Research Article
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Collective Violence, Trauma, and Memory: Tracing ‘State Survival Discourse’ in Early Republican Turkey

Year 2024, Volume: 48 Issue: 3, 553 - 581, 27.09.2024



  • Adisonmez U C (2019). When Conflict Traumas Fragment: Investigating the Sociopsychological Roots of Turkey’s Intractable Conflict.   Political Psychology, 40(6), 1373-1390.
  • Adisonmez U C ve Onursal R (2020). Governing Anxiety, Trauma and Crisis: The Political Discourse on Ontological (In)security after the July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey. Middle East Critique, 29 (3), 291-306.
  • Adisonmez U C ve Onursal R (2022). “Strong, but Anxious State”: The Fantasmatic Narratives on Ontological Insecurity and Anxiety in Turkey. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 19 (73), 65-79.
  • Ahmad F (1977). The Turkish Experiment in Democracy, 1950-1975, Londra: C Hurst & Co Publishers.
  • Ahmad F (1993). The Making of Modern Turkey. Londra: Routledge.
  • Akçam T (1995). Hızla Türkleşiyoruz.   Birikim Dergisi, 71-72, 17-30.
  • Akçam T (2019) Ermenilerin Zorla Müslümanlaştırılması: Sessizlik, İnkar ve Asimilasyon: Sessizlik, İnkâr ve Asimilasyon. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Akçam T (2002). Türk ulusal kimliği üzerine bazı tezler. Modern Türkiye’de Siyasî Düşünce: Milliyetçilik, 4, 53-62.
  • Akdeniz E ve Göker E (2011). The Historical “Stickiness” of Nationalism Inside Turkey’s Political Field. Turkish Studies, 12(3), 309–340.
  • Al S (2019). Patterns of Nationhood and Saving the State in Turkey: Ottomanism, Nationalism and Multiculturalism. New York: Routledge.
  • Al S (2021). Kurdish Self-Determination, Turkish Anxiety: The Making of the Republican Raison D’état. Nubihar Akademi, 4 (16), 169-185.
  • Al S (2023). ‘Turkey and the Middle East: From Defensive-Pragmatic Engagement to Offensive-Ideological Interventionism’. İçinde: A Özerdem ve A E Öztürk (der), A Companion to Modern Turkey’s Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations since 1923, Edinburgh University Press, 393–404.
  • ATAM (2023). Türk Ordusu ve Türk Askeri. 27 Haziran. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Atatürk’ün Söylev ve Demeçleri I-III (1989). Ankara: Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu.
  • Atmaca M (2019). Resistance to centralisation in the Ottoman periphery: the Kurdish Baban and Bohtan emirates. Middle Eastern Studies, 55 (4), 519–539.
  • Arakon M (2014). Kurds at the Transition from Empire to Republic. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 13(1), 139–148.
  • Arışan M (2016). Eternal Sunshine of an Obscure Mind: World War I, the Imperial Collapse, and Trauma Management in the New Turkish Republic. İçinde: Yavuz H ve Ahmad F (der), War & Collapse. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 1217-1239.
  • Atatürk M K (1927). Nutuk. Ankara: Türk Tayyare Cemiyeti.
  • Aydın S (2009). Amacımız Devlet Bekası. İstanbul: TESEV.
  • Aykan M B (1993). The Palestinian question in Turkish foreign policy from the 1950s to the 1990s. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 25 (1), 91-110.
  • Avedian V (2012). State Identity, Continuity, and Responsibility: The Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey and the Armenian Genocide. European Journal of International Law, 23 (3), 797–820.
  • Badie B ve Birnbaum P (1983). The Sociology of the State. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Bali R N (2015). Bir Türkleştirme Serüveni 1923-1945: Cumhuriyet Yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Barkey K (1997). Thinking about Consequences of Empire. İçinde: Barkey K ve Hagen M v (der), After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building. Boulder: Westview, 99–114.
  • Burbank J ve Cooper F (2010). Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press.
  • Çağlayan E (2014). Cumhuriyet’in Diyarbakır’da Kimlik İnşası (1923-1950). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Çelik A B (2010). Turkey: The Kurdish Question and the Coercive State. İçinde: T Paffenholz (der), Civil Society and Peacebuilding: Concepts, Cases, Lessons, Boulder: Lynne Reiner, 153–179.
  • Çınar A ve Taş H (2017). Politics of Nationhood and the Displacement of the Founding Moment: Contending Histories of the Turkish Nation. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 59 (3), 657-689.
  • Dündar F (2021). Hicret, Dîn ü Devlet: Osmanlı Göç Politikası (1856-1908). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Elphinston W G (1946). The Kurdish Question.   International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) 22 (1), 91-103.
  • Giddens A (1991). Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Glyptis L (2008). Living up to the Father: The National Identity Prescriptions of Remembering Atatürk; His Homes, His Grave, His Temple. National Identities, 4, 353-372.
  • Göçek F M (2011). The Transformation of Turkey: Redefining State and Society from the Ottoman Empire to the Modern Era. Londra: I.B. Tauris.
  • Gülalp H (1994). Capitalism and the Modern Nation-State: Rethinking the Creation of the Turkish Republic. Journal of Historical Sociology, 7 (2), 155–176.
  • Harding C ve Lim C L (1999). The significance of Westphalia: an archaeology of the international legal order. İçinde: Harding C ve Lim C L (der), Renegotiating Westphalia, (1-23). Hague: Brill Nijhoff.
  • Heper M (1976). Political Modernization as Reflected in Bureaucratic Change: The Turkish Bureauracy. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 7 (4), 507-521.
  • Heper M (1985). Türkiye’de devlet geleneği. Ankara: Doğu Batı.
  • Heyd U (1973). Studies in Old Ottoman Criminal Law. İçinde: Menage V L (der), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • İnalcik H (1998). Turkey Between Europe and the Middle East. Perceptions, 3 (1), 1-7.
  • Innes A ve Steele B (2013). Memory, Trauma and Ontological Security. İçinde: Resende E ve Budryte D (der), Memory and Trauma in International Relations. London: Routledge, 15–30.
  • Kayalı H (2023) Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918. Berkeley: Univ of California Press.
  • Keyder C (1997). The Ottoman Empire. İçinde: Barkey K ve Hagen M V (der), After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building. Boulder: Westview, 30–45.
  • Kinnvall C (2004) Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security. Political Psychology, 25, 741-767.
  • Kinnvall C (2017). Feeling ontologically (in)secure: States, traumas and the governing of gendered space. Cooperation and Conflict, 52 (1), 90–108.
  • Kinnvall C ve Mitzen J (2017). An introduction to the special issue: Ontological securities in world politics.   Cooperation and Conflict, 52 (1), 3-11.
  • Kurt Ü ve Gürpınar D (2015). The Balkan Wars and the Rise of the Reactionary Modernist Utopia in Young Turk Thought and the Journal Türk Yurdu [Turkish Homeland]. Nations and Nationalism, 21 (2), 348-368.
  • Mango A (1999). Atatüürk and the Kurds. Middle Eastern Studies, 35, 1–25.
  • Massicard E (2009). The Repression of the Koçgiri Rebellion, 1920-1921. Online Encyclopedia of Mass. Violence. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Mitzen J ve Larson K (22.08.2017). Ontological Security and Foreign Policy.;jsessionid=E9E51DF269FF9BC2C072ABAA69602E71. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Olson R (1991). Five stages of Kurdish nationalism: 1880–1980. Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Journal, 12 (2), 391-409.
  • Putterman E (2010). Rousseau, Law and the Sovereignty of the People. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rumelili B (2015). Identity and Desecuritization: The Pitfalls of Conflating Ontological and Physical Security. Journal of International Relations and Development, 18 (1), 52-74.
  • Rumelili B ve Adısonmez U C (2020). Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik-Güvenlik İlişkisine Dair Yeni Bir Paradigma: Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 17 (66), 23-39.
  • Sagan C (03.08.2013). Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Sasley B (2013). Remembering and forgetting in Turkish identity and policymaking. İçinde: Resende E ve Budryte D (der), Memory and Trauma in International Relations. Londra: Routledge, 154–168.
  • Şirin F S (2013). The Traumatic Legacy of the Balkan Wars for Turkish Intellectuals. İçinde: Yavuz M H ve Blumi (der), War & Nationalism. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 679-703.
  • Smith A (1991). National Identity. Nevada: University of Nevada Press.
  • Sohrabi N (2018). Reluctant Nationalists, Imperial Nation-State, and Neo-Ottomanism: Turks, Albanians, and the Antinomies of the End of Empire.   Social Science History, 42 (4), 835-870.
  • Steele B J (2008). Ontological Security in International Relations: Self-Identity and the IR State, Londra: Routledge.
  • Tilly C (1975). Reflections on the History of European State-Making. İçinde: Tilly C (der), The Formation of National States in Western Europe, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 3-84.
  • Tilly C (1997). How Empires End. İçinde: Barkey K ve Hagen M V (der), After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building. Boulder: Westview, 1–12.
  • Tekeli İ ve İlkin S (1980). Kurtuluş Savaşı’nda Talat Paşa ile  Mustafa Kemal’in Mektuplaşmaları. Belleten, (174), 301–345.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı (2022). Turkey’s Perspectives and Policies on Security Issues. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Varvin S (2003). Trauma and its after-effects. İçinde: Varvin S ve Volkan V D. Violence or Dialogue? Psychoanalytic Insights on Terror and Terrorism. Londra: IPA, 206–217.
  • Volkan V D (1997). Bloodlines: From Ethnic Pride to Ethnic Terrorism. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  • Volkan V D ve Itzkowitz N (2000). Modern Greek and Turkish identities and the psychodynamics of Greek–Turkish Relations. İçinde: Suárez-Orozco, M M ve Robben A C G M (der), Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 227–247.
  • Worringer R (2004). ‘Sick Man of Europe’ or ‘Japan of the near East’?: Constructing Ottoman Modernity in the Hamidian and Young Turk Eras. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 36 (2), 207–230.
  • Yavuz M H (2013). Warfare and Nationalism. İçinde: Yavuz M H ve Blumi I (der), War & Nationalism. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 31-84.
  • Yeğen M (2009). “Prospective-Turks” or” Pseudo-Citizens:” Kurds in Turkey.   The Middle East Journal, 63 (4), 597-615.
  • Yeğen M (2017). Turkish nationhood: Civic and ancestral and cultural. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 23 (3), 318-339.
  • Yeğen M (2022). Ethnopolitics to geopolitics: the Turkish State and the Kurdish question since 2015. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 50 (4), 943-961.
  • Yumlu O (2024). Spring 1923: Turkey’s failed constitutional moment. Middle Eastern Studies, 1–19.
  • Zürcher E J (2014). The Young Turk Legacy and Nation Building: From the Ottoman Empire to Atatürk’s Turkey. Londra: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek

Year 2024, Volume: 48 Issue: 3, 553 - 581, 27.09.2024


21. yüzyıl Türkiyesi’nde hem amaç hem de araç olarak kullanılan, toplumsal, siyasal ve kültürel yaşamın her alanına etki eden ‘devlet bekası’ kavramı (ya da ‘beka söylemi’) Cumhuriyet tarihinde süreklilik gösteren en temel iktidar retoriklerinin başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışma, yakın dönem Türkiye siyasi ve toplumsal hayatını oldukça ilgilendiren devlet bekası kavramının sosyo-psikolojik arka planına ışık tutmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda devlet bekası kavramının fiziksel ve ontolojik yapı taşlarının Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndan miras kaldığı öne sürülmektedir. Bununla beraber Osmanlı’nın çöküş döneminde yaşanan kitlesel şiddet, tarihsel korku ve travmaların, genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde devlet bekası anlayışının çok daha sert bir biçimde yeniden kurgulanmasına neden olduğu iddia edilmektedir. Bu noktadan hareket eden çalışma iki temel saptamaya varmaktadır: Birincisi, Türkiye’de beka, yani ‘devletin hayatta kalma’ yaklaşımı, kendini yeniden üreten kolektif endişe, korku ve umutsuzluklar karşısında kronik bir ‘güvensizlik kompleksine’ dönüşmüştür. Bu bağlamda beka söylemi bir güvenlik arayışından ziyade hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik olarak güvensizliğin dışa vurumunu simgelemektedir. İkinci olarak da devlet bekası kavramı tarihsel süreç içinde devletin ‘hâkim siyasi yol haritası’ olmaya doğru evrilmiştir ve toplumsal anlamda rıza üretme araçlarının en temel söylemi haline gelmiştir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında toplumun kolektif hafızası kahir ekseriyetiyle ‘demokratikleşme’ veya ‘özgürlükler’ olgularından ziyade ‘güvenlik’ ve ‘endişe’ olguları üzerinden devlet eliyle şekillendirilmiştir. Bu makale beka söylemini hem kavramsal hem de tarihsel olarak inceleyecek ve Osmanlı son dönemi, erken Cumhuriyet ve kısmen de günümüz Türkiyesi arasındaki sürekliliği ortaya koyacaktır. Bu bağlantıların ışığında makale, bekayı siyasi rejimlerin ana hatlarını belirleyen ve rejimler arası geçişte köprü niteliği taşıyan ‘organik bir kara kutu’ olarak tasvir edecektir. Öyle ki Türkiye siyasetindeki beka kodları, tarih boyunca çeşitli güç merkezleri tarafından araçsallaştırılarak adeta sömürülmüş ve zaman içinde ülkenin demokratik gelişimini engelleyen yapısal bir soruna dönüşmüştür. Söylem analizi ve tarihsel analiz yöntemlerini harmanlayan makale, beka söyleminin evrimini incelerken 1806-1812 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’na kadar geriye gidiyor ve bu savaşla birlikte başlayan şiddet sarmalının izini sürüyor.


  • Adisonmez U C (2019). When Conflict Traumas Fragment: Investigating the Sociopsychological Roots of Turkey’s Intractable Conflict.   Political Psychology, 40(6), 1373-1390.
  • Adisonmez U C ve Onursal R (2020). Governing Anxiety, Trauma and Crisis: The Political Discourse on Ontological (In)security after the July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey. Middle East Critique, 29 (3), 291-306.
  • Adisonmez U C ve Onursal R (2022). “Strong, but Anxious State”: The Fantasmatic Narratives on Ontological Insecurity and Anxiety in Turkey. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 19 (73), 65-79.
  • Ahmad F (1977). The Turkish Experiment in Democracy, 1950-1975, Londra: C Hurst & Co Publishers.
  • Ahmad F (1993). The Making of Modern Turkey. Londra: Routledge.
  • Akçam T (1995). Hızla Türkleşiyoruz.   Birikim Dergisi, 71-72, 17-30.
  • Akçam T (2019) Ermenilerin Zorla Müslümanlaştırılması: Sessizlik, İnkar ve Asimilasyon: Sessizlik, İnkâr ve Asimilasyon. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Akçam T (2002). Türk ulusal kimliği üzerine bazı tezler. Modern Türkiye’de Siyasî Düşünce: Milliyetçilik, 4, 53-62.
  • Akdeniz E ve Göker E (2011). The Historical “Stickiness” of Nationalism Inside Turkey’s Political Field. Turkish Studies, 12(3), 309–340.
  • Al S (2019). Patterns of Nationhood and Saving the State in Turkey: Ottomanism, Nationalism and Multiculturalism. New York: Routledge.
  • Al S (2021). Kurdish Self-Determination, Turkish Anxiety: The Making of the Republican Raison D’état. Nubihar Akademi, 4 (16), 169-185.
  • Al S (2023). ‘Turkey and the Middle East: From Defensive-Pragmatic Engagement to Offensive-Ideological Interventionism’. İçinde: A Özerdem ve A E Öztürk (der), A Companion to Modern Turkey’s Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations since 1923, Edinburgh University Press, 393–404.
  • ATAM (2023). Türk Ordusu ve Türk Askeri. 27 Haziran. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Atatürk’ün Söylev ve Demeçleri I-III (1989). Ankara: Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu.
  • Atmaca M (2019). Resistance to centralisation in the Ottoman periphery: the Kurdish Baban and Bohtan emirates. Middle Eastern Studies, 55 (4), 519–539.
  • Arakon M (2014). Kurds at the Transition from Empire to Republic. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 13(1), 139–148.
  • Arışan M (2016). Eternal Sunshine of an Obscure Mind: World War I, the Imperial Collapse, and Trauma Management in the New Turkish Republic. İçinde: Yavuz H ve Ahmad F (der), War & Collapse. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 1217-1239.
  • Atatürk M K (1927). Nutuk. Ankara: Türk Tayyare Cemiyeti.
  • Aydın S (2009). Amacımız Devlet Bekası. İstanbul: TESEV.
  • Aykan M B (1993). The Palestinian question in Turkish foreign policy from the 1950s to the 1990s. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 25 (1), 91-110.
  • Avedian V (2012). State Identity, Continuity, and Responsibility: The Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey and the Armenian Genocide. European Journal of International Law, 23 (3), 797–820.
  • Badie B ve Birnbaum P (1983). The Sociology of the State. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Bali R N (2015). Bir Türkleştirme Serüveni 1923-1945: Cumhuriyet Yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Barkey K (1997). Thinking about Consequences of Empire. İçinde: Barkey K ve Hagen M v (der), After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building. Boulder: Westview, 99–114.
  • Burbank J ve Cooper F (2010). Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press.
  • Çağlayan E (2014). Cumhuriyet’in Diyarbakır’da Kimlik İnşası (1923-1950). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Çelik A B (2010). Turkey: The Kurdish Question and the Coercive State. İçinde: T Paffenholz (der), Civil Society and Peacebuilding: Concepts, Cases, Lessons, Boulder: Lynne Reiner, 153–179.
  • Çınar A ve Taş H (2017). Politics of Nationhood and the Displacement of the Founding Moment: Contending Histories of the Turkish Nation. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 59 (3), 657-689.
  • Dündar F (2021). Hicret, Dîn ü Devlet: Osmanlı Göç Politikası (1856-1908). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Elphinston W G (1946). The Kurdish Question.   International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) 22 (1), 91-103.
  • Giddens A (1991). Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Glyptis L (2008). Living up to the Father: The National Identity Prescriptions of Remembering Atatürk; His Homes, His Grave, His Temple. National Identities, 4, 353-372.
  • Göçek F M (2011). The Transformation of Turkey: Redefining State and Society from the Ottoman Empire to the Modern Era. Londra: I.B. Tauris.
  • Gülalp H (1994). Capitalism and the Modern Nation-State: Rethinking the Creation of the Turkish Republic. Journal of Historical Sociology, 7 (2), 155–176.
  • Harding C ve Lim C L (1999). The significance of Westphalia: an archaeology of the international legal order. İçinde: Harding C ve Lim C L (der), Renegotiating Westphalia, (1-23). Hague: Brill Nijhoff.
  • Heper M (1976). Political Modernization as Reflected in Bureaucratic Change: The Turkish Bureauracy. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 7 (4), 507-521.
  • Heper M (1985). Türkiye’de devlet geleneği. Ankara: Doğu Batı.
  • Heyd U (1973). Studies in Old Ottoman Criminal Law. İçinde: Menage V L (der), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • İnalcik H (1998). Turkey Between Europe and the Middle East. Perceptions, 3 (1), 1-7.
  • Innes A ve Steele B (2013). Memory, Trauma and Ontological Security. İçinde: Resende E ve Budryte D (der), Memory and Trauma in International Relations. London: Routledge, 15–30.
  • Kayalı H (2023) Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918. Berkeley: Univ of California Press.
  • Keyder C (1997). The Ottoman Empire. İçinde: Barkey K ve Hagen M V (der), After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building. Boulder: Westview, 30–45.
  • Kinnvall C (2004) Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security. Political Psychology, 25, 741-767.
  • Kinnvall C (2017). Feeling ontologically (in)secure: States, traumas and the governing of gendered space. Cooperation and Conflict, 52 (1), 90–108.
  • Kinnvall C ve Mitzen J (2017). An introduction to the special issue: Ontological securities in world politics.   Cooperation and Conflict, 52 (1), 3-11.
  • Kurt Ü ve Gürpınar D (2015). The Balkan Wars and the Rise of the Reactionary Modernist Utopia in Young Turk Thought and the Journal Türk Yurdu [Turkish Homeland]. Nations and Nationalism, 21 (2), 348-368.
  • Mango A (1999). Atatüürk and the Kurds. Middle Eastern Studies, 35, 1–25.
  • Massicard E (2009). The Repression of the Koçgiri Rebellion, 1920-1921. Online Encyclopedia of Mass. Violence. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Mitzen J ve Larson K (22.08.2017). Ontological Security and Foreign Policy.;jsessionid=E9E51DF269FF9BC2C072ABAA69602E71. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Olson R (1991). Five stages of Kurdish nationalism: 1880–1980. Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Journal, 12 (2), 391-409.
  • Putterman E (2010). Rousseau, Law and the Sovereignty of the People. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rumelili B (2015). Identity and Desecuritization: The Pitfalls of Conflating Ontological and Physical Security. Journal of International Relations and Development, 18 (1), 52-74.
  • Rumelili B ve Adısonmez U C (2020). Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik-Güvenlik İlişkisine Dair Yeni Bir Paradigma: Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 17 (66), 23-39.
  • Sagan C (03.08.2013). Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Sasley B (2013). Remembering and forgetting in Turkish identity and policymaking. İçinde: Resende E ve Budryte D (der), Memory and Trauma in International Relations. Londra: Routledge, 154–168.
  • Şirin F S (2013). The Traumatic Legacy of the Balkan Wars for Turkish Intellectuals. İçinde: Yavuz M H ve Blumi (der), War & Nationalism. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 679-703.
  • Smith A (1991). National Identity. Nevada: University of Nevada Press.
  • Sohrabi N (2018). Reluctant Nationalists, Imperial Nation-State, and Neo-Ottomanism: Turks, Albanians, and the Antinomies of the End of Empire.   Social Science History, 42 (4), 835-870.
  • Steele B J (2008). Ontological Security in International Relations: Self-Identity and the IR State, Londra: Routledge.
  • Tilly C (1975). Reflections on the History of European State-Making. İçinde: Tilly C (der), The Formation of National States in Western Europe, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 3-84.
  • Tilly C (1997). How Empires End. İçinde: Barkey K ve Hagen M V (der), After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building. Boulder: Westview, 1–12.
  • Tekeli İ ve İlkin S (1980). Kurtuluş Savaşı’nda Talat Paşa ile  Mustafa Kemal’in Mektuplaşmaları. Belleten, (174), 301–345.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı (2022). Turkey’s Perspectives and Policies on Security Issues. Son erişim tarihi, 13/08/2024.
  • Varvin S (2003). Trauma and its after-effects. İçinde: Varvin S ve Volkan V D. Violence or Dialogue? Psychoanalytic Insights on Terror and Terrorism. Londra: IPA, 206–217.
  • Volkan V D (1997). Bloodlines: From Ethnic Pride to Ethnic Terrorism. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  • Volkan V D ve Itzkowitz N (2000). Modern Greek and Turkish identities and the psychodynamics of Greek–Turkish Relations. İçinde: Suárez-Orozco, M M ve Robben A C G M (der), Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 227–247.
  • Worringer R (2004). ‘Sick Man of Europe’ or ‘Japan of the near East’?: Constructing Ottoman Modernity in the Hamidian and Young Turk Eras. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 36 (2), 207–230.
  • Yavuz M H (2013). Warfare and Nationalism. İçinde: Yavuz M H ve Blumi I (der), War & Nationalism. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 31-84.
  • Yeğen M (2009). “Prospective-Turks” or” Pseudo-Citizens:” Kurds in Turkey.   The Middle East Journal, 63 (4), 597-615.
  • Yeğen M (2017). Turkish nationhood: Civic and ancestral and cultural. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 23 (3), 318-339.
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There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science (Other)
Journal Section Makale /Articles

Umut Can Adısönmez 0000-0002-8198-4405

Serhun Al 0000-0001-6253-3214

Publication Date September 27, 2024
Submission Date February 16, 2024
Acceptance Date August 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 48 Issue: 3


APA Adısönmez, U. C., & Al, S. (2024). Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek. Mülkiye Dergisi, 48(3), 553-581.
AMA Adısönmez UC, Al S. Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek. Mülkiye Dergisi. September 2024;48(3):553-581. doi:10.25064/mulkiye.1437384
Chicago Adısönmez, Umut Can, and Serhun Al. “Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma Ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek”. Mülkiye Dergisi 48, no. 3 (September 2024): 553-81.
EndNote Adısönmez UC, Al S (September 1, 2024) Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek. Mülkiye Dergisi 48 3 553–581.
IEEE U. C. Adısönmez and S. Al, “Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek”, Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 553–581, 2024, doi: 10.25064/mulkiye.1437384.
ISNAD Adısönmez, Umut Can - Al, Serhun. “Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma Ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek”. Mülkiye Dergisi 48/3 (September 2024), 553-581.
JAMA Adısönmez UC, Al S. Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2024;48:553–581.
MLA Adısönmez, Umut Can and Serhun Al. “Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma Ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek”. Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 48, no. 3, 2024, pp. 553-81, doi:10.25064/mulkiye.1437384.
Vancouver Adısönmez UC, Al S. Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2024;48(3):553-81.
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