Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 56 Sayı: 661, 42 - 42, 13.03.2015
Habib Gürbüz
İsmail Hakkı Akçay
Bu çalışmada, 4 silindirli buji ateşlemeli motora sahip tipik bir otomobil için hidrojen dönüşüm kiti modellenmiştir. Dönüşüm kitinin modellenmesi için literatürdeki çalışmalardan [18, 19, 20, 21] edinilen bilgi ve tecrübeler kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca, taşımacılık yakıtı olarak hidrojenin teknik altyapısı incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda; mevcut bir buji ateşlemeli motorun küçük modifikasyonla hidrojen motoruna dönüştürülebileceği, 4 silindirli buji ateşlemeli motora sahip tipik bir otomobil için hidrojen dönüşüm kiti maliyetinin yaklaşık 2000 $ olacağı tespit edilmiştir. Taşıt üzerinde hidrojenin depolanacağı sistemlerin geliştirilmesi ve yakıt ikmalinin yapılacağı hidrojen istasyonlarının kurulması ile içten yanmalı motorlu taşıtlarda yakıt olarak hidrojen kullanılabilecektir.
Destekleyen Kurum
Teknolojik Araştırmalar Kurumu (TÜBİTAK)
Bu çalışma, TÜBİTAK 107 M349 nolu proje kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katkılarından dolayı Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırmalar Kurumu (TÜBİTAK) Başkanlığına teşekkür ederiz.
- 1. Verhelst, S., Sierens, R. 2001. “Hydrogen Engine-Specific Properties,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 26, p. 987-990.
- 2. Das, L. M. 2002. “Hydrogen Engine: Research And Development (R&D) Programmer in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 27, p. 953-965.
- 3. Lavrive, J. F., Mahieu, V., Griesemann, J. C., Rickeard, D. J. 2004. “Well-to-Wheels Analysis of Future Automotive Fuels and Power Trains in the European Context,” SAE paper no: 2004-01-1924.
- 4. Peschka, W. 1998. “Hydrogen: The Futures Cryofuel in Internal Combustion Engines,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 23, p. 27-43.
- 5. Das, L. M., Gulati, R., Gupta, P. K. 2000. “Performance Evaluation of a Hydrogen-Fuelled Spark Ignition Engine Using Electronically Controlled Solenoid-Actuated Injection System,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 25, p. 569-579.
- 6. Subramanian, V., Mallikarjuna, J. M., Ramesh, A. 2005. “Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of a Hydrogen Fuelled SI Engine an Experimental Study,” SAE Int. Mobility Eng. Congr., Exposition: 23-25 October 2005.
- 7. Lee, J. T., Kim, Y. Y., Lee, C. W. 2001. “An Investigation of a Cause of Backfire and its Control due to Crevice Volumes in a Hydrogen Fuelled Engine,” Trans ASME, vol. 123, p. 204-213.
- 8. Tang, X. G., Daniel, M. K., Robert, J. N. 2002. “Ford P2000 Hydrogen Engine Dynamometer Development,” SAE paper no: 2002-01-0242.
- 9. Gomes, A. J. M., Mikalsen, R., Roskilly, A.P. 2008. “An Investigation of Hydrogen-Fuelled HCCI Engine Performance and Operation,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 33, p. 5823-5828.
- 10. Appleby, A. J. 1994. “Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Fuel,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 19, p. 175-180.
- 11. Gambini, M., Vellini, M. 2005. “Comparative Analysis of H2/O2 Cycle Power Plants Based on Different Hydrogen Production Systems from Fossil Fuels,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 30, p. 593-604.
- 12. Solovyev, E. A., Kuvshinov, D. G., Ermakov, D. Y., Kuvshinov, G. G. 2009. “Production of Hydrogen and Nanofibrous Carbon by Selective Catalytic Decomposition of Propane,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 34, p. 1310-1332.
- 13. Karim, G. A. 2003. “Hydrogen as a Spark Ignition Engine Fuel,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 28, p. 569-577.
- 14. Silva, E. P., Gallo, W. L. R., Szajner, J., Amaral, E. G., Bezerra, C. R. 1993. “State of the Art in the Use of Hydrogen as an Automotive Fuel,” SAE paper no: 931706E.
- 15. Cox, K. E., Williamson, K. D. 1977. Hydrogen: Its Technology and Implications, vol. I–V, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, USA.
- 16. Veziroglu, T. N., Barbir, F. 1995. “Transportation Fuel-Hydrogen,” Energy Technology and the Environment, Wiley-Interscience, vol. 4, p. 712-730.
- 17. Veziroglu, T. N. 2007. “21st Century’s Energy: Hydrogen Energy System,” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 49, p. 9-31.
- 18. Gürbüz, H., Buran, D., Akçay, İ. H. 2013. “An Experimental Study on Performance and Cyclic Variations in a Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Hydrogen and Gasoline,” Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, vol. 33 (1), p. 33-41.
- 19. Gürbüz, H., Buran, D., Akçay, İ. H. 2011. “Buji Ateşlemeli Hidrojen Motorunda Karışım Oranı ve Ateşleme Avansının Motor Performansına ve Çevrimler Arası Farka Etkisinin Deneysel Araştırılması,” Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt 26, no 1, p. 105-114.
- 20. Gürbüz, H., Akçay, İ. H., Buran, D. 2014. “An Investigation on Effect of in-Cylinder Swirl Flow on Performance, Combustion and Cyclic Variations in Hydrogen Fuelled Spark Ignition Engine,” Journal of the Energy Institute, vol. 87, p. 1–10.
- 21. Gürbüz, H. 2010. “Tek Silindirli Hidrojen Motorunda Yanma Optimizasyonu,” Doktora Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Isparta.
- 22. Gürbüz, H., Akçay İ. H. 2013. “Buji Ateşlemeli Hidrojen Motorunda Ateşleme Avansı ve Sıkıştırma Oranının Performans ve NOx Emisyonuna Etkisi,” Politeknik Dergisi, cilt 16, sayı 1, s. 45-50.
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 56 Sayı: 661, 42 - 42, 13.03.2015
Habib Gürbüz
İsmail Hakkı Akçay
In this study, hydrogen conversion kit was modeled for a typical automobile to having a 4-cylinder spark ignition gasoline engine. The knowledge and experience obtained to the literature studies [18, 19, 20, 21] were used for modelling of the hydrogen conversion kit. Also, the technical infrastructure of hydrogen as transportation fuel were investigated. As a result of study; it is determined that a spark ignition engine can be converted to hydrogen engine by minor modification. The hydrogen conversion kit for a typical automobile to having a 4-cylinder spark ignition gasoline engine has cost the approximately 2000 $. The hydrogen can be used to the vehicle to having internal combustion engine with development of hydrogen storing systems on the vehicle and the establishing of hydrogen refuelling stations.
- 1. Verhelst, S., Sierens, R. 2001. “Hydrogen Engine-Specific Properties,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 26, p. 987-990.
- 2. Das, L. M. 2002. “Hydrogen Engine: Research And Development (R&D) Programmer in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 27, p. 953-965.
- 3. Lavrive, J. F., Mahieu, V., Griesemann, J. C., Rickeard, D. J. 2004. “Well-to-Wheels Analysis of Future Automotive Fuels and Power Trains in the European Context,” SAE paper no: 2004-01-1924.
- 4. Peschka, W. 1998. “Hydrogen: The Futures Cryofuel in Internal Combustion Engines,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 23, p. 27-43.
- 5. Das, L. M., Gulati, R., Gupta, P. K. 2000. “Performance Evaluation of a Hydrogen-Fuelled Spark Ignition Engine Using Electronically Controlled Solenoid-Actuated Injection System,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 25, p. 569-579.
- 6. Subramanian, V., Mallikarjuna, J. M., Ramesh, A. 2005. “Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of a Hydrogen Fuelled SI Engine an Experimental Study,” SAE Int. Mobility Eng. Congr., Exposition: 23-25 October 2005.
- 7. Lee, J. T., Kim, Y. Y., Lee, C. W. 2001. “An Investigation of a Cause of Backfire and its Control due to Crevice Volumes in a Hydrogen Fuelled Engine,” Trans ASME, vol. 123, p. 204-213.
- 8. Tang, X. G., Daniel, M. K., Robert, J. N. 2002. “Ford P2000 Hydrogen Engine Dynamometer Development,” SAE paper no: 2002-01-0242.
- 9. Gomes, A. J. M., Mikalsen, R., Roskilly, A.P. 2008. “An Investigation of Hydrogen-Fuelled HCCI Engine Performance and Operation,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 33, p. 5823-5828.
- 10. Appleby, A. J. 1994. “Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Fuel,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 19, p. 175-180.
- 11. Gambini, M., Vellini, M. 2005. “Comparative Analysis of H2/O2 Cycle Power Plants Based on Different Hydrogen Production Systems from Fossil Fuels,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 30, p. 593-604.
- 12. Solovyev, E. A., Kuvshinov, D. G., Ermakov, D. Y., Kuvshinov, G. G. 2009. “Production of Hydrogen and Nanofibrous Carbon by Selective Catalytic Decomposition of Propane,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 34, p. 1310-1332.
- 13. Karim, G. A. 2003. “Hydrogen as a Spark Ignition Engine Fuel,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 28, p. 569-577.
- 14. Silva, E. P., Gallo, W. L. R., Szajner, J., Amaral, E. G., Bezerra, C. R. 1993. “State of the Art in the Use of Hydrogen as an Automotive Fuel,” SAE paper no: 931706E.
- 15. Cox, K. E., Williamson, K. D. 1977. Hydrogen: Its Technology and Implications, vol. I–V, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, USA.
- 16. Veziroglu, T. N., Barbir, F. 1995. “Transportation Fuel-Hydrogen,” Energy Technology and the Environment, Wiley-Interscience, vol. 4, p. 712-730.
- 17. Veziroglu, T. N. 2007. “21st Century’s Energy: Hydrogen Energy System,” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 49, p. 9-31.
- 18. Gürbüz, H., Buran, D., Akçay, İ. H. 2013. “An Experimental Study on Performance and Cyclic Variations in a Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Hydrogen and Gasoline,” Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, vol. 33 (1), p. 33-41.
- 19. Gürbüz, H., Buran, D., Akçay, İ. H. 2011. “Buji Ateşlemeli Hidrojen Motorunda Karışım Oranı ve Ateşleme Avansının Motor Performansına ve Çevrimler Arası Farka Etkisinin Deneysel Araştırılması,” Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt 26, no 1, p. 105-114.
- 20. Gürbüz, H., Akçay, İ. H., Buran, D. 2014. “An Investigation on Effect of in-Cylinder Swirl Flow on Performance, Combustion and Cyclic Variations in Hydrogen Fuelled Spark Ignition Engine,” Journal of the Energy Institute, vol. 87, p. 1–10.
- 21. Gürbüz, H. 2010. “Tek Silindirli Hidrojen Motorunda Yanma Optimizasyonu,” Doktora Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Isparta.
- 22. Gürbüz, H., Akçay İ. H. 2013. “Buji Ateşlemeli Hidrojen Motorunda Ateşleme Avansı ve Sıkıştırma Oranının Performans ve NOx Emisyonuna Etkisi,” Politeknik Dergisi, cilt 16, sayı 1, s. 45-50.