Aim & Scope

MUGLA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (MJST) has been published by Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.

The scope of the “MUGLA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (MJST)” includes original research on all aspects of basic science, engineering and technology. Original research results, scientific reviews, short communications and technical notes in various fields of science and technology are considered for publication. 

The publication language of the journal is English. 

Publishing,  downloading and reading of articles in MJST are free of charge.

MJST is published twice in a year in June and December

Manuscripts partially or completely published before are not accepted (see “Ethical Principles and Publication” for detail information). Research paper should describe original research work not previously published. Short Communications should be concise and include preliminary results of on-going researchs. Short Communications and technical notes must contain around 3000 words with up to 3 figures and/or tables. Review Articles should comprehensively cover a subject of current interest, and must be extensively referenced.

All submitted manuscripts are read by the editorial staff. To save time for authors and peer-reviewers, only those papers that seem most likely to meet our editorial criteria are sent for formal review. Those papers judged by the editors to be of insufficient general interest or otherwise inappropriate, are rejected promptly without external review (see “Ethical Principles and Publication” section for detailed information).


  • Original research manuscripts

Scientific reviews

Short communication and technical notes

in various fields of science and technology. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology publishes the articles that belong to the branches listed in below.

Main Science Branches:

  • Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Statistics, Molecular Biology and Genetics)

Engineering (General)

Period Months
June December

Mugla Journal of Science and Technology (MJST) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Pseudonymity License 4.0 international license