Research Article
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Year 2024, Issue: 716, 432 - 461, 03.10.2024


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented changes in the global economy and society, with many studies attempting to understand the impact of the virus on different countries and industries. This study focuses on the effects of COVID-19 on a consulting company that specializes in technology services. By analyzing the company's sales data for the five-year period before the pandemic, and using machine learning techniques via the KNIME platform, the study aims to predict the sales data for the COVID-19 period. Three different regression models - linear, gradient boosting, and random forest - were used to make these predictions, and the models were compared based on their coefficient of determination (R2) to determine which model performed best. The chosen model was then used to interpret the impact of COVID-19 on the company. The findings of the study provide insights into how COVID-19 has affected the consulting company. The chosen model showed that the pandemic had a significant negative impact on the company's sales, with a sharp decline in the second quarter of 2020. However, the company was able to recover some of its losses by the fourth quarter of the year. The study also highlights the importance of using machine learning techniques to predict future sales data during unpredictable events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, this study sheds light on the impact of COVID-19 on a technology consulting company and demonstrates the importance of using data analysis and machine learning techniques to make predictions and interpret the effects of significant events on business operations.


  • Ağbulut, Ümit. 2022. “Forecasting of Transportation-Related Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions in Turkey with Different Machine Learning Algorithms.” Sustainable Production and Consumption 29:141–57. doi:
  • Alhomdy, Sharaf, Fursan Thabit, Fua’ad Hasan Abdulrazzak, Anandakumar Haldorai, and Sudhir Jagtap. 2021. “The Role of Cloud Computing Technology: A Savior to Fight the Lockdown in COVID 19 Crisis, the Benefits, Characteristics and Applications.” International Journal of Intelligent Networks 2:166–74. doi:
  • Anon. n.d. “COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey - Wikipedia.” Retrieved May 19, 2022a (
  • Anon. n.d. “Ministry of Health.” Retrieved May 19, 2022b (
  • Appian. 2020. “Innovating in a Crisis: How Covid-19 Changed the Way UK Banks Deliver Core Operations.” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Ayvaz, Berk, Ali Osman Kusakci, and Gül T. Temur. 2017. “Energy-Related CO2 Emission Forecast for Turkey and Europe and Eurasia: A Discrete Grey Model Approach.” Grey Systems 7(3):436–52. doi:
  • Borup, Daniel, Bent Jesper Christensen, Nicolaj Nørgaard Mühlbach, and Mikkel Slot Nielsen. 2022. “Targeting Predictors in Random Forest Regression.” International Journal of Forecasting. doi:
  • Breiman, L., J. H. Friedman, R. A. Olshen, and C. J. Stone. 1984. Classification and Regression Trees.
  • Cantekin, Kayahan. 2020. “Turkey: Provincial Bar Associations Sue Government for Prohibiting Large Public Meetings and Elections Because COVID-19 Fears.” Library of Congress.
  • Chen, F. L., and T. Y. Ou. 2011. “Sales Forecasting System Based on Gray Extreme Learning Machine with Taguchi Method in Retail Industry.” Expert Systems with Applications 38(3):1336–45. doi:
  • Chicco, Davide, Matthijs J. Warrens, and Giuseppe Jurman. 2021. “The Coefficient of Determination R-Squared Is More Informative than SMAPE, MAE, MAPE, MSE and RMSE in Regression Analysis Evaluation.” doi:
  • Nihad Karim Chowdhury, Muhammad Ashad Kabir, Md Muhtadir Rahman, and Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam. 2022. “Machine Learning for Detecting COVID-19 from Cough Sounds: An Ensemble-Based MCDM Method.” Computers in Biology and Medicine 145:105405. doi:
  • Consultancy. n.d. “The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Global Consulting Industry.” 2020. Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Ensafi, Yasaman, Saman Hassanzadeh Amin, Guoqing Zhang, and Bharat Shah. 2022. “Time-Series Forecasting of Seasonal Items Sales Using Machine Learning – A Comparative Analysis.” International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2(1):100058. doi:
  • Ghosh, Bobby. 2020. “Turkey’s Late Response to Coronavirus Overshadows Ramadan.” BloombergQuint.
  • Ho, Tin Kam. 1995. “Random Decision Forests.” Pp. 278–82 vol.1 in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. Vol. 1.
  • Ho, Tin Kam. 1998. “The Random Subspace Method for Constructing Decision Forests.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 20(8):832–44. doi:
  • Kandemir, Aslı. 2020. “Turkey Imposing Curfew for People Over Age 65.” Bloomberg.
  • Legendre, Adrien Marie. 1806. Nouvelles Méthodes Pour La Détermination Des Orbites Des Comète.
  • Madhurya, M. J., H. L. Gururaj, B. C. Soundarya, K. P. Vidyashree, and A. B. Rajendra. 2022. “Exploratory Analysis of Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques.” Global Transitions Proceedings. doi: 10.1016/J.GLTP.2022.04.006.
  • Mell, Peter, and Tim Grance. 2017. “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing.” Cloud Computing and Government: Background, Benefits, Risks 267–69. doi:
  • Minasny, Budiman. 2009. “The Elements of Statistical Learning, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tishirani, Jerome Friedman, Second Edition (2009), Springer Series in Statistics, ISBN 0172-7397, 745 Pp.” Geoderma 153(1–2):291. doi: 10.1016/J.GEODERMA.2009.08.001.
  • Mitchell, Tom. 1997. Machine Learning.
  • Mouratidis, Kostas, and Apostolos Papagiannakis. 2021. “COVID-19, Internet, and Mobility: The Rise of Telework, Telehealth, e-Learning, and e-Shopping.” Sustainable Cities and Society 74:103182. doi:
  • Nie, Peng, Michele Roccotelli, Maria Pia Fanti, Zhengfeng Ming, and Zhiwu Li. 2021. “Prediction of Home Energy Consumption Based on Gradient Boosting Regression Tree.” Energy Reports 7:1246–55. doi:
  • Ntasis, Lazaros, Konstantinos Koronios, and Theodoros Pappas. 2021. “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Technology Sector: The Case of TATA Consultancy Services.” Strategic Change 30(2):137–44. doi:
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2021. “OECD | Building a Resilient Recovery: How We Can Emerge Stronger from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” 2022. Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Overseas Security Advisory Council. 2020. “Health Alert: Turkey, New COVID-Related Measures In Effect Starting November 20.” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Rencher, A. C., and W. F. Christensen. 2012. Methods of Multivariate Analysis, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. 19th ed.
  • Rohaan, D., E. Topan, and C. G. M. Groothuis-Oudshoorn. 2022. “Using Supervised Machine Learning for B2B Sales Forecasting: A Case Study of Spare Parts Sales Forecasting at an after-Sales Service Provider.” Expert Systems with Applications 188:115925. doi:
  • Sabah. 2020. “Otomotiv Devi Corona Virüs Yüzüne Üretimi Durdurdu! COVID-19 Nedeniyle Üretimleri Durduran Markalar.” 2020. Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Sabeti, Malihe, Reza Boostani, Ehsan Moradi, and Mohammad Hossein Shakoor. 2022. “Machine Learning-Based Identification of Craniosynostosis in Newborns.” Machine Learning with Applications 8:100292. doi: 10.1016/J.MLWA.2022.100292.
  • Sahin, Yusuf, Serol Bulkan, and Ekrem Duman. 2013. “A Cost-Sensitive Decision Tree Approach for Fraud Detection.” Expert Systems with Applications 40(15):5916–23. doi:
  • ScienceDirect. n.d. “ScienceDirect.Com | Science, Health and Medical Journals, Full Text Articles and Books.” Retrieved May 21, 2022 (
  • Shen, Hui, Farnoosh Namdarpour, and Jane Lin. 2022. “Investigation of Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery Preference before, during, and after COVID-19.” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 14:100580. doi:
  • Statista. 2022. “What Software or Tools Does Your Firm Use for Remote Work?” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Sun, Wei, and Mohan Liu. 2016. “Prediction and Analysis of the Three Major Industries and Residential Consumption CO2 Emissions Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine in China.” Journal of Cleaner Production 122:144–53. doi:
  • T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı. n.d. “Presidential Strategy and Budget Department of Turkish Republic.” Retrieved May 21, 2022 (
  • Taser, Didem, Esra Aydin, Alev Ozer Torgaloz, and Yasin Rofcanin. 2022. “An Examination of Remote E-Working and Flow Experience: The Role of Technostress and Loneliness.” Computers in Human Behavior 127:107020. doi:
  • The Economist. 2020. “What Turkey Got Right about the Pandemic.” The Economist.
  • The UN Refugee Agency. 2021. “Announcements - UNHCR Turkey.” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • WHO. 2022. “WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard | WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard With Vaccination Data.” 2022. Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Worldometers. n.d. “Turkey COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer.” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Yang, Yang, Li Xu, Liangdong Sun, Peng Zhang, and Suzanne S. Farid. 2022. “Machine Learning Application in Personalised Lung Cancer Recurrence and Survivability Prediction.” Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. doi:


Year 2024, Issue: 716, 432 - 461, 03.10.2024


COVID-19 salgını, dünya genelinde benzeri görülmemiş bir etki yaratmıştır; hem ekonomik hem de sosyal açıdan büyük değişimlere neden olmuştur. Bu salgının farklı ülkeler ve endüstriler üzerindeki etkisini anlamak için birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma ise, teknoloji hizmetleri alanında uzmanlaşmış bir danışmanlık firmasının COVID-19'un etkilerini analiz etmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında, şirketin pandemi öncesine ait beş yıllık satış verileri incelenmiş ve bu veriler üzerinden KNIME platformu aracılığıyla makine öğrenimi teknikleri kullanılarak COVID-19 dönemine ilişkin satış verilerinin tahmini amaçlanmıştır. Bu tahminler için üç farklı regresyon modeli (doğrusal, gradyan artırma ve random forest) kullanılmış ve bu modellerin performansı, belirleme katsayılarına (R2) göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Seçilen model daha sonra, COVID-19'un şirket üzerindeki etkilerini yorumlamak için kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları, COVID-19'un danışmanlık şirketini nasıl etkilediğine dair derinlemesine içgörü sağlamaktadır. Seçilen model, salgının şirketin satışları üzerinde önemli bir olumsuz etki yarattığını ve özellikle 2020 yılının ikinci çeyreğinde sert bir düşüş yaşandığını göstermiştir. Ancak, şirket yılın dördüncü çeyreğine doğru kayıplarının bir kısmını telafi etmeyi başarmıştır. Çalışma ayrıca, COVID-19 salgını gibi öngörülemeyen olaylar sırasında gelecekteki satış verilerini tahmin etmek için makine öğrenimi tekniklerinin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Genel olarak, bu çalışma, bir teknoloji danışmanlık şirketi üzerinde COVID-19'un etkilerine dair önemli bilgiler sunmakta ve iş operasyonları üzerindeki etkileri tahmin etmek ve yorumlamak için veri analizi ve makine öğrenimi tekniklerinin değerini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Ağbulut, Ümit. 2022. “Forecasting of Transportation-Related Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions in Turkey with Different Machine Learning Algorithms.” Sustainable Production and Consumption 29:141–57. doi:
  • Alhomdy, Sharaf, Fursan Thabit, Fua’ad Hasan Abdulrazzak, Anandakumar Haldorai, and Sudhir Jagtap. 2021. “The Role of Cloud Computing Technology: A Savior to Fight the Lockdown in COVID 19 Crisis, the Benefits, Characteristics and Applications.” International Journal of Intelligent Networks 2:166–74. doi:
  • Anon. n.d. “COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey - Wikipedia.” Retrieved May 19, 2022a (
  • Anon. n.d. “Ministry of Health.” Retrieved May 19, 2022b (
  • Appian. 2020. “Innovating in a Crisis: How Covid-19 Changed the Way UK Banks Deliver Core Operations.” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Ayvaz, Berk, Ali Osman Kusakci, and Gül T. Temur. 2017. “Energy-Related CO2 Emission Forecast for Turkey and Europe and Eurasia: A Discrete Grey Model Approach.” Grey Systems 7(3):436–52. doi:
  • Borup, Daniel, Bent Jesper Christensen, Nicolaj Nørgaard Mühlbach, and Mikkel Slot Nielsen. 2022. “Targeting Predictors in Random Forest Regression.” International Journal of Forecasting. doi:
  • Breiman, L., J. H. Friedman, R. A. Olshen, and C. J. Stone. 1984. Classification and Regression Trees.
  • Cantekin, Kayahan. 2020. “Turkey: Provincial Bar Associations Sue Government for Prohibiting Large Public Meetings and Elections Because COVID-19 Fears.” Library of Congress.
  • Chen, F. L., and T. Y. Ou. 2011. “Sales Forecasting System Based on Gray Extreme Learning Machine with Taguchi Method in Retail Industry.” Expert Systems with Applications 38(3):1336–45. doi:
  • Chicco, Davide, Matthijs J. Warrens, and Giuseppe Jurman. 2021. “The Coefficient of Determination R-Squared Is More Informative than SMAPE, MAE, MAPE, MSE and RMSE in Regression Analysis Evaluation.” doi:
  • Nihad Karim Chowdhury, Muhammad Ashad Kabir, Md Muhtadir Rahman, and Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam. 2022. “Machine Learning for Detecting COVID-19 from Cough Sounds: An Ensemble-Based MCDM Method.” Computers in Biology and Medicine 145:105405. doi:
  • Consultancy. n.d. “The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Global Consulting Industry.” 2020. Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Ensafi, Yasaman, Saman Hassanzadeh Amin, Guoqing Zhang, and Bharat Shah. 2022. “Time-Series Forecasting of Seasonal Items Sales Using Machine Learning – A Comparative Analysis.” International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2(1):100058. doi:
  • Ghosh, Bobby. 2020. “Turkey’s Late Response to Coronavirus Overshadows Ramadan.” BloombergQuint.
  • Ho, Tin Kam. 1995. “Random Decision Forests.” Pp. 278–82 vol.1 in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. Vol. 1.
  • Ho, Tin Kam. 1998. “The Random Subspace Method for Constructing Decision Forests.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 20(8):832–44. doi:
  • Kandemir, Aslı. 2020. “Turkey Imposing Curfew for People Over Age 65.” Bloomberg.
  • Legendre, Adrien Marie. 1806. Nouvelles Méthodes Pour La Détermination Des Orbites Des Comète.
  • Madhurya, M. J., H. L. Gururaj, B. C. Soundarya, K. P. Vidyashree, and A. B. Rajendra. 2022. “Exploratory Analysis of Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques.” Global Transitions Proceedings. doi: 10.1016/J.GLTP.2022.04.006.
  • Mell, Peter, and Tim Grance. 2017. “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing.” Cloud Computing and Government: Background, Benefits, Risks 267–69. doi:
  • Minasny, Budiman. 2009. “The Elements of Statistical Learning, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tishirani, Jerome Friedman, Second Edition (2009), Springer Series in Statistics, ISBN 0172-7397, 745 Pp.” Geoderma 153(1–2):291. doi: 10.1016/J.GEODERMA.2009.08.001.
  • Mitchell, Tom. 1997. Machine Learning.
  • Mouratidis, Kostas, and Apostolos Papagiannakis. 2021. “COVID-19, Internet, and Mobility: The Rise of Telework, Telehealth, e-Learning, and e-Shopping.” Sustainable Cities and Society 74:103182. doi:
  • Nie, Peng, Michele Roccotelli, Maria Pia Fanti, Zhengfeng Ming, and Zhiwu Li. 2021. “Prediction of Home Energy Consumption Based on Gradient Boosting Regression Tree.” Energy Reports 7:1246–55. doi:
  • Ntasis, Lazaros, Konstantinos Koronios, and Theodoros Pappas. 2021. “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Technology Sector: The Case of TATA Consultancy Services.” Strategic Change 30(2):137–44. doi:
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2021. “OECD | Building a Resilient Recovery: How We Can Emerge Stronger from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” 2022. Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Overseas Security Advisory Council. 2020. “Health Alert: Turkey, New COVID-Related Measures In Effect Starting November 20.” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Rencher, A. C., and W. F. Christensen. 2012. Methods of Multivariate Analysis, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. 19th ed.
  • Rohaan, D., E. Topan, and C. G. M. Groothuis-Oudshoorn. 2022. “Using Supervised Machine Learning for B2B Sales Forecasting: A Case Study of Spare Parts Sales Forecasting at an after-Sales Service Provider.” Expert Systems with Applications 188:115925. doi:
  • Sabah. 2020. “Otomotiv Devi Corona Virüs Yüzüne Üretimi Durdurdu! COVID-19 Nedeniyle Üretimleri Durduran Markalar.” 2020. Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Sabeti, Malihe, Reza Boostani, Ehsan Moradi, and Mohammad Hossein Shakoor. 2022. “Machine Learning-Based Identification of Craniosynostosis in Newborns.” Machine Learning with Applications 8:100292. doi: 10.1016/J.MLWA.2022.100292.
  • Sahin, Yusuf, Serol Bulkan, and Ekrem Duman. 2013. “A Cost-Sensitive Decision Tree Approach for Fraud Detection.” Expert Systems with Applications 40(15):5916–23. doi:
  • ScienceDirect. n.d. “ScienceDirect.Com | Science, Health and Medical Journals, Full Text Articles and Books.” Retrieved May 21, 2022 (
  • Shen, Hui, Farnoosh Namdarpour, and Jane Lin. 2022. “Investigation of Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery Preference before, during, and after COVID-19.” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 14:100580. doi:
  • Statista. 2022. “What Software or Tools Does Your Firm Use for Remote Work?” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Sun, Wei, and Mohan Liu. 2016. “Prediction and Analysis of the Three Major Industries and Residential Consumption CO2 Emissions Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine in China.” Journal of Cleaner Production 122:144–53. doi:
  • T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı. n.d. “Presidential Strategy and Budget Department of Turkish Republic.” Retrieved May 21, 2022 (
  • Taser, Didem, Esra Aydin, Alev Ozer Torgaloz, and Yasin Rofcanin. 2022. “An Examination of Remote E-Working and Flow Experience: The Role of Technostress and Loneliness.” Computers in Human Behavior 127:107020. doi:
  • The Economist. 2020. “What Turkey Got Right about the Pandemic.” The Economist.
  • The UN Refugee Agency. 2021. “Announcements - UNHCR Turkey.” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • WHO. 2022. “WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard | WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard With Vaccination Data.” 2022. Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Worldometers. n.d. “Turkey COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer.” Retrieved May 19, 2022 (
  • Yang, Yang, Li Xu, Liangdong Sun, Peng Zhang, and Suzanne S. Farid. 2022. “Machine Learning Application in Personalised Lung Cancer Recurrence and Survivability Prediction.” Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. doi:
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Eda Gözütok 0000-0001-9389-0564

Ilayda Ulku 0000-0003-0464-7007

Early Pub Date September 25, 2024
Publication Date October 3, 2024
Submission Date September 19, 2023
Acceptance Date April 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 716



Derginin DergiPark'a aktarımı devam ettiğinden arşiv sayılarına adresinden erişebilirsiniz.

ISSN : 1300-3402

E-ISSN : 2667-7520