
COVID-19 Special Issue Call for Papers

The new coronavirus disease, known as COVID-19, started in Wuhan, China at the end of December, and spread from person to person and was declared an epidemic (pandemic) by the World Health Organization. An epidemic that has had such a global impact in human history has not been experienced before. COVID-19 has been deeply influenced by its political, social, economic and political order all over the world, and inevitably affected the family, the building block of society. Along with the epidemic, law, literature, art, media, education, technology, security, religion, politics, economy, family, etc. Changes are also inevitable in areas. As Marmara University Journal of Women and Gender Studies, we aim to publish the COVID-19 Special Issue in terms of contributing to the field. We expect your original articles for this issue, which is open to all fields of social and humanities. We aim to increase our number in 2020. We present to your information.
