26(4), pp.5775-5792.
  • Rafiq, M.- Saxon, T. (2000), “R&D and Marketing Integration in NPD in The Pharmaceutical Industry”, European Journal of Innovation Management, 3(4), pp.222-231.
  • Ramsay, J. O. (1982), “Some Statistical Approaches to Multidimensional Scaling Data”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (General), 145(3), pp.285-303.
  • Serapio Jr, Manuel. G.- Dalton, Donald H. (1999), “Globalization of Industrial R&D: An Examination of Foreign Direct Investments in R&D in the United States”, Research Policy, 28(2-3), pp.303-316.
  • Pamukcu, Mehmet Teoman (2011), “Evaluating Effectiveness of Public Support to Business R and D in Turkey Through Concepts of Input and Output Additionality”, Economic Research Forum, pp.1-33.
  • Traş, Mehmet Fatih- Ballı, Esra- Sigeze, Çiler (2016), “An Investigation on the R&D Expenditures in Turkey: A Firm-Level Approach”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 8(5), pp.48-54.
  • Tuna, K., Kayacan, E.- Bektaş, H. (2015), “The Relationship Between Research & Development Expenditures and Economic Growth: The Case Of Turkey”, ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp.501-507.
  • Tutak, M., - Brodny, J. (2023), “Progress towards The Innovation Potential Of The European Union Member States Using Grey Relational Analysis And Multidimensional Scaling Methods”, Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 6(1), pp.186-218.
  • Von Zedtwitz, M.- Gassmann, O. (2002), “Market Versus Technology Drive in R&D Internationalization: Four Different Patterns of Managing Research And Development”, Research policy, 31(4), pp.569-588 ( 15 Ağustos 2023).
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Nebi Seren 0000-0003-4080-4823

Murat Hakan Altıntaş 0000-0001-8517-0540

Publication Date October 19, 2023
Submission Date August 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Seren, N., & Altıntaş, M. H. (2023). Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi. The Journal of Accounting and Finance(100), 153-172.
AMA Seren N, Altıntaş MH. Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. October 2023;(100):153-172. doi:10.25095/mufad.1349307
Chicago Seren, Nebi, and Murat Hakan Altıntaş. “Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 100 (October 2023): 153-72.
EndNote Seren N, Altıntaş MH (October 1, 2023) Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi. The Journal of Accounting and Finance 100 153–172.
IEEE N. Seren and M. H. Altıntaş, “Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 100, pp. 153–172, October 2023, doi: 10.25095/mufad.1349307.
ISNAD Seren, Nebi - Altıntaş, Murat Hakan. “Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance 100 (October 2023), 153-172.
JAMA Seren N, Altıntaş MH. Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2023;:153–172.
MLA Seren, Nebi and Murat Hakan Altıntaş. “Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 100, 2023, pp. 153-72, doi:10.25095/mufad.1349307.
Vancouver Seren N, Altıntaş MH. Üretim İşletmelerinin AR-GE Harcamalarının Yıllık Bazdaki Hız Temelinde Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Yöntemiyle Analizi. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2023(100):153-72.