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Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī in the Culture of the Volga Tatars: The Phenomenon of the “Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī”

Year 2022, , 124 - 141, 31.12.2022


The name of the Central Asian mystic Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī/Ḥakīm Ata and the literary legacy attributed to him were well-known among the Tatar Muslims of the Volga region in Russia until the middle of the 20th century. A representative of the Yasawiyya tariqat that in the past was widespread among the Tatars, he was venerated as a saint and as an author of many popular poems. The recitation of these texts became a part of ’the book chanting’ /kitap köyläp uqu/ tradition. A special place in this repertoire was taken by the Sufi anthology Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī, which was repeatedly published in Kazan from 1846. Thanks to these editions before the revolution of 1917, this collection could be found in almost every Tatar house. Until almost the middle of the 20th century texts of this book were recited with tunes called Bāḳirg̲h̲ān köe. At present time, this tradition has almost disappeared in the Tatar environment, as is knowledge both about Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī himself and the collection under his name.
The aim of this article is to show the specificity of the perception of the texts ascribed to Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī in Tatar culture and to follow the changes of their interpretation in the Tatar milieu towards the beginning of the 21st century. The study is based on the analysis of little studied textual sources and materials collected in the territory of the Tatarstan Republic on field trips in the 1990-2000s.


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  • Alpay, Günay. (1986) “Ḥakīm Ata.” Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, ed. P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs: pp. 76.
  • Äsame kӧteb. (1901) (The Book Catalogue). Muḥammad Kadīrov kibete. Kazan/Russia: M.Chirkova’s Typo-lythografy.
  • Äsame kӧteb (1913, 1912, 1914). (The Book Catalogue). Bradran Karimovlar kitaphanase. Kazan: Typography of the Trading House of the Karimov Brothers.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī. (1846). Kazan: Rahimjan Sağīd uglī tabğīhanäse.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī. (1858). Kazan: Kokovin tabğīhanäse.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī. (1888, 1891). Kazan: Kazan universitetīnīng tabğīhanäse.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī. 12-18 yӧz Tӧrki-Tatar sha’irläre äsärläre. (2000). [Works of Turkic-Tatar poets of 12th-18th centuries]. Ed. Farid Yakhin. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲on kitobī. (1991). Toskent/Uzbekistan: Yozuvchi.
  • Bartold, V.Vasily. (1964). “Hakim-ata.” Bartold V.V. Работы по отдельным проблемам истории Средней Азии (Works on Problems Concerning History of Central Asia): p. 241. Moscow: Nauka.
  • Bustanov, Alfrid. (2011). “Суфийские легенды по исламизации Сибири” (Sufi Legends on Islamization of Siberia). Тюркологический сборник 2009-2010: pp. 33-78. Moscow Russia: Oriental literature.
  • DeWeese, Devin. (2003). “Ḥakim Atā”. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Retrieved from
  • DeWeese, Devin. (1996). “The Mashā’ikh-i Turk and the Khojagān: Rethinking the Links between the Yasavī and Naqshbandī Sufi Traditions,” Journal of Islamic Studies, 7(2): 180-207.
  • DeWeese, Devin. (2009). “Three Tales from the Central Asian ‘Book of Hakim Ata’.” Tales of God’s Friends. Islamic Hagiography in Translation. Ed. John Renard: pp. 121-135. University of California Press.
  • DeWeese, Devin. (1999). “The Yasavi Order and Persian Hagiography in Seventeenth-Century Central Asia. Alim Shaykh of Aliyabad and his ‘Lamahat min nafahat al-quds’.” The heritage of Sufism, vol. III. Ed. Leonard Lewisohn, David Morgan: pp. 389-414. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.
  • Gali, Muhammad. (1956). “Ghaliaskar Kamal.” Gali, Muhammad. Saylanma äsärlär [Selected works]: pp. 37-54. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Güzel, Abdurrahman. (2008). Süleyman Hakim Ata'nın Bakırgan Kitabı Üzerine Bir İnceleme (A Study on the Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī by Sulaymān Ḥakīm Ata]). Ankara: Öncü K.
  • Hakim Süleyman Ata. (2006). Hikmetler ve kıssalar (Hikmets and ḳiṣṣas). Ed. Dr. Mustafa Sefer. Ankara: OBA Yayınları.
  • Hofman, Henry F. (1969). Turkish Literature: a Bio-bibliographical Survey. 2(1): Section III. Netherlands: University of Utrecht.
  • Husnullin, Kutdus. (2001). Mӧnäjätlär häm bäetlar: küyläp ukuga nigezlängän zhanrlar (Munajats and baits: the genres based on melodic reading). Kazan: Rannur.
  • Ibrahimov, Galimjan. (1987). “Ijtimaghīy, ädäbi häräkätlär tarihīn tiksherüdä marxism īsulī” (The Marxism Method in Studies of Social and Literary Movements) Äsärlär sigez tomda, 5: 349-357. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Iskhakov, Damir. (2002). “Jadidism” Ислам и мусульманская культура в Среднем Поволжье: история и современность (Islam and Muslim Culture in the Middle Volga Region: History and Modernity) pp. 124-132, Kazan: Master Line.
  • Kiṣṣai Hubbi khwāja (The Story of Hubbi khwāja). (1899). Kazan: Typo-litography of the Kazan Imperial University.
  • Köprülü, Mehmed Fuad. (2006). Early Mystics in Turkish Literature. Trans., ed. Gary Leiser and Robert Dankoff. Foreword by Devin DeWeese. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. [Original work published 1918].
  • Kol Shärif häm anīng zamanī (2005). (Kol Sharif and His Time), ed. Marat Siraev. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Makarov, Gennadiy. (2011). Därvishlärneng sӧbhätendä. Bäetlär häm mӧnäjätlär (In the Company of Dervishes. Baits and munajats). Kazan: Tatar publishing house.
  • Malov, Efimiy. (1897). “Ахырзаман китабы”. Мухаммеданское учение о кончине мира (Akhīrzaman kitābī. The Muhammedan Doctrine of the End of the World). Kazan: Typo-litography of the Kazan Imperial University.
  • Matveev, Stefan M. (1895). Мухаммеданский рассказ о Святой Деве Марии (The Muhammedan Story of St. Virgin Mary). Kazan: Typo-litography of the Kazan Imperial University.
  • Nigmetzyanov, Mahmud N. (1984). Татарские народные песни (Tatar Folk Songs). Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Önal, Kaya. (2000). “Eastern Turkish Written Language and Literature Studies II: The İr Hubbı Epıc of Kul Şerıf.” KÖK Journal of Social and Strategical Research, 2(1): 135-185.
  • Rahim, Gali & G. Gaziz. (1923). Tatar ädäbiyatī tarihī. Borīngī däver [History of Tatar Literature. The Ancient Period]. Kazan: State publishing house of Tatarstan.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel [audiorecorder]. (1991). Recitation of Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī by Fariha Zakirova, b.1921, the Smail village, Baltasi district of Tatarstan. [Audio field recordings of music]. July 2, 1991. Amsterdam: Private Collection.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2019). “Traditions of Sufi Dhikr in the Musical-Poetical Culture of Tatar Muslims”. – Musicologist. 3(2): 126-145.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2005). Багышлауга багышлау. Багышлау в контексте культуры народного ислама волжских татар (Baghīshlau – Ritual dedications in the context of the Culture of Folk Islam. The Volga Tatars). Kazan: Iman.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2008). “Категория кэйле китап в музыкально-поэтической культуре татар-мусульман” [The Küyle Kitap Category in the Musical Poetical Culture of Tatar Muslims]. Музыка народов мира: проблемы изучения [World Music: Problems of Studies]. Ed. Violetta Yunusova and A. Kharuto: pp. 129-141. Moscow: Moscow state conservatory.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2017). “Татарский мунаджат: трансформация жанра” (Tatar munajat: transformation of the genre). World Music: Problems of Studies. Ed. Violetta Yunusova and A. Kharuto: pp. 219-234. Moscow: Moscow State Conservatory.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2013). The Yasaviya Legacy in the Culture of Tatar Muslims. IRCICA journal. A Journal on Islamic History and Civilization. I(1): 99-114.
  • Sharifullina, Naila. (1981) “Традиция книжного пения у татар-мишарей Ульяновской области” (The ‘Book Singing’ Tradition of the Mishar Tatars in the Ulyanovsk region). Народная и профессиональная музыка Поволжья и Приуралья (Folk and professional music of the Volga and Ural regions), ed. Chulpan Bahtiyarova: pp. 22-33. Moscow: State musical pedagogical institute named after Gnesins. Seleznyov, Alexander; Seleznyova, Irina; and Belich Igor. (2009) Культ святых в сибирском исламе: специфика универсального (The Cult of Saints in Siberian Islam: the Specificity of the Universal). Moscow: Mardjani Publishing House.
  • Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī. (2008). Литературные памятники (Literary Monuments). 7. Almaty. Retrieved from 27.10.2016
  • Tariqat Yasaviyya i Krym. Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī: dastany i hikmaty (2015). (The Yasaviyya Tariqat and Crimea. Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī: Dastans and Hikmets). (Bakhrevsky, Leonid., Trans). Moscow: State Center of Russian Folklore.
  • Togan, Zaki Validi. (1998). Воспоминания (Memoires), book II. (Yuldabashev, Amir, Trans). Ufa: Kitap.
  • Tukay, Ghabdulla. Äsärlär sigez tomda, 1 tom. (2011) (Works in eight volumes, vol. 1). Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Zaleman, Karl G. “Легенда про Хаким-ата” (Legend about Hakim-ata) (1898) Izvestiya Akademii nauk, 9(2): 105-50.
  • Yasawi, Ahmad, Sulaymon Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī. (2011) Hikmatlar kullieti (Collection of Hikmets). Tashkent: Uzbekistan.
Year 2022, , 124 - 141, 31.12.2022



  • Alpay, Günay. (1986) “Ḥakīm Ata.” Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, ed. P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs: pp. 76.
  • Äsame kӧteb. (1901) (The Book Catalogue). Muḥammad Kadīrov kibete. Kazan/Russia: M.Chirkova’s Typo-lythografy.
  • Äsame kӧteb (1913, 1912, 1914). (The Book Catalogue). Bradran Karimovlar kitaphanase. Kazan: Typography of the Trading House of the Karimov Brothers.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī. (1846). Kazan: Rahimjan Sağīd uglī tabğīhanäse.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī. (1858). Kazan: Kokovin tabğīhanäse.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī. (1888, 1891). Kazan: Kazan universitetīnīng tabğīhanäse.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī. 12-18 yӧz Tӧrki-Tatar sha’irläre äsärläre. (2000). [Works of Turkic-Tatar poets of 12th-18th centuries]. Ed. Farid Yakhin. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Bāḳirg̲h̲on kitobī. (1991). Toskent/Uzbekistan: Yozuvchi.
  • Bartold, V.Vasily. (1964). “Hakim-ata.” Bartold V.V. Работы по отдельным проблемам истории Средней Азии (Works on Problems Concerning History of Central Asia): p. 241. Moscow: Nauka.
  • Bustanov, Alfrid. (2011). “Суфийские легенды по исламизации Сибири” (Sufi Legends on Islamization of Siberia). Тюркологический сборник 2009-2010: pp. 33-78. Moscow Russia: Oriental literature.
  • DeWeese, Devin. (2003). “Ḥakim Atā”. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Retrieved from
  • DeWeese, Devin. (1996). “The Mashā’ikh-i Turk and the Khojagān: Rethinking the Links between the Yasavī and Naqshbandī Sufi Traditions,” Journal of Islamic Studies, 7(2): 180-207.
  • DeWeese, Devin. (2009). “Three Tales from the Central Asian ‘Book of Hakim Ata’.” Tales of God’s Friends. Islamic Hagiography in Translation. Ed. John Renard: pp. 121-135. University of California Press.
  • DeWeese, Devin. (1999). “The Yasavi Order and Persian Hagiography in Seventeenth-Century Central Asia. Alim Shaykh of Aliyabad and his ‘Lamahat min nafahat al-quds’.” The heritage of Sufism, vol. III. Ed. Leonard Lewisohn, David Morgan: pp. 389-414. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.
  • Gali, Muhammad. (1956). “Ghaliaskar Kamal.” Gali, Muhammad. Saylanma äsärlär [Selected works]: pp. 37-54. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Güzel, Abdurrahman. (2008). Süleyman Hakim Ata'nın Bakırgan Kitabı Üzerine Bir İnceleme (A Study on the Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī by Sulaymān Ḥakīm Ata]). Ankara: Öncü K.
  • Hakim Süleyman Ata. (2006). Hikmetler ve kıssalar (Hikmets and ḳiṣṣas). Ed. Dr. Mustafa Sefer. Ankara: OBA Yayınları.
  • Hofman, Henry F. (1969). Turkish Literature: a Bio-bibliographical Survey. 2(1): Section III. Netherlands: University of Utrecht.
  • Husnullin, Kutdus. (2001). Mӧnäjätlär häm bäetlar: küyläp ukuga nigezlängän zhanrlar (Munajats and baits: the genres based on melodic reading). Kazan: Rannur.
  • Ibrahimov, Galimjan. (1987). “Ijtimaghīy, ädäbi häräkätlär tarihīn tiksherüdä marxism īsulī” (The Marxism Method in Studies of Social and Literary Movements) Äsärlär sigez tomda, 5: 349-357. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Iskhakov, Damir. (2002). “Jadidism” Ислам и мусульманская культура в Среднем Поволжье: история и современность (Islam and Muslim Culture in the Middle Volga Region: History and Modernity) pp. 124-132, Kazan: Master Line.
  • Kiṣṣai Hubbi khwāja (The Story of Hubbi khwāja). (1899). Kazan: Typo-litography of the Kazan Imperial University.
  • Köprülü, Mehmed Fuad. (2006). Early Mystics in Turkish Literature. Trans., ed. Gary Leiser and Robert Dankoff. Foreword by Devin DeWeese. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. [Original work published 1918].
  • Kol Shärif häm anīng zamanī (2005). (Kol Sharif and His Time), ed. Marat Siraev. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Makarov, Gennadiy. (2011). Därvishlärneng sӧbhätendä. Bäetlär häm mӧnäjätlär (In the Company of Dervishes. Baits and munajats). Kazan: Tatar publishing house.
  • Malov, Efimiy. (1897). “Ахырзаман китабы”. Мухаммеданское учение о кончине мира (Akhīrzaman kitābī. The Muhammedan Doctrine of the End of the World). Kazan: Typo-litography of the Kazan Imperial University.
  • Matveev, Stefan M. (1895). Мухаммеданский рассказ о Святой Деве Марии (The Muhammedan Story of St. Virgin Mary). Kazan: Typo-litography of the Kazan Imperial University.
  • Nigmetzyanov, Mahmud N. (1984). Татарские народные песни (Tatar Folk Songs). Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Önal, Kaya. (2000). “Eastern Turkish Written Language and Literature Studies II: The İr Hubbı Epıc of Kul Şerıf.” KÖK Journal of Social and Strategical Research, 2(1): 135-185.
  • Rahim, Gali & G. Gaziz. (1923). Tatar ädäbiyatī tarihī. Borīngī däver [History of Tatar Literature. The Ancient Period]. Kazan: State publishing house of Tatarstan.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel [audiorecorder]. (1991). Recitation of Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī by Fariha Zakirova, b.1921, the Smail village, Baltasi district of Tatarstan. [Audio field recordings of music]. July 2, 1991. Amsterdam: Private Collection.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2019). “Traditions of Sufi Dhikr in the Musical-Poetical Culture of Tatar Muslims”. – Musicologist. 3(2): 126-145.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2005). Багышлауга багышлау. Багышлау в контексте культуры народного ислама волжских татар (Baghīshlau – Ritual dedications in the context of the Culture of Folk Islam. The Volga Tatars). Kazan: Iman.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2008). “Категория кэйле китап в музыкально-поэтической культуре татар-мусульман” [The Küyle Kitap Category in the Musical Poetical Culture of Tatar Muslims]. Музыка народов мира: проблемы изучения [World Music: Problems of Studies]. Ed. Violetta Yunusova and A. Kharuto: pp. 129-141. Moscow: Moscow state conservatory.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2017). “Татарский мунаджат: трансформация жанра” (Tatar munajat: transformation of the genre). World Music: Problems of Studies. Ed. Violetta Yunusova and A. Kharuto: pp. 219-234. Moscow: Moscow State Conservatory.
  • Sayfullina, Guzel (2013). The Yasaviya Legacy in the Culture of Tatar Muslims. IRCICA journal. A Journal on Islamic History and Civilization. I(1): 99-114.
  • Sharifullina, Naila. (1981) “Традиция книжного пения у татар-мишарей Ульяновской области” (The ‘Book Singing’ Tradition of the Mishar Tatars in the Ulyanovsk region). Народная и профессиональная музыка Поволжья и Приуралья (Folk and professional music of the Volga and Ural regions), ed. Chulpan Bahtiyarova: pp. 22-33. Moscow: State musical pedagogical institute named after Gnesins. Seleznyov, Alexander; Seleznyova, Irina; and Belich Igor. (2009) Культ святых в сибирском исламе: специфика универсального (The Cult of Saints in Siberian Islam: the Specificity of the Universal). Moscow: Mardjani Publishing House.
  • Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī. (2008). Литературные памятники (Literary Monuments). 7. Almaty. Retrieved from 27.10.2016
  • Tariqat Yasaviyya i Krym. Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī: dastany i hikmaty (2015). (The Yasaviyya Tariqat and Crimea. Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī: Dastans and Hikmets). (Bakhrevsky, Leonid., Trans). Moscow: State Center of Russian Folklore.
  • Togan, Zaki Validi. (1998). Воспоминания (Memoires), book II. (Yuldabashev, Amir, Trans). Ufa: Kitap.
  • Tukay, Ghabdulla. Äsärlär sigez tomda, 1 tom. (2011) (Works in eight volumes, vol. 1). Kazan: Tatar book publishing house.
  • Zaleman, Karl G. “Легенда про Хаким-ата” (Legend about Hakim-ata) (1898) Izvestiya Akademii nauk, 9(2): 105-50.
  • Yasawi, Ahmad, Sulaymon Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī. (2011) Hikmatlar kullieti (Collection of Hikmets). Tashkent: Uzbekistan.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music
Journal Section Articles

Guzel Sayfullına 0000-0001-6606-8604

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Sayfullına, G. (2022). Sulaymān Bāḳirg̲h̲ānī in the Culture of the Volga Tatars: The Phenomenon of the “Bāḳirg̲h̲ān kitābī”. Musicologist, 6(2), 124-141.