Research Article
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Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular

Year 2018, Issue: 79, 165 - 182, 02.07.2018


Rekabetin yüksek olduğu ekonomilerde denetim firması seçimi önemli bir karardır. Firma yönetimlerinin bağımsız denetim firması seçimini detaylı bir şekilde analiz etmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma, Borsa İstanbul’a kote olan 94 firmanın 2017 yılındaki bağımsız denetim şirket seçimini analiz etmektedir. Türk Ticaret Kanunu’na göre kamu ve özel sektörde faaliyet gösteren firmalar, gerekli şartları taşıması durumunda bağımsız denetime tabidir. Denetim şirketi seçimine etki eden faktörler diskriminant analizi yardımıyla araştırılmıştır. Diskriminant analizi sonuçlarına göre; sahiplik yoğunluğu, yabancı sahipliği,  finansal kaldıraç, firma büyüklüğü, bağımsız yönetim kurulu üyelerinin oranı ve firma karmaşıklığının denetim şirketi seçiminde önemli etkilerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Diskriminant model, Borsa İstanbul’a kote olan firmaların denetim firması seçimine etki eden faktörleri analiz etmemize yardımcı olmaktadır. 


  • Abbott, J.Lawrence – Parker, Susan. (2000), "Auditor Selection and Audit Committee Characteristics", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 19 (2), pp. 47-66.
  • Abdel-Khalik, A. Rashad. (1993), "Why Do Private Companies Demand Auditing? A Case for Organizational Loss of Control", Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 8(1), pp. 31-52.
  • Aswath, Damodaran. (2001), "Corporate Finance Theory and Practice", JohnWiley and Sons, Second Edition, New York.
  • Beasley, S. Mark– Petroni, R. Kathy. (2001), "Board Independence and Audit-Firm Type", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 20(1), pp. 97-114.
  • Beattie, Vivien –Fearnley, Stella. (1995), "The Importance of Audit Firm Characteristics and the Drivers of Auditor Change in UK Listed Companies", Accounting and Business Research, 25(100), pp. 227-239.
  • Brown, T. Michael – Wicker, R. Lori. (2000), "Discriminant Analysis", Handbook of Applied Multivariate Statistics and Mathematical Modeling, Academic Press, pp.209-235.
  • Carey, Peter –Simnett, Roger –Tanewski, George. (2000), "Voluntary Demand for Internal and External Auditing by Family Businesses", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 19 (1), pp. 37-51.
  • Carlberg, Conrad. (2014), "Statistical Analysis: Microsoft Excel 2013", Que Publishing, First Edition, Indianapolis.
  • Chaney, K. Paul - Jeter, C. Debra – Shivakumar, Lakshmanan. (2004), "Self-Selection of Auditors and Audit Pricing in Private Firms", The Accounting Review, 79(1), pp. 51-72.
  • Chen, Y. Ken – Zhou, Jian. (2007), "Audit Committee, Board Characteristics and Auditor Switch Decisions by Andersen's Clients", Contemporary Accounting Research, 24(4), pp. 1085-1117.
  • Citron, B. David – Manalis, Gikas. (2001), "The International Firms As New Entrants to the Statutory Audit Market: An Empirical Analysis of Auditor Selection in Greece, 1993 to 1997", European Accounting Review, 10(3), pp. 439-459.
  • Coffee, J.C. John. (1999), "Privatization and Corporate Governance: The Lessons From Securities Market Failure", Journal of Corporate Law, 25(1),pp. 265-314.
  • Davidson, A.Ronald - Neu, Dean.(1993), "A Note on the Association Between Audit Firm Size and Audit Quality", Contemporary Accounting Research, 9(2), pp. 479-488.
  • DeAngelo, L. Elizabeth. (1981), "Auditor Size and Audit Quality", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3(3), pp. 183-199.
  • Defond, L. Mark.(1992), "The Association Between Changes in Client Firm Agency Costs and Auditor Switching", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 11(1), pp. 16-31.
  • Dyck, Alexander.(2001), "Privatization and Corporate Governance: Principles, Evidence, and Future Challenges", The World Bank Research Observer, 16(1), pp. 59-84.
  • Ettredge, Michael - Kwon, S. Young - Lim, C. Yeow. (2009), "Client, Industry, and Country Factors Affecting Choice of Big N Industry Expert Auditors", Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 24(3), pp. 433-467.
  • Fama, F.Eugene – Jensen, C. Michael.(1983), "Separation of Ownership and Control", The Journal of Law and Economics, 26(2), pp. 301-325.
  • Fama, F.Eugene – Miller, H. Merton. (1972), "The Theory of Finance", Holt, Rinehart and Winston Publishing, First Edition, New York.
  • Fan, P.H. Joseph – Wong, J. Tak. (2005), "Do External Auditors Perform a Corporate Governance Role in Emerging Markets? Evidence from East Asia", Journal of Accounting Research, 43(1), pp. 35-72.
  • Francis, R. Jere. (2004), "What Do We Know About Audit Quality?", The British Accounting Review, 36 (4), pp. 345-368.
  • Francis, R. Jere - Richard, Chrystelle – Vanstraelen, Ann. (2009), "Assessing France's Joint Audit Requirement: Are Two Heads Better Than One? ", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 28(2), pp. 35-63.
  • Gray, Iain, - Manson, Stuart.(2007), "The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases", Cengage Learning EMEA, Fourth Edition, Singapore.
  • Guedhami, Omrane - Pittman, A. Jeffrey – Saffar, Walid.(2009), "Auditor Choice in Privatized Firms: Empirical Evidence On the Role of State and Foreign Owners", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 48(2), pp. 151-171.
  • Gul, A. Ferdinand - Kim, Jeong-Bon - Qiu. A. Annie.(2010), "Ownership Concentration, Foreign Shareholding, Audit Quality, and Stock Price Synchronicity: Evidence from China", Journal of Financial Economics, 95(3), pp. 425-442.
  • Hsu, Wen-Yen - Troy, Carol - Huang R. Yenyu. (2015), "The Determinants of Auditor Choice and Audit Pricing Among Property-Liability Insurers", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 34(1), pp. 95-124. Jaggi, Bikki - Leung, Sidney – Gul, Ferdinand.(2009), "Family Control, Board Independence and Earnings Management: Evidence Based on Hong Kong Firms", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 28(4), pp. 281-300.
  • Jensen, C. Michael – Meckling, H. William. (1976), "Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure", Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), pp. 305-360.
  • Khattree, Ravindra - Naik, N. Dayanand.(2000), "Multivariate Data Reduction and Discrimination with SAS Software", SAS Institute Inc., First Edition, North Caroline.
  • Kinney, R. William – McDaniel, S.Linda.(1989), "Characteristics of Firms Correcting Previously Reported Quarterly Earnings", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 11(1), pp. 71-93.
  • Klecka, R. William. (1980), "Discriminant Analysis", Sage Publication, First Edition.
  • Knechel, W.Robert. (2002), "The Role of the Independent Accountant in Effective Risk Management", Review of Business and Economics, 47(1), pp. 65-86.
  • Knechel, W. Robert - Niemi, Lasse – Sundgren, Stefan.(2008), "Determinants of Auditor Choice: Evidence From a Small Client Market", International Journal of Auditing, 12(1), pp. 65-88.
  • Leventis, Stergios- Dimitropoulos, E. Panagiotis.(2010),"Audit Pricing, Quality of Earnings and Board Independence: The Case of the Athens Stock Exchange", Advances in Accounting, 26(2), pp. 325-332.
  • Lin, Z. Jun- Liu, Ming.(2009), "The Impact of Corporate Governance on Auditor Choice: Evidence From China", Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 18(1), pp. 44-59.
  • Marcoulides, A. George- Hershberger, L. Scott.(1997), "Multivariate Statistical Methods: A First Course", Psychology Press, First Edition, New Jersey.
  • Margerison, John- Moizer, Peter.(1996), "Auditor Licensing in the European Union: A Comparative Study Based on Cultural Differences", European Accounting Review, 5(1), pp. 29-56.
  • Matonti, Gaetano - Tucker, Jon - Tommasetti, Aurelio. (2016), "Auditor Choice in Italian Non-Listed Firms", Managerial Auditing Journal, 31(4/5), pp. 458-491.
  • Niskanen, Mervi- Karjalainen, Jukka – Niskanen, Jyrki.(2010), "The Role of Auditing in Small, Private Family Firms: Is It About Quality and Credibility?", Family Business Review, 23(3), pp. 230-245.
  • Padgett, V.Lakshmi. (2016), "Practical Statistical Methods: A SAS Programming Approach", CRC Press, First Edition, New York.
  • Pittman, A. Jeffrey – Fortin, Steve.(2004), "Auditor Choice and the Cost of Debt Capital for Newly Public Firms", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 37(1), pp.113-136.
  • Ray, Nilanjan - Mahavidyalaya, Netaji. (2017), "Business Infrastructure for Sustainability in Developing Economies", IGI Global, First Edition.
  • Reed, J.Brad - Trombley, A.Mark – Dhaliwal, S. Dan.(2000), "Demand for Audit Quality: The Case of Laventhol and Horwath's Auditees", Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 15(2), pp. 183-198.
  • Simunic, A.Dan- Stein, T.Michael.(1987), "Product Differentiation in Auditing: Auditor Choice in the Market for Unseasoned New Issues", Canadian Certified General Accontants' Research Foundation, Vancouver.
  • Stice, D. James. (1991), "Using Financial and Market Information to Identify Pre-Engagement Factors Associated with Lawsuits Against Auditors", Accounting Review, 66(3) pp. 516-533.
  • Sun, Jerry- Liu, Guoping.(2011), "Industry Specialist Auditors, Outsider Directors, and Financial Analysts", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 30(4), pp. 367-382.
  • Tattar, N. Prabhanjan - Ramaiah, Suresh – Manjunath G. Bangalore.(2016), "A Course in Statistics with R", John Wiley and Sons,First Edition, Chichester.
  • Van Zijl, Tony – Karim, A. K. M.Waresul.(2010), "Clients’ Corporate Governance Characteristics and Auditor Choice in Emerging Audit Services Markets: The Case of Bangladesh", Available at SSRN: or
  • Watts, L.Ross - Zimmerman, L. Jerold. (1986), "Positive Accounting Theory", Prentice-Hall, First Edition, New York.
  • Willenborg, Michael.(1999), "Empirical Analysis of the Economic Demand for Auditing in the Initial Public Offerings Market", Journal of Accounting Research, 37(1), pp.225-238.
  • Verma, JP. (2013), "Data Analysis in Management with SPSS Software", Springer Science, First Edition, New Delhi.
  • Yang, J.Yan- Kang, Jugpao - Lin, R. Ching- Ronen, Joshue. (2016), "Auditor Selection within a Business Group: Evidence from Taiwan", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 46(2), pp. 195-215.
Year 2018, Issue: 79, 165 - 182, 02.07.2018



  • Abbott, J.Lawrence – Parker, Susan. (2000), "Auditor Selection and Audit Committee Characteristics", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 19 (2), pp. 47-66.
  • Abdel-Khalik, A. Rashad. (1993), "Why Do Private Companies Demand Auditing? A Case for Organizational Loss of Control", Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 8(1), pp. 31-52.
  • Aswath, Damodaran. (2001), "Corporate Finance Theory and Practice", JohnWiley and Sons, Second Edition, New York.
  • Beasley, S. Mark– Petroni, R. Kathy. (2001), "Board Independence and Audit-Firm Type", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 20(1), pp. 97-114.
  • Beattie, Vivien –Fearnley, Stella. (1995), "The Importance of Audit Firm Characteristics and the Drivers of Auditor Change in UK Listed Companies", Accounting and Business Research, 25(100), pp. 227-239.
  • Brown, T. Michael – Wicker, R. Lori. (2000), "Discriminant Analysis", Handbook of Applied Multivariate Statistics and Mathematical Modeling, Academic Press, pp.209-235.
  • Carey, Peter –Simnett, Roger –Tanewski, George. (2000), "Voluntary Demand for Internal and External Auditing by Family Businesses", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 19 (1), pp. 37-51.
  • Carlberg, Conrad. (2014), "Statistical Analysis: Microsoft Excel 2013", Que Publishing, First Edition, Indianapolis.
  • Chaney, K. Paul - Jeter, C. Debra – Shivakumar, Lakshmanan. (2004), "Self-Selection of Auditors and Audit Pricing in Private Firms", The Accounting Review, 79(1), pp. 51-72.
  • Chen, Y. Ken – Zhou, Jian. (2007), "Audit Committee, Board Characteristics and Auditor Switch Decisions by Andersen's Clients", Contemporary Accounting Research, 24(4), pp. 1085-1117.
  • Citron, B. David – Manalis, Gikas. (2001), "The International Firms As New Entrants to the Statutory Audit Market: An Empirical Analysis of Auditor Selection in Greece, 1993 to 1997", European Accounting Review, 10(3), pp. 439-459.
  • Coffee, J.C. John. (1999), "Privatization and Corporate Governance: The Lessons From Securities Market Failure", Journal of Corporate Law, 25(1),pp. 265-314.
  • Davidson, A.Ronald - Neu, Dean.(1993), "A Note on the Association Between Audit Firm Size and Audit Quality", Contemporary Accounting Research, 9(2), pp. 479-488.
  • DeAngelo, L. Elizabeth. (1981), "Auditor Size and Audit Quality", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3(3), pp. 183-199.
  • Defond, L. Mark.(1992), "The Association Between Changes in Client Firm Agency Costs and Auditor Switching", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 11(1), pp. 16-31.
  • Dyck, Alexander.(2001), "Privatization and Corporate Governance: Principles, Evidence, and Future Challenges", The World Bank Research Observer, 16(1), pp. 59-84.
  • Ettredge, Michael - Kwon, S. Young - Lim, C. Yeow. (2009), "Client, Industry, and Country Factors Affecting Choice of Big N Industry Expert Auditors", Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 24(3), pp. 433-467.
  • Fama, F.Eugene – Jensen, C. Michael.(1983), "Separation of Ownership and Control", The Journal of Law and Economics, 26(2), pp. 301-325.
  • Fama, F.Eugene – Miller, H. Merton. (1972), "The Theory of Finance", Holt, Rinehart and Winston Publishing, First Edition, New York.
  • Fan, P.H. Joseph – Wong, J. Tak. (2005), "Do External Auditors Perform a Corporate Governance Role in Emerging Markets? Evidence from East Asia", Journal of Accounting Research, 43(1), pp. 35-72.
  • Francis, R. Jere. (2004), "What Do We Know About Audit Quality?", The British Accounting Review, 36 (4), pp. 345-368.
  • Francis, R. Jere - Richard, Chrystelle – Vanstraelen, Ann. (2009), "Assessing France's Joint Audit Requirement: Are Two Heads Better Than One? ", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 28(2), pp. 35-63.
  • Gray, Iain, - Manson, Stuart.(2007), "The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases", Cengage Learning EMEA, Fourth Edition, Singapore.
  • Guedhami, Omrane - Pittman, A. Jeffrey – Saffar, Walid.(2009), "Auditor Choice in Privatized Firms: Empirical Evidence On the Role of State and Foreign Owners", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 48(2), pp. 151-171.
  • Gul, A. Ferdinand - Kim, Jeong-Bon - Qiu. A. Annie.(2010), "Ownership Concentration, Foreign Shareholding, Audit Quality, and Stock Price Synchronicity: Evidence from China", Journal of Financial Economics, 95(3), pp. 425-442.
  • Hsu, Wen-Yen - Troy, Carol - Huang R. Yenyu. (2015), "The Determinants of Auditor Choice and Audit Pricing Among Property-Liability Insurers", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 34(1), pp. 95-124. Jaggi, Bikki - Leung, Sidney – Gul, Ferdinand.(2009), "Family Control, Board Independence and Earnings Management: Evidence Based on Hong Kong Firms", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 28(4), pp. 281-300.
  • Jensen, C. Michael – Meckling, H. William. (1976), "Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure", Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), pp. 305-360.
  • Khattree, Ravindra - Naik, N. Dayanand.(2000), "Multivariate Data Reduction and Discrimination with SAS Software", SAS Institute Inc., First Edition, North Caroline.
  • Kinney, R. William – McDaniel, S.Linda.(1989), "Characteristics of Firms Correcting Previously Reported Quarterly Earnings", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 11(1), pp. 71-93.
  • Klecka, R. William. (1980), "Discriminant Analysis", Sage Publication, First Edition.
  • Knechel, W.Robert. (2002), "The Role of the Independent Accountant in Effective Risk Management", Review of Business and Economics, 47(1), pp. 65-86.
  • Knechel, W. Robert - Niemi, Lasse – Sundgren, Stefan.(2008), "Determinants of Auditor Choice: Evidence From a Small Client Market", International Journal of Auditing, 12(1), pp. 65-88.
  • Leventis, Stergios- Dimitropoulos, E. Panagiotis.(2010),"Audit Pricing, Quality of Earnings and Board Independence: The Case of the Athens Stock Exchange", Advances in Accounting, 26(2), pp. 325-332.
  • Lin, Z. Jun- Liu, Ming.(2009), "The Impact of Corporate Governance on Auditor Choice: Evidence From China", Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 18(1), pp. 44-59.
  • Marcoulides, A. George- Hershberger, L. Scott.(1997), "Multivariate Statistical Methods: A First Course", Psychology Press, First Edition, New Jersey.
  • Margerison, John- Moizer, Peter.(1996), "Auditor Licensing in the European Union: A Comparative Study Based on Cultural Differences", European Accounting Review, 5(1), pp. 29-56.
  • Matonti, Gaetano - Tucker, Jon - Tommasetti, Aurelio. (2016), "Auditor Choice in Italian Non-Listed Firms", Managerial Auditing Journal, 31(4/5), pp. 458-491.
  • Niskanen, Mervi- Karjalainen, Jukka – Niskanen, Jyrki.(2010), "The Role of Auditing in Small, Private Family Firms: Is It About Quality and Credibility?", Family Business Review, 23(3), pp. 230-245.
  • Padgett, V.Lakshmi. (2016), "Practical Statistical Methods: A SAS Programming Approach", CRC Press, First Edition, New York.
  • Pittman, A. Jeffrey – Fortin, Steve.(2004), "Auditor Choice and the Cost of Debt Capital for Newly Public Firms", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 37(1), pp.113-136.
  • Ray, Nilanjan - Mahavidyalaya, Netaji. (2017), "Business Infrastructure for Sustainability in Developing Economies", IGI Global, First Edition.
  • Reed, J.Brad - Trombley, A.Mark – Dhaliwal, S. Dan.(2000), "Demand for Audit Quality: The Case of Laventhol and Horwath's Auditees", Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 15(2), pp. 183-198.
  • Simunic, A.Dan- Stein, T.Michael.(1987), "Product Differentiation in Auditing: Auditor Choice in the Market for Unseasoned New Issues", Canadian Certified General Accontants' Research Foundation, Vancouver.
  • Stice, D. James. (1991), "Using Financial and Market Information to Identify Pre-Engagement Factors Associated with Lawsuits Against Auditors", Accounting Review, 66(3) pp. 516-533.
  • Sun, Jerry- Liu, Guoping.(2011), "Industry Specialist Auditors, Outsider Directors, and Financial Analysts", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 30(4), pp. 367-382.
  • Tattar, N. Prabhanjan - Ramaiah, Suresh – Manjunath G. Bangalore.(2016), "A Course in Statistics with R", John Wiley and Sons,First Edition, Chichester.
  • Van Zijl, Tony – Karim, A. K. M.Waresul.(2010), "Clients’ Corporate Governance Characteristics and Auditor Choice in Emerging Audit Services Markets: The Case of Bangladesh", Available at SSRN: or
  • Watts, L.Ross - Zimmerman, L. Jerold. (1986), "Positive Accounting Theory", Prentice-Hall, First Edition, New York.
  • Willenborg, Michael.(1999), "Empirical Analysis of the Economic Demand for Auditing in the Initial Public Offerings Market", Journal of Accounting Research, 37(1), pp.225-238.
  • Verma, JP. (2013), "Data Analysis in Management with SPSS Software", Springer Science, First Edition, New Delhi.
  • Yang, J.Yan- Kang, Jugpao - Lin, R. Ching- Ronen, Joshue. (2016), "Auditor Selection within a Business Group: Evidence from Taiwan", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 46(2), pp. 195-215.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Özcan This is me

Publication Date July 2, 2018
Submission Date November 10, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 79


APA Özcan, A. (2018). Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular. The Journal of Accounting and Finance(79), 165-182.
AMA Özcan A. Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. July 2018;(79):165-182. doi:10.25095/mufad.438874
Chicago Özcan, Ahmet. “Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 79 (July 2018): 165-82.
EndNote Özcan A (July 1, 2018) Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular. The Journal of Accounting and Finance 79 165–182.
IEEE A. Özcan, “Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 79, pp. 165–182, July 2018, doi: 10.25095/mufad.438874.
ISNAD Özcan, Ahmet. “Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance 79 (July 2018), 165-182.
JAMA Özcan A. Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2018;:165–182.
MLA Özcan, Ahmet. “Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, no. 79, 2018, pp. 165-82, doi:10.25095/mufad.438874.
Vancouver Özcan A. Denetçi Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Borsa İstanbul’dan Bulgular. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2018(79):165-82.