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Year 2015, , 1 - 25, 07.09.2015


Climate change, changing our world, needs inevitably global cooperation in order to slow down especially CO2 emissions coming from fossil fuel use. Because of global warming, all countries pay for the costs to mitigate the CO2 emissions and bear the burden of adaptation. But, past emissions coming from developed countries, as a source of climate injustice is one of the main barriers before global cooperation at the climate change negotiations. For this reason, it is possible to argue that a global carbon tax,having some advantages, such as tax revenues transferable to developing countries for climate justice, may be an important key to open a gate to reach a global agreement more successful than the Kyoto Protocol in the near future


  • ALBIN, Cecilio , “Getting to Fairness: Negotiations over Global Public Goods ”, Providing Global Public Goods, Managing Globalization içinde (Editörler Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceiçao, Katell Le Goulven ve Ronald U. Mendoza) Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • ALDY, Joseph E., Ley, Eduardo, Parry, Ian, “A Tax-Based Approach to Slowing Global Climate Change“, National Tax Journal, Vol. LXI, No.3, September, 2008, ss. 493-517.
  • ALDY, Joseph E.,Stavins, Robert N., “The Promise and Problems of Pricing Carbon:Theory and Experience“, Journal of Environment & Development, 21 (2) ,2012 , ss.152-180.
  • ANDREW, Brian, “Market Failure, Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation:The Case for a Carbon Tax”, Public Administration and Development, 28, 2008, ss.393-401.
  • ARCE M.,Daniel G., “Asymetric Leadership and International Public Goods”, Public Finance Review, 32, 2004, ss.528-558.
  • AVI-YONAH, Reuven S., Uhlmann, David M., “Combating Global Climate Change: Why a Carbon Tax is a Better Response to Global Warming than Cap and Trade“, Stanford Environmental Law Journal, Vol.28: 3, 2009, ss.3-50.
  • BARRETT, Scott, “Montreal versus Kyoto: International Cooperation and Global Environment”, Global Public Goods, International Cooperation in the 21st Century içinde, (Editörler: Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg ve Marc A.Stern) Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • BARRETT, Scott, “Creating Incentives for Cooperation:Stratejic Choices”, Providing Global Public Goods, Managing Globalization içinde, (Editörler Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceiçao, Katell Le Goulven ve Ronald U. Mendoza) Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • BIERMANN, Frank, “Planetary Boundaries and Earth System Governance: Exploring the links“, Ecological Economics, 81, 2012, ss.4-9
  • BRANDI, Clara ; “Trade and Climate Change: Environmental, Economic and Ethical Perspectives on Border Carbon Adjustments“, Ethics, Policy and Environment, Vol. 16, No.1, 2013, ss.79-93.
  • CANEY, Simon, “Two Kinds of Climate Justice: Avoiding Harm and Sharing Burdens”, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol.22, Number 2, 2014, ss.125- 149.
  • CHASEK, Pamela, Rajamani, Lavanya, “Steps toward Enhanced Parity: Negotiating Capacity and Strategies of Developing Countries”, Providing Global Public Goods- Managing Globalization içinde (Editörler: Inge Kaul,Pedro Concei- çao, Katell Le Goulven ve Ronald U. Mendoza) Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • CIPLET, David, Roberts, J. Timmens, Mizan, Khan, “The Politics of International Climate Adaptation Funding: Justice and Divisions in the Greenhouse”, Global Environmental Politics, 13: 1, February 2013, ss.49-68.
  • DAWSON, Ashley, “Climate Justice: The Emerging Movement against Green Capitalism”, South Atlantic Quarterly, 109: 2, Spring 2010, ss. 313-338.
  • DINAN, Terry M., “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with a Tax or a Cap:Implications for Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness”, National Tax Journal,Vol. LXII,No.3 September, 2009, ss.535-553.
  • ECKERSLEY, Robyn, “The Politics of Carbon Leakage and the Fairness of Border Measures”, Ethics and International Affairs, 24, no: 4, 2010, ss. 367-393.
  • FABRICANT, Nicole ve Hicks, Kathryn, “ Bolivia vs .the Billionaires: Limitations of the Climate Justice Movement” in International Negotiations ”, Nacla Report on the Americas, Spring 2013, ss. 27-31.
  • FIELD, Barry C., Environmental Economics, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1994.
  • HERBER, Bernard P., Raga, Jose T., “An International Carbon Tax to Combat Global Warming: An Economic and Political Analysis of the European Union Proposal”, American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Vol. 54, Issue 3, 1995, ss. 257-268.
  • KINGSTON, Ewan, “Climate Justice and Temporally Remote Emissions”, Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2014, ss. 281-303.
  • MANN, Roberta F., “ The Case for the Carbon Tax: How to overcome Politics and Find Our Green Destiny”, Environmental Law Reporter, 2, 2009 , ss. 10118- 10126.
  • METCALF, Gilbert E., Weisbach, David, “ The Design of A Carbon Tax“, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Vol.33, 2009, ss .499-556.
  • MICHEL David, “Foxes, Hedgehogs, and Greenhouse Governance: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and International Policy-making in a Warming World”, Applied Energy, 86, 2009, ss. 258-264
  • NELSON,Julie A., “Ethics and the Economist: What Climate Change Demands of Us”, Ecological Economics, 85, 2013, ss.145-154.
  • NORDHAUS, William D., “The Architecture of Climate Economics: Designing a Global Agreement on Global Warming”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 67 (1), 2011, ss. 9-18.
  • OKEREKE, Chukwumerije, “Equity Norms in Global Environmental Governance” , Global Environmental Politics, 8:3, August 2008, ss. 25-50.
  • OTT, Konrad, “Domains of Climate Ethics”, Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik, Vol.16, Issue 1, 2012, ss. 95-114.
  • RAO, J. Mohan, “Equity in A Global Public Goods Framework”, Global Public Goo-ds, International Cooperation in the 21st Century içinde (Editörler: Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg ve Marc A. Stern) Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • SANDLER,Todd, “Global and Regional Public Goods:A Prognosis for Collective Action”, Fiscal Studies,Vol.19, No.3, 1998, ss. 221-247.
  • SANDLER, Todd, “Assessing the Optimal Provision of Public Goods: in Search of the Holy Grail”, Providing Global Public Goods, Managing Globalization içinde (Editörler Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceiçao, Katell Le Goulven ve Ronald U. Mendoza ) Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • VAN VUUREN, Detlef P., den Elzen, Michel G.J., van Vliet, Jasper,Kram, Tom, Lucas Paul, Isaac, Morna, “Comparison of Different Climate Regimes: The Impact of Broadening Participation”, Energy Policy, 37, 2009, ss. 5351-5362.
  • WEISS,Thomas G., Burke, Martin J., “Legitimacy, Identity and Climate Change: Moving from International to World Society?”, Third World Quarterly, Vol.32, No.6, 2011, ss. 1057-1072


Year 2015, , 1 - 25, 07.09.2015


Dünyamızı etkileyen iklim değişikliği, özellikle fosil yakıt kullanımından kaynaklanan CO2 salımını yavaşlatabilmek amacıyla, kaçınılmaz olarak küresel işbirliği ihtiyacını ortaya koymaktadır. Tüm ülkelerin CO2 salımının azaltılması ile küresel ısınmaya uyum maliyetlerine katlanması gerekmektedir. Ancak, iklim değişikliğine ilişkin müzakerelerde, gelişmiş ülkeler tarafından geçmişte salınan gazlar, ülkeler arasındaki adaletsizliğin kaynağı olarak, küresel işbirliğinin önündeki önemli engellerden birisini oluşturmaktadır. Bu nedenle, sağlayacağı hasılatın adaletin sağlanabilmesi amacıyla gelişmekte olan ülkelere aktarılabilmesi gibi avantajları sayesinde, küresel çapta uygulanacak karbon vergisinin yakın gelecekte Kyoto Protokolü’nden daha başarılı bir küresel anlaşmaya varılabilmesi bakımından önemli bir araç olabi- leceğini ileri sürmek mümkündür.


  • ALBIN, Cecilio , “Getting to Fairness: Negotiations over Global Public Goods ”, Providing Global Public Goods, Managing Globalization içinde (Editörler Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceiçao, Katell Le Goulven ve Ronald U. Mendoza) Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • ALDY, Joseph E., Ley, Eduardo, Parry, Ian, “A Tax-Based Approach to Slowing Global Climate Change“, National Tax Journal, Vol. LXI, No.3, September, 2008, ss. 493-517.
  • ALDY, Joseph E.,Stavins, Robert N., “The Promise and Problems of Pricing Carbon:Theory and Experience“, Journal of Environment & Development, 21 (2) ,2012 , ss.152-180.
  • ANDREW, Brian, “Market Failure, Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation:The Case for a Carbon Tax”, Public Administration and Development, 28, 2008, ss.393-401.
  • ARCE M.,Daniel G., “Asymetric Leadership and International Public Goods”, Public Finance Review, 32, 2004, ss.528-558.
  • AVI-YONAH, Reuven S., Uhlmann, David M., “Combating Global Climate Change: Why a Carbon Tax is a Better Response to Global Warming than Cap and Trade“, Stanford Environmental Law Journal, Vol.28: 3, 2009, ss.3-50.
  • BARRETT, Scott, “Montreal versus Kyoto: International Cooperation and Global Environment”, Global Public Goods, International Cooperation in the 21st Century içinde, (Editörler: Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg ve Marc A.Stern) Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • BARRETT, Scott, “Creating Incentives for Cooperation:Stratejic Choices”, Providing Global Public Goods, Managing Globalization içinde, (Editörler Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceiçao, Katell Le Goulven ve Ronald U. Mendoza) Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • BIERMANN, Frank, “Planetary Boundaries and Earth System Governance: Exploring the links“, Ecological Economics, 81, 2012, ss.4-9
  • BRANDI, Clara ; “Trade and Climate Change: Environmental, Economic and Ethical Perspectives on Border Carbon Adjustments“, Ethics, Policy and Environment, Vol. 16, No.1, 2013, ss.79-93.
  • CANEY, Simon, “Two Kinds of Climate Justice: Avoiding Harm and Sharing Burdens”, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol.22, Number 2, 2014, ss.125- 149.
  • CHASEK, Pamela, Rajamani, Lavanya, “Steps toward Enhanced Parity: Negotiating Capacity and Strategies of Developing Countries”, Providing Global Public Goods- Managing Globalization içinde (Editörler: Inge Kaul,Pedro Concei- çao, Katell Le Goulven ve Ronald U. Mendoza) Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • CIPLET, David, Roberts, J. Timmens, Mizan, Khan, “The Politics of International Climate Adaptation Funding: Justice and Divisions in the Greenhouse”, Global Environmental Politics, 13: 1, February 2013, ss.49-68.
  • DAWSON, Ashley, “Climate Justice: The Emerging Movement against Green Capitalism”, South Atlantic Quarterly, 109: 2, Spring 2010, ss. 313-338.
  • DINAN, Terry M., “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with a Tax or a Cap:Implications for Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness”, National Tax Journal,Vol. LXII,No.3 September, 2009, ss.535-553.
  • ECKERSLEY, Robyn, “The Politics of Carbon Leakage and the Fairness of Border Measures”, Ethics and International Affairs, 24, no: 4, 2010, ss. 367-393.
  • FABRICANT, Nicole ve Hicks, Kathryn, “ Bolivia vs .the Billionaires: Limitations of the Climate Justice Movement” in International Negotiations ”, Nacla Report on the Americas, Spring 2013, ss. 27-31.
  • FIELD, Barry C., Environmental Economics, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1994.
  • HERBER, Bernard P., Raga, Jose T., “An International Carbon Tax to Combat Global Warming: An Economic and Political Analysis of the European Union Proposal”, American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Vol. 54, Issue 3, 1995, ss. 257-268.
  • KINGSTON, Ewan, “Climate Justice and Temporally Remote Emissions”, Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2014, ss. 281-303.
  • MANN, Roberta F., “ The Case for the Carbon Tax: How to overcome Politics and Find Our Green Destiny”, Environmental Law Reporter, 2, 2009 , ss. 10118- 10126.
  • METCALF, Gilbert E., Weisbach, David, “ The Design of A Carbon Tax“, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Vol.33, 2009, ss .499-556.
  • MICHEL David, “Foxes, Hedgehogs, and Greenhouse Governance: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and International Policy-making in a Warming World”, Applied Energy, 86, 2009, ss. 258-264
  • NELSON,Julie A., “Ethics and the Economist: What Climate Change Demands of Us”, Ecological Economics, 85, 2013, ss.145-154.
  • NORDHAUS, William D., “The Architecture of Climate Economics: Designing a Global Agreement on Global Warming”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 67 (1), 2011, ss. 9-18.
  • OKEREKE, Chukwumerije, “Equity Norms in Global Environmental Governance” , Global Environmental Politics, 8:3, August 2008, ss. 25-50.
  • OTT, Konrad, “Domains of Climate Ethics”, Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik, Vol.16, Issue 1, 2012, ss. 95-114.
  • RAO, J. Mohan, “Equity in A Global Public Goods Framework”, Global Public Goo-ds, International Cooperation in the 21st Century içinde (Editörler: Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg ve Marc A. Stern) Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • SANDLER,Todd, “Global and Regional Public Goods:A Prognosis for Collective Action”, Fiscal Studies,Vol.19, No.3, 1998, ss. 221-247.
  • SANDLER, Todd, “Assessing the Optimal Provision of Public Goods: in Search of the Holy Grail”, Providing Global Public Goods, Managing Globalization içinde (Editörler Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceiçao, Katell Le Goulven ve Ronald U. Mendoza ) Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • VAN VUUREN, Detlef P., den Elzen, Michel G.J., van Vliet, Jasper,Kram, Tom, Lucas Paul, Isaac, Morna, “Comparison of Different Climate Regimes: The Impact of Broadening Participation”, Energy Policy, 37, 2009, ss. 5351-5362.
  • WEISS,Thomas G., Burke, Martin J., “Legitimacy, Identity and Climate Change: Moving from International to World Society?”, Third World Quarterly, Vol.32, No.6, 2011, ss. 1057-1072
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Şahin Akkaya

Publication Date September 7, 2015
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Akkaya, Ş. (2015). KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 37(1), 1-25.
AMA Akkaya Ş. KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. September 2015;37(1):1-25. doi:10.14780/iibd.98329
Chicago Akkaya, Şahin. “KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 37, no. 1 (September 2015): 1-25.
EndNote Akkaya Ş (September 1, 2015) KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 37 1 1–25.
IEEE Ş. Akkaya, “KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ”, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 1–25, 2015, doi: 10.14780/iibd.98329.
ISNAD Akkaya, Şahin. “KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 37/1 (September 2015), 1-25.
JAMA Akkaya Ş. KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 2015;37:1–25.
MLA Akkaya, Şahin. “KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 37, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-25, doi:10.14780/iibd.98329.
Vancouver Akkaya Ş. KÜRESEL İŞBİRLİĞİ SORUNU VE KÜRESEL KARBON VERGİSİ. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 2015;37(1):1-25.