Research Article
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Year 2020, , 1 - 33, 30.06.2020



  • Akaslan, Yaşar. (2018). “Türkiye’de Kıraat İlmi Eğitim-Öğretimi.” [The Education of Qur’ān Recitation (Qirā’āt) in Turkey]. Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi. 22(2): 1081-1107.
  • Akdoğu, Onur. (1995). Türk Müziği’nde Türler ve Biçimler [Types and Forms in Turkish Music]. İzmir: Can Ofset.
  • Aksoy, Bülent. (2003). Avrupalı Gezginlerin Gözüyle Osmanlılarda Musiki [Ottoman Music through the Eyes of European Travellers]. İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
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  • Andrews, Walter G; Black, Najaat and Kalpaklı, Mehmet (eds. and trans.) (2006). Ottoman Lyric Poetry: An Anthology. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
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  • Bauman, Richard. (2000). “Language, Identity, Performance.” Pragmatics. 10(1): 1-5.
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  • Daskalov, Roumen; Marinov; Tchavdar. (2013). Entangled Histories of the Balkans. Volume One: National Ideologies and Language Policies. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
  • De Mauro, Tullio. (1991). Storia Linguistica dell’Italia Unita [Linguistic History of Unified Italy]. Roma, Bari: Editori Laterza
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  • Edwards, John. (2009). Language and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ekinci, Mehmet Uğur. (2016). Kevserî Macmû’ası: 18. Yüzyıl Saz Müziği Külliyatı. [The Kesverî Collection: 18th Century Complete Instrumental Works] İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
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  • Ertürk, Nergis. (2011). Grammatology and Literary Modernity in Turkey. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Erol, Ayhan. (2012). “Music, Power and Symbolic Violence: the Turkish State’s Music Policies During the Early Republican Period.” European Journal of Cultural Studies. 15 (1): 35-52.
  • Feldman, Walter. (1990-1991). “Cultural Authority and Authenticity in the Turkish Repertoire.” Asian Music. 22 (1): 73-111.
  • Feldman, Walter. (1996). Music of the Ottoman court. Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung.
  • Ferahfezâ yâhûd Yeni Şarkı [Ferahfezâ or New Song]. (1896-1897). Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul
  • Findley, Carter Vaughn. (1980). Bureaucratic Reform in the Ottoman Empire: The Sublime Porte, 1789-1922. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Fortna, Benjamin. (2011). Learning to Read in the Late Ottoman Empire and the Early Turkish Republic. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Frieson, Elizabeth B. (2000). “Cheap and Easy: the Creation of Consumer Culture in late Ottoman Society.” In Consumption Studies and the History of the Ottoman Empire, 1550-1922: an Introduction, Ed. Donald Quataert: 243-260 New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Frishkopf, Michael. (2013). “Against Ethnomusicology: Language Performance and the Social Impact of Ritual Performance in Islam.” Performing Islam. 2(1): 11-43.
  • Frishkopf, Michael. (2018). “Paralinguistic Ramification of Language Performance in Islamic Ritual.” Yale Journal of Music & Religion. 4(1): 5-27.
  • Gal, Susan. (2011). “Polyglot Nationalism. Alternative Perspectives on Language in 19th Century Hungary.” Langage et Société. 136: 31-54.
  • Gal, Susan. (2015). “Imperial Linguistics and Polyglot Nationalisms in Austria-Hungary: Hunfalvy, Gumplowicz and Schuchardt” Balkanistica. Eds. Donald L. Dyer, Brian A. Joseph and Christina E. Kramer. 28(1): 151-175.
  • Gal, Susan. (2018). “Registers in Circulation: the Social Organization of Interdiscursivity.” Signs and Society. 6(1): 1-24.
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  • Günaydın, Neva. (2018). “Türk Makam Müziği’nde Taksim ve Çalışma Yöntemi Olarak Şarkı Formunun Kullanımı.” [The Use of the Şarkı Form as Taksim and Study Method in Turkish Makam Music]. Master Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul: Turkey.
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  • Hâşim Bey. (1895). Mecbûr Oldum Ben bir Güle. [I Became Bound to a Rose] [Musical Score and Lyrics]. Ma’lûmât. Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul.
  • Holbrook, Victoria Rowe. (1994). The Unreadable Shores of Love: Turkish Modernity and Mystic Romance. Austin: University of Texas Press.
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The Late Ottoman Şarkı and the Interweaving of Registers: Towards an Ideology of Song

Year 2020, , 1 - 33, 30.06.2020


This paper investigates the şarkı song form, composed in the late nineteenth century, discussed with regards to the linguistic registers that characterised the use of Turkish in the same period. It considers the production and circulation of this popular vocal repertoire in relation to reforms in language education and an intense, public conversation about the place of Turkish in a society on the verge of a controversial modernity. My aim has been to suggest new ways of thinking about the role of song in supporting or subverting – and occasionally, both – language practice and efforts at standardisation, as well as considering it in the more general framework of language debate. The material chosen is a small group of songs appeared in the newspaper Ma’lûmât in December 1895. By particularly focusing on the way that various registers interweave in the texts, I have suggested that we look at this repertoire as a reflection of wider linguistic/cultural tensions. While Ottoman-period Turkish has often been regarded as an unreadable, impenetrable language belonging to the elites, the case of the şarkı and its urban, newspaper reading public suggests that we should begin looking at it as a language spectrum encapsulating a multitude of registers, chosen according to the intended meaning and occasion. I propose to consider song in its capacity to maintain affections and authority, as well as providing a tool for self-mapping in history and tradition. In the late Ottoman scenario, this translates into reconsidering notions of cultural and social schisms in favour of a fluidity in both language and music practice, that is manifest in the şarkı text.


  • Akaslan, Yaşar. (2018). “Türkiye’de Kıraat İlmi Eğitim-Öğretimi.” [The Education of Qur’ān Recitation (Qirā’āt) in Turkey]. Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi. 22(2): 1081-1107.
  • Akdoğu, Onur. (1995). Türk Müziği’nde Türler ve Biçimler [Types and Forms in Turkish Music]. İzmir: Can Ofset.
  • Aksoy, Bülent. (2003). Avrupalı Gezginlerin Gözüyle Osmanlılarda Musiki [Ottoman Music through the Eyes of European Travellers]. İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Ali Rıfat Bey. (1895). Hüsn-ı Güftarın Senin Ey Mehlikâ [Oh You, Beautiful as the Moon, the Beauty of Your Speech] [Musical Score and Lyrics]. Ma’lûmât. Aattürk Library Archive, İstanbul.
  • Andrews, Walter G. (1985). Poetry’s Voice, Society’s Song: Ottoman Lyric Poetry. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.
  • Andrews, Walter G; Black, Najaat and Kalpaklı, Mehmet (eds. and trans.) (2006). Ottoman Lyric Poetry: An Anthology. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
  • Ârif Bey. (1895). Deva Yok mu Neden Bimar-ı Aşka [Is There No Remedy, Why, to the Love-Sick?] [Musical Score and Lyrics]. Ma’lûmât. Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul.
  • ‘Âsım, Necîb. (1893). Urâl ve Âltây Lisânları [Ural and Altaic Languages]. İstanbul: Kitâpçı Kasbâr.
  • Bauman, Richard and Sherzer, Joel, ed. (1974). Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bauman, Richard. (2000). “Language, Identity, Performance.” Pragmatics. 10(1): 1-5.
  • Benes, Tuska. (2008). In Babel’s Shadow: Language, Philology, and the Nation in Nineteenth-Century Germany. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Bergeron, Katherine. (2010). Voice Lessons: French Mélodie in the Belle Epoque. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bombaci, Alessio. (1956). Storia della letteratura turca: dall’impero di Mongolia all’odierna Turchia. [History of Turkish Literature: Since the Mongol Empire to Today’s Turkey]. Milano: Nuova Accademia Editrice.
  • Cemîl, Mahmûd. (1893). Şevk-i Dil, Bahâriye Şarkı Mecmuası [Desire of the Heart, Springtime Song Collection] . İstânbûl: Matbaa-yı Safâ ve Enver.
  • Cemîl, Mahmûd. (1894). Şevk-i Dil, Bahâriye Şarkı Mecmuası [Desire of the Heart, Springtime Song Collection]. İstanbul: Âlem Matbaası – Ahmed İhsân ve Şürekâsı.
  • Civan Ağa. (1895). Ey Dil ne Oldun Feryât Edersin [Oh Heart, What Happened, You Cause Despair]. [Musical Score and Lyrics]. Ma’lûmât. Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul.
  • Collins, James and Blot, Richard K. (2003). Literacy and Literacies: Texts, Power and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Daskalov, Roumen; Marinov; Tchavdar. (2013). Entangled Histories of the Balkans. Volume One: National Ideologies and Language Policies. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
  • De Mauro, Tullio. (1991). Storia Linguistica dell’Italia Unita [Linguistic History of Unified Italy]. Roma, Bari: Editori Laterza
  • Duben, Alan; Behar, Cem. (1991). Istanbul Households: Marriage, Family and Fertility 1880-1940. Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Sydney: Cambridge University Press.
  • Edwards, John. (2009). Language and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ekinci, Mehmet Uğur. (2016). Kevserî Macmû’ası: 18. Yüzyıl Saz Müziği Külliyatı. [The Kesverî Collection: 18th Century Complete Instrumental Works] İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Emin Bey. (1895). Bir Gül-ı Ranâye Gönül Bağladım [I Am Attached to a Beautiful Rose] [Musical Score and Lyrics]. Ma’lûmât. Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul.
  • Erdemir, Avni. (1999). Anadolu Sahası Musikişinas Divan Şairleri. [Divan Musician-Poets of the Anatolian Area] Ankara: Türk Sanatı ve Eğitimi Vakfı (TÜSAV) Yayınları: 1
  • Ertürk, Nergis. (2011). Grammatology and Literary Modernity in Turkey. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Erol, Ayhan. (2012). “Music, Power and Symbolic Violence: the Turkish State’s Music Policies During the Early Republican Period.” European Journal of Cultural Studies. 15 (1): 35-52.
  • Feldman, Walter. (1990-1991). “Cultural Authority and Authenticity in the Turkish Repertoire.” Asian Music. 22 (1): 73-111.
  • Feldman, Walter. (1996). Music of the Ottoman court. Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung.
  • Ferahfezâ yâhûd Yeni Şarkı [Ferahfezâ or New Song]. (1896-1897). Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul
  • Findley, Carter Vaughn. (1980). Bureaucratic Reform in the Ottoman Empire: The Sublime Porte, 1789-1922. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Fortna, Benjamin. (2011). Learning to Read in the Late Ottoman Empire and the Early Turkish Republic. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Frieson, Elizabeth B. (2000). “Cheap and Easy: the Creation of Consumer Culture in late Ottoman Society.” In Consumption Studies and the History of the Ottoman Empire, 1550-1922: an Introduction, Ed. Donald Quataert: 243-260 New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Frishkopf, Michael. (2013). “Against Ethnomusicology: Language Performance and the Social Impact of Ritual Performance in Islam.” Performing Islam. 2(1): 11-43.
  • Frishkopf, Michael. (2018). “Paralinguistic Ramification of Language Performance in Islamic Ritual.” Yale Journal of Music & Religion. 4(1): 5-27.
  • Gal, Susan. (2011). “Polyglot Nationalism. Alternative Perspectives on Language in 19th Century Hungary.” Langage et Société. 136: 31-54.
  • Gal, Susan. (2015). “Imperial Linguistics and Polyglot Nationalisms in Austria-Hungary: Hunfalvy, Gumplowicz and Schuchardt” Balkanistica. Eds. Donald L. Dyer, Brian A. Joseph and Christina E. Kramer. 28(1): 151-175.
  • Gal, Susan. (2018). “Registers in Circulation: the Social Organization of Interdiscursivity.” Signs and Society. 6(1): 1-24.
  • Gökalp, Ziya. (2017). Türkçülüğün Esasları [The Principles of Turkism]. İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları. [Original work published in 1923].
  • Günaydın, Neva. (2018). “Türk Makam Müziği’nde Taksim ve Çalışma Yöntemi Olarak Şarkı Formunun Kullanımı.” [The Use of the Şarkı Form as Taksim and Study Method in Turkish Makam Music]. Master Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Hall, Leslie R. (1989). The Turkish fasıl: selected repertoire. PhD thesis. University of Toronto.
  • Hakkı Bey. (1895). Tezyin Ediyor Gülşenî Şebboy ile Sünbül [The Wallflower and Hyacinth Adorn the Rose Garden] [Musical Score and Lyrics]. Ma’lûmât. Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul.
  • Hâşim Bey. (1895). Mecbûr Oldum Ben bir Güle. [I Became Bound to a Rose] [Musical Score and Lyrics]. Ma’lûmât. Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul.
  • Holbrook, Victoria Rowe. (1994). The Unreadable Shores of Love: Turkish Modernity and Mystic Romance. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Hristo Efendi. (1895). Gidelim Göksu’ya bir Âlem-i Âb Eyleyelim. [Let’s go to Göksu and Have a Drinking Party] [Musical Score and Lyrics]. Ma’lûmât. Atatürk Library Archive, İstanbul.
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There are 90 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music
Journal Section Articles

Federica Nardella 0000-0001-5014-0886

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Nardella, F. (2020). The Late Ottoman Şarkı and the Interweaving of Registers: Towards an Ideology of Song. Musicologist, 4(1), 1-33.