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Year 2018, Volume: 14 Issue: 53, 47 - 70, 03.04.2018


Son çeyrek asır içinde yapılan seçimlerde aşırı
sağ partiler sistematik ve istikrarlı bir biçimde
yükseliş eğilimindedir. Öte yandan aşırı sağ
partiler bazı ülkelerde yükselirken diğer bazılarında farklı bir seyir izlemektedir: ya hiç prim
yapmamakta veya önce yükselip sonra iniş eğilimine girmekte ya da dalgalı bir patika izlemektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle, çalışmanın ana
argümanı; aşırı sağ partilerin güç kazanmasını açıklayan en önemli parametrenin, küresel
ekonomik sistemdeki değişim ve dönüşümlerle
beraber küreselleşmenin toplumsal dokularda
ve kültürel alanda yarattığı tahribat ile ilgili olduğu şeklindedir. Aşırı sağı besleyen başlıca
olay ve olgular son on yılda gözlemlenen ekonomik durgunluk ve genç işsizliği, artan şiddet
ve terör olayları, göçmen dalgasının dünyayı
sarmasıyla tetiklenen milliyetçilik ve popülizm
gibi faktörlerdir. Bu makalede, Peter Gourevitch tarafından uluslararası ilişkiler disiplinine
kazandırılan “ikinci düzeye tersten bakış” metaforundan yararlanılmaktadır. Bu teorik modelin
desteği ile aşırı sağ partilerin yükselişinin küresel dinamiklerle başarılı bir şekilde ilişkilendirilebileceği tezi savunulmaktadır. Gourevitch’e
göre, merkezi bir devletin var olmadığı küresel
sistemde oluşan dev dalgaların devletlere ve
toplumlara doğru nüfuz etmesi kaçınılmazdır.
Böylelikle aşırı sağ siyasi oluşumların gelişim
ve kurumsallaşmasının anlaşılması kolaylaşacaktır. Ayrıca, aşırı sağın yükselişindeki temel
sebep-sonuç ilişkisinin doğru biçimde ortaya
konulması ile daha sağlıklı siyasi sistemlerin
hem devletler bazında hem de küresel yönetişimde tesis edilebilmesi kolaylaşacaktır.


  • AKKERMAN, T., Rooduijn, M. (2015). ‘Pariahs or partners? Inclusion and exclusion of radical right parties and the effects on their policy positions’, Political Studies, 63: pp. 1140- 1157.
  • ALLEN, T. J. (2017). Exit to the right? Comparing far right voters and abstainers in Western Europe, Electoral Studies, 50: pp. 103-115
  • Amnesty International. (2017). Annual Report 2016-2017: The State of the World’s Human Rights. London: AI Publications.
  • ASLAN, H. K. (2017). “Chapter 7: Global Political Economy” In Nejat Doğan & Joseph Drew Eds. Introduction to International Relations, Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publications.
  • CHARRON, N., & Rothstein, B. (2014). Social trust, quality of government and ethnic diversity. Working paper, Quality of Government institute, 20.
  • ECKARDT, A., (Sep 9, 2013). Far-right politicians distribute racist condoms ahead of German vote, Retrieved from NBC News Portal:
  • ELİAÇIK, Z. (28 Eylül 2017). Alman siyaseti ve medyasında aşırı sağ yanılgısı. Retrieved from Anadolu Ajansı, Europe’s Welfare states: Battle of the benefits. (2018, Jaunuary-February 27-02). Economist.
  • GARBER, M. (2012). Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety, New York: Routledge.
  • GENÇ, H. D. (2018). “Responding to Irregular Migration: High Potential of Local Governments in Turkey,” International Migration.
  • GENÇ, H.D., Duygu Öztürk-Tunçel. (2017). “Chapter 8: Globalization and Global Society” In Nejat Doğan & Joseph Drew Eds. Introduction to International Relations, Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publications.
  • GOODWIN vd. (2012). “The New Radical Right: Violent and Non-Violent Movements in Europe” Institute for Strategic Dialogue Brief Paper. Retrieved from https://www.academia. edu/1572331/The_New_Radical_Right_Violent_and_Non-Violent_Movements_in_Europe
  • GOUREVITCH, P. (1978). The second image reversed: The international sources of domestic politics. International Organization, 32(4), 881-912.
  • GOUREVITCH, P. (2002). “Domestic Politics and International Relations” In W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse and B. Simmons, (Eds). Handbook of International Relations, London: Sage, pp. 309–328.
  • GRATWOHL, D. (2012, Nisan 5). Retrieved from Deutsche Welle: avrupada-sa%C4%9F-pop%C3%BClizm-y%C3%BCkseliyor/a-15862968
  • GREEN, E. (2017, May 9). It Was Cultural Anxiety That Drove White, Working-Class Voters to Trump. Retrieved from The Atlantic: white-working-class-trump-cultural-anxiety/525771/
  • GREEN, J., COLIN, H. (2015). Towards a New Political Economy of the Crisis: Getting What Went Wrong Right. New Political Economy, 20:3, 331-341.
  • GRILLO, R. D. (2003). Cultural Essentialism and Cultural Anxiety, Anthropological Theory, 3(2), pp. 157-173.
  • HALIKIOPOULOU, D., VLANDAS, T. (2015). The Rise of the Far Right in Debtor and Creditor European Countries: The Case of European Parliament Elections. The Political Quarterly, 86(2), 279–288.
  • In Their Own Words: Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. (2017, May 5). Retrieved from The New York Times:
  • JOBBIK. (2010). Radical Change. Retrieved February 15, 2018: default/files/Jobbik-RADICALCHANGE2010.pdf
  • JORDAN, M. J. (2010). “The Roots of Hate,” World Policy Journal, 99–111.
  • MUDDE, C. (2014). “The Far-Right and the European Elections”, Retrieved October 19 2014:
  • MUDDE, C. (2013). “The 2012 Stein Rokkan Lecture: Three Decades of Populist Radical Right Parties in Western Europe: So What?”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 52, pp.1-19.
  • MUDDE, C. (2012). “The Relationship between Immigration and Nativism in Europe and North America”, Migration Policy Institute, Washington, pp.1-32.
  • MUDDE, C. (2007). Populist Radical Right Parties, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ORENSTEIN, M. A. (2014). ‘Putin’s western allies’, Foreign Affairs, 26 March 2014,
  • ÖNER, S. (2014). Different Manifestations of the Rise of Far-Right in European Politics. The Cases of Germany and Austria, Marmara Journal of European Studies, 22(2), pp. 85-106. Party Programme of National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), (2010), Retrieved at February 16, 2012,
  • PETKOVA, M. (16.12.2017). The death of the Russian far right: How the Kremlin destroyed the far right in Russia, while backing it in the West. Pew Research Center (2017). The Changing Global Religious Landscape, Retrieved from http://
  • POLYAKOVA, A., ANTON S. (2016). “On The Rise: Europe’s Fringe Right.” World Affairs 179(1), pp. 70–80.
  • RANKIN, J. (The Guardian, 6 Sep 2017). EU court dismisses complaints by Hungary and Slovakia over refugee quotas, Retrived from, eu-court-dismisses-complaints-by-hungary-and-slovakia-over-refugees
  • RYDGREN, J. (2005). Is extreme right-wing populism contagious? Explaining the emergence of a new party family, European Journal of Political Research, 44(3), pp. 413-437.
  • RYDGREN, J. (2013). Class Politics and the Radical Right. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • SCHLUETER, E., SCHEEPERS, P. (2010). The relationship between outgroup size and antioutgroup attitudes: A theoretical synthesis and empirical test of group threat- and intergroup contact theory, Social Science Research, 39(2), pp. 285-295.
  • SIMPSON, P. A. (2016). Mobilizing Meanings: Translocal Identities of the Far Right Web, German Politics & Society 34(4), pp. 34-53.
  • STOCKEMER, D. (2017). The Economic Crisis (2009-2013) and Electoral Support fort he Radical Right in Western Europe,” Social Science Quarterly, (98)5: pp. 1536-1553.
  • United Nations – UN. (2011). The Global Social Crisis: Report on the World Social Situation, New York: United Nations Publications.
  • VARGA, M. (2014). Hungary’s “anti-capitalist” far-right: Jobbik and the Hungarian Guard, Nationalities Papers, 42(5), pp. 791-807.
  • VARGA, M. (2008). How Political Opportunities Strengthen the Far Right: Understanding the Rise in Far-Right Militancy in Russia, Europe-Asia Studies 60(4), pp. 561-579.
  • VELASCO GONZÁLEZ, K. , VERKUYTEN, M. , WEESIE, J., POPPE, E. (2008), Prejudice towards Muslims in The Netherlands: Testing integrated threat theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47: 667-685.
  • WARDE, İ. (2016). Wagering on Sectarianism: The Political Economy of Extremism. Muslim World, 106: 205–216.
Year 2018, Volume: 14 Issue: 53, 47 - 70, 03.04.2018



  • AKKERMAN, T., Rooduijn, M. (2015). ‘Pariahs or partners? Inclusion and exclusion of radical right parties and the effects on their policy positions’, Political Studies, 63: pp. 1140- 1157.
  • ALLEN, T. J. (2017). Exit to the right? Comparing far right voters and abstainers in Western Europe, Electoral Studies, 50: pp. 103-115
  • Amnesty International. (2017). Annual Report 2016-2017: The State of the World’s Human Rights. London: AI Publications.
  • ASLAN, H. K. (2017). “Chapter 7: Global Political Economy” In Nejat Doğan & Joseph Drew Eds. Introduction to International Relations, Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publications.
  • CHARRON, N., & Rothstein, B. (2014). Social trust, quality of government and ethnic diversity. Working paper, Quality of Government institute, 20.
  • ECKARDT, A., (Sep 9, 2013). Far-right politicians distribute racist condoms ahead of German vote, Retrieved from NBC News Portal:
  • ELİAÇIK, Z. (28 Eylül 2017). Alman siyaseti ve medyasında aşırı sağ yanılgısı. Retrieved from Anadolu Ajansı, Europe’s Welfare states: Battle of the benefits. (2018, Jaunuary-February 27-02). Economist.
  • GARBER, M. (2012). Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety, New York: Routledge.
  • GENÇ, H. D. (2018). “Responding to Irregular Migration: High Potential of Local Governments in Turkey,” International Migration.
  • GENÇ, H.D., Duygu Öztürk-Tunçel. (2017). “Chapter 8: Globalization and Global Society” In Nejat Doğan & Joseph Drew Eds. Introduction to International Relations, Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publications.
  • GOODWIN vd. (2012). “The New Radical Right: Violent and Non-Violent Movements in Europe” Institute for Strategic Dialogue Brief Paper. Retrieved from https://www.academia. edu/1572331/The_New_Radical_Right_Violent_and_Non-Violent_Movements_in_Europe
  • GOUREVITCH, P. (1978). The second image reversed: The international sources of domestic politics. International Organization, 32(4), 881-912.
  • GOUREVITCH, P. (2002). “Domestic Politics and International Relations” In W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse and B. Simmons, (Eds). Handbook of International Relations, London: Sage, pp. 309–328.
  • GRATWOHL, D. (2012, Nisan 5). Retrieved from Deutsche Welle: avrupada-sa%C4%9F-pop%C3%BClizm-y%C3%BCkseliyor/a-15862968
  • GREEN, E. (2017, May 9). It Was Cultural Anxiety That Drove White, Working-Class Voters to Trump. Retrieved from The Atlantic: white-working-class-trump-cultural-anxiety/525771/
  • GREEN, J., COLIN, H. (2015). Towards a New Political Economy of the Crisis: Getting What Went Wrong Right. New Political Economy, 20:3, 331-341.
  • GRILLO, R. D. (2003). Cultural Essentialism and Cultural Anxiety, Anthropological Theory, 3(2), pp. 157-173.
  • HALIKIOPOULOU, D., VLANDAS, T. (2015). The Rise of the Far Right in Debtor and Creditor European Countries: The Case of European Parliament Elections. The Political Quarterly, 86(2), 279–288.
  • In Their Own Words: Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. (2017, May 5). Retrieved from The New York Times:
  • JOBBIK. (2010). Radical Change. Retrieved February 15, 2018: default/files/Jobbik-RADICALCHANGE2010.pdf
  • JORDAN, M. J. (2010). “The Roots of Hate,” World Policy Journal, 99–111.
  • MUDDE, C. (2014). “The Far-Right and the European Elections”, Retrieved October 19 2014:
  • MUDDE, C. (2013). “The 2012 Stein Rokkan Lecture: Three Decades of Populist Radical Right Parties in Western Europe: So What?”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 52, pp.1-19.
  • MUDDE, C. (2012). “The Relationship between Immigration and Nativism in Europe and North America”, Migration Policy Institute, Washington, pp.1-32.
  • MUDDE, C. (2007). Populist Radical Right Parties, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ORENSTEIN, M. A. (2014). ‘Putin’s western allies’, Foreign Affairs, 26 March 2014,
  • ÖNER, S. (2014). Different Manifestations of the Rise of Far-Right in European Politics. The Cases of Germany and Austria, Marmara Journal of European Studies, 22(2), pp. 85-106. Party Programme of National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), (2010), Retrieved at February 16, 2012,
  • PETKOVA, M. (16.12.2017). The death of the Russian far right: How the Kremlin destroyed the far right in Russia, while backing it in the West. Pew Research Center (2017). The Changing Global Religious Landscape, Retrieved from http://
  • POLYAKOVA, A., ANTON S. (2016). “On The Rise: Europe’s Fringe Right.” World Affairs 179(1), pp. 70–80.
  • RANKIN, J. (The Guardian, 6 Sep 2017). EU court dismisses complaints by Hungary and Slovakia over refugee quotas, Retrived from, eu-court-dismisses-complaints-by-hungary-and-slovakia-over-refugees
  • RYDGREN, J. (2005). Is extreme right-wing populism contagious? Explaining the emergence of a new party family, European Journal of Political Research, 44(3), pp. 413-437.
  • RYDGREN, J. (2013). Class Politics and the Radical Right. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • SCHLUETER, E., SCHEEPERS, P. (2010). The relationship between outgroup size and antioutgroup attitudes: A theoretical synthesis and empirical test of group threat- and intergroup contact theory, Social Science Research, 39(2), pp. 285-295.
  • SIMPSON, P. A. (2016). Mobilizing Meanings: Translocal Identities of the Far Right Web, German Politics & Society 34(4), pp. 34-53.
  • STOCKEMER, D. (2017). The Economic Crisis (2009-2013) and Electoral Support fort he Radical Right in Western Europe,” Social Science Quarterly, (98)5: pp. 1536-1553.
  • United Nations – UN. (2011). The Global Social Crisis: Report on the World Social Situation, New York: United Nations Publications.
  • VARGA, M. (2014). Hungary’s “anti-capitalist” far-right: Jobbik and the Hungarian Guard, Nationalities Papers, 42(5), pp. 791-807.
  • VARGA, M. (2008). How Political Opportunities Strengthen the Far Right: Understanding the Rise in Far-Right Militancy in Russia, Europe-Asia Studies 60(4), pp. 561-579.
  • VELASCO GONZÁLEZ, K. , VERKUYTEN, M. , WEESIE, J., POPPE, E. (2008), Prejudice towards Muslims in The Netherlands: Testing integrated threat theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47: 667-685.
  • WARDE, İ. (2016). Wagering on Sectarianism: The Political Economy of Extremism. Muslim World, 106: 205–216.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Halil Kürşad Aslan This is me

Publication Date April 3, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 14 Issue: 53


APA Aslan, H. K. (2018). AŞIRI SAĞIN YÜKSELİŞİ: RESME KÜRESEL PERSPEKTİFTEN BAKMAK. Muhafazakar Düşünce Dergisi, 14(53), 47-70.

Muhafazakar Düşünce Dergisi