Research Article
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Year 2017, , 95 - 140, 30.12.2017



  • Akogiounoglou-Christou, Mitsi. (2014). “A Phenomenological Approach to the Chios’ Island Folk Lament and a Study of the Application of its Elements in Music Therapy with a Child Mourning The Loss of a Parent” Phd Thesis, Ionian University, Corfu: Greece.
  • Alexandru, Tiberiu. (1980). Romanian Folk Music, Bucharest: Musical Publishing House.
  • Alexiou, Margaret. (1974). The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Anastasi, Aaron. (2005). “Adolescent Boy’s use of Emo Music as Their Healing Lament” Journal of Religion and Health. 44(3): 303-319.
  • Androulaki, Maria. (2003). “Συμβολισμός και παραδοσιακή μουσική. Η περίπτωση ενός γαμήλιου τραγουδιού από την περιοχή της Καλαμπάκας” (Symbolism and Traditional music. The Case of a Wedding Song from the Region of Kalambaka). [The 6th Symposium of Studies for the Trikala region, Trikala, 8-10 November 2002 ], Trikalina. 23: 353-373.
  • Auerbach, Susan. (1983-1984). “Song, Lament and Gender: Musical Meaning in a Northern Greek Village” MA Dissertation, University of Washington, Washington: USA.
  • Auerbach, Susan. (1987). “From Singing to Lamenting: Women's Musical Role in a Greek Village.” Women’s Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Ed. Ellen Koskoff: 25-43 New York: Greenwood Press.
  • Baud-Bovy, Samuel. (1984). Essay on the Greek Demotic Song. Nauplia: Peloponnese Folklore Institute.
  • Blake, Fred C. (1978). “Death and Abuse in Chinese Marriage Laments: The Curse of Chinese Brides” Asian Folklore Studies. 37:13-33.
  • Bourke, Angela. (1988). The Irish Traditional Lament and the Grieving Process, Women’s Studies International Forum. 11(4): 287-291.
  • Bowan, Kate. (2013). The Travels of “John Anderson, my jo” Humanities Research. Ed. Wild, Stephen, Corn, Aaron and Martin, Ruth Lee: pp. 57-70. Australia: The Australian National University.
  • Briggs, Charles. (1993). “Personal Sentiments and Polyphonic Voices in Warao Women’s Ritual Wailing: Music and Poetics in a Critical and Collective Discourse” American Anthropologist. 95(4): 929-957.
  • Caraveli, Anna. (1980). “Bridge between Worlds: The Greek Women’s Lament as Communicative Event” The Journal of American Folklore. 93(368):129-157.
  • Caraveli, Anna. (1982). “The Song Beyond the Song. Aesthetics and Social Interaction in Greek Folksong” The Journal of American Folkore. 95(376): 129-158.
  • Danforth, Loring M. (1982). The Death Rituals of Rural Greece. Princeton & New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Danforth, Loring M. (2004). “Metaphors of Mediation in Greek Funeral Laments” Death, Mourning and Burial. A Cross-Cultural Reader. Ed. Robben, Antonius C.G.M.: pp. 156-166, Malden USA, Oxford, Victoria Australia: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • De la Bretèque, Amy Estelle. (2010). La passion du tragique – Parole mélodisées chez les Yézidis d’Arménie. (The passion of the tragic - melodic words among the Yazidis of Armenia).PhD Dissertation, Université de Paris, Paris: France.
  • De la Bretèque, Amy Estelle. (2012). “Voices of Sorrow: Melodized Speech, Laments, and Heroic Narratives among the Yezidis of Armenia” Yearbook for Traditional Music. 44: 129-148.
  • Dellaporte, Hélène. (2008). “Des rituals funéraires à la fête patronale Les miroloyia, lamentations vocales et instrumentales de l’Épire, Grèce” (Funeral rituals at the patronal feast. The miroloyia, vocal and instrumental lamentations of Epirus, Greece) Frontières. 20(2): 55-59.
  • De Martino, Ernesto. (2000). Morte e pianto rituale. Dal lamento funebre antico al pianto di Maria (Death and ritual crying. From the ancient funeral lament to the weeping of Mary) Ed. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino: Storia, filosofia e scienze sociali, Saggi, (Original work published 1958, 1975).
  • Demo, Ondrej. (1981). “Slowakische dialogische Gesange (Antiphonalformen) aus den Norawestkarpaten Bratislava” (Slovak dialogical chants (antiphonal forms) from the Nora Western Carpathians Bratislava). Stratigraphische Probleme der Volksmusik in den Karpaten und auf dem Balkan. Ed. A.Elschekova, Veda: pp. 141-153. Bratislava: Verlag der Slovakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Deutsch, Walter (1975) “Der Jodler in Osterreich”(The Yodeller in Austria). Handbuch des Volksliedes Band II: Historisches und Systematisches- Interethnische Beziehungen-Musikethnologie, Rolf Brednich, Wilhelm, Röhrich, Lutz, Suppan, Wolfgang. Eds. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
  • Elshekova, Alica. (1981) “Vergleichende typologische Analysen der vokalen Mehrstimmigkeit in der Karpaten und auf dem Balkan” (Comparative typological analyzes of vocal polyphony in the Carpathians and the Balkans). Stratigraphische Probleme der Volksmusik in der Karpaten und auf dem Balkan, Ed. A.Elschekova, Veda: pp.159-256. Bratislava: Verlag der Slovakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Fauriel, Claude Charles (1824) Chants populaires de la Grece modern (Popular Songs of Modern Greece) recueillis et publies, avec une traduction francaise, des eclaircissements et des notes, par C. Fauriel (collected and published, with a French translation, clarifications and notes, by C. Fauriel) Ed. Firmin Didot, Paris.
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  • Frazer, Jennifer. (2013). “The Art of Grieving: West Sumatra’s Worst Earthquake in Music Videos” Ethnomusicology Forum. 22(2): 129-159.
  • Gall, Jennifer. (2013). “Laments in Transition: The Irish-Australian Songs of Sally Sloane (1894-1982)” in Humanities Research. Ed. Wild, Stephen, Corn, Aaron and Martin, Ruth Lee: 45-56. Australia: The Australian National University.
  • Gail, Holst-Warhaft. (2016). “A sudden longing: Lamenting the Lost City of Smyrna”. The Fall of Cities in the Mediterranean: Commemoration in Literature, Folk-Song, and Liturgy. Eds. Bachvarova, Mary R. Dutsch, Dorota and Suter, Ann: pp. 252-269. UK: Cambridge University Press.
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  • Gartzonikas, Dimitris. (1971). Ιστορικολαογραφικά σύμμικτα. «Μπουρτζόβλαχοι» οι εξ Αχαιοπελασγών της Πίνδου Νεοέλληνες (History and Folklore. Bourtzovlachoi, the Modern Greeks of Pindos from Achaiopelasgos). Ioannina.
  • Georgescu, Dan Corneliu (1981) “Das "Haulit" im subkarpatischen Oltenien” ("Haulit" in Subcarpathian Oltenia Bucharest) Stratigraphische Probleme der Volksmusik in den Karpathen und auf dem Balkan. Ed. A. Elschekova, Veda: pp. 115-131. Bratislava: Verlag der slovakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Gouk, Penelope. (2000). “Sister disciplines? Music and Medicine in Historical Perspective” Musical Healing in Cultural Contexts, Ed. Gouk, Penelope: pp. 171-196, Aldershot England, Burlington USA: Ashgate.
  • Graham, Laura. (1987). “Three Modes of Shavante Vocal Expression: Wailing, Collective Singing and Political Oratory” Native South American Discourse. Ed. Sherzer, Joel and Urban, Greg: pp. 81-118. Berlin, New York, Mouton: De Gruyter.
  • Gillespie, Kirsty and Hoenigman, Darja. (2013). “Laments and Relational Personhood: Case studies from Duna and Awiakay Societies of Papua New Guinea” Humanities Research. Ed. Wild, Stephen, Corn, Aaron and Martin, Ruth Lee: 97-110. Australia: The Australian National University.
  • Giorgi, Amedeo. (2005). “The Phenomenological Movement and Research in The Human Sciences” Nursing Science Quarterly. 18(1): 75-82.
  • Herzfeld, Michael. (1981). “Performative Categories and Symbols of Passage in Rural Greece” The Journal of American Folklore. 94(371): 44-57.
  • Herzfeld, Michael. (1993). “In the Defiance of Destiny: The Management of Time and Gender at a Cretan Funeral” American Ethnologist. 20(2): 241-255.
  • Kaeppler, Adrienne. (2013). “Chanting Grief, Dancing Memories: Objectifying Hawaiian Laments” Humanities Research. Ed. Wild, Stephen, Corn, Aaron and Martin, Ruth Lee: 71-81. Australia: The Australian National University.
  • Kassis, Kyriakos. (1979). Τα Μοιρολόγια της Μέσα Μάνης (The laments of Inner Mani). Part A. Athens: Unpublished texts and unknown family stories.
  • Kassis, Kyriakos (1980) Τα Μοιρολόγια της Μέσα Μάνης (The laments of Inner Mani) Part B. Athens: Unpublished texts and unknown family stories.
  • Kassis, Kyriakos (1981), Τα Μοιρολόγια της Μέσα Μάνης (The laments of Inner Mani) Part C. Athens: Unpublished texts and unknown family stories.
  • Katsanevaki, Athena (2012) “Traditional Singing: Field Research or a Performing Art? Combining research methods and Teaching methods in one field (an introductory note)” Musical Practices in the Balkans: Ethnomusicological Perspectives. [Proceedings of the International Conference held from November 23 to 25 2011]. Despic, Dejan, Jovanovic, Jelena, Lajic-Mihajlovic, Danka: pp. 149-166. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Institute of Musicology.
  • Katsanevaki, Athena. (2011). “All Our Songs once had been Laments”: The Reformation of lament practices in their Social and Musical Context: Greece as a Case Study” Paper presented at the 41st ICTM World conference in St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada. 17 July 2011.
  • Katsanevaki, Athena. (2009). “Miriologia: Greek Funeral Laments –Results of recent field-research in North-Western Greece” Seminer course given during the series of seminar lectures “Anthropology of Death and Crying in the Balkans” part of the “Albanian Polyphony Project”. University of Halle, Germany. 17 March 2009.
  • Katsanevaki, Athena. (2006). “Structural Changes and Innovation in Music. The Development of the ‘Lofty and Hellenic Style’ of Music in the Ancient World and Music’s Transition in Modern Greece through the Urbanization of Mountain Communities” Paper Presented at the International Musicology Conference Aspects of Hellenism in Music. Athens, Greece. 5-7 May 2006.
  • Katsanevaki, Athena. (2014). Vlach-speaking and Greek-speaking songs of the Northern Pindus mountain-range. A historical-ethnomusicological approach: Their archaism and their relationship with the historical background. Phd Dissertation Aristotle University of Thessaloniki revised and enlarged, Ed. Moschos, Kostas Athens, Greece: IEMA Institute for Music and Acoustics. (Original work, Phd dissertation 1998).
  • Katsanevaki, Athena. (1998). Βλαχόφωνα και Ελληνόφωνα τραγούδια περιοχής Βορείου Πίνδου. Ιστορική- Εθνομουσικολογική προσέγγιση: Ο Αρχαϊσμός τους και η σχέση τους με το Ιστορικό υπόβαθρο (Vlach-speaking and Greek-speaking Songs of the Northern Pindus Area. A Historical-Ethnomusicological Approach. Their Archaism and their Relationship with the Historical Background) Phd Dissertation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki: Greece.
  • Katsanevaki, Athena. (1991). Δημοτικά Τραγούδια Καλλονής Γρεβενών (Folk songs of Kalloni Grevenon), Diploma Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki: Greece.
  • Katsanevaki, Athena- Pistrick, Eckehard (audiorecorders) (2017). Audio-field recording of an Interview, July 2017 Areti, Kalamas region, Greece: Private collection.
  • Kölbl, Marko (2011) “Jafkat: a lament practice and its implications” Paper presented in the 41st ICTM World conference. St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada 17 July 2011.
  • Kondi, Bledar (2012) Death and Ritual Crying: An Anthropological approach to Albanian Funeral Customs. Berlin: Logos Verlag.
  • Kondi, Bledar. (2006) “Gjama” Çështje të Folklorit Shqiptar. 9: 45-112. Laios, Athanasios. (2001). The Tradition of Performing a “Miroloi” (Lament) in the Folk Clarinet of Epirus: Musical Analysis of Selected Recordings. MA Dissertation, City University, London: UK.
  • Lalioti, Vassiliki. (1993). “The Death Songs of Crete”, M.A. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Durham, Durham: England.
  • László, Vikár. (1989). “Mordvinian Laments” Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 31, 1989, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 405-420,
  • Leotsakos, Giorgos (1985) «Αλβανική Μουσική ή ένα λείμμα εγκυκλοπαίδειας που έμεινε αδημοσίευτο» (Albanian Music or an unpublished encyclopaedia topic) Μουσικολογία (Musicology), 1: 23-55.
  • Lolis, Kostas. (2003) Μοιρολόϊ και Σκάρος, (Miroloi and Skaros), Ioannina: Center of Studies on Epirot and Balkan Musical Tradition.(bilingual: Greek-Albanian).
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  • Lysaght, Patricia. (1997). “Caoineadh os Cionn Coirp”: The Lament for the Dead in Ireland” Folklore 108: 65-82.
  • McLaren, Anne. (2000). “The Oral and Ritual Culture of Chinese Women. Bridal lamentations of Nanhui” Asian Folklore Studies. 59: 205-238.
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  • Nyssen, Liesbet (2010) “How to classify the recalled sut lament from musical and extra-musical points of view,” Chatkhan: Istoriya i sovremennost'. Materialy IV International Symposium, 1-4 July 2010. Ed. Tuguzhekova, V. N: pp. 14-20). Abakan.
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  • Pernot, Hubert and de Flem, Paul. (2006). Δημοτικές Μελωδίες από την Χίο- Νέα γραφή απλουστευμένη και διορθωμένη υπο Μάρκου Δραγούμη (Folk melodies from the island of Chios New notation revised and simplified by Markos Dragoumis), Ed. by Markos Dragoumis, Athens: The Friends of the Musical Folklore Archive of Melpo Merlie. Petrovic, Radmila. (n.d.) Grove Dictionary Entry: Yugoslavia II 4: Folk music Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro.
  • Pistrick, Eckehard (2012) Singing Nostalgia-Migration Culture and Creativity in South Albania. PhD. Dissertation. (cotutelle) Paris West University Nanterre and Martin Luther University of Halle, Wittenberg.
  • Plancke, Carine. (2015) “Pain, Rhythm, and Relation: Funerary lament among the Punu of the Congo-Brazzaville”, ICTM Yearbook for Traditional Music. 47: 97-115.
  • Porter, Gerald, (2013), “Grief for the Living: Appropriating the Irish Lament Songs for Songs of Emigration and Exile”. In Humanities Research. Ed. Wild, Stephen, Corn, Aaron and Martin, Ruth Lee: 15-26. Australia: The Australian National University.
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Modern Laments in Northwestern Greece, Their Importance in Social and Musical Life and the “Making” of Oral Tradition

Year 2017, , 95 - 140, 30.12.2017


Having as a starting point a typical phrase
-“all our songs once were laments”- repeated to the researcher during
fieldwork, this study aims to explore the multiple ways in which lament
practices become part of other musical practices in community life or change
their functionalities and how they contribute to music making. Though the
meaning of this typical phrase seems to be inexplicable, nonetheless as a
general feeling it is shared by most of the people in the field. Starting from
the Epirot instrumental ‘moiroloi’, extensive field research reveals that many
vocal practices considered by former researchers to be imitations of
instrumental musical practices, are in fact, definite lament vocal
practices-cries, embodied and reformed in different ways in other musical
contexts and serving in this way different social purposes. Furthermore,
multiple functionalities of lament practices in social life reveal their
transformations into songs and the ways they contribute to music making in oral
tradition while at the same time confirming the flexibility of the border
between lament and song established by previous researchers.


  • Akogiounoglou-Christou, Mitsi. (2014). “A Phenomenological Approach to the Chios’ Island Folk Lament and a Study of the Application of its Elements in Music Therapy with a Child Mourning The Loss of a Parent” Phd Thesis, Ionian University, Corfu: Greece.
  • Alexandru, Tiberiu. (1980). Romanian Folk Music, Bucharest: Musical Publishing House.
  • Alexiou, Margaret. (1974). The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Anastasi, Aaron. (2005). “Adolescent Boy’s use of Emo Music as Their Healing Lament” Journal of Religion and Health. 44(3): 303-319.
  • Androulaki, Maria. (2003). “Συμβολισμός και παραδοσιακή μουσική. Η περίπτωση ενός γαμήλιου τραγουδιού από την περιοχή της Καλαμπάκας” (Symbolism and Traditional music. The Case of a Wedding Song from the Region of Kalambaka). [The 6th Symposium of Studies for the Trikala region, Trikala, 8-10 November 2002 ], Trikalina. 23: 353-373.
  • Auerbach, Susan. (1983-1984). “Song, Lament and Gender: Musical Meaning in a Northern Greek Village” MA Dissertation, University of Washington, Washington: USA.
  • Auerbach, Susan. (1987). “From Singing to Lamenting: Women's Musical Role in a Greek Village.” Women’s Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Ed. Ellen Koskoff: 25-43 New York: Greenwood Press.
  • Baud-Bovy, Samuel. (1984). Essay on the Greek Demotic Song. Nauplia: Peloponnese Folklore Institute.
  • Blake, Fred C. (1978). “Death and Abuse in Chinese Marriage Laments: The Curse of Chinese Brides” Asian Folklore Studies. 37:13-33.
  • Bourke, Angela. (1988). The Irish Traditional Lament and the Grieving Process, Women’s Studies International Forum. 11(4): 287-291.
  • Bowan, Kate. (2013). The Travels of “John Anderson, my jo” Humanities Research. Ed. Wild, Stephen, Corn, Aaron and Martin, Ruth Lee: pp. 57-70. Australia: The Australian National University.
  • Briggs, Charles. (1993). “Personal Sentiments and Polyphonic Voices in Warao Women’s Ritual Wailing: Music and Poetics in a Critical and Collective Discourse” American Anthropologist. 95(4): 929-957.
  • Caraveli, Anna. (1980). “Bridge between Worlds: The Greek Women’s Lament as Communicative Event” The Journal of American Folklore. 93(368):129-157.
  • Caraveli, Anna. (1982). “The Song Beyond the Song. Aesthetics and Social Interaction in Greek Folksong” The Journal of American Folkore. 95(376): 129-158.
  • Danforth, Loring M. (1982). The Death Rituals of Rural Greece. Princeton & New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Danforth, Loring M. (2004). “Metaphors of Mediation in Greek Funeral Laments” Death, Mourning and Burial. A Cross-Cultural Reader. Ed. Robben, Antonius C.G.M.: pp. 156-166, Malden USA, Oxford, Victoria Australia: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • De la Bretèque, Amy Estelle. (2010). La passion du tragique – Parole mélodisées chez les Yézidis d’Arménie. (The passion of the tragic - melodic words among the Yazidis of Armenia).PhD Dissertation, Université de Paris, Paris: France.
  • De la Bretèque, Amy Estelle. (2012). “Voices of Sorrow: Melodized Speech, Laments, and Heroic Narratives among the Yezidis of Armenia” Yearbook for Traditional Music. 44: 129-148.
  • Dellaporte, Hélène. (2008). “Des rituals funéraires à la fête patronale Les miroloyia, lamentations vocales et instrumentales de l’Épire, Grèce” (Funeral rituals at the patronal feast. The miroloyia, vocal and instrumental lamentations of Epirus, Greece) Frontières. 20(2): 55-59.
  • De Martino, Ernesto. (2000). Morte e pianto rituale. Dal lamento funebre antico al pianto di Maria (Death and ritual crying. From the ancient funeral lament to the weeping of Mary) Ed. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino: Storia, filosofia e scienze sociali, Saggi, (Original work published 1958, 1975).
  • Demo, Ondrej. (1981). “Slowakische dialogische Gesange (Antiphonalformen) aus den Norawestkarpaten Bratislava” (Slovak dialogical chants (antiphonal forms) from the Nora Western Carpathians Bratislava). Stratigraphische Probleme der Volksmusik in den Karpaten und auf dem Balkan. Ed. A.Elschekova, Veda: pp. 141-153. Bratislava: Verlag der Slovakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Deutsch, Walter (1975) “Der Jodler in Osterreich”(The Yodeller in Austria). Handbuch des Volksliedes Band II: Historisches und Systematisches- Interethnische Beziehungen-Musikethnologie, Rolf Brednich, Wilhelm, Röhrich, Lutz, Suppan, Wolfgang. Eds. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
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There are 92 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Athena Katsanevakı This is me 0000-0003-4938-4634

Publication Date December 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Katsanevakı, A. (2017). Modern Laments in Northwestern Greece, Their Importance in Social and Musical Life and the “Making” of Oral Tradition. Musicologist, 1(1), 95-140.