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Uzun Vadeli Konut Finansmanı Sisteminin (Mortgage) Türk Konut Sektörü İçerisindeki Yeri ve Satınalma Eğiliminin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Uygulama - I

Year 2009, Issue: 44, 74 - 79, 01.10.2009


2004 yılı sonrası Türkiye’de enflasyonun istikrarlı bir sekilde düsmesi sonucu faizlerin de bu düsüse paralel olarak geçmise oranla uygun yüzdelere inmesi ve Uzun Vadeli Konut Finansmanı (mortgage) Yasasının 2007 yılında yürürlüğe girmesiyle Türk konut sektöründeki hareketlenme hem talep hem de arz cephesinde çesitli değisim ve gelisimlere neden olmustur. İki bölümden olusan bu çalısmanın ilk bölümünde, mortgage sisteminin Dünya ve Türkiye’deki gelisimi incelenmis ve ülkemizde ki mevcut durumuna iliskin teorik saptamalarda bulunulmustur.

(The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude)

Year 2009, Issue: 44, 74 - 79, 01.10.2009


(The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkish Domicile Sector And An Application For Determining The Inclinatıon Aptitude) Since 2004, inflation has been started to fall stabilized that parallely causes a decline in the interest rates compare to the past in Turkey. After the entry into force of mortgage law in 2007, a recovery in Turkish domicile sector has been caused some improvements and changes in both demand and supply side. In this paper consists of two part. In the first part, development and implications of mortgage system in the world an Turkey has been emphasized. Also theoretical findings about current position of Turkey is stated.

There are 0 citations in total.


Other ID JA98FM33GB
Journal Section Research Article

Asuman Yalçın This is me

Sezai Dumanoğlu This is me

Halil İbrahim Alpaslan This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2009
Submission Date October 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 44


APA Yalçın, A., Dumanoğlu, S., & Alpaslan, H. İ. (2009). (The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude). The Journal of Accounting and Finance(44), 74-79.
AMA Yalçın A, Dumanoğlu S, Alpaslan Hİ. (The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude). The Journal of Accounting and Finance. October 2009;(44):74-79.
Chicago Yalçın, Asuman, Sezai Dumanoğlu, and Halil İbrahim Alpaslan. “(The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude)”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 44 (October 2009): 74-79.
EndNote Yalçın A, Dumanoğlu S, Alpaslan Hİ (October 1, 2009) (The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude). The Journal of Accounting and Finance 44 74–79.
IEEE A. Yalçın, S. Dumanoğlu, and H. İ. Alpaslan, “(The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude)”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 44, pp. 74–79, October 2009.
ISNAD Yalçın, Asuman et al. “(The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude)”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance 44 (October 2009), 74-79.
JAMA Yalçın A, Dumanoğlu S, Alpaslan Hİ. (The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude). The Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2009;:74–79.
MLA Yalçın, Asuman et al. “(The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude)”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 44, 2009, pp. 74-79.
Vancouver Yalçın A, Dumanoğlu S, Alpaslan Hİ. (The Place Of Mortgage System In Turkısh Domıcıle Sector And An Applıcatıon For Determınıng The Inclınatıon Aptıtude). The Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2009(44):74-9.