Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 353 - 376, 01.07.2019


companies, now called "world giants" on an international scale, pay
taxes at very low amounts without directly violating any law The concept of tax
avoidance is becoming a subject of more research every day due to the these
reasons. This situation puts economies at risk, destroys financial confidence,
and the work done on this issue causes a lot of labor and time to be spent. The
purpose of this study is to reveal the current situation in the accounting
literature of the concept of tax avoidance, which is examined by many scholars.
Within the scope of the study, different aspects of tax avoidance and similar
concepts have been presented, tax avoidance definitions,  methods for measuring tax avoidance, and
variables that have been found to affect tax avoidance in the accounting
literature have been mentioned. The study, which is prepared as a descriptive
literature review, is important in terms of evaluating the result of many
current studies in a wide framework.


  • Amiram, D., Bauer, A. M. & Frank, M. M. (2013). Corporate tax avoidance and managerial ıncentives generated by shareholder dividend tax policy. Çevrimiçi /AMIRAM.BURTON.2013.pdf
  • Andreoni, J., Erard, B. & Feinstein J. (1998). Tax compliance. Journal of Economic Literature, 36(2), ss. 818 – 860.
  • Annuar, H. A., Salihu, I. A. & Obid, S. N. S., (2014). Corporate ownership, governance and tax avoidance: interactive effects. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,2014, ss. 150 – 160.
  • Antonetti, P., Anesa, M. (2017). Consumer reactions to corporate tax strategies: the role of political ideology. Journal of Business Research, 74, ss. 1-10.
  • Armstrong, C.S., Blouin, J. L. & Larcker, D.F. (2012). The incentives for tax planning. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 53(1-2), ss. 391-411.
  • Armstrong, C.S., Blouin, J.L., Jagolinzer, A.D. & Larcker, D.F. (2015). Corporate governance, incentives, and tax avoidance. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 60(1), ss. 1-17.
  • Austin, C. R., Wilson R. J. (2017). An examination of reputational costs and tax avoidance: evidence from firms with valuable consumer brands. The Journal of The American Taxation Association, 39(1), ss. 67-93.
  • Barker, W. B. (2009). The ideology of tax avoidance, Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, 40(2), ss. 229 – 251.
  • Batı, M. (2017). Muhasebe Hileleri ve Vergiden Kaçınma, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Bauer, A. (2011). Internal control quality as an explanatory factor of tax avoidance. School of Accounting & Finance University of Waterloo, basılmamış yüksek lisans tezi.
  • Bauer, A. (2014). Tax avoidance and the implications of weak internal controls. Contemporary Accounting Research, 33(2), ss. 449 – 486.
  • BBC. Google, Amazon, Starbucks: The rise of 'tax shaming' Çevrimiçi
  • Boone, J. P., Khurana, I. K. & Raman, K. K. (2013). Religiosity and tax avoidance. Journal of The American Taxation Association, 35(1), ss. 53-84.
  • Cen, L., Maydew, E. L., Zhang, L. & Zuo, L. (2017). Customer-supplier relationships and corporate tax avoidance. Journal of Financial Economics, 123(2), ss. 377-394. Chen, K. P., Chu, C. Y. C. (2005). Internal control vs. external manipulation: a model of corporate income tax evasion. RAND Journal of Economics, 36, ss. 151 – 164.
  • Chen, S., Chen, X., Cheng, Q. & Shevlin, T. (2010). Are family firms more tax aggressive than non-family firms? Journal of Financial Economics, 95, ss. 41-61.
  • Şengül Çelikay, D. (2017). Kurumsal yönetim uygulamalarının vergiden kaçınma davranışı üzerindeki etkileri: Borsa İstanbul işletmeleri üzerine bir inceleme, yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.
  • Desai, M., Dharmapala, D. (2006). Corporate tax avoidance and high-powered incentives. Journal of Financial Economics, 79(1), ss.145–179.
  • Desai, M., Dharmapala, D. (2009). Corporate tax avoidance and firm value. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(3), ss. 537-546.
  • Donohoe, M. P., Knechel, W. B. (2014). Does corporate tax aggressiveness influence audit pricing? Contemporary Accounting Research, 31(1), ss. 284–308.
  • Duan, T., Rong, D., Hou, W. & Zhang J. Z. (2018). The burden of attention: CEO publicity and tax avoidance. Journal of Business Research, 87, ss. 90-101.
  • Dyreng, S., Hanlon, M., & Maydew, E. (2008). Long-run corporate tax avoidance. The Accounting Review, 83(1), ss.61-82.
  • Egger, P., Eggert, W. & Winner, H. (2010). Saving taxes through foreign plant ownership. Journal of International Economics, 81, ss. 99 – 108.
  • Erickson, M., Hanlon, M.. & Maydew E. (2004). How much will firms pay for earnings that do not exist? Evidence of taxes paid on allegedly fraudulent earnings. Accounting Review, 79, ss. 387 – 408.
  • Farayola, G.O. (1987). Guide to Nigerian Taxes, Lagos: All Crowns Nig. Ltd.
  • Fisher, J. M. (2014). Fairer shores: tax havens, tax avoidance, and corporate social responsibility. Boston University Law Review, 94, ss: 337 – 365.
  • Francis, B. B., Iftekhar H.,Wu, Q. & Yan, M. (2014). Are female CFOs less tax aggressive? evidence from tax aggressiveness. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 36(2) , ss. 171 – 202.
  • Gaertner, F. B. (2014). CEO after-tax compensation incentives and corporate tax avoidance. Contemporary Accounting Research, 31(4), ss. 1077 – 1102.
  • Gleason, C., Pincus, M. & Rego, S. (2014). Consequences of material weaknesses in tax-related internal controls for financial reporting and earnings management. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 39(1), ss. 25-44.
  • Graham, J. R., Hanlon, M., Shevlin, T. & Shroff, N. (2014). Incentives for tax planning and avoidance: evidence from the field. The Accounting Review, 89(3), ss. 991 – 1023.
  • Graham, L., Bedard, J. C. (2015) Internal control deficiencies in tax reporting: a detailed view. Accounting Horizons, 29(4), ss. 917 – 942.
  • Hanlon, M., Heitzman, S. (2010). A review of tax research. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 50 (2-3), ss. 127–178.
  • Hanlon, M., Slemrod, J. (2009). What does tax aggressiveness signal? evidence from stock price reactions to news about tax shelter involvement. Journal of Public Economics, 93, ss. 126–141.
  • Hoi, C.K., Wu, Q. & Zhang, H. (2013). Is corporate social responsibility (CSR) associated with tax avoidance? Evidence from irresponsible CSR activities. The Accounting Review, 88(6), ss. 2025-2059.
  • Hoopes, J.L., Mescall D. & Pittman, J.A. (2012). Do IRS audits deter corporate tax avoidance? The Accounting Review, 87(5), ss. 1603 – 1639.
  • Hsieh T. S., Wang, Z. & Demirkan, S. (2018). Overconfidence and tax avoidance: the role of CEO and CFO interaction. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 37, ss. 241–253.
  • Isin, A. A. (2018). Tax avoidance and cost of debt: the case for loan-specific risk mitigation and public debt financing. Journal of Corporate Finance, 49, ss. 344-378.
  • Kay, J.A. (1980). The anatomy of tax avoidance. Income Distribution: The Limits to Redistribution; Proceedings of the 31st Symposium of the Colston Research Society, University of Bristol (John Wright), ss. 135-148.
  • Kıldiş, Y. (2007). Türk Vergi Sisteminde Vergiden Kaçınma. Vergi Dünyası, 309.
  • Klassen, K.J., Lisowsky, P. & Mescall, D. (2016). The role of auditors, non-auditors, and internal tax departments in corporate tax aggressiveness. The Accounting Review, 91(1), ss. 179 – 205.
  • Koester, A., Lim, S. C. & Vigeland, R.L. (2015). The effect of tax-related material weakness in internal controls on the market valuation of unrecognized tax benefits. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 37(1), ss. 129 – 155.
  • Landry, S., Deslandes, M. & Fortin, A. (2013). Tax aggressiveness, corporate social responsibility and ownership structure. Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, 14(3), ss. 611 – 645.
  • Lanis, R., Richardson, G. (2011). The effect of board of director composition on corporate tax aggressiveness. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 30, ss. 50 – 70.
  • Lanis, R., Richardson, G. (2015). Is corporate social responsibility performance associated with tax avoidance?. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(2), ss. 439-457.
  • Mahenthiran, S., Kasipillai, J. (2012). Influence of ownership structure and corporate governance on effective tax rates and tax planning: Malaysian evidence. Australian Tax Forum, 27(4), ss. 941 – 969.
  • Martinez, A.L., Lessa, R.C. (2014). The effect of tax aggressiveness and corporate governance on audit fees: evidences from Brazil. Journal of Management Research, 6(1), ss. 95 – 108.
  • McGuire, S.T., Omer, T.C. & Wang, D. (2012). Tax avoidance: does tax-specific industry expertise make a difference? The Accounting Review, 87(3), ss. 975-1003.
  • Minnick, K., Noga, T. (2010). “Do corporate governance characteristic influencing tax management? Journal of Corporate Finance, (16), ss. 703 – 718.
  • Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law,
  • Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). Glossary of Tax Terms, Çevrimiçi
  • Oxfam International (2018). Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year - poorest half of humanity got nothing. Çevrimiçi
  • Öncel, M., Kumrulu A. & Çağan, N. (2010). Vergi Hukuku. Turhan Kitabevi, 19.Baskı, Ankara, 2010.
  • Palan, R., Murphy, R., & Chavagneux, C. (2010). Tax Havens: How Globalization Really Works. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Phillips, J.D. (2003). Corporate tax-planning effectiveness: the role of compensation-based incentives. The Accounting Review, 78(3), ss. 847 – 874.
  • Prebble, B.C. (2011). Should Tax Avoidance be Criminalised? Tax Avoidance and Criminal Law Theory, yayınlanmamış lisans tezi, Çevrimiçi
  • Pulida, M., Barros V. (2017). Corporate tax avoidance and ex ante equity cost of capital in Europe. European Journal of Management Studies, 22(1), ss. 51-74.
  • Rego, S.O., Wilson, R. (2012), “Equity risk incentives and corporate tax aggressiveness. Journal of Accounting Research,50, ss. 775 – 810.
  • Ribeiro, A.I.M. (2015), The determinants of effective tax rates: firms characteristics and corporate governance. Çevrimiçi
  • Richardson, G., Taylor, G. & Lanis, R. (2013). The impact of board of director oversight characteristics on corporate tax aggressiveness: an empirical analysis, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 32(3), ss. 68 – 88.
  • Richardson, G., Wang, B. & Zhang, X. (2016). Ownership structure and corporate tax avoidance: evidence from publicly listed private firms in China. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 2(2), ss. 141-158.
  • Salihu, I.A., Sheikh Obid, S.N. & Annuar, H.A. (2013). Measures of corporate tax avoidance: empirical evidence from an emerging economy. International Journal of Business and Society, 14(3), ss. 412-427.
  • Shafer, W.E., Simmons, R.E. (2008). Social responsibility, Machiavellianism and tax avoidance: a study of Hong Kong tax professionals. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 21(5), ss. 695 – 720.
  • Shin, H-J., Woo, Y-S (2017). The effect of tax avoidance on cost of debt capital: evidence from Korea. South African Journal of Business Management, 48(4), ss. 83-89.
  • Slemrod, J., Yitzhaki, S. (2002). Tax avoidance, evasion, and administration. Handbook of Public Economics, Editörler: A.J Auerbach and M. Feldstein, Elsevier Sciences.
  • The Sydney Morning Herald. (2013). Tax avoidance hearing: Google, Microsoft and Apple tell Senate committee they fully comply with Australian laws. (-Çevrimiçi
  • Tresch, R. (2002). Public Finance, A Normative Theory. San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Watson, L. (2015). Corporate social responsibility, tax avoidance, and earnings performance. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 37(2), ss. 1-21.
  • Weisbach, A.D. (2003). Corporate tax avoidance. Proceedings from National Tax Association ninety sixth annual conference. Chicago: Illinois.
  • Zemzem, A., Ftouhi, K. (2013). The effects of board of directors’ characteristics on tax aggressiveness. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(4), ss. 140-147.
  • Zhang, H-X., Han, M-F. (2008). Tax planning analysis based on listed company with different ownership structure - the empirical evidence from state-owned listed company and private listed company in China”. China Soft Science, 9, ss. 122 – 131.


Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 353 - 376, 01.07.2019


uluslararası ölçekte “dünya devi” olarak adlandırılan pek çok şirket, herhangi
bir yasayı doğrudan çiğnemeden oldukça düşük tutarlarda vergi ödeyebilmektedir.
Bu durum ekonomileri zora sokmakta, mali güveni zedelemekte, bu konuya ilişkin
yapılan çalışmalara yoğun bir emek ve zaman harcanmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu
kapsamda gündeme gelen vergiden kaçınma kavramı her geçen gün daha da fazla
araştırmacı tarafından incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, pek çok bilim dalı
tarafından araştırılan vergiden kaçınma kavramının muhasebe literatüründeki
mevcut durumunu ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma kapsamında vergiden kaçınmanın benzer
kavramlardan farklı yönleri ortaya konmuş, vergiden kaçınma tanımları ve
vergiden kaçınmayı ölçmeye yönelik metotlara yer verildikten sonra, muhasebe
literatüründe vergiden kaçınmayı etkilediği tespit edilen değişkenlerden
bahsedilmiştir. Betimsel olarak bir literatür incelemesi şeklinde hazırlanan
çalışma, pek çok güncel çalışmanın sonucunu geniş bir çerçeveden
değerlendirmesi bakımından önem arz etmektedir. 


  • Amiram, D., Bauer, A. M. & Frank, M. M. (2013). Corporate tax avoidance and managerial ıncentives generated by shareholder dividend tax policy. Çevrimiçi /AMIRAM.BURTON.2013.pdf
  • Andreoni, J., Erard, B. & Feinstein J. (1998). Tax compliance. Journal of Economic Literature, 36(2), ss. 818 – 860.
  • Annuar, H. A., Salihu, I. A. & Obid, S. N. S., (2014). Corporate ownership, governance and tax avoidance: interactive effects. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,2014, ss. 150 – 160.
  • Antonetti, P., Anesa, M. (2017). Consumer reactions to corporate tax strategies: the role of political ideology. Journal of Business Research, 74, ss. 1-10.
  • Armstrong, C.S., Blouin, J. L. & Larcker, D.F. (2012). The incentives for tax planning. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 53(1-2), ss. 391-411.
  • Armstrong, C.S., Blouin, J.L., Jagolinzer, A.D. & Larcker, D.F. (2015). Corporate governance, incentives, and tax avoidance. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 60(1), ss. 1-17.
  • Austin, C. R., Wilson R. J. (2017). An examination of reputational costs and tax avoidance: evidence from firms with valuable consumer brands. The Journal of The American Taxation Association, 39(1), ss. 67-93.
  • Barker, W. B. (2009). The ideology of tax avoidance, Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, 40(2), ss. 229 – 251.
  • Batı, M. (2017). Muhasebe Hileleri ve Vergiden Kaçınma, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Bauer, A. (2011). Internal control quality as an explanatory factor of tax avoidance. School of Accounting & Finance University of Waterloo, basılmamış yüksek lisans tezi.
  • Bauer, A. (2014). Tax avoidance and the implications of weak internal controls. Contemporary Accounting Research, 33(2), ss. 449 – 486.
  • BBC. Google, Amazon, Starbucks: The rise of 'tax shaming' Çevrimiçi
  • Boone, J. P., Khurana, I. K. & Raman, K. K. (2013). Religiosity and tax avoidance. Journal of The American Taxation Association, 35(1), ss. 53-84.
  • Cen, L., Maydew, E. L., Zhang, L. & Zuo, L. (2017). Customer-supplier relationships and corporate tax avoidance. Journal of Financial Economics, 123(2), ss. 377-394. Chen, K. P., Chu, C. Y. C. (2005). Internal control vs. external manipulation: a model of corporate income tax evasion. RAND Journal of Economics, 36, ss. 151 – 164.
  • Chen, S., Chen, X., Cheng, Q. & Shevlin, T. (2010). Are family firms more tax aggressive than non-family firms? Journal of Financial Economics, 95, ss. 41-61.
  • Şengül Çelikay, D. (2017). Kurumsal yönetim uygulamalarının vergiden kaçınma davranışı üzerindeki etkileri: Borsa İstanbul işletmeleri üzerine bir inceleme, yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.
  • Desai, M., Dharmapala, D. (2006). Corporate tax avoidance and high-powered incentives. Journal of Financial Economics, 79(1), ss.145–179.
  • Desai, M., Dharmapala, D. (2009). Corporate tax avoidance and firm value. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(3), ss. 537-546.
  • Donohoe, M. P., Knechel, W. B. (2014). Does corporate tax aggressiveness influence audit pricing? Contemporary Accounting Research, 31(1), ss. 284–308.
  • Duan, T., Rong, D., Hou, W. & Zhang J. Z. (2018). The burden of attention: CEO publicity and tax avoidance. Journal of Business Research, 87, ss. 90-101.
  • Dyreng, S., Hanlon, M., & Maydew, E. (2008). Long-run corporate tax avoidance. The Accounting Review, 83(1), ss.61-82.
  • Egger, P., Eggert, W. & Winner, H. (2010). Saving taxes through foreign plant ownership. Journal of International Economics, 81, ss. 99 – 108.
  • Erickson, M., Hanlon, M.. & Maydew E. (2004). How much will firms pay for earnings that do not exist? Evidence of taxes paid on allegedly fraudulent earnings. Accounting Review, 79, ss. 387 – 408.
  • Farayola, G.O. (1987). Guide to Nigerian Taxes, Lagos: All Crowns Nig. Ltd.
  • Fisher, J. M. (2014). Fairer shores: tax havens, tax avoidance, and corporate social responsibility. Boston University Law Review, 94, ss: 337 – 365.
  • Francis, B. B., Iftekhar H.,Wu, Q. & Yan, M. (2014). Are female CFOs less tax aggressive? evidence from tax aggressiveness. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 36(2) , ss. 171 – 202.
  • Gaertner, F. B. (2014). CEO after-tax compensation incentives and corporate tax avoidance. Contemporary Accounting Research, 31(4), ss. 1077 – 1102.
  • Gleason, C., Pincus, M. & Rego, S. (2014). Consequences of material weaknesses in tax-related internal controls for financial reporting and earnings management. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 39(1), ss. 25-44.
  • Graham, J. R., Hanlon, M., Shevlin, T. & Shroff, N. (2014). Incentives for tax planning and avoidance: evidence from the field. The Accounting Review, 89(3), ss. 991 – 1023.
  • Graham, L., Bedard, J. C. (2015) Internal control deficiencies in tax reporting: a detailed view. Accounting Horizons, 29(4), ss. 917 – 942.
  • Hanlon, M., Heitzman, S. (2010). A review of tax research. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 50 (2-3), ss. 127–178.
  • Hanlon, M., Slemrod, J. (2009). What does tax aggressiveness signal? evidence from stock price reactions to news about tax shelter involvement. Journal of Public Economics, 93, ss. 126–141.
  • Hoi, C.K., Wu, Q. & Zhang, H. (2013). Is corporate social responsibility (CSR) associated with tax avoidance? Evidence from irresponsible CSR activities. The Accounting Review, 88(6), ss. 2025-2059.
  • Hoopes, J.L., Mescall D. & Pittman, J.A. (2012). Do IRS audits deter corporate tax avoidance? The Accounting Review, 87(5), ss. 1603 – 1639.
  • Hsieh T. S., Wang, Z. & Demirkan, S. (2018). Overconfidence and tax avoidance: the role of CEO and CFO interaction. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 37, ss. 241–253.
  • Isin, A. A. (2018). Tax avoidance and cost of debt: the case for loan-specific risk mitigation and public debt financing. Journal of Corporate Finance, 49, ss. 344-378.
  • Kay, J.A. (1980). The anatomy of tax avoidance. Income Distribution: The Limits to Redistribution; Proceedings of the 31st Symposium of the Colston Research Society, University of Bristol (John Wright), ss. 135-148.
  • Kıldiş, Y. (2007). Türk Vergi Sisteminde Vergiden Kaçınma. Vergi Dünyası, 309.
  • Klassen, K.J., Lisowsky, P. & Mescall, D. (2016). The role of auditors, non-auditors, and internal tax departments in corporate tax aggressiveness. The Accounting Review, 91(1), ss. 179 – 205.
  • Koester, A., Lim, S. C. & Vigeland, R.L. (2015). The effect of tax-related material weakness in internal controls on the market valuation of unrecognized tax benefits. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 37(1), ss. 129 – 155.
  • Landry, S., Deslandes, M. & Fortin, A. (2013). Tax aggressiveness, corporate social responsibility and ownership structure. Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, 14(3), ss. 611 – 645.
  • Lanis, R., Richardson, G. (2011). The effect of board of director composition on corporate tax aggressiveness. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 30, ss. 50 – 70.
  • Lanis, R., Richardson, G. (2015). Is corporate social responsibility performance associated with tax avoidance?. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(2), ss. 439-457.
  • Mahenthiran, S., Kasipillai, J. (2012). Influence of ownership structure and corporate governance on effective tax rates and tax planning: Malaysian evidence. Australian Tax Forum, 27(4), ss. 941 – 969.
  • Martinez, A.L., Lessa, R.C. (2014). The effect of tax aggressiveness and corporate governance on audit fees: evidences from Brazil. Journal of Management Research, 6(1), ss. 95 – 108.
  • McGuire, S.T., Omer, T.C. & Wang, D. (2012). Tax avoidance: does tax-specific industry expertise make a difference? The Accounting Review, 87(3), ss. 975-1003.
  • Minnick, K., Noga, T. (2010). “Do corporate governance characteristic influencing tax management? Journal of Corporate Finance, (16), ss. 703 – 718.
  • Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law,
  • Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). Glossary of Tax Terms, Çevrimiçi
  • Oxfam International (2018). Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year - poorest half of humanity got nothing. Çevrimiçi
  • Öncel, M., Kumrulu A. & Çağan, N. (2010). Vergi Hukuku. Turhan Kitabevi, 19.Baskı, Ankara, 2010.
  • Palan, R., Murphy, R., & Chavagneux, C. (2010). Tax Havens: How Globalization Really Works. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Phillips, J.D. (2003). Corporate tax-planning effectiveness: the role of compensation-based incentives. The Accounting Review, 78(3), ss. 847 – 874.
  • Prebble, B.C. (2011). Should Tax Avoidance be Criminalised? Tax Avoidance and Criminal Law Theory, yayınlanmamış lisans tezi, Çevrimiçi
  • Pulida, M., Barros V. (2017). Corporate tax avoidance and ex ante equity cost of capital in Europe. European Journal of Management Studies, 22(1), ss. 51-74.
  • Rego, S.O., Wilson, R. (2012), “Equity risk incentives and corporate tax aggressiveness. Journal of Accounting Research,50, ss. 775 – 810.
  • Ribeiro, A.I.M. (2015), The determinants of effective tax rates: firms characteristics and corporate governance. Çevrimiçi
  • Richardson, G., Taylor, G. & Lanis, R. (2013). The impact of board of director oversight characteristics on corporate tax aggressiveness: an empirical analysis, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 32(3), ss. 68 – 88.
  • Richardson, G., Wang, B. & Zhang, X. (2016). Ownership structure and corporate tax avoidance: evidence from publicly listed private firms in China. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 2(2), ss. 141-158.
  • Salihu, I.A., Sheikh Obid, S.N. & Annuar, H.A. (2013). Measures of corporate tax avoidance: empirical evidence from an emerging economy. International Journal of Business and Society, 14(3), ss. 412-427.
  • Shafer, W.E., Simmons, R.E. (2008). Social responsibility, Machiavellianism and tax avoidance: a study of Hong Kong tax professionals. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 21(5), ss. 695 – 720.
  • Shin, H-J., Woo, Y-S (2017). The effect of tax avoidance on cost of debt capital: evidence from Korea. South African Journal of Business Management, 48(4), ss. 83-89.
  • Slemrod, J., Yitzhaki, S. (2002). Tax avoidance, evasion, and administration. Handbook of Public Economics, Editörler: A.J Auerbach and M. Feldstein, Elsevier Sciences.
  • The Sydney Morning Herald. (2013). Tax avoidance hearing: Google, Microsoft and Apple tell Senate committee they fully comply with Australian laws. (-Çevrimiçi
  • Tresch, R. (2002). Public Finance, A Normative Theory. San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Watson, L. (2015). Corporate social responsibility, tax avoidance, and earnings performance. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 37(2), ss. 1-21.
  • Weisbach, A.D. (2003). Corporate tax avoidance. Proceedings from National Tax Association ninety sixth annual conference. Chicago: Illinois.
  • Zemzem, A., Ftouhi, K. (2013). The effects of board of directors’ characteristics on tax aggressiveness. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(4), ss. 140-147.
  • Zhang, H-X., Han, M-F. (2008). Tax planning analysis based on listed company with different ownership structure - the empirical evidence from state-owned listed company and private listed company in China”. China Soft Science, 9, ss. 122 – 131.
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Issue

Duygu Şengül Çelikay

Publication Date July 1, 2019
Submission Date May 31, 2018
Acceptance Date November 22, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Şengül Çelikay, D. (2019). MUHASEBE PERSPEKTİFİNDEN VERGİDEN KAÇINMA KAVRAMI. Journal of Accounting and Taxation Studies, 12(2), 353-376.

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