Finansal Raporlama Standartları Adaptasyon Sürecinin Değerlendirilmesi: Meslek Mensupları ve Akademisyenlere Yönelik Bir Araştırma
Year 2025,
, 1 - 20, 26.01.2025
Halime Karaca
Hakan Erkuş
Arzu Meriç
The formation and widespread use of standards to ensure international uniformity in the world is recognised as one of the most significant changes in financial reporting in the history of accounting. These changes and developments have a significant impact on professional members and accounting education, which are closely related to the adaptation process of standards. The purpose of this study is to examine the views of academicians and independent auditors who provide accounting education at universities in Turkey on the financial reporting standards adaptation process. The analysis of the data obtained from 389 participants revealed no significant differences in opinion between independent auditors and academicians regarding their general views on standards and the services provided by relevant institutions on standards. However, there was a notable divergence of opinion on the perceived effectiveness of the POA in addressing standards-related issues and the broader challenges associated with standards.
Ethical Statement
Ethics Committee, Social and Human Sciences Scientific Research Ethics Committee, with the decision numbered 2024/2-3 on 08-02-2024
- Akdoğan, Nalan (2007). “Implementation process of Turkish Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards: Problems, solution suggestions”, Mali Çözüm Dergisi, (80), 101-117.
- Albu, Nadia - Nicolae Albu, Catalin- Bunea, Ştefan- Artemisa Calu, Daniela- Mădălina Girbina, Maria (2011). “A story about IAS/IFRS implementation in Romania”. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 1(1), 76-100.
- Alhaddad, Majed - Ay, Mustafa (2019). “Compliance wıth International Accounting Standards (IASS) In Turkey’s manufacturing ındustry companies in Borsa Istanbul”. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 5(38): 3438-3449.
- Armstrong, Christopher S.- Barth, Mary E.- Jagolinzer, Alan D.- Riedl, Edward J. (2010). “Market reaction to the adoption of IFRS in Europe”, The Accounting Review, 85(1), 31–61. doi:10.2308/accr.2010.85.1.
- Arslan, Mehmet - Erkuş, Hakan (2004). “Evaluation of uniform accounting system applications in its tenth year: An application in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, (24), 95-104.
- Ateş, Sinem (2018). “Theoretical framework of financial reporting with IFRS”, Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, Special Issue of MODAV 15. International Conference on Accounting, 248-265.
- Aysan, Mustafa A. (2008). “National adoption of international financial reporting standards: The Turkish Case”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, (40), 44-53.
- Bekçi, İsmail (2007). “An ınvestigation study of accountant’s views regarding to the accounting standards of Turkey”, Accounting and Auditing Review, (22), 27-40.
- Büyüköztürk, Şener (2010). Handbook of data analysis for the social sciences: Statistical research design SPSS applications and commentary. Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
- Cavlak, Hakan - Ataman, Başak (2023). “The final piece of financial reporting standards in Türkiye - FRS for SMEs (Fınancıal reportıng standard for small and mıcro-sızed enterprıses): General evaluatıon and comparıson with
FRS for LMEs, TFRS”. Research of Financial Economic and Social Studie, 8 (1), 225-260. DOI: 10.29106/fesa.1245084
- Çankaya, Fikret- Hatipoğlu, Oğuzhan (2011). “An investigation of the evaluation of the accounting profession towards the applcability of IAS/IFRS in Turkey”, Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi (7), 61-89.
- Doğan, Zeki - Abdurrahmani, Enis (2018). “Kosova'da Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartlarının Gelişimi”, Journal Of International Social Research, 11(55), 832-838.
- Doğan, Aziz (2017). “A Comparison of Financial Reporting Standard for Large and Medium Sized Entities and TAS/TFRS”, Journal of Business Research Turk, 770-786.
- Durer, Salih- Akbaş, Halil Emre - Zeytinoğlu, Emin (2016). “International Financial Reporting Standards And Accounting Education in Turkey: An Investigation On Accounting Academians’ Perceptions”, Journal of Finance Letters, 0 (106), 73-100. DOI: 10.33203/mfy.312271.
- Erdoğan, Murat - Dinç, Engin (2009). “Examination of Turkish Accounting Standards and the knowledge level of professional accountants”, The Journal Of Accounting and Finance, (43), 154-169.
- Erol, Mikail - Aslan, Muhsin (2017). “The Evolution of the Standards of International Accounting and Auditing”, Accounting and Financial History Research Journal, (12), 55-86
- Fox, Alison- Hannah, Gwen- Helliar, Christine- Veneziani, Monica (2013). “The costs and benefits of IFRS implementation in the UK and Italy”, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 14(1), 86-101.
- George, Darren - Mallery, Paul (2016). IBM SPSS Statistics 23 Step by Step, Routledge, New York.
- Gökçen, Gürbüz - Ataman, Başak - Cebeci, Yasin - Cavlak, Hakan (2015). “A Research On Accounting Standards Education In The State Unıversity Graduate Program In Turkey”, Öneri, 11 (44), 121-145.
- Gücenme Gençoğlu, Ümit (2020), “Comparison of the Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Micro Businesses with BOBI FRS and tax practices in Turkey and general evaluation”, Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(1), 187-199.
- Işık, Alim (2008). Applied Statistics I, Beta Basım Yayım.
- Kalaycı, Şeref- Tekşen, Ömer - Dalgar, Hüseyin, (2005) “General assesment of uniform accounting system and ıts ımplementation in the west mediterannien region”, The Journal Of Accounting and Finance, (25), 173-186.
- Kaya, Ömer - Konuk, Filiz -Kaya, Emine (2022). “Assessments of the implementation of TFRS by accounting practitioners at companies traded on the Istanbul Stock Exchange”, Alanya Akademik Bakış, 6 (2), 2293-2317. DOI: 10.29023/alanyaakademik.1049019
- Keskin, Aslı (2021). A research on the role of the Publıc Oversıght Accountıng And Audıtıng Standarts Authorıty (KGK) and the effects of changes ın accountıng practıces on accountıng and audıtıng proffesıonals, (Doctoral Thesis). Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Department of Accounting
- KGK. (2023). FRS for SMEs – Institutional Site Announcement, (Date of access: 20.06.2023)
- Kotlyar, Julia (2008). “The advent of the ınternational financial reporting standards: A catalyst for changing global finance”, Journal of International Affairs, 62(1), 231- 238.
- Stoner, Gregory N. - Sangster, Alan (2013). “Teaching IFRS in the U.K.: Contrasting experiences from both sides of the university divide”, Issues in Accounting Education, 28 (2): 291–307.
- Tsunogaya, Noriyuki- Hellman, Andreas - Scagnelli, Simone Domenico (2015). “Adoption of IFRS in Japan: challenges and consequences”. Pacific Accounting Review, 27(1), 3-27.
- Yazıcıoğlu, Yahşi - Erdoğan, Samiye (2007). SPSS applied scientific research methods (2nd edition), Ankara: Detay Yayıncıılık.
Evaluation of Financial Reporting Standards Adaptation Process: Research for Professionals and Academicians
Year 2025,
, 1 - 20, 26.01.2025
Halime Karaca
Hakan Erkuş
Arzu Meriç
The formation and widespread use of standards to ensure international uniformity in the world is recognised as one of the most significant changes in financial reporting in the history of accounting. These changes and developments have a significant impact on professional members and accounting education, which are closely related to the adaptation process of standards. The purpose of this study is to examine the views of academicians and independent auditors who provide accounting education at universities in Turkey on the financial reporting standards adaptation process. The analysis of the data obtained from 389 participants revealed no significant differences in opinion between independent auditors and academicians regarding their general views on standards and the services provided by relevant institutions on standards. However, there was a notable divergence of opinion on the perceived effectiveness of the POA in addressing standards-related issues and the broader challenges associated with standards.
- Akdoğan, Nalan (2007). “Implementation process of Turkish Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards: Problems, solution suggestions”, Mali Çözüm Dergisi, (80), 101-117.
- Albu, Nadia - Nicolae Albu, Catalin- Bunea, Ştefan- Artemisa Calu, Daniela- Mădălina Girbina, Maria (2011). “A story about IAS/IFRS implementation in Romania”. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 1(1), 76-100.
- Alhaddad, Majed - Ay, Mustafa (2019). “Compliance wıth International Accounting Standards (IASS) In Turkey’s manufacturing ındustry companies in Borsa Istanbul”. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 5(38): 3438-3449.
- Armstrong, Christopher S.- Barth, Mary E.- Jagolinzer, Alan D.- Riedl, Edward J. (2010). “Market reaction to the adoption of IFRS in Europe”, The Accounting Review, 85(1), 31–61. doi:10.2308/accr.2010.85.1.
- Arslan, Mehmet - Erkuş, Hakan (2004). “Evaluation of uniform accounting system applications in its tenth year: An application in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, (24), 95-104.
- Ateş, Sinem (2018). “Theoretical framework of financial reporting with IFRS”, Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, Special Issue of MODAV 15. International Conference on Accounting, 248-265.
- Aysan, Mustafa A. (2008). “National adoption of international financial reporting standards: The Turkish Case”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, (40), 44-53.
- Bekçi, İsmail (2007). “An ınvestigation study of accountant’s views regarding to the accounting standards of Turkey”, Accounting and Auditing Review, (22), 27-40.
- Büyüköztürk, Şener (2010). Handbook of data analysis for the social sciences: Statistical research design SPSS applications and commentary. Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
- Cavlak, Hakan - Ataman, Başak (2023). “The final piece of financial reporting standards in Türkiye - FRS for SMEs (Fınancıal reportıng standard for small and mıcro-sızed enterprıses): General evaluatıon and comparıson with
FRS for LMEs, TFRS”. Research of Financial Economic and Social Studie, 8 (1), 225-260. DOI: 10.29106/fesa.1245084
- Çankaya, Fikret- Hatipoğlu, Oğuzhan (2011). “An investigation of the evaluation of the accounting profession towards the applcability of IAS/IFRS in Turkey”, Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi (7), 61-89.
- Doğan, Zeki - Abdurrahmani, Enis (2018). “Kosova'da Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartlarının Gelişimi”, Journal Of International Social Research, 11(55), 832-838.
- Doğan, Aziz (2017). “A Comparison of Financial Reporting Standard for Large and Medium Sized Entities and TAS/TFRS”, Journal of Business Research Turk, 770-786.
- Durer, Salih- Akbaş, Halil Emre - Zeytinoğlu, Emin (2016). “International Financial Reporting Standards And Accounting Education in Turkey: An Investigation On Accounting Academians’ Perceptions”, Journal of Finance Letters, 0 (106), 73-100. DOI: 10.33203/mfy.312271.
- Erdoğan, Murat - Dinç, Engin (2009). “Examination of Turkish Accounting Standards and the knowledge level of professional accountants”, The Journal Of Accounting and Finance, (43), 154-169.
- Erol, Mikail - Aslan, Muhsin (2017). “The Evolution of the Standards of International Accounting and Auditing”, Accounting and Financial History Research Journal, (12), 55-86
- Fox, Alison- Hannah, Gwen- Helliar, Christine- Veneziani, Monica (2013). “The costs and benefits of IFRS implementation in the UK and Italy”, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 14(1), 86-101.
- George, Darren - Mallery, Paul (2016). IBM SPSS Statistics 23 Step by Step, Routledge, New York.
- Gökçen, Gürbüz - Ataman, Başak - Cebeci, Yasin - Cavlak, Hakan (2015). “A Research On Accounting Standards Education In The State Unıversity Graduate Program In Turkey”, Öneri, 11 (44), 121-145.
- Gücenme Gençoğlu, Ümit (2020), “Comparison of the Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Micro Businesses with BOBI FRS and tax practices in Turkey and general evaluation”, Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(1), 187-199.
- Işık, Alim (2008). Applied Statistics I, Beta Basım Yayım.
- Kalaycı, Şeref- Tekşen, Ömer - Dalgar, Hüseyin, (2005) “General assesment of uniform accounting system and ıts ımplementation in the west mediterannien region”, The Journal Of Accounting and Finance, (25), 173-186.
- Kaya, Ömer - Konuk, Filiz -Kaya, Emine (2022). “Assessments of the implementation of TFRS by accounting practitioners at companies traded on the Istanbul Stock Exchange”, Alanya Akademik Bakış, 6 (2), 2293-2317. DOI: 10.29023/alanyaakademik.1049019
- Keskin, Aslı (2021). A research on the role of the Publıc Oversıght Accountıng And Audıtıng Standarts Authorıty (KGK) and the effects of changes ın accountıng practıces on accountıng and audıtıng proffesıonals, (Doctoral Thesis). Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Department of Accounting
- KGK. (2023). FRS for SMEs – Institutional Site Announcement, (Date of access: 20.06.2023)
- Kotlyar, Julia (2008). “The advent of the ınternational financial reporting standards: A catalyst for changing global finance”, Journal of International Affairs, 62(1), 231- 238.
- Stoner, Gregory N. - Sangster, Alan (2013). “Teaching IFRS in the U.K.: Contrasting experiences from both sides of the university divide”, Issues in Accounting Education, 28 (2): 291–307.
- Tsunogaya, Noriyuki- Hellman, Andreas - Scagnelli, Simone Domenico (2015). “Adoption of IFRS in Japan: challenges and consequences”. Pacific Accounting Review, 27(1), 3-27.
- Yazıcıoğlu, Yahşi - Erdoğan, Samiye (2007). SPSS applied scientific research methods (2nd edition), Ankara: Detay Yayıncıılık.