Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 93 - 123, 30.06.2023



  • Akgün, Fehmi. (1993). Yıllar Boyunca Tango, (Tango, Through the Years) İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Akşin, Sinan. (2007). Kısa Türkiye Tarihi, (Short History of Turkey) İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Aktaş, Sevim. (2013). “The Urbanization Issue and the Culture of Gecekondus in Turkey” Oriente Moderno, 93(1): 176-187.
  • Ameri, Azardokht. (2006). “Iranian Urban Popular Social Dance and So-called Classical Dance” Dance Research Journal, 38(1-2): 163-179.
  • And, Metin. (1959). Dances of Anatolian Turkey, Brooklyn: Dance Perspectives 3.
  • And, Metin. (1976). A Pictorial History of Turkish Dancing, Ankara: Dost Yayınları
  • Arıcan, Tunca. (2012). “Dance Culture in Turkey: A Case Study in Ankara and Istanbul” International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 43 (1): 209-225
  • Baykurt, Şerif. (1995). Anadolu Kültürleri ve Türk Halk Dansları, (Anatolian Cultures and Turkish Folk Dances) Ankara: Yeni Doğuş Matbaası.
  • Baykurt, Şerif. (1996). Türkiye’de İlk Halk Oyunları Semineri, (First Seminear on Folk Dance in Turkey) İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Belge, Murat. (1983). Tarihten Güncelliğe, (From History to Current) İstanbul: Alan Yayıncılık.
  • Bengi, Derya. (2017). Sazlı Cazlı Sözlük: 70’li Yıllarda Türkiye, (A Dictionary: Turkey in 1970s) İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları
  • Bengi, Derya. (2019). Sazlı Cazlı Sözlük: 80’li Yıllarda Türkiye, (A Dictionary: Turkey in 1980s) İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları
  • Bengi, Derya. (2020). Sazlı Cazlı Sözlük: 50’li Yıllarda Türkiye, (A Dictionary: Turkey in 1950s) İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Beşiroğlu, Şehvar; Girgin, Gonca. (2018). “Entertaintment Spaces, Genres, and Repertories in Ottoman Musical Life” Made in Turkey: Studies in Popular Music, Ed. Ali Cenk Gedik, pp: 35-53, London: Routledge.
  • Çağ, Galip; Ural, Selçuk. (2014). “Türk yunan İlişkilerinin Değiş(e)meyenleri: Yunan Algısında Türk İmgesine Tarhisel Bir Yaklaşım” (The Unchangable Factors in Turkish-Greek relations: A Historical Approach to the Turkish Image in the Greek Perception) International Journal of History, 6(2): 45-52.
  • Demirsipahi, Cemil. (1975). Türk Halk Oyunları, (Turkish Folk Dances) Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Dikmen, Selma. (1955). Tangodan Mamboya Bütün Danslar, (All Dances from Tango to Mambo) Ankara: And Yayınları.
  • Erkal, Güven. (2013). Türkiye Rock Tarihi I, (Rock History of Turkey, I) İstanbul: Esen Kitap.
  • Gence, Hakan. (2021). “Oryantal Didem Kıyafet Sansürü Hakkında Konuştu” (Belly Dancer, Didem Talks About the Censorship on belly dance costumes), Hürriyet, Retrived from
  • Girgin, Gonca. (2015). 9/8 Roman Dansı: Kültür, Kimlik, Dönüşüm ve Yeniden İnşa, (9/8 Romani Dance: Culture, Identity, Transformation and Reconstruction) İstanbul: Kolektif Kitap.
  • Kahraman, Hasan Bülent. (1999). “Türkiye’de Kültürel Söylem Kurguları: Kopuştan Eklemlenmeye ve Geleneksizliğin Geleneği” (Cultural Discourse Constructs in Turkey: From Break to Articulation and the Tradition of Non-Tradition) Doğu Batı, 9: 135-157.
  • Kandiyoti, Deniz. (1987). “Emancipated but Unliberated? Reflections on the Turkish Case” Feminist Studies, 13(2): 317-338.
  • “Kanlı Pazar: 6. Filo Olayları ve Tüm gelişmeler” (Bloody Sunday: 6th Fleet Events and all Debates) Eskigaste. Retrieved from (Access on February, 2020).
  • Karataş, Pınar. (2012). “Elektronik Kültür Ortamında Türk Yunan Milli Kimlik Mücadeleleri Bağlamında Youtube Videoları Yorumları” (YouTube Video Comments in the Context of Turkish Greek National Identity Struggles in the Electronic Cultural Environment) Folklor/Edebiyat 18(72): 91-111.
  • Koçu, Reşat Ekrem. (2002). Eski İstanbul’da Meyhaneler ve Meyhane Köçekleri, (Meyhanes and meyhane koceks in old Istanbul) İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.
  • Kongar, Emre. (2008). 21. Yüzyılda Türkiye, (Turkey in 21th Century) İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Korhonen, Joonas Jussi Sakarı. (2013). “Urban Social space and the development of public dance hall culture in Vienna, 1780-1814” Urban History, 40(4): 606-624.
  • Kurtişoğlu, Belma. (2014). “Çiftetelli on Artistic and Social Stages” in 27th Symposium ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, Proceeding Book: 113-118.
  • Kuruoğlu, Alev; Wendelmoet, Hamelink. (2017). “Sounds of Resistance: Performing the Political in the Kurdish Music Scene” The Politics of Culture in Turkey, Greece& Cyprus, Ed. Leonidas Karakatsanis, Nikolaaos Papadogiannis, pp: 121-139. NY: Routledge.
  • McDowell, Bart. (1970). Gypsies: Wonderers of the World, National Geographic Society.
  • Muzaffer, Süheyla. (1940). Modern Adab’ı Muaşeret, İstanbul: İnkilap Yayınevi
  • Osman İşmen ve Orkestrası, Kısa Dalga Vokal Grubu – Disco Türkü (Osman İşmen and His Orchestra, Kısa Dalga Vocal Group – Disco Türkü) (LP). (1980). Yonca Plak. [Accessed on May 2019] Retrieved from
  • Otero, Daniel. 2021. “The Evolution of the Latin Dances through the Belly Dance&Roma Cultures” American Research Journal of Humanities Social Science, 4(3): 51-74.
  • Özsüer, Esra. (2012). “Türk Yunan İlişkilerinde Biz ve Öteki Önyargılarının Dinamikleri” (Dynamics of Us and Other Prejudices in Turkish-Greek Relations) Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, 1(2): 269-309.
  • Öztürkmen, Arzu. (1999). “Zamanı Eylemek, Eğlenmek: Cumhuriyet Dönemi eğlence Biçimlerini Yeniden Düşünmek” Cumhuriyet Modaları: 179-192. (eds. Oya Baydar, Derya Özkan) İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları
  • Öztürkmen, Arzu. (2003) “Modern dance Alla Turca: Transforming Ottoman Dance in Early Republican Turkey” Dance Research Journal 35 (1): 38-60.
  • Picart, Caroline Joan. (2006). From Ballroom to Dance Sport: Aesthetics, Athletics, and Body Culture. NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Resimli Dünya. (1925). “Dünyanın En Şen, En Kaygısız, En Serazad İnsanları Olan Çingeneler İstanbul’un Surları Dibinde Nasıl Yaşıyor? (How Do Gypsies, Who Are the Most Joyful, Carefree and Serazad People in the World, Live Under the Walls of Istanbul?) May, pp: 6-9.
  • Sevengil, Refik Ahmet. (1985). İstanbul Nasıl Eğleniyordu? İstanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık.
  • Shay, Anthony. (2002). Choreographing Politics: State Folk Dance Companies, Representation and Power, Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.
  • Shay, Anthony; Sellers-Young, Barbara. (2003). “Belly Dance: Orientalism-Exoticism-Self-Exoticism” Dance Research Journal 35(1): 13-37.
  • Sugarman, Jane. (2003). “Those Other Woman: Dance and Feminitiy among Prespa Albanians”, Music and Gender: Perspectives from the Mediterrenean, Ed. Tulia Magrini, pp: 87-119, IL: Uniersity of Chicago Press.
  • Şahin, Kübra. (2020). “Müzik ve Medya Dolayımı: Kültürlerötesileşme Örneği Olarak Kolbastı” (Music and Media Mediation: Kolbastı as an Example of Transculturalization) Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.
  • Şenel, Süleyman. (2010). İstanbul Çevresi Alan Araştırmaları, (Filedwork in Istanbul) İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Toprak , Zafer. (2017). “Rakstan Dansa: Erken Cumhuriyet ve Çarliston Gençliği” (Raks to Dance: Early Republic and Charleston Youth Culture) Toplumsal Tarih, 283: 64-79.
  • Vahap, Uluç. (2014). “Liberal-Muhafazakar Siyaset ve Turgut Özal’ın Siyasi Düşüncesi” (Liberal-Conservative Politics and Turgut Özal’s Political Thought) Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(23): 107-140.
  • Van Doben, Danielle. (2008). “Dancing Modernity: Gender, Sexuality and the State in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic” PhD Dissertation, The University of Arizona: USA.
  • Wax, Johannes. (1999). "On Current Urban Dance Life in and around Regensburg” The World of Music, 41(2): 137-158.
  • Woodall, Carole. (2008). “Sensing the City: Sound, Movement, and the Night in 1920s Istanbul” PhD Dissertation, New York University: USA
  • Yılmaz, Leman Figen. (1994). “The Dance History in Turkey During the Modernization Process of the Republican Period” Phd Dissertation, Boğaziçi University: İstanbul, TURKEY.

On the Marginal Requisites: Overview of Popular Urban Dances in Türkiye

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 93 - 123, 30.06.2023


In the sources of dance history in Türkiye, there is no classification that evaluates urban dances, which are mostly mentioned in entertainment contexts, in terms of function, contents and social acceptance and made with this focus. Dance in the history of the Republic has been mostly examined within the framework of identity, representation and ideological patterns, and historical analyses have been considered with this relationship focus. In addition, these subjects are embodied in the national repertory, which is generally accepted as official and thus reflects a dominant traditionalism. In this study, my aim is both to present a historical literature summary of popular urban dances and to embody similar subjects through alternative repertories in the context of the “other” determined by the relationship with the official one. Urban folk music was not included in the national repertoire, at least until the 1950s, and urban dances were not included in the category of Turkish Folk Dances in the compilations of the early Republican period. In this way, popular urban dances were left out of the national repertoire and were positioned as “the other” of dance cultures in Türkiye. This study, on the other hand, focuses on the general history of the repertoire, the definition of which is proposed as "dances that are excluded from the official discourse but exist in the cultural practices of the city, whose social acceptance has been realized and have become widespread by any agents (migration, mass media, etc.)". The draft of the urban dance repertoire, which has this quality, was determined through metadata from newspapers, magazines and new media content, and the data obtained is re-interpreted together with the previous literature sources. The case for research was determined as Istanbul, both because it changed a great deal during the 20th century, and because it converted little. Istanbul allows us to trace the sustainable clues of cultural practices, because dance practices are in a central position in the product and market relationship in this historical process.


  • Akgün, Fehmi. (1993). Yıllar Boyunca Tango, (Tango, Through the Years) İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Akşin, Sinan. (2007). Kısa Türkiye Tarihi, (Short History of Turkey) İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Aktaş, Sevim. (2013). “The Urbanization Issue and the Culture of Gecekondus in Turkey” Oriente Moderno, 93(1): 176-187.
  • Ameri, Azardokht. (2006). “Iranian Urban Popular Social Dance and So-called Classical Dance” Dance Research Journal, 38(1-2): 163-179.
  • And, Metin. (1959). Dances of Anatolian Turkey, Brooklyn: Dance Perspectives 3.
  • And, Metin. (1976). A Pictorial History of Turkish Dancing, Ankara: Dost Yayınları
  • Arıcan, Tunca. (2012). “Dance Culture in Turkey: A Case Study in Ankara and Istanbul” International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 43 (1): 209-225
  • Baykurt, Şerif. (1995). Anadolu Kültürleri ve Türk Halk Dansları, (Anatolian Cultures and Turkish Folk Dances) Ankara: Yeni Doğuş Matbaası.
  • Baykurt, Şerif. (1996). Türkiye’de İlk Halk Oyunları Semineri, (First Seminear on Folk Dance in Turkey) İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Belge, Murat. (1983). Tarihten Güncelliğe, (From History to Current) İstanbul: Alan Yayıncılık.
  • Bengi, Derya. (2017). Sazlı Cazlı Sözlük: 70’li Yıllarda Türkiye, (A Dictionary: Turkey in 1970s) İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları
  • Bengi, Derya. (2019). Sazlı Cazlı Sözlük: 80’li Yıllarda Türkiye, (A Dictionary: Turkey in 1980s) İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları
  • Bengi, Derya. (2020). Sazlı Cazlı Sözlük: 50’li Yıllarda Türkiye, (A Dictionary: Turkey in 1950s) İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Beşiroğlu, Şehvar; Girgin, Gonca. (2018). “Entertaintment Spaces, Genres, and Repertories in Ottoman Musical Life” Made in Turkey: Studies in Popular Music, Ed. Ali Cenk Gedik, pp: 35-53, London: Routledge.
  • Çağ, Galip; Ural, Selçuk. (2014). “Türk yunan İlişkilerinin Değiş(e)meyenleri: Yunan Algısında Türk İmgesine Tarhisel Bir Yaklaşım” (The Unchangable Factors in Turkish-Greek relations: A Historical Approach to the Turkish Image in the Greek Perception) International Journal of History, 6(2): 45-52.
  • Demirsipahi, Cemil. (1975). Türk Halk Oyunları, (Turkish Folk Dances) Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Dikmen, Selma. (1955). Tangodan Mamboya Bütün Danslar, (All Dances from Tango to Mambo) Ankara: And Yayınları.
  • Erkal, Güven. (2013). Türkiye Rock Tarihi I, (Rock History of Turkey, I) İstanbul: Esen Kitap.
  • Gence, Hakan. (2021). “Oryantal Didem Kıyafet Sansürü Hakkında Konuştu” (Belly Dancer, Didem Talks About the Censorship on belly dance costumes), Hürriyet, Retrived from
  • Girgin, Gonca. (2015). 9/8 Roman Dansı: Kültür, Kimlik, Dönüşüm ve Yeniden İnşa, (9/8 Romani Dance: Culture, Identity, Transformation and Reconstruction) İstanbul: Kolektif Kitap.
  • Kahraman, Hasan Bülent. (1999). “Türkiye’de Kültürel Söylem Kurguları: Kopuştan Eklemlenmeye ve Geleneksizliğin Geleneği” (Cultural Discourse Constructs in Turkey: From Break to Articulation and the Tradition of Non-Tradition) Doğu Batı, 9: 135-157.
  • Kandiyoti, Deniz. (1987). “Emancipated but Unliberated? Reflections on the Turkish Case” Feminist Studies, 13(2): 317-338.
  • “Kanlı Pazar: 6. Filo Olayları ve Tüm gelişmeler” (Bloody Sunday: 6th Fleet Events and all Debates) Eskigaste. Retrieved from (Access on February, 2020).
  • Karataş, Pınar. (2012). “Elektronik Kültür Ortamında Türk Yunan Milli Kimlik Mücadeleleri Bağlamında Youtube Videoları Yorumları” (YouTube Video Comments in the Context of Turkish Greek National Identity Struggles in the Electronic Cultural Environment) Folklor/Edebiyat 18(72): 91-111.
  • Koçu, Reşat Ekrem. (2002). Eski İstanbul’da Meyhaneler ve Meyhane Köçekleri, (Meyhanes and meyhane koceks in old Istanbul) İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.
  • Kongar, Emre. (2008). 21. Yüzyılda Türkiye, (Turkey in 21th Century) İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Korhonen, Joonas Jussi Sakarı. (2013). “Urban Social space and the development of public dance hall culture in Vienna, 1780-1814” Urban History, 40(4): 606-624.
  • Kurtişoğlu, Belma. (2014). “Çiftetelli on Artistic and Social Stages” in 27th Symposium ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, Proceeding Book: 113-118.
  • Kuruoğlu, Alev; Wendelmoet, Hamelink. (2017). “Sounds of Resistance: Performing the Political in the Kurdish Music Scene” The Politics of Culture in Turkey, Greece& Cyprus, Ed. Leonidas Karakatsanis, Nikolaaos Papadogiannis, pp: 121-139. NY: Routledge.
  • McDowell, Bart. (1970). Gypsies: Wonderers of the World, National Geographic Society.
  • Muzaffer, Süheyla. (1940). Modern Adab’ı Muaşeret, İstanbul: İnkilap Yayınevi
  • Osman İşmen ve Orkestrası, Kısa Dalga Vokal Grubu – Disco Türkü (Osman İşmen and His Orchestra, Kısa Dalga Vocal Group – Disco Türkü) (LP). (1980). Yonca Plak. [Accessed on May 2019] Retrieved from
  • Otero, Daniel. 2021. “The Evolution of the Latin Dances through the Belly Dance&Roma Cultures” American Research Journal of Humanities Social Science, 4(3): 51-74.
  • Özsüer, Esra. (2012). “Türk Yunan İlişkilerinde Biz ve Öteki Önyargılarının Dinamikleri” (Dynamics of Us and Other Prejudices in Turkish-Greek Relations) Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, 1(2): 269-309.
  • Öztürkmen, Arzu. (1999). “Zamanı Eylemek, Eğlenmek: Cumhuriyet Dönemi eğlence Biçimlerini Yeniden Düşünmek” Cumhuriyet Modaları: 179-192. (eds. Oya Baydar, Derya Özkan) İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları
  • Öztürkmen, Arzu. (2003) “Modern dance Alla Turca: Transforming Ottoman Dance in Early Republican Turkey” Dance Research Journal 35 (1): 38-60.
  • Picart, Caroline Joan. (2006). From Ballroom to Dance Sport: Aesthetics, Athletics, and Body Culture. NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Resimli Dünya. (1925). “Dünyanın En Şen, En Kaygısız, En Serazad İnsanları Olan Çingeneler İstanbul’un Surları Dibinde Nasıl Yaşıyor? (How Do Gypsies, Who Are the Most Joyful, Carefree and Serazad People in the World, Live Under the Walls of Istanbul?) May, pp: 6-9.
  • Sevengil, Refik Ahmet. (1985). İstanbul Nasıl Eğleniyordu? İstanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık.
  • Shay, Anthony. (2002). Choreographing Politics: State Folk Dance Companies, Representation and Power, Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.
  • Shay, Anthony; Sellers-Young, Barbara. (2003). “Belly Dance: Orientalism-Exoticism-Self-Exoticism” Dance Research Journal 35(1): 13-37.
  • Sugarman, Jane. (2003). “Those Other Woman: Dance and Feminitiy among Prespa Albanians”, Music and Gender: Perspectives from the Mediterrenean, Ed. Tulia Magrini, pp: 87-119, IL: Uniersity of Chicago Press.
  • Şahin, Kübra. (2020). “Müzik ve Medya Dolayımı: Kültürlerötesileşme Örneği Olarak Kolbastı” (Music and Media Mediation: Kolbastı as an Example of Transculturalization) Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.
  • Şenel, Süleyman. (2010). İstanbul Çevresi Alan Araştırmaları, (Filedwork in Istanbul) İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Toprak , Zafer. (2017). “Rakstan Dansa: Erken Cumhuriyet ve Çarliston Gençliği” (Raks to Dance: Early Republic and Charleston Youth Culture) Toplumsal Tarih, 283: 64-79.
  • Vahap, Uluç. (2014). “Liberal-Muhafazakar Siyaset ve Turgut Özal’ın Siyasi Düşüncesi” (Liberal-Conservative Politics and Turgut Özal’s Political Thought) Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(23): 107-140.
  • Van Doben, Danielle. (2008). “Dancing Modernity: Gender, Sexuality and the State in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic” PhD Dissertation, The University of Arizona: USA.
  • Wax, Johannes. (1999). "On Current Urban Dance Life in and around Regensburg” The World of Music, 41(2): 137-158.
  • Woodall, Carole. (2008). “Sensing the City: Sound, Movement, and the Night in 1920s Istanbul” PhD Dissertation, New York University: USA
  • Yılmaz, Leman Figen. (1994). “The Dance History in Turkey During the Modernization Process of the Republican Period” Phd Dissertation, Boğaziçi University: İstanbul, TURKEY.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dance and Choreography
Journal Section Articles

Gonca Girgin 0000-0003-3076-6763

Publication Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Girgin, G. (2023). On the Marginal Requisites: Overview of Popular Urban Dances in Türkiye. Musicologist, 7(1), 93-123.