A Simple and Effective Technique for Torn Hernial Sac Occurred During Large Inguinal Hernia Repair or Orchiopexy: Incision
Year 2023,
, 183 - 185, 19.12.2023
S. Cüneyt Karakuş
Alev Suzen
Nazile Erturk
Tearing of hernial sac during giant inguinal hernia repair or orchiopexy presents a challenge to the pediatric surgeons, even in expert hands. We here describe a technique that is easy for performing high ligation in cases complicated with torn hernial sac. The steps of our incision technique is: Non-separated part was tightened with the help of forceps localized at the lateral aspects of teared sac. The incision to the sac was fashioned by scalpel No 15, while taking care to avoid injury to the underlying testicular vessels and vas deferens. Then, wound edges of the proximal hernia sac were moved forward by using fine tissue forceps and scalpel. The walls of proximal sac were totally grasped in one forceps and dissected gently from the remaining adhesions and cremasteric fibers up to the level of the internal ring. The mean age of the patients was 13.9±18.1 months (range 3 weeks-7 years). The diagnosis of the patients was inguinal hernia in 17 (63%) and undescended testis in 10 (37%). Seven (25,9%) of the patients had a large inguinal hernia sac. There were no intraoperative and postoperative complications. This is a safe and effective technique in patients complicated with torn hernial sac during herniotomy. It reduces the risk of further tearing of hernial sac. Short duration is another advantage. This technique can also be performed with using surgical loupe or microscope to care not to damage the vas and vessels.
- 1. Grosfeld JL, Minnick K, Shedd F, et al. Inguinal hernia in children: factors affecting recurrence in 62 cases. J Pediatr Surg. 1991;26(3):283–7.
- 2. Sonmez K, Karabulut R, Turkyilmaz Z, et al. For better orchiopexy, processus vaginalis should be dissected and a high ligation should be performed. Rambam Maimonides Med J. 2016;7(3):e0020.
- 3. Leung AK, Robson WL. Current status of cryptorchidism. Adv Pediatr. 2004;51:351–77.
- 4. Blackburn SC, Adams SD, Mahomed AA. Risk of hernia occurrence where division of an indirect inguinal sac without ligation is undertaken. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2012;22(7):713–4.
- 5. Kao CY, Li CL, Lin CC, et al. Sac ligation in inguinal hernia repair: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int J Surg. 2015;19:55-60.
- 6. The Hernia Surge Group. International guidelines for groin hernia management. Hernia. 2018;22(1):1-165.
- 7. Jain VK, Singh S, Garge S, et al. Orchidopexy san ligation technique of orchidopexy. Afr J Paediatr Surg. 2011;8(1):112–4.
- 8. Mohta A, Jain N, Irniraya KP, et al. Non-ligation of hernial sac during herniotomy: a prospective study. Pediatr Surg Int. 2003;19(6): 451–2.
- 9. Yokomori K, Ohkura M, Kitano Y, et al. Modified Marcy repair of large indirect inguinal hernia in infants and children. J Pediatr Surg. 1995;30(1):97–100.
- 10. Schimpl G, Sauer H, Fredrich H. A technique of doubling the cremasteric muscle in large inguinal hernia repair in infants and children-a late follow-up. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 1993;3(5):287–9.
- 11. Oak SN, Parelkar SV, Ravikiran K, et al. Large inguinal hernia in infants: Is laparoscopic repair the answer?. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2007;17(1):114-8.
- 12. Çelebi S, Yıldız A, Üçgül A, et al. Do open repair and different laparoscopic techniques in pediatric inguinal hernia repairs affect the vascularization of testes?. J Pediatr Surg. 2012;47(9):1706–10.
- 13. Altintoprak F, Akin E, Gundogdu K, et al. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: Technical details, pitfalls and current results, In: Arshad MM, editor. Hernia Surgery and Recent Developments, Intech Open; 2018, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.76942.
Dev İnguinal Herni Onarımı veya Orşiopeksi Sırasında Yırtılan Fıtık Kesesi İçin Basit ve Etkili Bir Teknik: İnsizyon
Year 2023,
, 183 - 185, 19.12.2023
S. Cüneyt Karakuş
Alev Suzen
Nazile Erturk
Dev inguinal herni onarımı veya orşiopeksi sırasında yırtılan fıtık kesesinin onarımı, uzman ellerde bile büyük zorluk oluşturur. Burada, fıtık kesesinin yırtılması ile karşılaşılan vakalarda yüksek ligasyon yapmayı kolaylaştıran bir tekniği sunmayı amaçladık. İnsizyon tekniğimizin adımları şöyledir: Kesenin lateralindeki yırtılmış kenarlar forseps yardımıyla tutularak, yırtık olmayan kısım gerdirilir. 15 no bistüri kullanılarak keseye insizyon yapılırken altındaki testiküler damarlar ve vas deferens'in yaralanmamasına dikkat edilir. Daha sonra ince doku forsepsi ve bistüri kullanılarak insizyonun proksimalindeki kese kenarları iç ringe doğru itilir ve kaldırılır. Proksimal kesenin tüm duvarları tek bir forseps içinde tutulur ve iç halka seviyesine kadar kremasterik liflerden ve kalan yapışıklıklardan nazikçe disseke edilir. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 13.9±18.1ay (aralık, 3 Hafta-7 yıl) idi. On yedi (%63) hasta inguinal herni ve 10 hasta (%37) inmemiş testis tanısı ile operasyona alınmıştı. Hastaların 7 (%25.9) tanesinde büyük kasık fıtığı kesesi mevcuttu. İntraoperatif ve postoperatif komplikasyon görülmedi. Bu yöntem, herniotomi sırasında fıtık kesesi yırtılan hastalarda kesenin daha fazla yırtılma riskini azaltan ve ameliyat süresini kısaltan güvenli ve etkili bir teknik olup vas deferens ve damarlara zarar vermemek için cerrahi büyüteç veya mikroskop kullanılarak da uygulanabilir.
- 1. Grosfeld JL, Minnick K, Shedd F, et al. Inguinal hernia in children: factors affecting recurrence in 62 cases. J Pediatr Surg. 1991;26(3):283–7.
- 2. Sonmez K, Karabulut R, Turkyilmaz Z, et al. For better orchiopexy, processus vaginalis should be dissected and a high ligation should be performed. Rambam Maimonides Med J. 2016;7(3):e0020.
- 3. Leung AK, Robson WL. Current status of cryptorchidism. Adv Pediatr. 2004;51:351–77.
- 4. Blackburn SC, Adams SD, Mahomed AA. Risk of hernia occurrence where division of an indirect inguinal sac without ligation is undertaken. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2012;22(7):713–4.
- 5. Kao CY, Li CL, Lin CC, et al. Sac ligation in inguinal hernia repair: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int J Surg. 2015;19:55-60.
- 6. The Hernia Surge Group. International guidelines for groin hernia management. Hernia. 2018;22(1):1-165.
- 7. Jain VK, Singh S, Garge S, et al. Orchidopexy san ligation technique of orchidopexy. Afr J Paediatr Surg. 2011;8(1):112–4.
- 8. Mohta A, Jain N, Irniraya KP, et al. Non-ligation of hernial sac during herniotomy: a prospective study. Pediatr Surg Int. 2003;19(6): 451–2.
- 9. Yokomori K, Ohkura M, Kitano Y, et al. Modified Marcy repair of large indirect inguinal hernia in infants and children. J Pediatr Surg. 1995;30(1):97–100.
- 10. Schimpl G, Sauer H, Fredrich H. A technique of doubling the cremasteric muscle in large inguinal hernia repair in infants and children-a late follow-up. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 1993;3(5):287–9.
- 11. Oak SN, Parelkar SV, Ravikiran K, et al. Large inguinal hernia in infants: Is laparoscopic repair the answer?. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2007;17(1):114-8.
- 12. Çelebi S, Yıldız A, Üçgül A, et al. Do open repair and different laparoscopic techniques in pediatric inguinal hernia repairs affect the vascularization of testes?. J Pediatr Surg. 2012;47(9):1706–10.
- 13. Altintoprak F, Akin E, Gundogdu K, et al. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: Technical details, pitfalls and current results, In: Arshad MM, editor. Hernia Surgery and Recent Developments, Intech Open; 2018, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.76942.